What Is Paragraph In Tagalog

What Is Paragraph In Tagalog

what is Tagalog in Paragraph​

Daftar Isi

1. what is Tagalog in Paragraph​




kasi ito ay tagalog narin

ang Tagalog po ng paragraph ay talata

2. what is the tagalog of paragraph

Tanong >

what is the tagalog of paragraph

Sagot >

Tagalog ng paragraph ay talata.

halimbawa :

basahin ang talata o sa ingles read the paragraph.

3. what is the tagalog word of paragraph ?

talata ang tagalog sa paragraph...Parapo ang sagot ko sa meaning ng paragraph

4. can y'all please teach me how to make a five sentence paragraph? im curious about this what is Paragraph? in tagalog? may space ba dapat yung five sentence paragraph explain pleasee Explain nyo yung tamang paragraph mag sulat sulat kayo dyan ng ano ano basta maipakita nyo lang kung anong klase ang paragraph with five sentence!​

Hello ether, since you're really really curious and you wanted to learn more about ur question but I just want to say that I'm feel free to ask and to message I'm not that smart enough but atleast I'll give my opinion as well.

thanks for your message-! I'm so sorry for the late reply I was doing my homeworks, thanks ether!

Here we go ^^

This is my opinion about your question.

As you can see that the picture that I added are from G also. but this is my clues

Paragraph has space, and definitely has not.

It's like for example a story, it has text overall it's an example of paragraph.

Paragraph possibly has space too also because it's depends on itself.

like for example like this (Paragraph with space)





You should use a paragraph with a proper rubrics, Paragraph should be longer like an essay but without number and it could be has space if your question, Paragraph that has space.

5. APPLICATIONDIRECTIONS: Write a short paragraph about the importance of light and how are you going toapply it in your daily life. Used the following questions as your guide. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. You can used tagalog as a medium inexpressing your ideas.GUIDE QUESTIONS:1. What is light?2. In what way/s is light important to you? (cite some instances)3. Can we live without light? Why?(I need it asap) (wrong answer-report)​


1.light is a form of energy which helps to us to see things

2.Earth has been bathed with light from the Sun ever since; it is our most important source of energy. Sunlight warms us, causes weather patterns, allows plants to manufacture oxygen and our food from carbon dioxide and water, and it allows us to find our way around in the daytime!

3.But it's very unlikely an adult could die directly and exclusively from prolonged darkness. The most plausible deadly scenario is that a lack of sunlight could prevent the body from producing vitamin D, which, in turn, would inhibit calcium absorption.


6. what is the main idea of Gising na mga Tagalog in 5 paragraphs please help​






7. What I Have LearnedComplete the paragraph below by choosing the correct words from the box.doctorteacherfatherfootEnglishmotherhaveEnglish equivalent. Examples areThere are some Tagalog words which haveis for paaralan;is for tatay;is for guro andis for doktor. These words are related to one's self, family, school, andcommunity​


what you learn is you learn writing


8. what are the essintial feature of the paragraph in tagalog​

Right there. Rude daw kase sabi ni Brainly kaya nakass lang.

9. What I Have LearnedDirections: Complete the paragraphs by filling in the blanks with the appropriate words.MIMAROPA and Visayas group of islands is called as the Southern Tagalog Region of thePhilippines. The term MIMAROPA is consisting of 1 .2.3.and 4.that comprises of four regions. MIMAROPA and Visayas groupof islands arts and crafts depict the different aspects of their 5and tradition.The Iraya tribes display an artistic design that is called 6.while mat weavingis known and famous in the Island of 7.Architecture is one of the cultural heritageso that we should be proud of in this country. The Ruins in Talisay is a style known as 8.in nature.In the Visayas region, they have their incomparable folk arts, motif and design. Theprimary form of arts and crafts in the Panay Island is 9. where in fact they considered itas the textile capital in the Philippines. Most of all, we celebrated festivals in the country. WeFilipinos adore showcasing our skills and talents but more than that, this is our way of showingand preserving our culture and tradition.10.is a kind of festival that the Kalibo Aklan celebrates every year. Accordingly,they believed that this festival is the most colorful festival in the country.-O​


