Omnipotence In Tagalog

Omnipotence In Tagalog

What is Tagalog of "Omnipotent"?​

Daftar Isi

1. What is Tagalog of "Omnipotent"?​


Makapangyarihan sa lahat

Makapangyarihan sa lahat.




2. Meaning of omnipotence?

the quality or state of being omnipotent

3. what is the meaning of omnipotent

wonderful, unexplainable, amazing, unbelievable...

4. Sentence about omnipotence

Omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited or very strong power.


Marvel before the Lord's omnipotence

5. How can you prove the everlasting omnipotence of the Holy Trinity? Give a concrete answer.

God the Father made all things, therefore If you are from the Father, the Father knows you and through Jesus Christ His Son we had seen Him and that is why we know Him. (cf. John 4:17) The Father made all things, together with the Word Incarnate by the Holy Spirit in the Creation. But the Father knows all that He made. Therefore, the Father Knows all things and omnipotent eternally.

6. Naniniwala ang mga ito na ang Diyos ay eternal at omnipotent​


omnipotent omnipotent




Yan po hope it help

7. 5.What does the term omnipotence mean?a. He is all-powerful b. He is all-lovingc. He is powerful​




Omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited power and potential. Monotheistic religions generally attribute omnipotence only to the deity of their faith.

8. What omnipotent power created the universe? is it the same power that created you? ​


Expert Verified. Based on the holy scriptures of different religions, the omnipotent power that created the universe is God.

God created the universe.

9. what is your favorite omnipotent character? ​

EREN in attack on titan

Oggy on oggy and the cockroach

Spongebob on spongebob square pants

Micheal in GTA 5

Elon musk in real life

10. god our father is omnipotent which means? loving​


having unlimited power; able to do anything.

11. "being omnipotent God can do everything that is in harmony with his holy character" Explain​


He possesses all power (omnipotent),to lack this He could not be God.

In Gen.1.1," In the beginning God created the heaven and earth."-creative power

Gen.1.3," And God said,Let there be light,and there was light." Power by speaking

Certainly not, for He can do anything or everything

12. 2. According to the Christians, which of the following is not a quality of God? C. Omnipresent Wrathful Omnibenevolent Omnipotent b. d.​


Omnipresent Wrathful yan ba




because God is a eternal God of love

13. god our father is omnipotent which means​

Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. It means he is not subject to physical limitations like man is. Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc.


Hope its help

14. what is omnisciene,omnipotence, and omnipresent.... define​


omniscience--- knows everything

Omnipotence--having an unlimited power

Omnipresent - -present everywhere

15. When I was a small child, I believed my father was omnipotent and capable of doing anything.


hindi tayo maniwala na magawa natin lahat ng kaya natin kasi bata pa tayo minsan mapapagod tayo kasi bata pa tayo


yan lang pabrainleist po thank you nalang

16. Why does the Euthyphro dilemma pose a problem for God’s omnipotence?​


The major problem with this view is that it holds that there is something outside of God, over which God has no control — that is, God is not fully omnipotent. It's also worth pointing out that taking this position denies that God is necessary for morality.


#mark me brainliest

#carry on learning

17. God our Father is omnipotent which means __________? ​


Omnipotence means God is all-powerful. This means God has supreme power and has no limitations. ... This means God knows everything, including the past and future. There is nothing God is unaware of. Omnipresence means God is everywhere at the same time.


Bible verses related to Omnipotence from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. Matthew 19:26 - But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible

Pa brainliest po


omnipotent means god


and also sorry po e kasi im not Junior po..

Stay safe lang

18. God is Boundless/Omnipotent?TRUE OR FALSE​


[tex] \huge \mathbb\purple{TRUE \: BRAINLIEST}[/tex][tex] \huge \mathbb \purple{ME}[/tex]

19. Except the GP... Is there anyone capable of beating Zeno? is it even possible?.. I mean Zeno is already Omnipotent and omnipresent but not omniscient...The GP is Omnipotent and omniscient, omnipresent​


thx sa points good luck sa modyule


This is on the inscription of the gates of hell in Dante's Inferno.

