In Which Sporting Event Is Agility Often Manifested

In Which Sporting Event Is Agility Often Manifested

which sporting event is agility often manifested?​

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1. which sporting event is agility often manifested?​







Badminton needs agility

2. in which sporting event is agility often manifested


In team sports such as football, soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball and rugby you must quickly respond to movements of the other players and of the ball.

3. in which sports event is agility often manifested?a. archeryb. chessc. badmintond. rowing​




Badminton needs agility


C. Badminton


This sport requires quick movements as the exchange of passing between the players is also swift. Archery and Chess does not apply this factor since they are only a stationary sport. While rowing also needs quick movement in paddling, arm strength is more manifested in this area.

4. Neme Grade/Section: DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully. Choose the lettera corresponds to your answer were the enero your answer on the space provided. 1. In which sporting event is balance often manifested? A Chess B. Rowing D. Big 2. What is the skill-related fitness manifested when you run 200-meter dash? A Power C. Speed B. Coordination D. Reaction Time 3. Which daily activity can improve your balance? A Cleaning the house C. Throwing garbage in the trash can B. Playing basketball D. Walking in an uneven or silvery surface 4. Which simple exercise develops your lower body muscular power? A Push up C. Jumping jack B. Stretching D. Yoga 5. What is the ability to reach or respond quickly to what you hear, see, or feel? A Reaction Time C. Power B. Speed D. Coordination 6. Which type of person most likely possesses high stilrelated fitness? A Carpenter C Engineer 3. Chess player D. Basketball player 7. What is the skill-related fitness that manifests when a gymnast executes tumbling without failing to the Mat? A Coordination C. Speed B Power D. Balance 8. Which is the best example of executing speed? A Gardening C. Fast swimming 3. Dancing D. Walang 9. in which sporting event is agility often manifested? A. Chess C. Playing basketball B. Running Archery 10. Which of the following is the best example of balance? A. Hitting the target B. Blocking a fast and strong kick C. Walking in the balance beam D. Crossing the street​













Sana po makatulong


I prefer C. Balance, without balance my body wouldn't have the equal attributes to do my job.

7. C. Agility

6. True or False: Energy loss is often manifested as heat?


Although this energy doesn't actually disappear, some amount of the initial energy turns into forms that are not usable or we do not want to use. Some examples of these losses include: Heat energy, potentially as a result of air drag or friction. Heat energy is the most easily dissipated form of energy.

7. . in which sports event is agility often manifested? A. Chess B. Badminton C. Rowing D. Basketball ​


B. po


I hope it helps you correct me if I'm wrong

In which sports event is agility often manifested?

A. Chess

B. Badminton

C. Rowing

D. Basketball


The answer is Badminton because it needed agility inorder to response to the movement of the other player

8. Give 2 sports that need AGILITY


Explanation:yan lang po tank yo

Handball at tennis
Yan po ang akong sagot sana po ay ako ay nakatulong

9. in which sporting event is agility ​


zipper test

hexagonal agility test

body composition

10. Activity 3: Evaluate an experience or an event which you think manifest bias and or prejudice. ​


Prejudice – an opinion against a group or an individual based on insufficient facts and usually unfavourable and/or intolerant. Bias – very similar to but not as extreme as prejudice. Someone who is biased usually refuses to accept that there are other views than their own.



11. is it important to develop your speed and agility skills in sports​


Speed and agility training increases the athlete's ability to move fast. ... That is because the fast athlete usually dominates. Practicing speed and agility drills will give your athletes the jump over the competition. These workouts are essential to developing athletic skills, reducing injury, and building confidence.

12. what sports uses agility?

✨{Agility. Definition: The ability to change the direction or position of the body at speed. Examples: Most sports, except static ones, require agility. Basketball players, gymnasts, skiers, table tennis players and hockey players all need agility.}✨

✨{Hope Its Help}✨






Swimming po at I'm not sure
Or running Po jogging

Pa brainly Po


track and field


15. Energy loss is often manifested as heat?


When energy is transformed from one form to another, or moved from one place to another, or from one system to another there is energy loss. This means that when energy is converted to a different form, some of the input energy is turned into a highly disordered form of energy, like heat.


16. Which sport is the best for agility?​


Rugby 7s


it is the most agility sport


In badminton, agility indicates the ability to move to the approaching shuttle with a correct footwork. However, specific agility testing for badminton currently available only focuses on the change of direction speed with all tests forgoing the perceptual/decision making aspect



17. evaluate an experience or an event which you think manifest bias and or prejudice. ​

Prejudice – an opinion against a group or an individual based on insufficient facts and usually unfavourable and/or intolerant. Bias – very similar to but not as extreme as prejudice. Someone who is biased usually refuses to accept that there are other views than their own.

