What Is Mama s Greatest Dream For Her Family

What Is Mama s Greatest Dream For Her Family

what is mama's greatest dream for her family

Daftar Isi

1. what is mama's greatest dream for her family

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

2. what is mamas greatest dream for her family ?

to have a
good life for their children

3. What is Mama's greatest dream for her family?​


Good health and success.


A mother always dream for her children and husband to always in their good health. And for her children she always wanted them to  succeed in life in the future.

4. what is mama's greatest dream for her family?Illustrate it in the box.state her reasons behind it

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

5. what is Mama's greatest dream for her family?​

to be graduet his son/daughter someday


pa brainlist

6. What is Mama’s greatest dream for her family? State her reasons behind it. Mama’s Greatest Dream1.2.3.4.Reasons1.2.3.4.​

Mama’s Greatest DreamThey desire to own a home where they can live comfortably.They desire to live in a city far from where they are now.The girl desires to attend school instead of selling on the streets.The woman desires a promotion in order to reduce her workload.Workers desire employment that is vastly superior to their current position.

ReasonsShe desires for her children to have the same opportunities and privileges as white Americans.Mama's greatest wish for her family is that they live a prosperous life.Because they are black African Americans, they have limited opportunities. She desires for her children to live in comfort.They are struggling financially.She desires to make her children's dreams come true.

Further explanation:

Mama fantasizes about moving her family from their cramped apartment into a house with a yard, where the children can play and she can tend to a garden. Since she and her husband moved into the apartment that the Youngers still occupy, her dream has been put on hold. Her dream provides her with daily motivation to earn money. But despite her and her husband's efforts, they were unable to scrape together enough money to make their dream a reality. Mama's first opportunity to realize her dream is afforded by his death and the resulting insurance payout.

Ruth's dream resembles that of her mother. She desires to raise a happy family and believes that acquiring a larger and better residence will help her achieve this objective. Ruth's dream is also put on hold due to a lack of funds, which forces her and Walter to live in a cramped apartment where their son, Travis, must sleep on the sofa.

Walter desires to become wealthy and provide for his family like the wealthy individuals he chauffeurs. He frequently describes this as a desire to give his family what he has never had. He feels like a slave to his family's financial difficulties. Due to his poverty and inability to obtain respectable employment, he has been unable to pursue his ambition. By the end of the play, his understanding of his ambition to acquire material wealth has changed, and it is no longer his top priority.

Learn more about professions here: https://brainly.ph/question/12530747


7. what is mama's greatest dream for her family illustrate in the box state her reasons behind it​


Mama's greatest dream for her family is to have a good life. She wants her children to have a successful life, with privileges like of a white American.

The reason is because they are struggling with money. They are black African Americans and because of that they have limited opportunities.

Lena Younger, AKA Mama wants to send her daughter Beneatha to medical school. Mama was extremely worried for her son Walter because of his obsession with money. Mama got $10,000 life insurance from his deceased husband but eventually lost it all because of Walter.


Sana makatulong

8. what is mama's greatest dream for her family? and reasons in the story intittled a raisin in the sun

A Raisin in the Sun

Mama's greatest dream for her family is to have a house where the whole family can live comfortably. In the story, she was able to fulfill this dream by placing her money as down payment for a new house which is much bigger than they currently have. The house is located in Clybourne Park where the neighbors are all whites. Though they are not truly aware of what will happen to them at their new home, they still manage to make the necessary adjustments by sticking one with another and be optimistic every step of the way.

The story is entitled A Raisin in the Sun since a raisin is dark colored while the sun is often visualized as very bright or luminous just like the whites. When the Youngers' transferred in at Clybourne Park, they are the only blacks that happened to live there. But because Mama, or the oldest female member of the family wanted her family to be comfortable with their new house, she tends to be the perfect example of optimism and flexibility with the entire members of the family. Eventually, the Youngers learn to oppose discrimination with defiance and strength. The story brilliantly demonstrates that the best way to deal with discrimination is to arise to it and reaffirm dignity in the face of it rather than allow it to pass unimpeded.

9. what is mama's greatest dream for her family? iluustrate it in the box state her reasons behind it

The greatest dream of a mother or mama for her family is to see them growing in a good way. Seeing them succeed makes the mother feel worried-free. We can observe the hard work of our mothers. They keep on trying their best just to maintain or give us good life. They will do everything for it. The mother's genuine love expects nothing in return. What they do is for the love of family. Most of them are not asking for anything in return.

