Albertos Pizza Price

Albertos Pizza Price

Given the radius, in inches, and price of a pizza, design an algorithm to find the price of the pizza per square inch

Daftar Isi

1. Given the radius, in inches, and price of a pizza, design an algorithm to find the price of the pizza per square inch

Given the radius, in inches, and price of a pizza, an algorithm can be easily proposed. A pizza is a circle which can be computed via [tex] \pi [/tex]*r squared.

In the program we first get the radius that the user requires. Once you obtain the radius substitute it into the formula: [tex] (3.14 \pi * radius^{2})(Price per inch) [/tex].

So to simplify, get radius from radget, price from radarea = 3.14 * radius * radiuspriceperin = price / area and output priceperin. From Problem Analysis to Program Design, we need to first analyze the problem in order to design a solution.

To view other similar questions about algorithms you may check these links:

2. Given the radius, in inches, and price of a pizza, design an algorithm to find and display the price of the pizza per square inch.


Start Program Pizza Print "Please enter the radius, in inches" Read Radius Print "Please enter the price" Read Price Area = 3.14 * Radius^2 Price_Per_Square_Inch = Price / Area Print "Result is: " & Price_Per_Square_Inch End Program Pizza 2 Start Program MPG Print "Please enter the starting odometer reading" Read StartMiles Print "Please enter the ending odometer reading" Read EndMiles Difference = EndMiles - StartMiles Gallons = 0 Print "Please enter the gallons for Monday" Read Monday Gallons = Gallons + Monday Print "Please enter the gallons for Tuesday"..

3. Given the radius, in inches, and price of a pizza, design an algorithm to find and display the price of the pizza per square inch

Answer:s Step 1 start the process Step 2 initialize the value of 'pi' as 3.14

Step 3 get the value of radius in inches Step 4 get the value of price of the pizza Step 5 calculate the area of the pizza using following formula

Explanation: a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and bake.

4. a pizza is is an pizza of a heterogeneous mixture.explaine why it is classified as such?​


A pizza is classified as a heterogeneous mixture because you can separate the cheese, peperoni, sauce and crust. And it is non-uniform in appearance

5. 1. Robert took $50 with him to spend on pizza and games for himself and his friends at Chucky Cheese. The price for each slice of pizza was $5. The price of each game was half the price of a slice of pizza. Sketch the graph that represents the situation and label the intercepts. Use one axis to represent the number of slices of pizza and the other axis to represent the number of games.

Hi Kingster7408,

This type of problem requires us to have an understanding about linear equations, the Cartesian plane and how to convert word problems to mathematical equations. Here's how it is done.

First we need to establish the given values from the problem.

Since $50 is spent on both games and pizza (or either of them) we could  state this linear equation


Now let us find the intercepts in order for us to be able to sketch the graph of the the said equation.

What is an intercept?

An intercept is the resulting  value of one variable when the other variable is explicitly forced to zero. Meaning to say, if we force the value of x to zero there is a subsequent value for y. Hence, if we force y to zero there is also a resulting value for x.

The result of this process is we will now have two points that can be considered and is essential to sketch the graph of our line equation. We have two scenarios to consider in our problem if we want to know the intercepts of our equation.

How many games are consumed if all money is spent on games? (pizza = 0)How many pizzas are consumed if all money is spent on pizza? (games = 0)

We can evaluate this by using the equation we have formulated earlier. Here's how:

For question number 1,

We need to force the value of pizza to zero to get the maximum number of games.






This means that if Pizza = 0, then Games = 20.  We can interpret this as an ordered pair (20,0)

The same process can be done in solving the other one. You can try it for yourself. Just follow the procedure done earlier but with Games be equal to zero.

For our reference, the resulting ordered pair is (0,10). This means that if Games = 0, then Pizza = 10.

Sketching the graph of the line

Attached to this answer is a picture of the graph laid out in the first quadrant of the Cartesian plane. The reason why we did not extend our graph to the other quadrants is that there is no positive value for either Pizza or Games. You will see a straight line that connects the points (20,0) and (0,10).

Here you go! You now have the answer to the problem and have understood the concept on how to solve it.

To see other problem relevant to this one you can see this links

Hope this helps!

6. there are 8 pcs of pizza .justin ate 5/8 of the pizza for dinner. he ate 1/4 of pizza for a bedtime snack. how much of pizza has he eaten in all?

He has eaten [tex] \frac{7}{8} [/tex] of pizza.