1. Mindoro








9.Iloilo, Antique, Aklan, Capiz and Island of Guimaras

10.Ati-atihan Festival


sana makatulong

10. Tagalog; Sumulat ng isang talata patungkol sa mga nais mong gawin para pangalagaan ang mga halaman at hayop. English; Write a paragraph about what you want to do to take care of plants and animals.

simpleng pag didilig at pag tatanim ng halaman pag bibigay ng pagkain at tubig sa mga gutom nahayop

11. Activity: Storing Data in a storage mediaInstructions:What I can1. Create a document containing a paragraph with 10 sentences2. Save it inside a folder. EPAS 83. The performance will be rated according to the following in tagalog​


kayo po gagawa niyan..GOGOGO

12. What does Paragraph mean in Tagalog?​


sanaysay or salaysay andiyan Lang Yan pero sanaysay feel ko


Ang tagalog ng Paragraph ay " Talata "


Isang natatanging seksyon ng isang piraso ng pagsulat, karaniwang pagharap sa isang solong tema at ipinahiwatig ng isang bagong linya, indentation, o pagnunumero.

" Ang nagtatapos na talata "

13. 100 paragraph, what did you do during pandemic tagalog​


wearing a mask in school because now because of face 2 face almost 2 years ngayon lang din nakabalik so

14. II. Essay Directions: Read the questions twice, then answer it in complete sentences. The answers should be one-two paragraph each. (30 points) Write in pure English or pure Tagalog only. Be creative and be original. Do not copy from others. Plagiarized work will be automatically zero in the entire exam. 1. In Psychosocial Theory of Erik Erikson, what does Identity crisis mean? Please give 2 examples of situations of a man facing or encountering an identity crisis. (5 points) Answer: 2. If you have a friend with an identity crisis how would you help him/her? (5 points) Answer: 3. How can a child form a basic trust according to Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial theory. (5 points) Answer: 4. Can you give me an example of an anime character or a movie character who is experiencing stagnation in his/her life? Then cite some situations of this one-character expressing stagnation in life. (5 points) Answer: 5. If you have friend who is experiencing a stagnation in life, how would you help him or her? (5 points) Answer: 6. What are your weaknesses in each aspect of development? Give one in each aspect of development. (5 points) Answer:


you fell from my trapp


you fell


They are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are


yes I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings

15. What I Have Learned Directions: Complete the paragraphs by filling in the blanks with the appropriate words. MIMAROPA and Visayas group of islands is called as the Southern Tagalog Region of Philippines The term MIMAROPA is consisting of 1 2. and 4 that comprises of four regions. MIMAROPA and Visayas gre of islands arts and crafts depict the different aspects of their 5 and tradition The Iraya tribes display an artistic design that is called 6. while mat weavi is known and famous in the Island of 7 Architecture is one of the cultural heritag that we should be proud of in this country. The Ruins in Talisay is a style known as 8. in nature In the Visayas region, they have their incomparable folk arts, motif and design. Th primary form of arts and crafts in the Panay Island is 9 where in fact they considered as the textile capital in the Philippines. Most of all, we celebrated festivals in the country. We Filipinos adore showcasing our skills and talents but more than that, this is our way of showing and preserving our culture and tradition 10. is a kind of festival that the Kaibo Aklan celebrates every year. Accordingly they believed that this festival is the most colorful festival in the country



2. marinduque

3. romblon

4. Palawan

5. culture

6. handicrafts

7. province of Samar

8. italian architecture


10. ati atihan


hindi ako sigurado sa no.5,6,9 pero kung gusto long isagot isagot mo na lang pwede ko rin i-search

