Dr Jose Rizal Last Words

Dr Jose Rizal Last Words

what was the last words of pepe or Dr. Jose Rizal? GOOD ANSWER = BRAINLIEST PROPER ANSWER = PERFECT! NOT GOOD ANSWER = REPORT

Daftar Isi

1. what was the last words of pepe or Dr. Jose Rizal? GOOD ANSWER = BRAINLIEST PROPER ANSWER = PERFECT! NOT GOOD ANSWER = REPORT

Consumatum est

Jose Rizal shouted, “Consumatum est!” (It is finished!). When the bullets hit their mark, Rizal made a last effort to turn around, thus, falling lifeless with his back on the ground, his face to the sky.

2. Add the most appropriate prefix to the root word in the parenthesis to make the sentence correct.11. Please arrange the chairs (proper). before leaving the classroom.12. Dr. Jose Rizal is our (nation) hero.13. I bought this pen at a reason) price.14. He has a little( improve) in his work15. She was wearing a (color). dress last night​






3. Ano Ang Last Word Ni Dr Jose Rizal?A.Consummatum Est!” (It is finished!) B.It is my hope that history will remember me as having a created certain institution or created institutions that brought about the attainment of our objectives for the peopleC.It is not you. Just like There are those who carry on my Willeven if you extinguish his bloodline there's no way that their flame will burn out.It has been passed down since ancient time but all of our nation and blood will rise one day​


A.Consummatum est ))))))




syempre nabaril na sya malamang maiksi talaga last word nya:(

4. ACTIVITY 2:Direction: Write YES if the encircled word is the context clue used for the underlined word and NO if not. Write theanswers on the blank before each number.1.Mario hums continuoslyor all the time while listening to the rhythm of our national anthem.2. Some details in our history is still a conundrum- a puzzle that is difficult to solve.3. I memorized the events in the life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in chronological order, that is it starts withthe beginning and ends with the last event..4. I scribbled the biography of Mariano Ponce. I wrote it on my Araling Panlipunan notebook.5. The arbitrator, the neutral person, chose to settle the debate as to who is a better leader between EmilioAguinaldo and Andres Bonifacio.​



3 Yes



5. Write (A) if the encircled word is the context clue used for the underlined word and (D) if not. __1. Mario hums continuously or all the time while listening to the rhythm of our national anthem __2. Some details in our history is still a conundrum- a puzzle that is difficult to solve. __3. I memorized the events in the life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in chronological order, that is it starts with the beginni and ends with the last event __4. I scribbled the biography of Mariano Ponce wrote it on my Araling Panlipunan notebook. __5. The arbitrator, the neutral person chose to settle the debate as to who is a better leader between Emilio Aguinaldo and Andres Bonifacio. __6. Many of our heroes were sent to the penitentiary or prison for crimes they did not commit __7. My teacher toured us in a museum, an institution devoted to the procurement, care, study and display of objects of lasting interest or value. __8. Maria's slender body was so thin, the traditional costume she tried was too big on her. __9. Pepito was filled with mortification or shame for not supporting local products. __10. A precarious future or that one dependent on chance awaits those who don't believe in themselves​​












6. Glve the most appropriate meaning of each underlined word using context clues. Choose and encircle1.I love to watch the blue color of water in the ocean. (body of water, landform, heavenly body)2. The monument of Dr. Jose Rizal was built in honor of his bravery and patriotismn, (sea, house, statue)3.The tourist was attracted to the beauty of the place so he planned to visit it again soon. (visitor,photographer, palnter)4. The kid proved his bravery by entering the very dark room alone. (strength, courage, intelligence)5. The butterfly garden is a landmark that tells us we have reached the town. (newscaster, sign, building)6. My aged grandmother can hardly stand on her own feet. (young, old)7. The clever boy can explain his drawing instantly. (smart, dull)8. Mother's gold bracelet is costly. (cheap, expensive)9. I want the house to be clean all the time. (tidy, messy)10. The initial letter of her name Minerva is M. (last, first)Pa answer po. Need ehh​












sana maka tulong




1. body of water

2. statue

3. visitor

4. courage

5. sign

6. old

7. smart

8. expensive

9. tidy

10. first


Hope it helps! This is based on my knowledge but if I have any mistakes. Please correct me :)