10. What is mama's greatest dream for her family?

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

11. what is mama's greatest dream for her family?

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

12. what is mama's greatest dream for her family? state her reasons behind it​


to have an good health


a mother always want her family to have a good health


her children finish school


she just want the best for her children

13. what is mama greatest dream for her family ? state the reason on the box

The GREATEST dream of MOTHER for her children is the following:

*to see they grew up with mercy

*fear of God

* have a healthy lifestyle

*be grateful

There are lots of things she wants for her children and family. The greatest dream of a mother for her children is to finish their studies, that's the greatest achievement of a mother for her loved ones and to see the whole family happy. As long as she lives she will do everything and anything for her FAMILY.

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14. what is mama's greatest dream for her family?Illustrate it in the box.state her big reasons behind it

It is usual that most of the mother had a greatest dream for their family members. How does it so? They actually striving work harder just to support the family member needs. Although supporting family members was a responsibilities of a husband but a mother has big role to accomplish family planning.

Mother usually make effort for children's educational needs and was organized household needs also. Like for example, attending some school activities. Why did mother do that? Because she wants a successful life for her children in the future. According to some mothers " a best life for my children was a greatest reward"

It means that her mission in life including some family members was having the best and successful life in the future and that's the reason behind her sacrifices without limit.

This shown us why mother really important and need respect from children. Without their struggle, our life would not be good enough to handle. Mother taught us how to have a good virtues which help, on how to approach or deal people in proper manner.

15. what is Mama's greatest dream for her family. illustrate it in the box state her reasons behind it​


Kopyahin mo na lng


nakakatamad mag type


Mama's greatest dream

- To see her family happy

- To be able to bond with her family

- To see everyone succeed

Sentenced 1 answer: Mama's greatest dream for her family is to see a family full of smiles that will always stick together no matter what, as everyone succeeds in their paths.


-She wants the best she knows for her family

- Mama's love is unconditional and eternal

-She is a selfless being that thinks of her family first that herself

-A family with happiness never fails to make a person happy

- A mom guides her children until they succeed with no conditions except doing their best.

- She wants her family to not just be complete, but feel complete and bonded.

16. what is mama's greatest dream for her family?stateher reason behind it.​


Mama's greatest dream for her family is to have a good life. She wants her children to have a successful life, with privileges like of a white American. The reason is because they are struggling with money. They are black African Americans and because of that they have limited opportunities.


A Raisin in the Sun Mama's greatest dream for her family is to have a house where the whole family can live comfortably. In the story, she was able to fulfill this dream by placing her money as down payment for a new house which is much bigger than they currently have


Hopes its help

17. what is mama's greatest dream for her family ​


to keep the family safe


hope it helps :)

18. What mama's greatest dream for her family? Illustrate in yhe box. State her reason behind it

We are familiar to the expression, "Mother knows best". Every mother wants the best for their family. Most of them will not be satisfies until they give the satisfying goof life for their family. The greatest dream of a mother or mama for her family that she might wish is to see them succeed and reach their dream and goals. They are willing to support their family whatever it takes. Their unconditional genuine love is so amazing.

19. what mamas greates dream for her family?

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

20. what is mama's greatest dream for her family?lllustratea in box. state her reasons behind​





21. What is Mama’s greatest dream for her family?state her reason behind it.​

Please try to understand po....

magulo po kasi sulat ko..sorry

#Aral ng Mabuti

22. What is mama's greatest dream for her family? State the reason? In A RAISIN IN THE SUN

A Raisin in the Sun

Mama's greatest dream for her family where they can all live comfortably. She wanted to have their home in the village surrounded by white people since she also dreams that discrimination will stop and there will be no reasons for them not to belong to any white community. In the story, mama made a major decision to purchase the house at Clybourne Park and be with the whites but the whites have been to oppressive that they almost bribe them in order to cancel their decision to move in this community. However, mama's dream must have been too important for her because she continued with the procurement and decided to teach her children the importance of reasserting their dignity.

