Transcom Hr

Transcom Hr

in your notebook transcom the information below into a appropriate nonlinear representation​

Daftar Isi

1. in your notebook transcom the information below into a appropriate nonlinear representation​


isulat niyo po yun lahat pero maliban lang po sa pag nandun na po sa pinakahuli yung also whales have bones while sharks only have cartilages


kasi po isulat lang daw po yung mahahalaga

2. what is the acceleration of a car if its speed start at 75km/hr to 120km/hr? a. 5km/hr b. 6km/hr c.9km/hr d. 10km/hr





3. 1. 100km/hr to mi/hr2. 90km/hr to mi/hr3. 60mi/hr to km/hr4. 95 km/hr to m/s5 15m/s to km/hrwith solution po pls...need ko po now..​



Step-by-step explanation:

Carry on Learning

Hope it Helps

Correct me if i'm Wrong

Stay Safe and Healthy Everyone

4. if a cyclist travels 30 Km in 2 hrs, her average speed is? A.30km/hr B.60 km/hr C.15km/hr D.10 km/hr​


C. 15 km/hr


Since the fomule of finding the speed is Distance÷Time which is 30÷2= 15.

5. North Pole 0 hr 5 hr 33 min Circle of illumination 7 hr 42 min 9 hr 8 min 10 hr 4 min 10 hr 48 min 11 hr 25 min 12 hr 0 min 12 hr 35 min 13 hr 12 min 13 hr 56 min 14 hr 52 min 16 hr 15 min 18 hr 27 min Sun South Pole 24 hr 0 min 18 hr 27 min 16 hr 18 min 14 hr 52 min 13 hr 56 min 13 hr 12 min 12 hr 35 min 12 hr 0 min 11 hr 25 min 10 hr 48 min North Pole 10 hr 4 min Circle of ilumination 9 hr 8 min 40⁰ 20⁰ 10⁰ 10 24 hr 0 min 7 hr 42 min 5 hr 33 min o hr FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Q1. Which figure shows the summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere? How do you know? Q2. If you lived at 50° north latitude, how many hours of daylight would you have during the summer solstice? During the winter solstice? Q3. If the figures were used to show the summer and winter solstices in the southern hemisphere, which figure would show the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere? How do you know? 0° Do South Pole Do 10⁰​


Which figure shows the summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere?

Ans:10 hr 4 min Circle of ilumination 9 hr 8 min 40⁰ 20⁰ 10⁰ 10 24 hr 0 min 7 hr 42 min 5 hr 33 min o hr

How do you know?

Ans:because of the equation

If you lived at 50° north latitude, how many hours of daylight would you have during the summer solstice?

ans:18 hr

During the winter solstice?


If the figures were used to show the summer and winter solstices in the southern hemisphere, which figure would show the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere?

ans:the numbers (it shows 7hr )

How do you know?

ans:because of the equation



the total answer is:1293

6. 5. A motorist rickshaw covers a distance of 250 km of 40 km/hr. Find the time taken tocover this distance.A. 6 hrsB. 6.25 hrsC.8.20 hrsD.8.25 hrs​


Letter B is the correct answer.


b po ata or c

Step-by-step explanation:

7. what is the distance?2. 30km/hr y+1/14 hrs3. 30km/hr y-5/20 hrs​


2. 15(y+1)

____ km


3. 3(y-5)

____ km


Hope it helps :)

8. From 30km/hr a jeepney increased it's speed to 60 km/hr in much is its acceleration?A.-6km/hr/sB.6km/hr/sC.-12km/hr/sD.12km/hr/s​




5 x 6=30

9. a bus travels 250 kilometers in 2 hours what is it's speed? a. 100km/hrb. 145km/hrc. 135km/hrd. 125km/hr​


d po i hope it help to you po thank me later #sienceisfun




The f A bus that travels 250 km in 2 hours has 145 speed because you have to divide 250 km and 2 hours which gives 145.

I hope it helps#CarryOnLearning

10. 7. How many hours is spent in sleeping? a. 8 hrs b. 6 hrs 8. In which activities spent the same number of hours? c. 4 hrs a. doing homework & helping at home b. sleeping and community work 9. How many hours is spent in doing household chores and doing homework? a. 8 hours b. 6 hours c. 4 hours 10. How many hours more is devoted in doing homework compared to playing? a. 4 hrs b. 2 hrs 11. How many hours is spend for community work? a.4 hrs b. 2 hrs 12. How many hours is devoiled in household chores? a. 6 hrs b. 2 hrs 13. How many hrs. is spend for playing? a. 2 hrs b. 4 hrs c. 6 hrs c. 14. How many hours is spend for doing homework and community work? a. 10 hrs b. 8 hrs c. 6 hrs 15. How many hrs. is spend in helping at home and doing homework? a. 10 hrs b. 8 hrs c. 6 hrs 16. How many hrs is devoted for sleeping and doing homework? a. 12 hrs b. 8 hrs 17.-20. Give the types of a graph. c. 6 hrs c. playing and sleepingPa help po plss​


