What Are The Two Substances Mentioned In The Poem

What Are The Two Substances Mentioned In The Poem

what are the two substances mentioned in the poem?​

Daftar Isi

1. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem?​


where's the poem? comment mo yung poem na sinasabi mo

2. what are the two substance mentioned in the poem​


What poem:::::))))))))))

3. what is the two substance mentioned in the poem?​



4. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem?​


So where is the poem? I don't see the poem

5. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


element and compound.


sana po maka tulong


the 2 substance mention in the poem is alcohol and water


Ok thank you if its wrong dont mind me

if its correct pa brain liest if you want.

6. what are the two substance mentioned in the poem​


hi I want to say hi and stay safe

7. What are the two substances mentioned in the poem? ​


Umm where's the poem?

8. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem?​


what are the two substances mentioned in the poem?


compound and elements

what is compound?

A compound consists of two or more types of elements held together by covalent or ionic bonds. Elements cannot be divided into smaller units without large amounts of energy. Compounds, on the other hand, can have their bonds broken with practical amounts of energy, such as the heat from a fire.

what is elements?

Chemical element, also called element, any substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical processes. Elements are the fundamental materials of which all matter is composed.


#carry on learning

9. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

1. According to the poem, what are the three forms in which matter is found?

Matter is found as Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

2. In which form is matter most commonly found?


3. What are the main differences between elements, compounds, and mixtures?

Elements cannot be broken down (They are made of atoms)

Mixtures combine more than one substance with no chemical change

Compounds form from 2 or more elements and their chemical properties change

4. Why is it that when you mix salt and water together, “It will still be salty and wet?”

No chemical change occurs, they are still salt and water.

5. Hydrogen is an explosive gas, and oxygen supports combustion? How is it possible, then, for water, which is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, to put out fires? Quote the lines in the poem that explain this.

"As chemicals combine, Their particles rearranged, To Form some different substances,

Their properties change."

6. Indicate whether each of the following describes an element, compound, or mixture:

a. Composed of more than one substance - Mixture

b. Simple substance that can’t be broken down - Element

c. Has different properties than the substances that compose it? - Compound

d. Gold - Element

e. Air - Mixture

f. Juice - Mixture

g. Sugar - Compound

h. Oxygen - Element

i. Table Salt - Compound

10. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


jHi helloo heloooo hiii helo

11. what is the two substance mentioned in the poem of Mr.purey'slab​


Where is the poem dear :)

12. What are the two substances mentioned in the poem? ​




what substance?

13. what are the two substance mentioned in the poem​


element and compound


nasa last 2 sentences

14. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

1. According to the poem, what are the three forms in which matter is found?

Matter is found as Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

2. In which form is matter most commonly found?


3. What are the main differences between elements, compounds, and mixtures?

Elements cannot be broken down (They are made of atoms)

Mixtures combine more than one substance with no chemical change

Compounds form from 2 or more elements and their chemical properties change

4. Why is it that when you mix salt and water together, “It will still be salty and wet?”

No chemical change occurs, they are still salt and water.

5. Hydrogen is an explosive gas, and oxygen supports combustion? How is it possible, then, for water, which is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, to put out fires? Quote the lines in the poem that explain this.

"As chemicals combine, Their particles rearranged, To Form some different substances,

Their properties change."

6. Indicate whether each of the following describes an element, compound, or mixture:

a. Composed of more than one substance - Mixture

b. Simple substance that can’t be broken down - Element

c. Has different properties than the substances that compose it? - Compound

d. Gold - Element

e. Air - Mixture

f. Juice - Mixture

g. Sugar - Compound

h. Oxygen - Element

i. Table Salt - Compound

15. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


nasan po yung poem??




anong poem?? saan??


walang poem

16. 1. What are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


where's the poem? pakipost po yubg picture para masagutan


wheres the poem?


17. what are the two substance mention the poem​


Chlorine and Sodium

hope it helps

18. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​

nasaan yunh poem, i comment mo yung poem para masagutan ko


walang poem po dito nasaan yubg poem

19. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem?​

Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

1. According to the poem, what are the three forms in which matter is found?

Matter is found as Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

2. In which form is matter most commonly found?


3. What are the main differences between elements, compounds, and mixtures?

Elements cannot be broken down (They are made of atoms)

Mixtures combine more than one substance with no chemical change

Compounds form from 2 or more elements and their chemical properties change

4. Why is it that when you mix salt and water together, “It will still be salty and wet?”

No chemical change occurs, they are still salt and water.

5. Hydrogen is an explosive gas, and oxygen supports combustion? How is it possible, then, for water, which is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, to put out fires? Quote the lines in the poem that explain this.

"As chemicals combine, Their particles rearranged, To Form some different substances,

Their properties change."

6. Indicate whether each of the following describes an element, compound, or mixture:

a. Composed of more than one substance - Mixture

b. Simple substance that can’t be broken down - Element

c. Has different properties than the substances that compose it? - Compound

d. Gold - Element

e. Air - Mixture

f. Juice - Mixture

g. Sugar - Compound

h. Oxygen - Element

i. Table Salt - Compound

20. What are the two substance mention in the poem


there is no poem po na nakalagay


wla pong poem na nakalagay


sayang pts. mo

21. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


anong poem po wala pong pic


The answer is Elements And Compounds.


pa brainlies po

22. What are the two substance mentioned in the poem? ​


what poem? and where is the peom)

23. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​

A. My answer is element and compound

Element and Compounds

24. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


The two substances mentioned in the poem is iron and hydrogen

25. A. What are the two substances mentioned in the poem? ​


nasa po ba yung poem gusto ko malaman


asan yung tanong?


paano ko yan masasagot?

26. what are the two substance mentioned in the poem??​


hydrogen at oxygen


27. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


show the poem


where is the poem?


bruh what poem


bruh m3m3

28. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem​


No chemical change occurs, they are still salt and water. 5. Hydrogen is an explosive gas, and oxygen supports combustion?


29. what are the two substances mentioned in the poem? ​


iron cabron


yan ang sasagot ko sa science

30. A. What are the two substances mentioned in the poem?​


And where's the poem?

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