A Wife s Cry

A Wife s Cry

What was the wife 's fear as revealed in the story ? explain

Daftar Isi

1. What was the wife 's fear as revealed in the story ? explain


Anong story ba iyon dzaii?

2. identify the action verb(s) in the phrase: "My dogs cry and scream for attention".a. cry b. attentionc. screamd. a and c​


C. scream


because can't see the dog cry in real.


D.A and C


Verb(s) in other word is "Action Word" The action word that was used there is cry and scream

3. His wife ordered him a drink.a. S TV IO DOb. S TV DOc. S IV


i think B po


sabihin niyo po ako kung mali

4. cry crycry cry cry lolllllll​



5. Why is it important to have a specific meaning of “word/s” in history? Example: The word “cry” in history refers to several meanings. ​


so that you will learn and know


because my experience is that

6. 1. What does Ravana mean when he says "Elther that woman Sita, or my wife Mandodari, will soon have to cause to cry...one of them will be a widow."? (134).​


She answered, “I have chosen to reject evil-doers such as

my brother and the rest and thrown my lot with those who are

saintly and good; and I shun the association of my own

people, that’s the reason why I’m alone. I have come alone

now—mainly to see you… . I want help from you. Will you

grant it?”

“Tell me your purpose. If it’s right and proper, I’ll consider


“It’s not proper for a woman of breeding to state her

innermost feelings, but I dare to do it, driven to desperation

by the attacks of the god of love. Forgive me …”

Rama understood her purpose. He realized that she had

only an appearance of quality, and was really cheap and

shameless. He remained silent. Whereupon, unable to

decide whether he was encouraging or discouraging, she

confirmed, “Not knowing that you were here, I was wasting

my youth and beauty in serving ascetics and sages. Now

that I have found you, my womanhood can have its own


Rama felt a pity for her, and, not wanting to seem hostile,

tried to argue her out of her purpose. Overcoming his

revulsion, he said, “I am of the warrior class, you are a

brahmin, and I cannot marry you.” She had an immediate

answer for this


HOPE its help lods pa BRAINLIEST lods

7. Carry cried cry as she was crying to cry "cry" loudly​


kawawa naman, iiyak langyan

8. what is gerardo s wife reaction about his dream? explain why. ​

di ko po alam salamat po

9. pls answer cry emoji cry emoji cry emoji cry emoji


1. I.

2. K.

3. G.

4. F.

5. A.

6. H.

7. E.

8. B.

9. C.

10. D.

Sana ako ay makatulong :)

10. due to covid 19 pandemic martin,s wife began to worry​







ayan po sana makatulong

11. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan for hisa.first wifeb.second wifec.third wifed.fourt wife​





12. What is Gerardo s wife reaction about his dream? explain why.​


who is Gerardo's wife?


i didn't know him

13. Write the -s form of these verbs. 11. plant - blanc 12. eat- 13. come - 14. go- 15. cry -​







14. Hey to all B T S A R M Y ' S here Butter is out I'm crying ​


15. V- venus denoting the wifely characteristics of fertility and decency E- N- U- S- Greek mythology



16. s: How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wifeby Manuel Arguillaexplanation​


because she love her wife


like you

17. help pa no to cry cry ​


Blood compact (Spanish: Pacto de sangre; Filipino: Sanduguan) was an ancient ritual in the Philippines intended to seal a friendship or treaty, or to validate an agreement. The contracting parties would cut their wrists and pour their blood into a cup filled with liquid, such as wine, and drink the mixture.


Hope it helps po

18. People in panay believe that tungkung langit lives alone in his palace in the skies. when he misses his wife alunsina, he would cry and his tears would fall down causing rain upon the earth, what is the scientific explanation for this? ​


Scientific Explanation

The vapor rises, cools,and changes into tiny water droplets, which form clouds. The water droplets in the cloud join together to form bigger drops. When the water droplets get too large and heavy, they fall as rain.

Pls Brainliest Answer Thank you..

19. 10. The baby was crying because he wants milk..MATHEMATICS1. Find the volume s=4m​


[tex] {64m}^{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

V =

[tex] {s}^{3} [/tex]

v = 4m^3

v =

[tex] {64m}^{3} [/tex]

20. A. Cross out the word/s that does not belong to the group. 1. Noun Mayor Yulo alcohol happy cry anniversary bats​


di kaba nag aaral.

dali dali labg nyan e.