7. a

8. a


10. b

11. a

Step-by-step explanation:

correct meh if im wrong

11. if acar changes speed from 50 km/hr to 54 km/hr in one hour, its average acceleration isA.4 km/hr²B. 400 km/hr²C. 40 km/hr²D. 0.4 km/hr²​


If a car changes speed from 50 km/hr to 54 km/hr in one hour, its average acceleration is


A.4 km/hr²

B. 400 km/hr²

C. 40 km/hr²

D. 0.4 km/hr²​


D. 0.4 km/hr²​



D. 0.4 km/hr²​


12. 2. A car is traveling an average of 70 km/hr. How long will it take to travel 245 km?a. 2.5 hrb. 3 hrd. 4 hrC. 3.5 hr​

C. 3.5 hours
You’re welcome Problem:

A car is traveling an average of 70 km/hr. How long will it take to travel 245 km?


How long will it take to travel 245 km?


a. 2.5 hr

b. 3 hr

c. 3.5 hr

d. 4 hr


C. 3.5 hr


[tex]245 \\ \div 70 \\ = 3.5 \\ \\ 3.5hr[/tex]

13. Norman walks 12km in 1.8 hr. What is his average speed? 1.) 21.6 km/hr 2.) 0.15 km/hr 3.) 6.67 km/hr 4.) 13.8 km/hr


12/1.8 = 6.67 kilometers per hour

14. 35 km/ hr = ____ mi/ hr 100km/hr = ____ mi/ hr With SOLUTION Its okay if incomplete^^


35 km/hr = 21.748 miles/hr

100 km/hr = 62.137 miles/hr


- for an approximate result, divide the speed value by 1.609.

goodluck, have a nice day!


35 (km / hr) =21.7479917 mi / hr

100 (km / hr) =62.1371192 mi / hr

[tex] \pink{ \large \underline { \boxed{ \sf{education \: is \: the \: key \: to \: success}}}}[/tex]

15. The math teacher asked her two students to solve the worded problem. "A marathon race wascompleted by 5 participants in the times given below. What is the mean race time for thismarathon? 2.7 hr, 8.3 hr, 3.5 hr, 5.1 hr, 4.9 hr." Miggy's answer was 4.8 hr. while Gel's answerwas 4.9 hr. ​

2.7+8.3+3.5+5.1+4.9+4.8+4.9=34.2 divaded 2 =17.1 divaded 3 =5.7 hr

16. TIMESPEEDDISTANCE10 seconds20 meters5 hrs150 km2 hours120 km/hr4 hrs80 km/hr300 km/hr100 km​













hope it's help

17. 14N MATHEMATICS 6 Q3 Fill in the missing items. Use the formula below to solve the missing items. No. 1 DISTANCE 180 km SPEED 60 km/hr 55 kmhr 6 hr 300 km 520 km 6 hr 5 6 65 kn/hr 130 kmhr 1.100 km 1.275 km 780 km 5 hr 2 hr 5 hr 9 65 l/hr 105 km/hr 300 km 3 hr 25 hr Speed= Dlatance Speed​

Answer:3 hr330 km50 km/hr8 hr650 km550 km/hr255 km/hr12 hr315 km120 km/hr

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps

pa brainliest po pls

18. 3. A train travels 25 km in 0.5 hrs. How fast is the train going?A. 5 miles/hrC. 50 km/hrB. 25 miles/hrD. 125 km/hr​

Answer:C. 50 km/hr


>Formula for Speed:



d = 25km, t = 0.5 hrs


s = 25km/0.5 hrs

>Answer:s = 50km/hr


19. Find the result when 3 hr and 47 min is subtracted from 6 hr and 5 min?a. 2 hr 18 minb. 3 hr and 37 min c. 2 hr 28 mind. 2 hr 37 min​


a.2hr 18 min

Step-by-step explanation:


a.2hr 18 min

because i subtracted it

20. How many hours are there in one decade? A. 876.6 hrs B. 8,766 hrs C. 87,660 hrs D. 876,600 hrs


87 658.1277 hours or letter C po ata


The answer is not even in the chooses the correct answer is

Step-by-step explanation:


pa brainlist nalang po pag tama

21. 13. How many hours in 26 days?a. 360 hrsb. 600 hrsc. 624 hrsd.703 hrs​


c. 624 hours.