7. mario has 12 boxes of pizza. he cut each pizza into eights. how many pieces of pizza will there be?​

There will be 96 pieces of p i z z a. To find the answer, you have to multiply. Times the number of boxes of p i z z a which is 12 by the number of pieces of p i z z a in each box which is 8.



× 8


Multiplication Word Problem

The problem is asking for the number of pieces of p i z z a there will be. Since there are 12 boxes of p i z z a and Mario will cut each p i z z a into eights, this means that every box will have eight pieces. Therefore, you have to multiply to find the answer. Multiply 12 and 8 to get 96. To check if the answer is correct, divide the product by the multiplier. You should get the multiplicand.

96 ÷ 8 = 12 ✔

Word problems involving p i z z a:


8. Half of a pizza remained after 14 boys each ate one fourth of a pizza. How many pizzas were there at the start?

14/4= 3 1/2
3 1/2 is half
3 1/2 × 2

Answer:7 pizzas

9. In December 1990, the largest pizza ever made in South Africa. The diameter of the pizza is 37.4 meters. Whhat is the circumference of the pizza?

58.718 meters squared

Circumference = π x diameter
π (pi) = 3.14, diameter = 37.4 meters

Circumference = 3.14 x 37.4

Circumference = 117.436 meters

The circumference of the pizza is 117.436 meters.

10. If 7.5% of pizza orders in Gotham are for Hawaiian pizzas, and you know that there are 100 pizza restaurants in Gotham, what can you determine about the number of Gotham restaurants that have Hawaiian pizzas on their menus?

Cannot be determined. Note that the given percentage, that is, 7.5% refers to the pizza orders, and that the given number of pizza restaurants in Gotham which is 100. These data is not sufficient to solve for the exact number of Gotham restaurants that have Hawaiian pizzas on their menus. Since the answer could be all the 100 restaurants can offer Hawaiian pizza and the 7.5% of pizza could come from these 100 restaurants in different amounts; it could also be that the 7.5% of the pizza orders comes from only one restaurant that offers the best Hawaiian pizza in Gotham; and it might also be that the 7.5% orders comes from only best 3 of the restaurants that offer Hawaiian pizza in their menus. 

11. A whole pizza was divided into equal pieces. After mutya and cha-cha ate 2 pieces each of the pizza, there was 1/2 of pizza left. What fraction of the pizza does maya eat?

Maya will eat 1/4 of the pizza.

12. thomas is buying 6 pizzas for his sister's party, if the boys at the party eat 3/5 of the pizza. How many pizza will the boys eat. Will they be able to eat half of the pizza? explain​


The boys will eat 3 3/5 pizzas.

Since there are only six pizzas that means one half is three. And since the boys ate 3 3/5 pizzas which is greater than three, this means the boys are able to eat more than half of the pizzas.

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply to find the amount of pizzas eaten by the boys

6 x 3/5 = 18/5

= 3 3/5 pizzas

13. How much larger is a pizza made in a 16-in square pizza pan than a pizza made in a 16-in diameter circular pan?


How much larger is a pizza made in a 16-in square pizza pan than a pizza made in a 16-in diameter circular pan?

The pizza made in a 16-in square pizza pan than a pizza made in a 16-in diameter circular pan is larger by 55.04 inches².

Step-by-step explanation:

To know how much larger is the pizza made in a square pan than a pizza made in a circular pan, we need to get the area of both pizzas first, then look for their difference.

Finding the Area of a Square

In finding the area of a square, we have the formula: or side times side.

Based on our problem, the side of the pan measures 16 inches. Let us solve for the area.


A □ = s²

= (16)²

= 256 inches²

Finding the Area of a Circle

For area of a circle, our formula is πr² or pi times the squared of radius.

Remember that the value of π (pi) is constant, 3.14.

Based on the problem, the diameter of the pan is 16 inches. To get the radius, just divide the diameter by 2.


radius = diameter ÷ 2

= 16 ÷ 2

= 8 inches


A ● = πr²

= (3.14)(8)²

= (3.14)(64)

= 200.96 inches²

Now that we already know the area of the two pans, let us look for their difference

256 inches² - 200.96 inches²

= 55.04 inches²

The pizza in square pan is larger by 55.04 inches² than the circular pan.

For other examples of word problems about area, visit the links.