21. What could be the reason (may it be personal or influenced) of the writers/creators to write such document/s? First Cry of the Revolution


Please be more specific i cant understand the question.



22. What is Gerardo s wife reaction about his dream?Explain why brainly


Gerardo's dream of going to the forest symbolizes the freedom he has always longed for. Meanwhile, this dream is ironic because the forest is not what he thinks it is.


I hope this helped you Follow please and Brainliest thank you Keep Safe ❤️ Godbless



23. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan for hisa.first wifeb.second wifec.third wifed.fourt wife​


B. second wife

shah Jahan built it for her

second wife

I think that's it

24. Don’t start _____ to crying! crying! cry! in crying!


"Don't start crying!"


25. What is the scientific explanation? People in Panay believe that Tungkung Langit lives alone in his Palace in the skies. When he misses his wife Alunsina, he would cry and his tears would fall down causing rain upon the earth​


There is no scientific studies prove that there once a Tungkung Langit and Alunsina existed. Those are just some country side stories used to make an origin at something


(own opinion)

26. Rule of residence happens when the couple live with the wife relatives or near the wife 's kin.a. patrilocal c. biolocalc. matrilocal d. postmarital residency rules ​


d. postmarital residency rules


dahil d ang sagot

27. Bata in the fields all day.Anpu's wife was crying bitterly.*Anpu's wife pretended that she was very sick.* Bata laid all his harvest to his brother at dawn.Bata's wife is indeed more beautiful than any otwhole land.ty 1.b kindly read them all and answer the questions belowWhat have you noticed about the underlined words?​

That's adjectives beybeh!

28. The hotel was owned by Mr. S, his wife, and sons. The parallel structure here areA. VerbsB. NounsC. AdjectivesD. Adverbs​​


C. Adjectives


What is a Parallel Adjectives?

When a coordinator (and, but, or) joins like or same kind coordinates (adjectives, nouns, adverbs, phrases or clauses)

29. Why did anpu ‘s wife jealous? Would you do the same in neglecting your own brother just because of his wife attitude and will why or why not


The two brothers in the story were Anpu and Bata. Anpu is older than Bata and is already married. Both of them are very loving. Anpu invited his younger brother to live with him and his wife and took care of him until he is old enough to work in the field. Bata on the other hand had served his brother well and has been very grateful to share what he had harvested to his brother and his wife. Their bond as siblings became so strong that even Anpu’s wife got jealous of.

Anpu’s wife gets jealous of Bata because she had seen how much he loved him and always sought after his welfare.  

The traits of Bata that endeared Anpu more is his dedication and hard work which is incomparable with others. He had the spirit of God with him and always returns home with lots of milk, vegetables, and woods.

Anpu’s wife had pretended that she was beaten by Bata by painting her body with blue and black and appeared to be in great pain. She even act as if she cannot give Anpu water to wash his hands, did not light the fire for him, and acts very sick. These acts of Anpu’s wife are disagreeable because telling lies and pretending to be a victim makes others’ lives miserable just like what have happened to Anpu and Bata. Their loving ties have been cut by Anpu’s wife’s jealousy.

During the confrontation, Bata fled to the God Ra to spare him from his angry brother Anpu. The God Ra causes a river with crocodiles to flow in between them that Bata might be spared from Anpu’s plan to kill him. Bata asked his older brother why he wanted to kill him despite the fact that he and his wife have been his parents since their parents passed away. Anpu replied that the act is in response to the alleged beating that he had done with his wife.

Bata defended himself and repeatedly says that he will never do such a thing since he had looked after her as his own mother. Anpu left Bata and went home. He had discovered that the blue and black on his wife’s skin are just paintings so his anger caused him to kill her instead and cast her to the dogs. His life was filled with mourning for his younger brother. Bata on the other hand, went to the Valley of Acacia and there continue his life.  There he met the nine Gods who gave a woman to be his companion because they do not wanted him to live alone.


30. Write sentences using the simple s-form of the verbs:46. cry47. give-48. fly-49. wait-50. sing-​


1. She cries a lot when her father died.

2. He gives me flowers and chocolates as a present.

3. The jet flies so fast.

4. He promise that he will waits for me until the right time come.

5. She sings like a real singer.




3 The bird flies over the house.

4 He had waits an hour before he found out the mall was closed.

Rose sing a beautiful song


hope it help sorry d ko lm ung num 2

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