Position Paper About SameMarriage

Position Paper About SameMarriage

position paper about abortion​

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1. position paper about abortion​


This position paper will also substantiate our call for the decriminalisation of abortion, and for changes to the law to allow the provision of abortion services in Malta ...


2. position paper about abortion

Position paper about abortion

Abortion typically occurs within 24 weeks of pregnancy.  It could be natural, forced or induced. Natural abortion could be caused by disorders. Forced abortion for me should be crime if the fetus is deemed to be healthy. However, if forced abortion is done because of disorders of the baby, then it should be allowed.




3. position paper about abortion​


What is abortion?

Abortion is the intervention and forceful way of ending pregnancy. If you are a religious person, abortion is definitely a no, no. Why? Because it negates a lot of things, such as (but not limited to):

 It is against life or creation

 It is against the teachings of the Bible

 it is almost the same as murdering someone (like a premeditated taking of one’s life)

Aside from that, abortion can also affect a woman’s whole being especially mental, emotional and physical well-being.  

- Mentally and emotionally, the act can bring nostalgia and nagging thoughts to a woman. It can be that the woman was willing at the time that she had an abortion but after, there could be regret.  

- Physically, yes, the life being was removed, but if the process of removing was not done properly, there could be health issues afterwards. There could also be a possibility that the woman may no longer be able to conceive when she wants to.

Finally, it really depends on the woman if she can go through it. But whatever she decides, she needs to be prepared mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

4. position paper about Cyberbullying​


Cyber is connected to the customs of the new media or internet ages, such as cellphones, computers, virtual reality, and other information technology, while bullying is domineering behavior towards others. Technology is expanding, and cyberbullying is also being used by teenagers to harm others. It affects the physical, emotional, and mental health of individuals. Most of the time, young children always experience it in their childhood days, which changes them into the way they are today. The Internet can help them be accepted by society, but it is irreversible sometimes. Instead of giving a child the potential to have a better life, they cause real pain first. If someone uses media to harm another and to make them feel at ease, they are not a human and do not know humanity. To avoid and stop cyberbullying, we need to start on our own. In this way, we can respect and accept ourselves for who we are, and in this way, we can respect others without judging ourselves irrationally. Everyone needs to be a digital citizen to spread compassion and kindness to others. <correct my grammar if i'm wrong)

5. Position paper about denia​


walang tanong po kailangan ko po ng tanong Hindi po yan tanong

6. it is an academic paper expressing about a position about an issue ​

Position paper

Hope it helps godbless po

7. position paper about depression


A Position Paper Introduction should:

Capture the reader's attention. This can be done by posing a question, stating a relevant quote, making a strong statement, or using a statistic.

State your thesis (the topic and your opinion on it from your chosen perspective).

Introduce the main points to be discussed.

#Carry on Learning

8. a position paper about uniform​


ikaw ba hala ;-;





No need explanation

10. position paper about abortion 50 sentences ​

Abortion is immoral because it is nothing less than the taking of a human life.

If that's not immoral enough for you, read on.

Abortion, except in cases of rape, is an abdication of personal responsibility.

In my opinion, if you're voluntarily engaging in sexual intercourse, and you become pregnant (no matter whether you took precautions or not), there is absolutely no moral justification for getting an abortion. You need to take responsibility for what you did and have the baby. It didn't ask to be conceived. But you conceived it. You’re now responsible for it. You can give it up for adoption after it's born (I don't approve of this either, because it's also a cop-out, but at least you're giving the child you so irresponsibly created a shot at life). But killing it is not the answer.

11. position paper about divorce​

it was too long to copy so i gave you a soft copy,

hopes it helps

12. position paper about dengvaxia

To note, the controversial anti-dengue fever vaccine Dengvaxia has yet to be confirmed as the primary reason of the deaths of children that were previously vaccinated with the aforementioned drug. However, the government is using the issue to exact revenge on previous administration and to incite panic among the population instead of finding ways to solve the crisis.

13. it is an academic paper expressing about a position about an issue?​


position paper



Position Paper

That's I think the answer!

Study well

I think is D. Intellectual paper

Hope ie helped

15. it is an academic paper expressing about a position about an issue​


A position Paper is a common type of academic argument writing assignment. Typically, a Position Paper is written after reading about and discussing a particular issue.




because academic. paper is is only about expressing your self.

