Pore Bearing Animals

Pore Bearing Animals

pore bearing animals​

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1. pore bearing animals​


Phylum Porifera

Pore-bearing animals belong to the Phylum Porifera. The scientific word Porifera is of Latin descent and translates as porus = pore and ferre = to bear. This Phylum consists of sponges whose body is made up of numerous pores.


i hope it helps

2. pore bearing animals​


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Some characteristics:

* Multicellular animals, but the cells are not organised into tissues.

* Simplistic of animals

* Marine or fresh water

* No systems for respiration, digestion, sensory, excretion.

* Hermaphroditic

* Body possesses numerous pores (ostia) which lead into a series of canals.

* Called sponges; name means “pore bearing”


Pore bearing animals are the simplest animals

Pore-bearing animal belong to Phylum Porifera (Pore Bearing Animals).

3. they are pore bearing animals​


phylum porifera:

a sponge is a bottom-dwelling creature which attaches itself in something solid in a place where it can find any food to grow.

4. a. tapewormsb. snails1. Pore-bearing animals2 Nettled animals3. Flatworms4. Segmentedworms5. Soft-bodies/shelled animalsc. spongesd. jellyfishese. 4earthwormas​









5. The different Between the life cye if come bearing plant and pore bearing plants​


Cone-bearing plants have pollen and seeds. Spore-bearing plants produce no pollen or seeds.

Cone-bearing plants produce spores and gametes in addition to pollen and seeds, however spore-bearing plants are limited to spores and gametes, and produce no pollen or seeds.

In cone-bearing plants, the dominant diploid (2n) multicellular sporophte generation produces haploid (n) spores by meiosis that develop by mitosis into the smaller multicellular haploid (n) gametophyte generation which produces haploid (n) gametes by mitosis.

The multicellular haploid (n) female gametophyte generation that produces haploid (n) eggs by mitosis, is dependent and housed within the dominant multicellular diploid (2n) sporophyte generation.

The multicellular haploid (n) male gametophyte generation that produces haploid (n) sperm by mitosis is housed in pollen grains for dispersal.

A diploid (2n) zygote is produced upon fertilization, that develops by mitosis into a diploid (2n) multicellular sporophyte embryo contained in a seed. If the seed germinates, the dominant diploid (2n) multicellular sporophyte generation will develop by mitosis.

In spore-bearing plants, the above description still applies. However, the multicellular diploid (2n) sporophyte embryo is not contained in a seed. And, the multicellular haploid (n) gametophyte in not contained in pollen.

With out pollen to disperse the multicellular haploid (n) gametophyte generation, the haploid (n) sperm produced by mitosis, must swim to the egg.

Also, in some spore-bearing plants, the multicellular haploid (n) gametophyte generation is dominant, hosting the dependent multicellular diploid (2n) gametophyte generation. While in some spore-bearing plants, the multicellular diploid (2n) sporophyte generation is dominant, and the haploid (n) spores produced by meiosis are dispersed.


yun lang

6. They are called pore bearing animals a. Poriferans b. Cnidarians c. Worms d . Mollusk





They are called pore bearing animals.A. Poriferans

B. Cnidarians

C. Worms

D. Mollusk

7. these are pore bearing animals which attach themselves to rocks or sea.A.segmentedB.spongesC.mollusksD.cnidarIan'sC.arthropods F.round wormsG.flat wormsH.echinoderms​


Answer B SpongesExplanation:Please follow my account

8. Pore bearing animals


Pore-bearing animals belong to the Phylum Porifera. The scientific word Porifera is of Latin descent and translates as porus = pore and ferre = to bear. This Phylum consists of sponges whose body is made up of numerous pores

9. which describes the characteristics of sponges? A. they are pore bearing animals B. they have segmented body C. they have shells D. they have 8 legs​

Which describes the characteristics of sponges?

• A. They are pore bearing animals.



A. they are pore bearing animals


Porifera is the Phylum Porifera, which includes creatures that have pores. Porifera is a Latin-derived scientific term that means porus = pore and ferre = to carry. The sponges in this Phylum have a body made up of many pores.