16. People and ReligionDepartment of Tourism1The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese, American, Spanish, and Arab blood. The Philippines has a population of 76.5 million as of May 2000, and it is hard to distinguish accurately the lines between stocks. From a long history of Western colonial rule, interspersed with the visits of merchants and traders, evolved a people of a unique blend of east and west, both in appearance and culture.2The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said to be taken from Malay forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from the Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christianity in the 16th century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the Filipino character and this is what distinguishes the Filipino. Filipinos are probably one of the few, if not the only, English-proficient Oriental people today. Pilipino is the official national language, with English considered as the country's unofficial one.3The Filipinos are divided geographically and culturally into regions, and each regional group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects - the sturdy and frugal llocanos of the north, the industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the central islands, and the colorful tribesmen and religious Moslems of Mindanao. Tribal communities can be found scattered across the archipelago. The Philippines has more than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural groups.4The country is marked by a true blend of cultures; truly in the Philippines, East meets West. The background of the people is Indonesian and Malay. There are Chinese and Spanish elements as well. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance and culture of the Filipinos, or people of the Philippines.5Hospitality, a trait displayed by every Filipino, makes these people legendary in Southeast Asia. Seldom can you find such hospitable people who enjoy the company of their Western visitors. Perhaps due to their long association with Spain, Filipinos are emotional and passionate about life in a way that seems more Latin than Asian.6The Spaniards introduced Christianity (the Roman Catholic faith) and succeeded in converting the overwhelming majority of Filipinos. At least 83% of the total population belongs to the Roman Catholic faith.7The American occupation was responsible for teaching the Filipino people the English language. The Philippines is currently the third-largest English speaking country in the world.8Historically, the Filipinos have embraced two of the great religions of the world - Islam and Christianity. Islam was introduced during the 14th century shortly after the expansion of Arab commercial ventures in Southeast Asia. Today, it is limited to the southern region of the country.9Christianity was introduced as early as the 16th century with the coming of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521.10Protestantism was introduced by the first Presbyterian and Methodist missionaries who arrived with the American soldiers in 1899.11Two Filipino independent churches were organized at the turn of the century and are prominent today. These are the Aglipay (Philippine Independent Church) and the Iglesia Ni Kristo (Church of Christ) founded in 1902 and 1914, respectively. Recently the Aglipay signed a covenant with the Anglican Church. The Iglesia ni Kristo has expanded its membership considerably. Its churches, with their unique towering architecture, are landmarks in almost all important towns, provincial capitals, and major cities.ASSESSMENT 2: Do as instructed. 2a. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Define the meaning of each word based on how it is used in the paragraph given. 1. stock (paragraph 1) _______________________________________ 2. piousness (paragraph 2) _______________________________________ 3. culminated (paragraph 4) _______________________________________ 4. interspersed (paragraph 1) _______________________________________ 5. prominent (paragraph 11) _______________________________________pa help please ​


1 The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said to be taken from Malay forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from the Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christianity in the 16th century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the Filipino character and this is what distinguishes the Filipino. Filipinos are probably one of the few, if not the only, English-proficient Oriental people today. Pilipino is the official national language, with English considered as the country's unofficial one.

Pilipino is the official national language, with English considered as the country's unofficial one. The Filipinos are divided geographically and culturally into regions, and each regional group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects - the sturdy and frugal llocanos of the north, the industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the central islands, and the colorful tribesmen and religious Moslems of Mindanao. Tribal communities can be found scattered across the archipelago. The Philippines has more than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural groups.

The country is marked by a true blend of cultures; truly in the Philippines, East meets West. The background of the people is Indonesian and Malay. There are Chinese and Spanish elements as well. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance and culture of the Filipinos, or people of the Philippines. Hospitality, a trait displayed by every Filipino, makes these people legendary in Southeast Asia. Seldom can you find such hospitable people who enjoy the company of their Western visitors. Perhaps due to their long association with Spain, Filipinos are emotional and passionate about life in a way that seems more Latin than Asian.

The Spaniards introduced Christianity (the Roman Catholic faith) and succeeded in converting the overwhelming majority of Filipinos. At least 83% of the total population belongs to the Roman Catholic faith.

17. LESSON: APPLYING FOR A JOBPRE-TESTI. List down at least five qualities of a good employee. (5 points) Among those qualities, which one do you considered is the most important and why? (5 POINTS)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________POST-TESTI. Tell the importance of interview preparation in applying for a job. Write this activity in paragraph form. (10 points)II. Make your own caricature of what do you want to be in the future. Follow the given format below. (15 points) PS. PAHELP PO KAHIT TAGALOG NALANG ​


1.Communication skills





ikaw napo sa II

18. PERFORMANCE TASK 1:CfeCompose a paragraph on how you and your familycelebrated the Yuletide season. What is its difference withthe usual activities you did in the previous years? Write thisin an intermediate pad or short bond paper.рр.(In Tagalog, Magsulat ng isang sanaysay na nagkukuwentokung paano kayo nag-celebrate Pasko at Bagong Taon. Anoang pagkakaiba nito sa nakaraang selebrasyon ninyo ng Paskoat Bagong Taon?)(ina аbPERFORMANCE TASK 2:Week 3 Learning Task 4: Imagine that you are to come upwith a website for your school project. It may be about an​


peformance task 1.