"MY ARCHITECT" refers to God, as we can see "DIVINE OMNIPOTENCE, PRIMORDIAL LOVE AND ULTIMATE INTELLECT" are all descriptions of God.

Now when the inscription says that "SACRED JUSTICE" moved God to create hell, it means exactly that. That God made hell for Justice, and not because of spite or anything like that. God, in all his power (divine omnipotence), love, and wisdom (ultimate intellect), decided to make hell, to bring about justice. We, as mortals, may not understand why He made such a decision in the first place, but we should trust in His Wisdom, and understand that there is a purpose for hell in God's grand plan.

Here are some more thoughts on

the inscription:

canto III :

canto III:

Hope this helps!

21. When I was a small child, I believed my father was omnipotent and capable of doing anything. Omnipotent means immoral or evil.* true false​




22. make a poster that shows that idols challenge the lord's sovereignty and omnipotence​


bat pati po poster dito pinapagawa?haha

hindi po pwede mag lagay ng pic d2

23. 6. Which of the following means water?a. aqueousb. omnipotentc. aerosold. madieval​


A. Aqueous


is a solution in which the solvent is water.


Answer: A. AQUEOUS

An aqueous solution is one in which the solvent is liquid water. That is, solute (dissolved) ions and molecules are surrounded by water molecules and incorporated into the network of bonds within the water. The dissolved species then spread throughout the water.

24. what does it mean God is omnipotent?​

Answer:The term omnipotence refers to the idea that God is all-powerful. God is not only all-knowing and all-seeing He is infinite and sovereign and all-powerful. The Lord God has power over all things at all times, in every place, and in all ways throughout all time and all creation.


God is powerful because he is with us through the ups and downs in our life.


Therefore, omnipotent means powerful or almighty

25. Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. ... Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless.if an omnipotent god exist and make a stone that no one can lift, and if the god can lift the stone does that mean the god is not omnipotent because he can't make a stone that no one can lift, but if he can't lift the stone doesn't that also mean he's not omnipotent because there's a thing that he can't do​


Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence

Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. It means he is not subject to physical limitations like man is. Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc.

Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. ... Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless. if an omnipotent god exist and make a stone that no one can lift, and if the god can lift the stone does that mean the god is not omnipotent because he can't make a stone that no one can lift, but if he can't lift the stone doesn't that also mean he's not omnipotent because there's a thing that he can't do​We had only 1 God And he is so powerful He created the world for us " For God so love the world that he gave his only son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have an ever lasting live " He also forgives us even we are sinless

26. explain"bieng omnipotent​


What is an omnipotent being?

1 : one who has unlimited power or authority : one who is omnipotent. 2 capitalized : god sense 1. Other Words from omnipotent Synonyms Knowledge Is Power: Defining Omnipotent More Example Sentences Learn More About omnipotent.

27. why do we consider society as omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresent? ​

It means he is not subject to physical limitations like man is. Omnipresence means all-present. This term means that God is capable of being everywhere at the same time. It means his divine presence encompasses the whole of the universe.

28. Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. ... Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless. if an omnipotent god exist and make a stone that no one can lift, and if the god can lift the stone does that mean the god is not omnipotent? because he can't make a stone that no one can lift, but if he can't lift the stone doesn't that also mean he's not omnipotent? because there's a thing that he can't do​


ty sa point


ty ty ty ty :) :)

29. I don't agree whe they said rimuro can beat zeno.. Because first of all, Zeno is omnipotent while rimuro is not.. rimuru is not even a nigh omnipotent being...​


Ok, why did u post this all of the sudden?




The answer is??


30. It encompasses all moral standards contained within the entirety of ethical beliefs which is most of the time directed to an omnipotent being. What is it?​


Religion. Based on the keyword ethical

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