18. why agility important in sports.​


Agility training improves flexibility, balance, and control. Agility helps the body to maintain proper alignment and posture during movement. Additionally, agility drills encourage our body to learn how to maintain correct body placement

19. Which of the following sports or games needs agility?

In team sports such as football, soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball, and rugby you must quickly respond to movements of the other players and of the ball. In tennis, handball, squash, table tennis, and similar individual sports, you have to quickly respond to the position of the ball

20. example of manifest and latent function of sports​


The manifest functions of sport in a society are represented by physical fitness and the socialization of individuals to the value of hard work, team work (cooperation ) and competition. Latent functions include character development from participation in sport and an emotional release from the physical activity.

Answer:The manifest functions of sport in a society are represented by physical fitness and the socialization of individuals to the value of hard work, team work (cooperation ) and competition. Latent functions include character development from participation in sport and an emotional release from the physical activity.

21. 1. Table tennis is a fast physical sport which requires agility, speed, and quickreaction​


table tennis is the most beautiful games that


1.A 2.A 3.B. 4.C. 5.C.


I just answer it

I hope it helped

23. 5. In which sporting event is agility often manifested?A. ArcheryB. BadmintonC. ChessD. Rowing​




badminton needs agility because you must responce to the movenent of the other player

24. which of the following sports or games needs agility A.chess B.scrabble C.Swimming D.softball and frisbee​


D. softball and frisbee


Letter D. po ang right answer

25. Which of the following sports or games needs agility​


soccer ⚽ basketball volleyball and badminton


Answer:Agility and Sports

Answer:Agility and SportsThink of the sports where you have to use agility. In team sports such as football, soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball, and rugby you must quickly respond to movements of the other players and of the ball.

26. sport example of agility​




Many specific abilities have been identified and grouped.


Examples include: multi-limb coordination, control precision, aiming, explosive strength, dynamic flexibility, speed of limb movement, movement rate, and force control.

27. why agility important in sports?


agilituly helps performance in activities

that require you to change direction

quickly whilst keeping balance , stength,

speed and body control


hope it helps ;))

pa branliest po;)

28. which societal event is a manifestation of a mechanism on an invention​


Idol kailangan kopo


ng brainliest para sa next rank please idol answeran koyan mamaya ty po:(

29. 31. In which sporting event is agility often manifested?A. ArcheryB. BadmintonC. ChessD. Rowing​

Badminton is one of sporting events that agility often manifested.

What is agility?

The ability to change the direction of body position with great speed and determination is called agility.

Agility comes from theword "agile,"e which means always moving, unable to stay still, not calm, and not fixed.

Agility is one of the important factorsin supportingt physical skills, especially in the world of sports such as football, badminton, volleyball, basketball, etc.

Agility is divided into two types, namely general agility and special agility.

A person's agility to face sports in general and face life situations and the environment is called general agility.

While special agility is a person's agility used to carry out special sports activities in certain sport,.

Agility Benefitsy

The ability of a person to change direction quickly is called agility.There are many benefitstof a person's agility, including:

-Coordinatedestimulation ofn multiple movements

-Train the respiratorysystem.m

-Assist in the mastery of advanced techniques.s

-Movement that is efficient, effective, and cost-effectivet

-Facilitatese orientation towards opponents and theenvironment.t

How to Train Agility

As explained above, a person's ability to change direction quickly and precisely when moving without losing balance is the meaning of agility.

To determine a person's level of agility, tests are usually given by running a zig-zag run, squat thrust, obstacle race,ord shuttle run.

Winding or zigzag running exercises in addition to speed training can also increase agility. The characteristics of agility training are that the forms of exercise must have movement changinge the position and direction of the body.

Here's how to train agility:

-Run back and forth (shuttlerun).)

The shuttle run is carried out as quickly as possibl, 6–100times,s from point A to point B or to other points.

The distancebetween then points is 4-6 meters.However, the point is not tocovere a long distance. Running and twisting can train agility.

Squat thrust

The body position is like taking a push-up position with both arms straight.

Throw your knees in between your arms then return your legs to a straight position.Repeat for about a minute. Movement can be added by jumping up when the knees are between the hands.

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D. flexibility is the answer

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