7. Discussion A fact can be proven by using general references such as textbooks, encyclopedia, and the like. It tells us what happened and can be proven true by referring to evidence, observation and research. Opinion expresses an individual point of view. Opinions evaluate, judge or express feelings and emotions that cannot be proven right or wrong. It is what a person believes or thinks about something. Opinion differs from one person to another. Example of Fact: The Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia that has three main geographical divisions namely: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Dr. Jose Rizal is known as the national hero of the Filipino people. Emilio Aguinaldo is the 1 President of the Republic of the Philippines. The People Power Revolution, also known as the EDSA Revolution, was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines from February 22-25, 1986. Taal Volcano is a large caldera filled by Taal Lake in the Philippines which last erupted on January 12, 2020. Example of Opinion: Although Philippines is one small country, it has the happiest people. I like to read novels written by Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Emilio Aguinaldo is the best president in the Philippine history. For me, EDSA Revolution is the most peaceful demonstration made by Filipino people. The learners affected by Taal Volcano eruption prefer face to face learning than modular learning. When analyzing reading materials, you may consider that facts show certainties and definite information like numbers and verified record while opinions state the personal feeling of a person about something. It is also easy to look after the signal words that show whether the statement is fact or opinion. Signals words for facts include numbers, dates and statistics while signal words for opinions include words such as “prefer”, “think”, “should”, “like” and “best”. A. Directions: Look at the picture below and tell whether the following sentences state fact or opinion. Write F for fact and O for opinion. Do this in your notebook. B. Directions: Classify the following statements whether they are fact or opinion. Write them on their proper column. Do this in your answer sheet. 1. Electricity can produce magnets. 2. Magnets can produce electricity. 3. Many kids like to play magnets than toy car. 4. I think people can create energy. 5. Electromagnet attracts pins and thumbtacks 6. High voltage level can cause death. 7. A stronger magnet can be produced by using more coils of wire. 8. For me all ll appliances work well with electromagnets. 9. The best generator is made of electromagnet. 10. Perhaps magnet should be used to add more electricity. Fact Opinion 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. C. Directions: Encircle the word fact if the sentence is a true concept and opinion if it is based on personal feelings. Do this in your answer sheet. 1. One year is composed of 12 months. FACT OPINION 2. For me, my cousin is more than beautiful Liza Soberano. FACT OPINION 3. The sun is very hot. FACT OPINION 4. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. FACT OPINION 5. Love songs are the best music genre. FACT OPINION 6. Eating ice cream can calm everybody. FACT OPINION 7. New Year’s Day is celebrated during January 1st. FACT OPINION 8. Dogs are the kindest domestic pets. FACT OPINION 9. In my opinion, Mathematics is the easiest subject. FACT OPINION 10 The Philippines has 109.58 million population. FACT OPINION ​

A. Fact: The picture is a flower. Opinion: The flower is beautiful.
B. Fact: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10. Opinion: 3, 4, 9.
C. Fact: 1, 3, 4, 7, 10. Opinion: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9.

8. Directions: Write YES if the encircled word is the context clue used for theunderlined ward and NO if not. Write the answers on your paper.all the timewhile listening to the rhythm of1. Blario bums continuously orour national anthem.puzzle that is difficult2. Some details in our history is still a conundrum-ato solve3. I memonzed the events in the life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in chronological order,that is it starts with the beginning and ends with the last event4. I scribbled the biography of Mariano Ponce. I wrote it on my AralingPanlipunan notebook5. The arbitrator, the (neural person chose to settle the debate as to whois a better leader between Emilio Aguinaldo and Andres Bonifacioprisonfor crimes6. Many of our heroes were sent to the penitentiary orthey did not commit7 My teacher toured us in a museum, an institution devoted to theprocurement, care, study and display of objects of lasting interest or value.8. Maria's slender body was so thin, the traditional costume she tried wastoo big on her.9. Pepto was filled with mortification or shame for not supportinglocal products,10. A precarious (future or that one dependent on chance awaits those whodon't believe in themselves.​




I hope it's help to you

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