14. Gary ordered 30 pizzas for a party. 60% of the pizzas have 12 slices each. The remaining 40% of the pizzas have 10 slices each. Complete the model. Then complete the statements to find the total number of slices of pizza. CLEAR CHECK 60% 40%   Number of pizzas with 12 slices: Number of pizzas with 10 slices:  30 total pizzas 60% of the pizzas have 12 slices each. In total, there are slices in these pizzas. 40% of the pizzas have 10 slices each. In total, there are slices in these pizzas. Altogether, there is a total of slices of pizza. NEXT Reference calculator formulas glossary CLOSE Language ENGLISH CLOSE


Altogether, there is a total of 336 slices of pizza.

Step-by-step explanation:

Total number of pizzas ⇒ 30


Sixty percent or 18 out of the 30 pizzas have 12 slices each. In total there are


Forty percent or 12 out of the 30 pizzas have 10 slices each. In total there are


Total number of pizza slices.


15. Kim and José shared one whole pizza. Kim ate 4/6 of the pizza, and José ate 3/12 of the pizza. How much of the pizza was eaten?

[tex] \frac{4}{6} + \frac{3}{12} [/tex]
Getting the LCD, you'll have 12
[tex] \frac{4}{6} + \frac{3}{12} = \frac{4(2)+3}{12} [/tex]
              = 11/12
Therefore 11/12 of the pizza was eaten.Lowest Term:
4/6 = 2/3
3/12 = 1/4

[tex] \frac{2}{3} + \frac{1}{4} = \frac{8-3}{12} or \frac{11}{12} [/tex]

Another method:

[tex] \frac{4}{6} + \frac{3}{12} = \frac{11}{12} [/tex]

Hope it helps! :)

16. which is better BBQ pizza or regular pizza with cheese

Depends on the taste of the costumer like my friends they prefer BBQ pizza but I find its taste odd for a pizza so I'll choose Cheese over BBQ flavorit depend on who makes the pizza if the person who make the pizza really know what he is doing but the costumer know what he like and dislike

17. Janet ate 14 pieces of pizza. 2/9 of the pizza remains. How many pieces of pizza were there originally?

Let x be the original pieces of pizza.
Janet ate 14 pieces/slices
Remaining pizza: 2/9 (x)

     14 + (2/9)(x) = x

Multiply each term by LCD 9:
     (9)(14) + (9)(2/9)(x) = (9)(x)
     126 + 2x = 9x
     126 = 9x - 2x
     126 = 7x
      7x/7 = 126/7
      x = 18

ANSWER:  There were 18 pieces of pizza.

14 + (2/9)(18) = 18
14 + 4 = 18
18 = 18 (true)

18. Celia and her cousins ate 2 ¾ of hawaiian pizza, ⅞ of a vegetable pizza,and ½ of a pepperoni pizza. How much pizza did they eat in all?



Step-by-step explanation:

theres two pizza that their eaten

19. Yesterday, Papa John's Pizza sold 120 pizzas. Today it sold 94 pizzas. How many fewer pizzas did the Pizza Palace sell today than it sold yesterday?

Yesterday, Papa John's Pizza sold 120 pizzas. Today it sold 94 pizzas. How many fewer pizzas did the Pizza Palace sell today than it sold yesterday?

subtract today sale from yesterday sales.

120 - 94 = 26just get the difference of 120 and 94 to come up with an answer of 26..

20. Half of pizza remained after 14 boys each ate one fourth of a pizza. How many pizzas were there at the start?

1/4 ×14=3.5 (half of the pizza)
3.5 ×2=7

21. 1. Robert took $50 with him to spend on pizza and games for himself and her friends at Chucky Cheese. The price for each slice of pizza was $5. The price of each game was half the price of a slice of pizza. (a) Sketch the graph that represents the situation and label the intercepts. Use one axis to represent the number of slices of pizza and the other axis to represent the number of games. (b) What do the intercepts and the solutions of your graphed function mean in context of the problem?

Before going over the problem, it is important to assume that Robert spent all of his $50 at Chucky Cheese and there was no leftover money.

Attached is the graph of no Number of games vs. the number of pizza slices. This is an example of a Diophantine Equation. A Diophantine equation is a type of an equation in which only an integer is allowed that will satisfy the equation.  

letting x be the number of pizza slices and y be the number of games that Robert availed. The resulting equation will now be:

[tex]5x+2.5y = 50[/tex]

This is a Diophantine equation because x and y values have to be a positive integer. Robert could not buy a half of a slice of a pizza nor could he avail a negative number of games. Therefore the solution of the equation must then be in the first quadrant and must have an integer ordered pair.