16. Example of position paper about abortion

I abhor abortion just as likely as someone should abhor murder.  Abortion is an inhumane act by all means, whether the pregnancy is unwanted or unintentional.

Let us consider two scenarios in this discussion.  First is having sexual intercourse without the intention of pregnancy at all.  This kind of commitment is irrational, and the fact that people considering abortion is unjust.  The forming of a fetus has nothing to do with their immature point of view.  Thus, they should let the baby live and not let the fetus take the consequences of their wrongful acts.

Second is the unwanted pregnancy caused by rape, for example.  Let us understand the burden and tragedy a scenario like this has caused.  However, let us not put the fetus at stake by resorting into abortion.  There are various ways that we can consider like sending the baby to a family who desires to have their own for too long.

Read the link about abortion:



17. what is the position paper about?

A position paper is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue – typically that of the author or some specified entity. Position papers are published in academia, in politics, in law and other domains.

18. write a position paper about abortion​


In the Philippines, abortion has been criminalized for almost a century. The penal provisions regarding abortion do not contain any exceptions for abortion, such as saving the pregnant woman's life or protecting her health. Under Spanish colonial control, the Penal Code of 1870 criminalized abortion, and the criminal provisions were included in the Revised Penal Code passed in 1930 during the U.S. colonization of the Philippines.

The prohibition of abortion has not halted abortion but has made the practice hazardous and potentially fatal for the more than half a million women who attempt to terminate pregnancies annually. In 2008 alone, the Philippines' criminal abortion ban was projected to have caused at least 1,000 fatalities and 90,000 complications.

Filipino women with life-threatening pregnancies have little choice except to endanger their lives, either through unsafe abortion or by continuing high-risk pregnancies, due to the absence of access to safe abortion. As they encounter obstacles in acquiring efficient family planning methods and lack access to reproductive health services, poor women are especially susceptible to unsafe abortions and their complications. Hemorrhage, sepsis, peritonitis, and injuries to the cervix, vagina, uterus, and abdominal organs are common physical problems resulting from the use of such crude and risky procedures.

Learn more about abortion in the Philippines here:



19. position paper about bullying​


Position Paper on Bullying. While there is no legal definition of bullying, in general terms bullying is the intentional tormenting of another person or persons.

20. it is an academic paper expressing about a position about an issue​




because academic. paper is is only about expressing your self.

sorry if mali try kolang

21. it is an academic paper expressing about a position about an issue ​

Ans :: Position Paper


A position paper is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue.

22. Position paper about drugs

DRUG is indeed a MAJOR ISSUE in our country. The war on drugs that started during the term of PRESIDENT RODRIGO DUTERTE. many people were surrendered, some were killed, and some are put behind bars.

In our country like Philippines, drug is a big issue that is needed to be solve. It should be eradicated as long as possible. We know that drugs can be use for good and bad, however, things are seen negatively in our country since many ILLEGAL user are influencing even the young kids of our county.

Also they have seen that drugs are the root cause of CRIMINALITY. That is why, the war on drugs are still on its mission on eliminating the users and pushers of drugs in our country.

For more related information:





Legal Paper


Its my opinion

24. 1. It is an academic paper expressing about a position about an issueA. Critique paperB. Position paperC. Reaction paperD. All of the above​

It is an academic paper expressing a position about an issue A. Critique paper B. Position paper C. Reaction paper D. All of the above​A position paper is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue.#CarryOnLearning

25. outline about that position paper​


i am sorry but we are unable to provide you an answer to your question because you didn't drop a full context so we didn't know how to answer it.

26. what is the position paper about​


A position paper is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue – typically that of the author or some specified entity. Position papers are published in academia, in politics, in law and other domains.


hope that helps u

27. what is the position paper about​


A position paper (sometimes position piece for brief items) is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue – typically that of the author or some specified entity. ... The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that the opinion presented is valid and worth listening to.


I hope this helps ig

28. topic about position paper

No assignment policy

29. it is an academic paper expressing about a position about an issue


B. Position Paper


Position Paper is written after reading about and discussing a particular issue.

30. position paper about poverty​


poverty is a state that should not only be defined by a lack of income but also a set of multiple cumulative deprevations in the access of fundamental human rights and dignity such as the right to food and nutrition,access to education,health,housing,decent work,and lack of political voice and power.

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