in 2014-2019 it was fun because there were a lot of people hanging out and having a party together with the family and every new year there was always someone shouting someone firing fire works anything fireworks etc.and playing loud music every year that repeats itself but when the new year 2020 comes those who come to life sadly come a virus that will have pandemic.It is forbidden to go out, hang out, no matter who is children or adults, it is forbidden to quarantine, but while it took a while, some bad luck came to life, that was a danger, it was sad news and a lot of fun has been lost due to the pandemic my young people are moving house the former complete friends have been reduced by reduced as well as being happy those who love to shoot fire works are no longer too explosive, no one is too prepared 2020 is the worst so many changes in life I don't know 2021 is was bored,and many changes and the year would have been sluggish for Christmas and the new year to return to 2014-2019


ate Yung performance task 3,4 mo paayos ng sinasabe di kompleto Yung struction para masagutan ko :)

19. what is Covid-19 paragraph beginning content and end, Tagalog pls​

ANSWER:Ang impormasyon tungkol sa coronavirus (COVID-19) ay makukuha sa ibaba, isasapanahon ito kung kinakailangan.

Ang “Mababang halagang Teknolohiyang Pantulong sa panahon ng COVID-19 – Paano mo gagastahin ang iyong badyet para bumili ng iyong kailangan,” ay makukuha sa ibaba, isasapanahon namin ito kung kinakailangan.


•Sorry kung late..•Sorry kung iba Ang pinaguusapan pero iba sinagot ko ito ay nakuha ko lamang sa internet kaya Pasenya•Pasenya kung mali Po•Paki Sabi kung iba Ang aking sinagot.

20. can y'all please teach me how to make a five sentence paragraph? im curious about this what is Paragraph? in tagalog? may space ba dapat yung five sentence paragraph explain pleaseeExplain nyo yung tamang paragraph mag sulat sulat kayo dyan ng ano ano basta maipakita nyo lang kung anong klase ang paragraph with five sentence!​


Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit”

Explanation: Im sorry, search it on quora, there are plenty of answers there that i think may help you with your problem, you dont need to cuss people who wants to help you

21. Whats meaning paragraph in tagalog


I think it's talata


not sure


Ang talata o talataan ay binubuo ng isang pangungusap o lipon ng mga pangungusap[1] na naglalahad ng isang bahagi ng isang buong pagkukuro, palagay, o paksang-diwa


hope it helps;)

22. What I Have Learned/ Directions: Complete the paragraph below by choosing the correct words from the box. father doctor teacher mother foot English There are some Tagalog words which have equivalent. Examples are for tatay; _is for guro and words are related to one's self, family, school, and community. is for paaralan; is is for doktor. These​


Please arrange the Doctor.





23. What I Have LearnedPARAGRAPH COMPLETION: Fill in the missing words to complete each statementColonial periods are divided into three: Spanish, American, and Japanese.The 1)__________are the longest ruling colonizers who used both language and religion as its weapon, Spanish colonizers introduced 2)___________among Pilipinos through exposure to various religious texts that aim to teach values and morality, Government mostly ruled by Although, 3)_____________was allowed during the latter part, but it was considered as a privilege and for private concern only. During the Revolutionary Period, 4)__________texts flourished, There great emphasis 5)___________and 6)____________ during the reign of American colonizers, Patriotism and nationalism were still the common topics or subjects of literature.7)___________ using English language flourished while 8)___________ and plays became less popular because of foreign films. 9)_____________ was the shortest among the three, Nationalism and solidarity were still the favorite topics but forbidden at the same time. Tagalog short stories flourished since 10)____________ language was banned. Inculcating Eastern values among Filipinos was not that successful since Filipinos continued to resist until its period of sovereignty in 1945, Please i dont know the amswer(╯︵╰,)?​












24. What is paragraph mean paki Tagalog pls. Tnx in advance​


Ang talata o paragraph ay isang serye ng mga pangungusap na maayos at magkakaugnay, at lahat ay nauugnay sa isang solong paksa.



