Poster Slogans On Education

Poster Slogans On Education

images slogan/poster educated about covid 19​

Daftar Isi

1. images slogan/poster educated about covid 19​


sumunod sa protocols upang manatiling matatag


images slogan/poster educated about covid 19​


2. Poster/slogan for science for the people liberating education through innovation

The meaning of “Science for the people, liberating education through innovation” is “freeing education through science and transformation, for the benefit of the people” in simpler terms.  

Here is a short background that can help you out in your poster or slogan about "Science for the people, liberating education through innovation".

Why is innovation important in education? As a background, education has long been part of this world that caused people to learn, progress, and make an impact in the society. Currently, our world is already experiencing continuous transformations through science, technology and globalization. Embracing innovation in education system will enable education to reach much greater heights that will enable students and teachers to improve for the better. It is only through openness to good changes will education be able to cope up with the swift improvements of our world such as the widespread use of internet and social media, usage of technology to unleash discoveries, continuous existence of globalization, etc. Hence, there is indeed a need for innovation in education already.  

Here are some examples of slogans about “Science for the people, liberating education through innovation”.  

“Let education fly through innovation.”

“Changing times, transforming education”

“Science for the people: Innovate to educate.”

You can also create your own slogans that are related to the theme “Science for the people, liberating education through innovation”. Just remember that slogans are short phrases or sentences that leave a memorable and catchy message.  

Here are other helpful links that are related to the said topic:

3. Poster/slogan for science for the people liberating education through innovation

The meaning of “Science for the people, liberating education through innovation” is “freeing education through science and transformation, for the benefit of the people” in simpler terms.  

Here is a short background that can help you out in your poster/slogan about "Science for the people, liberating education through innovation".

Why is innovation important in education? As a background, education has long been part of this world that caused people to learn, progress, and make an impact in the society. Currently, our world is already experiencing continuous transformations through science, technology and globalization. Embracing innovation in education system will enable education to reach much greater heights that will enable students and teachers to improve for the better. It is only through openness to good changes will education be able to cope up with the swift improvements of our world such as the widespread use of internet and social media, usage of technology to unleash discoveries, continuous existence of globalization, etc. Hence, there is indeed a need for innovation in education already.  

Here are some examples of slogans about “Science for the people, liberating education through innovation”.  

“Let education fly through innovation.”

“Changing times, transforming education”

“Science for the people: Innovate to educate.”

You can also create your own slogans that are related to the theme “Science for the people, liberating education through innovation”. Just remember that slogans are short phrases or sentences that leave a memorable and catchy message.  

Here are other helpful links that are related to the said topic:

4. Your school is celebrating Science Month with the theme;:Disaster Risk Reducation and Climate Change Adaptation".You are tasked to create a POSTER SLOGAN that will help you in an information drive to increase awareness and educate your fellow students about the impacts and how to reduce the effects of climate change.​



5. Performance Task in English Make a poster slogan of the topics below. Choose only one (1) Use a short statement to persuade the audience to stand for your cause. You can utilize the back portion of this bondpaper. Section: Name A COVID19 Pandemic B. COVID 19 Vaccination C New Normal in Education​


A po

yan po ang answer btw pa brailiest po nf

6. a slogan or a poster on how to avoid widespread of Coronavirus. Direction: Make a door hanger with slogan/poster which will inform nad educate your family ang neighbor about COVID-19. pàhingi pic plss​


this po dalawa na po yan poster at slogan

7. as a 21st century learner in the philippines, create a simple advocacy campaign poster slogan on education and continuous learning despite the pandemic.​