10. Pore- bearing Plants​


what are the two ( 2) kinds of


11. What are pore-bearing animals witch attach themselves to rocks or sea floor​


The word porifera means “pore-bearing.” As you can see from the close-up view in Figure below, a sponge has a porous body with many small holes in it. There are at least 5000 living species of sponges. Almost all of them inhabit the ocean. Most live on coral reefs or the ocean floor.

12. 19 these are pore-bearing animals which attach them selves to rocks or sea floor like sponges​

The answer is porifera

The word porifera means “pore-bearing.” As you can see from the close-up view in Figure below, a sponge has a porous body with many small holes in it. There are at least 5000 living species of sponges.

13. what is pore bearing animal​

what is pore bearing animal?

The scientific name for sponges is "Porifera," which translates into "pore-bearing." Etymology: From the Latin porus for pore and Ferre to bear, hence an animal with with pores.

[tex] \color{orange}{ \sf{pore \: bearing \: animal}}[/tex]

A sponge is a bottom-dwelling creature that, in a position where it can find sufficient food to grow, connects itself to something powerful. From the Latin porus for pore and Ferre for bear, thus an animal with pores, the scientific term for sponges is "Porifera," which means "pore-bearing."

14. 1.Animals with flat body and have no digestive system.2.Joint -legged animals with external covering.3.Pore-bearing animals that live in water.4.Animals without backbone.5.Hollow-bodied animals and with tentacles.6.Soft-bodied animals and are enclosed in shell.​


1. Flatworms

2. Arthropods

3. Sponges

4. Sponges,corals, worms, insects,spiders and crab

5. Jelly fish

6. Mollusk

15. 16. What is the characteristic of a porifera? A. segmented elongated wormlike animals B. spiny-skinned animals C. soft bodied animals D. pore-bearing animals following is an example of platyhelmintes?​





Sana'y Makatulong pa brainlist po

16. A pore bearing animals with no tissue ang organs


the answer is sponge

hope it helps




Sponges: The Phylum Porifera | Back to Top. The phylum Porifera ("pore-bearing") consists of approximately 5,000 species of sponges. These asymmetrical animals have sac-like bodies that lack tissues, and are usually interpreted as representing the cellular level of evolution.

# carry on learning

17. 28. They are soft-bodied animals with shells inside or outside their bodies called exoskeleton. 29. Marine animals with spiny endoskeleton. 30. They are pore-bearing animals which attact themselves to rocks or sea floor.​





18. 20. Pore-bearing animals which attach themselves to rocks or seafloor.a. spongesb. cnidariansb. echinodermsd. annelids​




a sponge has a porous body with many small holes in it. There are at least 5000 living species of sponges. Almost all of them inhabit the ocean.




The word porifera means “pore-bearing.” As you can see from the close-up view in Figure below, a sponge has a porous body with many small holes in it. There are at least 5000 living species of sponges. Almost all of them inhabit the ocean.

19. the simplest of all invertebrates. these living sponges have pores allover their bodies these pores give the sponges their scientific name porifera which means pore beares most sponges are sissile animals it means they are stationary or stays only in one place sponges live mostly in oceans


-and seas but some species can also be found in fresh water sponges are filter feeders meaning they filter out food particles from the water around them they use their body to create currents through which they pump water to get food. sponges are very important to the health of a marine environment as they act as natural filters and help to keep the water clean.

20. 7. Which describes animals classified as Cnidarian?A. They are pore-bearing animals. C. They are spiny-skinned animals.B. They are thin and flat.D. They are stinging-cell animals​


D. They are stinging-cell animals

21. A. Kinds of Invertebrates Animals 26. soft-bodied animals 27. joint-legged animals 28. spiny-skinned animals 29. stinging-cell animals 30. pore-bearing animals B a. Sponges b. Nematodes C. Arthropods d mollusks e. Echinoderms f. cnidarians​








yan po hehe sana nakatulong


26. d

27. c

28. e

29. f

30. a


Sana nakatulong!

pa brainliest po at pa follow

22. Column A1. Joint-legged animals2. Spiny-skinned animals3. Soft-bodied animals4. Stinging-cell animals5. Pore-bearing animalsColumn BA. snailsB. jellyfishesC. butterfliesD. earthwormsE sea urchinsF. sponges​



2.e-sea urchins




23. 16.soft-bodied animals17.joint-legged animals18.spiny-skinned animals19.stinging-cell animals20.pore-bearing animalsa.Spongesb.nematodesc.arthropodsd.molluskse.echinodermsf.cnidarians​








pa brainliest po tnx

24. A pore-bearing animal that have no tissue, no organ most have no symmetry​




sponges lack true tissues and organs; in addition, they have no body symmetry.