25. Write a long paragraph on what do.you feel this.coming face to face classes?patulong po need ko now na kahit Tagalog po translate ko nalang long po ah​


Well alam Naman Natin na malapit na ang face to face classes marami ang natutuwa dito dahil makikita na nila ang mga kaklase nila.Marami din ang Hindi kase Hindi Naman lahat Ng mga estidyante ay bakunado na.Para SA akin mas mainam parin ang wag muna mag face to face para mas ligtas lahat.

Good Morning Teacher. Today i will be speaking how i feel that face 2 face classes will start, we all know that this day will come someday this year or early next year i’m ready to go back to school and I’m very exited actually because i will be meeting my classmates and friends again and i will be able to learn further more.

26. English 7 what are the life before without internet? based from the interview ampare the life today in English words yesterday using multimedia minimum of 5 paragraphs1 dog-aso2345pa help po kaylangan DW po Ng translate SA Tagalog grade 7 English 3rd quarter​


What? Woahh


27. 1. In this Module. What did you learned based on the given Topic? Answer in a Filipino Language or Tagalog - 2 Paragraph 80 to100 Words)2. As a Grade 8 Learner, are you willing to study Computer? Why orWhy not? Answer in a Filipino Language or Tagalog-2 Paragraph80 to 100 Words)​


Bilang isang mag aaral sa baitang 8,gusto Kong alamin o matuto sa paggamit ng kumpyuter dahil itoy mahalaga Lalo na kapag Ang trabaho mo ay tungkol sa kumpyuter gaya ng accountant at itoy nakakatulong din Lalo na sa aking kapwa mag aaral na gamit nito Ang pananaliksik sa kung Ano Ang Hindi mo naintindihan.

28. english sub to translate kolang sa sa tagalog ty nonsence delete pati lahat ng answer nyo po delete lahat ty 1.Paano mo mailalarawan ang mga kondisyon ng mga Negro tulad ng inilarawan ng nagsasalita? 2.Anong mga karapatang ibinigay ng Amerika sa mga mamamayan nito? Nasiyahan ba ang mga Negro sa mga karapatang ito? Aling mga talata ang sumusuporta sa iyong sagot.? 3.Why are the Negroes not yet satisfied with their condition? 4.What form of prejudice is suffered by the Negroes? 5. In summary of paragraphs 14-19, what does Martin Luther King, Jr. dream for the Negroes?


1.How would you describe the conditions of the Negroes as described by the speaker.

2.What rights has America given to its citizens? Did the Negroes enjoy these rights? Which verses support your answer.

3.Bakit ang mga Negro ay hindi pa nasiyahan sa kanilang kalagayan.

4.Anong uri ng pagtatangi ang dinanas ng mga Negro.

5.si buod ng mga talata 14-19, ano ang pinapangarap ni Martin Luther King, Jr para sa mga Negro.



29. LESSON: APPLYING FOR A JOBPRE-TESTI. List down at least five qualities of a good employee. (5 points) Among those qualities, which one do you considered is the most important and why? (5 POINTS)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________POST-TESTI. Tell the importance of interview preparation in applying for a job. Write this activity in paragraph form. (10 points)II. Make your own caricature of what do you want to be in the future. Follow the given format below. (15 points)ps. pa help naman po ket tagalog nalang po ​





Dependability, responsible



Patience is one of the most important qualities employee has, cause in every work it takes times and effort in understanding different problems so having a patience in doing things can give a better result.

30. Daffodils by William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Daffodils by William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills , When all at once I saw a crowd , A host , of golden daffodils ; Beside the lake , beneath the trees , Fluttering and dancing in the breeze . what is Tagalog translation on this paragraph?​


Daffodils ni William Wordsworth Nagtaka ako na nag-iisa bilang isang ulap Na lumulutang sa matataas na mga lambak at burol, Nang sabay-sabay akong nakakita ng maraming tao, Isang host, ng mga gintong daffodils; Sa tabi ng lawa, sa ilalim ng mga puno, Kumakaway at sumasayaw sa simoy ng hangin. Daffodils ni William Wordsworth Nagtaka ako na nag-iisa bilang isang ulap Na lumulutang sa matataas na lambak at burol, Nang sabay-sabay akong nakakita ng maraming tao, Isang host, ng mga gintong daffodils; Sa tabi ng lawa, sa ilalim ng mga puno, Kumakaway at sumasayaw sa simoy ng hangin.?

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