On the day when

the weight is getting heavier

on your shoulder

and you stumbled,

the clay would have danced

to balance you


8. PLEASE HELP MEH18. What are the implications of Mohandas Gandhi's campaign on British colonialism in India indicate?a. Mohandas Gandhi is a great revolutionary leader,b. Colonialism can be fought peacefully,C. The oppression of the colonialists has an end.d. Mohandas Gandhi became a symbol of the unity of the people in India.19. Indians fought for their independence. What method did they used to achieve their goal?a. Allied with the westernersc. Indian National Congress wasb. Boycott English products andestablishedservicesd. Assisted the British during WWI20. The outbreak of the First and Second World Wars was a demonstration of the Nationalist leaders inAsia toa. Achieve freedom from the hands ofC. Change their livelihoodthe Imperialists.d. The battle between the two sidesb. Have unityintensified21. The Indians gained their independence from the British in 1947 because of the efforts of MohandasGandhi. Pakistan was formed because they fought to have their own country for Muslims. Meanwhile,West Asian countries gained independence from the west after the First World War. What conclusioncan you draw about this?a. Experiences during colonialism helped to unite the citizensb. Nationalism has influenced Asians to fight for their freedomC. Asians and Westerners have had good relations during imperialismd. The freedom and development of Asians today is the result of their deep love for their country22. "Change is not a guarantee of progress, but development requires change". If you are tasked withconsolidating educational policies for Asian countries in South and West Asia, which of the followingshould you give with importance?a. provision of education for all youngc. conformity to the Law of religionpeopled. use of "Mother Tongue"b. extending education for all23. As part of a program for the unity of Asians, there will be an exhibit about prominent Asians who haveexpressed feelings of nationalism. You are assigned to create a campaign material about your chosenpersonality. You will present it to the officers of exhibit. Which of the following is appropriate to do?a. PosterC. Essayb. Slogand. Proposal24. The uprising of the Indian soldiers against the English in protest of racial discrimination was calleda. Indian Muslim LeagueC. Sepoy Rebellionb. Indian National Congressd. Amritsar Massacre25. Why is nationalism in West Asia different from the nationalism shown by the countries in South Asia?What could have caused this?a. Because most of the countries here were held by the former strong and stable OttomanEmpire.b. There is no unity among the countries of western AsiaC. Leaders do not strive to achieve independence.d. The First World War was coming to an end.II. True or False. Analyze the statements from each item. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE IFthe statement is false.1. Due to the imperialistic urge of the European powers, they ended competing forcolonies that ultimately led to World War I in June 28, 1914.2. European dominated Asia was not actually involved in the war. However, Asians tookthis event as an advantage on their part to gain independence from western control.3. Indians gained independence after they helped Britain in the First World War4. The Rowlatt Act of 1919 was signed to grant India its independence after the firstWorld War.5. The Republic of Turkey was established in 1928 after the Treaty of Lausanne was signedwith the help of Mustafa Kemal​



18.a. Mohandas Gandhi is a great revolutionary leader,

19.c. Indian National Congress was

20.a. Achieve freedom from the hands of

21.b. Nationalism has influenced Asians to fight for their freedom

22.b. extending education for all

23.a. Poster

24.b. Indian National Congress

25.C. Leaders do not strive to achieve independence.












hope it helps

9. Create an advocacy campaign about mental health awareness and select a way to create or show your advocacy by means of slogan, poster making, poem or a song. Note: Create a slogan, poster or a poem, please use a clean sheet of bond paper. Your Task is to produce an educational magazine for your community. You will focus on one of the following topics: a.) What Mental and Emotional Health b.) Death, Loss, and Grief c) Stress: Eustress and Distress d.) Mental Disorder e.) Stressor in Life You may produce your featured topic in the magazine using any of the following: a.) editorial b.) cartoon c.) song d.) poem e.) poster f.) other creative means (in consultation with the teacher)


Mental Disorder

hope it helps.

10. Directions: Make a slogan/poster which will inform and educate your family and neighbors about Covid-19. The slogan must have clear messages and appropriate drawing/pictures on how to keep our family members and neighbors safe and healthy from this pandemic.Please pa ans po ng maayos salamat​


*Be safe and follow health protocols to avoid covid 19

*Helping to stop covid 19 is one of the best choice we made


Because that is to educate about covid

thanks me later hehe keep safe everyone




11. My Advocacy Campaign Poster Slogan;The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of schools, universities and colleges. As a 21% -century learner in the Philippines, create a simple advocacy campaign poster slogan on education and continuous learning despite the pandemic. pahelp mag-isip idea:)​


how about this?


pa brainliest and follow

12. create a simple advocacy campaign poster slogan on education and continuous learning despite the pandemic​



• Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.


I hope it helps! ^_~

Study hard! ^o^

13. MY ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN POSTER SLOGANThe covid-19 pandemic has affected educational system worldwide leading to the nearer total closure of schools universities and colleges. As a 21st century learner in the philippines creat a simple advocacy campaign poster slogan on education and continuous learning despite the help pononsense report.​


Try this po.


hope it helps po.❤

14. make a poster or a slogan about the following topics mental health education


1. " Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does."

2. " A healthy mind, is the greatest treasure to find."

3. " Eat well, Sleep well to get, Health and remain Safe from getting ill."

4. " If you feel like sinking, try positive thinking."

5. " Your mental health is a priority. Your happiness is an essential. Your self-care is a necessity. "

pili n lng po kayo dyan, then kapag po mali ako correct nyo n lng po me :)

15. As a 21st century learner in the Philippines, create a simple advocacy campaign poster slogan on education and continuous learning despite thepandemic. need help


damay damay na tohhh

so ayun yan na lng po Yung maisasagot ko Sana makatulong senyo

16. a slogan or a poster on how to avoid widespread of Coronavirus.Direction: Make a door hanger with slogan/poster which will inform nad educate your family ang neighbor about COVID-19.Need ko lng pic plss(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)​


bat andami nyo Pong tanong? haha

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Kategori english