24 hours = 1 day

multiply 24 to 26.


letter b 624

Step-by-step explanation:

26 x 24= 624

22. 6. How many hours are there in a week?A. 12 hrsB.24 hrsC. 168 hrsD. 186 hrs​


C. 168 hrs


24 × 7 = 168


How many hours are there in a week? A. 12 hrsB. 24 hrsC. 168D. 186 hrs​

Answer:C. 168 hrsThere are 24 hrs in one day.there are 7 days in one week.24 x 7 = 168

Therefore, there are a total of 168 hours in one week.

┌──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────┐


└──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────┘

23. 12.Compute for the time. a. 3 hrsb. 2 hrsc. 22 hrsd. 20 hrs​


12.Compute for the time



Hope it helps

[tex]\huge\mathbb\pink{My answer}[/tex]

A motorcycle runs at an average speed of 100km/h on a distance of 200km.And the travel takes long is 2 hours

B.2 hours

24. 11. Change 08:08am to 24hr notation.a.) 2008 hrs b.) 0808 hrs C.) 2020 hrsd.) 0820 hrs​



[tex]\fcolorbox{hotpink}{aqua}{hope \: its \: help}[/tex]

25. A plane flies the distance between two cities in 1 hr and 30 min with velocity of 900 km/hr. Another plane covers that distance with 600 km/hr. What is the flight time of the second plane?A. 1.25 hrB. 2.25 hrC. 3.25 hrD. 4.25 hr​

A plane flies the distance between two cities in 1 hr and 30 min with velocity of 900 km/hr. Another plane covers that distance with 600 km/hr. What is the flight time of the second plane?

The answer is B. 2.25 hr



For Plane A:

Time = 1 hr and 30 min = 1.5 hr

Velocity = 900 km/hr

Distance = ?

For Plane B:

Time = ?

Velocity = 600 km/hr

Distance = ? (Same distance with Plane A)


To solve this, we need to first get the distance between the two cities. We can get it by using the given data from Plane A. We will use the distance formula.

Distance = Speed x Time

Distance = [tex]\frac{900 km}{hr} x 1.5 hr[/tex]

Distance = 900 x 1.5

Distance = 1,350 km

Since we now have the distance and Plane A and Plane B travelled the same distance, we will be using this distance to get the flight time of Plane B.

Time = [tex]\frac{Distance}{Speed}[/tex]

Time = [tex]\frac{1350 km}{600 km/hr}[/tex]


Time = 1350 km ÷ [tex]\frac{600 km}{hr}[/tex]

Time = 1350 km x [tex]\frac{hr}{600 km}[/tex]

Time = [tex]\frac{1350}{600}[/tex] hr

Time = 2.25 hr

2.25 hrs or 2 hrs and 15 mins

Learn More:

1. What is Speed?

2. Formula for Average Speed:

26. a car takes 5 hrs to travel 840 km. calculate for the average speed.A. 848.5 km/hrB. 168 km/hrC. 4200 km/hrD. 160 km/hr​


C. 4200 km/hr


I'm not for my answer. if you think that I'm wrong just correct it..ok!

27. 14. What is the speed of the car that traveis 52km in2 hrs?a. 24km/hrb. 25km/hr c.26km/hrd. 27 km/hr​




Hope its help ^-^

28. Pet spent 0.65 hr. doing push ups, 0.28 hr taking shower and 0.12 hr. dressing up. How much time did he spends for these activities? M. 1.50 hr A 1.05 hr T. 1.005 hr H. 1.500 hr


1.05 po yung tamang sagot

Step-by-step explanation:

Pa Brainliest po, ty:)

29. 2 hrs =___________ mins. 4 days = hrs. 3 mins = sec 5 hrs = 6 mins = 120 sec = 72 hrs = 120 mins. = 300 sec = . 60 mins = mins sec mins. days hrs mins hrs​


2 hrs=120 mins.

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest plss..kung tama


2hrs = 120mins


3mins = 180sec

3600sec=60 mins

60sec= 1min

1day= 24hrs

60mins = 1hr

30. Ms. Yago walks 20km in 4 hours.Find th speed A. 5mi/hr B. 6mi/hr C.7mi/hr D.8mi/hr​

Ms. Yago walks 20km in 4 hours.Find the speed

[tex]{ \tt{A. 5 mi/hr}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{s = \frac{d}{t} }} \\ [/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{s = \frac{d}{t} }} \\ [/tex]

[tex]{ \tt{s = \frac{20km}{\: 4h} }} \\ [/tex]

[tex]{ \tt{s = 5 mi/hr}}[/tex]

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