23. what is Mama's greatest drem for her family


Being Successful of their children


hope it helps

24. What is mama's greatest dream for her family?​

para sa katahimikan ng ating bansa at kapayapaan


my mama dreams for us is to be a good person to others and have respect to other and the number one is to have a good future to us and she do all for us just to grow us good


1.becouse all mother want all their children to be good

2.to have good future

3.have respect to other

4.first of all is love to all of the people on your side


pa brainliest namn po

25. what is mama's greatest dream for her family?

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

26. what is mama's greatest dream for her family? illustrate it in box.state her reasons behind it.

The question pertains to a story, which is entitled A Raisin in the Sun, talking about the dreams of Mama. In the story, Mama’s greatest dream is to own a house, with its own yard and a garden. However, this dream is translated into having her children lead a happy and good life.

27. what is mama's greatest for her family?

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

28. what is mama's greatest dream for her family illustrate it in the box state her reasons behind it.A RAISIN IN THE SUN.Mama's greatest dreams: sagot po ng tama.​


1 Pilot

2flight atendant



1. finish the study

2.Be respectful

3.be hardworking


1.to be able to work and learn a lot

2.In order not to be reprimanded and moreover to be respectful

3.For far to reach in the dream


29. what is mama's greatest dream for her family in the story entitled a raisen in the son

From the story A Raisin in the Sun, what was Mama's greatest dream?

Mama's dream for her children and herself was simple. All she wanted was to relocate her family out of the projects, or the ghetto as it was called. She wanted to move into a proper house with a yard where she can start a garden and where her children could run freely.

What may seem like a simple dream is actually a dream for most African-Americans in the United States. Being a person of color living in the US is a struggle in itself, whether you are Black, Asian, or Latino. When you cannot afford to live in a better neighborhood, you are relegated to living in the projects where housing is so much cheaper. The problem is, some of these neighborhoods are also known to have higher crime rates than white suburban neighborhoods.

What could be the reason for that? The simple reason is systemic discrimination which includes racism. Discrimination and racism is not just a strong negative feeling towards people who are different from yourself. Discrimination and racism run deep in society and has form systems that give little fighting chance to people who are different.

Take African-Americans in the United States for example. Due to segregation, the children were not allowed to attend school with white children. White schools have better access to facilities and teachers who have better pay. As a result, African-American children were a bit behind compared to their white counterparts.

Jobs were also limited to adults with no college degrees. And even people pf color who hold degrees are passed over in favor of Caucasians. Back then, people of color did not have civil rights which include protection against discrimination in the workplace. Black adults would often get laborious jobs with little pay. This would result in financial struggles and children who need to leave school early so that they can help with the family's needs.

While it is not true for all African-American people, there are some who have resorted to dealing drugs or a life of crime. Another thing is that Black people are often targeted by the police. They are profiled right away as possible criminals even without proof just because of the color of their skin. It is not unusual for a black person to be pulled over by police in the highway while driving. Black people also tend to get longer or heavier prison sentences than white people and even for simple crimes like possession of marijuana, which is now legal in the United States.

An African-American who leaves prison always struggles to find a job that can provide sufficiently. This becomes a problem because they are assigned parole officers who monitor them every week and if they do not get a job right away, their restrictions become heavier or they may end up in jail.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is such a struggle to be an African-American or a person of color these days. The cards are stacked against you and you may have to work three times harder than people with fairer skin. Even those who have graduated from college or live in suburban areas would still experience discrimination and microaggressions.

This is why the Black Lives Matter Movement has never been more active and louder today. Even with civil rights, racism was never erased from society. People often mistake that by saying Black Lives Matter, they mean that Black is more important than any other skin color. That is completely wrong! What it actually means is that unless all skin color matters, black lives will not matter. All they want is to be treated with dignity and equality.

For people who are at a disadvantage, such as Mama and her family, a simple dream such as leaving the ghetto and having their own house may be hard to achieve.

I hope this answer helped you! I also want to share that you can use #CARRYONLEARNING in your answers here on Brainly to help our medical front liners in their fight against COVID-19. Every answer with this hashtag is equivalent to a 1-Peso donation funded by Brainly.

30. what is mama's greatest dream for her family state her reasons behind it​


Mama's greatest dream for her family is to have a happy and complete family. For her children, she wants them to graduate. The reason behind is that they cannot suffer from a incomplete family and suffer from life if they not graduate.


Hope this helps☺️

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