Using The Modal Game Above Answer The Questions Below

Using The Modal Game Above Answer The Questions Below

using the modal game above, answer the question below.

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1. using the modal game above, answer the question below.


A MODAL game can be composed as a list of various skills and things whereas one (person) could perform a particular list .


Hope it's help :)

2. using the modal game above answer the questions below ​


thanks for letting me know what time works good for me

3. Using the MODAL game above, answer the questions below. e your answers in your notebook. ​


M_a_y Ku_l_a_n_g



asan poyung question ❓


kaylangan complete po yung question

4. Task 1: Using the MODAL game above, answer the questions below. your answers in your notebook.​

Learning Task 1 Using MODAL game above,answer the questions below. Write your answers in your notebook.

[tex]\huge \color{pink} {\boxed{\tt{A}}}\color {lightblue}{\boxed{\tt{N}}}\color{violet} {\boxed{\tt{S}}}\color{gold} {\boxed{\tt{W}}}\color{orange} {\boxed{\tt{E}}}\color{lime} {\boxed{\tt{R}}} \: [/tex]

The question #1 was on the picture

#2 is it was depend on your number of talent if you colored 20 your score is 20 if you color 0 your score is 0 so it's depend and btw the talent and your favorite color is depend on what you have/want for example your fav color is red so you will color the MODALS red if your talent is for example I can draw you will color it with your fav color so it depends on your talent and fav color that you have

[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

3. The statements on the bingo games or modal game is arranged in a column. There are 5 columns and on the top of each column there are the letters MODALS. On the column with the letter D on the top,the 3rd box is the most different because it has a drawing and a word MODALS. And Modal has a five letter and Bingo has a 5 letters too.

[tex]\large \pink {\boxed{\tt{\colorbox{lightblue}{❀Chloe❀} }}} \: [/tex]

5. Learning Task 1: Using the MODAL game above, answer the questions below. Write your answers in your notebook.​


Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Volume 733, 1 January 2014,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Volume 733, 1 January 2014,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Volume 733, 1 January 2014,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Volume 733, 1 January 2014,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Volume 733, 1 January 2014,


6. using the modal game above answer the questions below write your answers in your notebook​

Answer:need pic


7. Learning Task 1: Using the MODAL game above, answer the questions below. Write your answers in your notebook. 1. Copy the MODAL game above in your notebook. 2. Identify how many skills or things you can do by coloring them with your favorite color. Be honest with your answers. One skill or thing that you can perform is equivalent to one point. 21-24 - Highly Talented/Skillful 16-20 - Talented/Skillful 11-15 - Moderately Talented/Skillful 6-10 - Becoming Talented/Skillful 1-5 - Needs Practice 3. In 3-5 sentences, explain how the statements in the BINGO game are constructed. Take note that this is just a game. There are no wrong answers. The skills listed above are just some of the possible skills that you may have. Your actual skills might not be listed above. You are all talented and skillful.

Bingo Games

In the US, bingo is a game of chance in which each participant matches the numbers printed on cards in various configurations. The game's caller selects a number at random and marks it with a tile. When a player notices that the chosen numbers are lined up on their card in a row, they shout “Bingo!” to let the other players know they have a winning card, which causes the game's host (or a helper) to check the card to make sure they won. To be the first to have a winning arrangement for the reward or jackpot, players compete with one another. After a winner is announced, the players remove the tiles from their number cards, and the game host starts a new round of play.

From the picture, you should color or checklist your competence or your skills you can. The point is just part of the game. It's just fun games. You still can learn about the skills or advance them.

From the bingo card, there are 25 skills that you can choose from. This is the list if you get your skills equal to your points.

21-24—Highly Talented/Skillful16-20—Talented/Skillful11-15—Moderately Talented/Skillful6-10—Becoming Talented/Skillful1-5—Needs Practice

→ You can see the Bingo plus the skills that I pick.

I have picked and colored (red) my skills. It's 23 skills. So I get Highly Talented/ Skillful.

People attempt to match numbers/words on a card with numbers/words picked at random in the game of bingo, often known as house. When this occurs, someone loudly calls “BINGO!” or “HOUSE!” so that everyone playing may hear.

Original BINGO: All the call-out numbers should be combined in a bucket, hat, or bag. A number should be picked by the caller without peeking. When they hear a number that appears on their card, have the players place a chip in the corresponding spot. When a player receives a whole card or a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal full line, they exclaim "BINGO!"

Learn more about Bingo here:


8. learning task 1: Using the MODAL game above. answer the questions below. write your answer in your notebook​



9. Learning Task 1: Using the MODAL game above, answer the questions below. Write your answers in your notebook​Pasagot po maayos Brainly to + 50Points den


where is the modal


complete your question please

10. Using Modal game above answer the question below write your answer in your notebook​


mama po kasi ako ay wala itong pamagat sana po ba kayo sa bahay mama po kasi ako ay wala itong pamagat sana po ba

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