25. pore bearing animals that live in the water?​


Phylum Porifera


2. 600 million years, and can now be found in all marine and many freshwater habitats.



A sponge is a bottom-dwelling creature which attaches itself to something solid in a place where it can find enough food to grow. The scientific name for sponges is "Porifera," which translates into "pore-bearing." Etymology: From the Latin porus for pore and Ferre to bear, hence an animal with with pores. II. Body of the Report General Characteristics A sponge is a simple organism that is easy to describe. A sponge is a sedentary, filter-feeding metazoan which has a single layer of flagellated cells that drive a unidirectional current of water through its body. Such a brief description though does not do them justice. Sponges are an ancient and highly successful group of animals. In the Palaeozoic they are believed to have comprised more than half the biomass in marine reefs. They have been living in the waters of the world for more than

2. 600 million years, and can now be found in all marine and many freshwater habitats. Some of the general characteristics of sponges are: • Simplest of all animals • Hermaphrodites • Asymmetrical • No systems for reproduction, digestion, respiration, sensory, excretion • Filter feeders • No true tissues or body systems of any type • Almost all species are sessile suspension feeders, larvae free- swimming • Multicellular • Totipotent cells: like stem cells! Body Structure:

3. 1. Spicules are composed of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide. Often used in sponge ID 2. Amoebocytes (archaeocyte) amoeba-like cells. It store, digest and transport food, excrete wastes, secrete skeleton give rise to buds in asexual reproduction sclerocytes - secrete spicules spongocytes - secrete spongin collencyotes - secrete collagen 3. Mesenchyme. Located beneath the pinacocytes - a gelatinous protein layer it contains the skeletal material

26. the simplest of all invertebrates. these living sponges have pores allover their bodies these pores give the sponges their scientific name porifera which means pore beares most sponges are sissile animals it means they are stationary or stays only in one place sponges live mostly in oceans


and other saltwater bodies, but some species can also be found in freshwater. They are able to filter water through their pores to obtain food and oxygen, and they also have the ability to regenerate and repair their bodies if damaged. Sponges are also known for their ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually.

One of the most interesting facts about sponges is that they have a simple body structure, yet they are able to perform many vital functions in their ecosystem such as filtering water and providing a habitat for other marine organisms. They also have a long history of being used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Sponges have been used for cleaning and as a source of collagen for thousands of years.

In summary, sponges are simple yet fascinating invertebrates that live mostly in oceans and other saltwater bodies. They have unique features such as pores all over their bodies which they use to filter water to obtain food and oxygen, they are sissile animals, they reproduce both sexually and asexually and they have a long history of being used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes

27. Pore-bearing animals that live in water Jo​


explain me plss then I answer your question

28. 9. Pore-bearing animals that live in water​


Phylum Porifera (“pori” = pores, “fera” = bearers) are popularly known as sponges. Sponge larvae are able to swim; however, adults are non-motile and spend their life attached to a substratum through a holdfast. The majority of sponges are marine, living in seas and oceans.




-Sponge Larvae


Phylum Porifera (“pori” = pores, “fera” = bearers) are popularly known as sponges. Sponge larvae are able to swim; however, adults are non-motile and spend their life attached to a substratum through a holdfast. The majority of sponges are marine, living in seas and oceans.

29. 13. Which of the following invertebrate animals are pore-bearing which attach themselvesto rocks or seafloor?A. SnailsC. JellyfishB. StarfishD. Sponges​





Sponges are aquatic invertebrates that make up Phylum Porifera. The word porifera means “pore-bearing.” As you can see from the close-up view in Figure below, a sponge has a porous body with many small holes in it. There are at least 5000 living species of sponges. Almost all of them inhabit the ocean.

30. 19. They are pore-bearing animals which attach themselves to rocks or sea floor.A. CnidariansB. PlatyhelminthesC. PoriferansD. Annelids​


A. Cnidarians


hope it helps :)

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