The graph is bound only at the positive x or y-values. These bounds are referred to as the intercepts. To obtain the x-intercept (or in this case, the number of pizza slices Robert bought if he never played a single game), set y = 0, then solve the equation

[tex]5x+2.5(0) = 50\\x=  10[/tex]

Similarly, to obtain the y-intercept (or the number of games Robert played if he hadn't bought a single slice of pizza), set x = 0 and then solve for y.

[tex]5(0) +2.5y = 50\\y = 20[/tex]

These intercepts are the two extremes in the context of this problem. If Robert chose not to buy a pizza, he can play a maximum of 20 games. If Robert chose not to play a game, he can afford 10 slices of pizza. If he chose to avail both, then here are his choices: (These are the solution of the Diophantine Equation

[tex](1,18), (2,16), (3,14) , (4,12), (5, 10), (6,8),(7,6),(8,4), (9,2)[/tex]

Where (x,y) means (number of pizza slices, number of games)

For information, see these links:

22. Mario has 12 boxes of pizza. He cut each pizza into eights. How many pieces of pizza will there be?

There will be 96 pieces.

Step-by-Step Explanation:

Word Problem

The problem above is asking for the total number of pieces there will be if Mario is going to cut each into eights.


the number of boxes - 12

the number of pieces in each box - 8


To find the answer, we just have to multiply the number of boxes by the number of pieces in each box.

12 × 8 = N


12 × 8 = 96

Final Answer:

There will be 96 pieces if Mario cut each into eights.

For some examples of word problems, visit the links.


23. mariella and Madeline ordered a large pizza. mariella ate 5/8 of the pizza while Madeline had 3/8 of the pizza. what fraction of the pizza did they ate? number sentence:​



Step-by-step explanation:

5/8 + 3/8 = 8/8


24. Which pizza is the better value if they both are the same price? A rectangularpizza 24 inches by 20 inches, or a circular pizza with diameter 24 inches. ​


a rectangular pizza 24 inch by 20 inch

25. Half a pepperoni pizza plus three fourths of a ham-and-pineapple pizza contains 765 Calories. One fourth of a pepperoni pizza plus a whole ham-and-pineapple pizza contains 745 Calories. How many Calories are in a whole pepperoni pizza? How many Calories are in a whole ham-and-pineapple pizza

Calories in each whole pizza flavor:

Calories of pepperoni  pizza (x) = 660 calories

Calories of ham-and-pineapple pizza (y) = 580 calories 

Click the image below to view the solution to the linear system. 

26. A whole pizza was divided into 8 equal slices. If there were 40 pizza slices, how many whole pizzas were there?

its 5 becuase if you multiply it into five the answer is five

27. Celia and her cousins ate 2 ¾ of hawaiian pizza, ⅞ of a vegetable pizza,and ½ of a pepperoni pizza. How much pizza did they eat in all​


2 and 14/18 not sure ako po but you can use fractions

28. Miles ate 4-8 of the pizza. Janay ate 1-12 of the pizza. How much of the pizza did they eat?

is this Fraction? 

Get the Greatest common factor of "8" and "12"  and the answer will be "24" 

change "4/8" and "1/12" to its "GCF" by multiplying to its factor, the answer will be "12/24" and "2/24"

Add them, the answer will be "14/24"
change it to "Lowest common denominator" by dividing the denominator by 2 the simplified answer will be "7/12"

29. 1/10 of pizza minus 1/6 of pizza​


the answer is -1/15.

I hope I helped you

30. If 7.5% of pizza orders in Gotham are for Hawaiian pizzas, and you know that there are 100 pizza restaurants in Gotham, what can you determine about the number of Gotham restaurants that have Hawaiian pizzas on their menus?

If 7.5% of pizza orders in Gotham are for Hawaiian pizzas, and you know that there are 100 pizza restaurants in Gotham, what can you determine about the number of Gotham restaurants that have Hawaiian pizzas on their menus?


7.5% or 0.075= pizza orders in Gotham are for Hawaiian pizzas

100= pizza restaurants in Gotham

X= number of Gotham restaurants that have Hawaiian pizzas on their menus


X = 100 x 0.075

X = 7.5



7.5 or 8


There are 7.5 or 8 Gotham restaurants that have Hawaiian pizzas on their menus.



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