What Is Work Immersion

What Is Work Immersion

what is work immersion

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1. what is work immersion

Work immersion is a course requirement for graduation that senior high school students undergo. this can enhance their technical knowledge and skills and develop their work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for their work.

2. what is work immersion


is one of the course requirements for graduation. ... Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.


3. What is Work Immersion? Why do the government need to make adjustment on the implementation of Work Immersion in the country?​


Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation.

A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.

Specifically, the students are able to:

(i) gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers;

(ii) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught in school;

(iii) enhance their technical knowledge and skills;

(iv) enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and

(v) develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.

As of this moment, the government has to make adjustments on the implementation of Work Immersion due to the threat of the pandemic.

Aside from not all of the Senior High School students are 18 years old and up, it is not safe to immerse students in a threatening environment.

Read more on the benefits of work immersion here:




to help learns prepare for their future career desicions

5. what is the significance of work immersion to the students?​


What are the benefits of immersion in preparing students for employment? It improves and builds new skills. Immersions will have students gain new skill sets and improve their existing capabilities. It is also through immersion that students get to discover themselves and jumpstart their professional growth.


I hope this may help^.^ but correct me po if im wrong^.^

6. what is the purpose of diary in work immersion?​


It will be your guide in every cicumtances or it will help you what to do every time


Writing a diary allows you to focus on your writing without worrying about your audience or what anyone else will think. And doing it regularly helps to improve your thinking processses, and can even help you become more creative in how you think.

7. what is the prerequisite of work immersion​


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Sana Makatulong :)

#Carry on Learning

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╰───────────────────╮Things to consider in work immersion are efforts, time, interest, purpose, objectives and the willingness to learn and to accomplish the task given; and especially to comply within the given deadline.

8. Define both the words " work" and "immersion"Work. | Immersion​


Work Immersion which involves hands-on experience or work simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track. Specifically in Senior High graduating.


I'm a College student now, so I already know the work Immersion.

please rate me ,thanks

9. what are the purpose of work immersion period?​


to prepare the students on their future profession

10. what is a shs work immersion?

he goal of Work immersion program is to become familiar with the workplace, employment simulation, and to apply competencies in areas of specialization in authentic work environment. ... SHS Students underwent an eighty (80) hours of orientation, simulation activities about PT subjects and practice.

11. what is the difference between work immersion and will work order?​

Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or work simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track.



12. what is work immersion program


the work immersion program, provides students “real workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment prospect

13. What are the disadvantage of work immersion?

The disadvantages of thw work immersion are the distance of the place that you are assigned to (when it is REALLY far), when you are not used to the environment (but you will eventually be okay with the environment), whenever you will go home already. But in my opinion, that work immersion would be more on advantages because it will REALLY benefit you, you can learn more, maybe you can learn how to travel, will meet new people or even gain new friends! :)

14. what is the objectives of work immersion

Aside from helping develop among learners life and career skills that will prepare them to make decisions on post-secondary education or employment, DepEd hopes that through partnership building, “partner institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace of hands-on experience, and ...etc.

15. what is your Conclusion of work Immersion?​


Work immersion means to foster the information and abilities acquired in the four corners of the homeroom and to cause the understudies to turn out to be more mindful or the genuine work place climate.


need ko lang ng points sorryy

16. What is the importance of Work Immersion?​



to have actual practice at the establishment or workplace . To experience actual set up workplace . To have hands on in the facilities and equipment .


One of its components, the work immersion program, provides students “real workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment prospects

Enhanced cognitive skills: immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language.

In work immersion, learners are not only able to apply their previous training but are also able to experience the social interactions in a work environment. Their experiences during work immersion will develop many skills and values that would help them as they transition from high school to real life.

The importance of work immersion must be seen as vital point of giving students a venue to improve themselves through experiencing real stuff firsthand. It helps students to acquire knowledge and experience that can help them grow as professional individuals.

What are the benefits of immersion in preparing students for employment? It improves and builds new skills. Immersions will have students gain new skill sets and improve their existing capabilities. It is also through immersion that students get to discover themselves and jumpstart their professional growth.

17. what is work immersion in new normal ?​


Work Immersion is expected to provide SHS TVL learners with opportunities to become familiar with the workplace, simulate employment, and to apply their competence in Computer Systems Servicing in the actual work environment during the pandemic and for the possible future disruptions in education.


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18. what is work immersion essay


Immersions prepare students for the real world by training them how to work in a company and eventually excel in a specific career.


19. What is the meaning of work immersion proper

What is the meaning of work immersion proper

Work immersion proper is the actual deployment of student’s to their respective employer which is the partner institution of the school they belong. This is an actual training of the student’s in real workplace to test the students skills and applied what they have learned in school.


• After the school and the partner agency agreed their agreed through notarized MOA, the  students is can be deploy in their respective work station.

• The student’s will report to their manager, supervisor etc.

• They will undergo the orientation process depending on how they will orient by the partner agency.

• After the orientation the students’ will start their training. They will start performing their duties and tasks.

• After the actual training the students’ are required to prepare their documentations and reports  required in the curriculum and the partner agency.

• After the compliance of all the requirements needed in the work immersion the teacher and the partner company will joinly assess the performance of the students and the work immersion teacher is the one who will issue the final grade.


In immersion work proper the school and the partner agency aim is to :

1. Train the students to appreciate the importance of theories and skills that they have learned in the four corners of their classroom.

2. To enhance their knowledge and skills technically.

3. To boost their confidence and enrich their communication skills as well as the human relation skills.

4. Another goal of work immersion is to develop good work habits of the students , appreciation, attitude and respect for work.

5. To use the developed skills and values they garnered during their  work immersion to real life.

What is work immersion:




20. what are the benefit of work immersion​


Enhanced cognitive skills: immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language.


Work immersion will assist learners build life and career skills, as well as prepare them to make post-secondary education or job decisions. build healthy work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work; and improve their communication and human relations abilities.


21. what is student work immersion in work of program.

I had undergone student work immersion last year. Student work immersion can be compared to on-the-job training in college. However, work immersion gives only the basic insight of what field you are entering and let you observe or do the light works to add your knowledge of a certain field.

22. For you, What is work immersion?​


For me work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student's postsecondary goal.



23. What is the importance/benefits of Work Immersion?​


Basically, work immersions are implemented for the students to gain insights about the courses that they will be taking on and to gain 21st century skills that can be useful when they are inside the real-life scenario of a certain career.

Some are the more specific benefits of work immersion:

It improves and builds new skills

Immersions will gain new skill sets for the students and improve their existing capabilities. Students also get to discover themselves and start their professional growth by immersion

Students become good team players

A person who works well with others is allowed to go to places. Students who are familiar with this early on are better able to improve their communication skills and can be an asset to the team in project construction

Students become financially aware at an early age

By being exposed to a real work environment's day-to-day activities, students learn how to think like an adult, manage their finances efficiently, and be introduced to other related skills such as budgeting and marketing

Students become goal-driven

Students have goals. Immersion trains them how to achieve these goals by giving them an opportunity to work with and be supervised by professionals and highly creative people. These people can inspire students to discover their capabilities

For other informations related to work immersionn, please visit the link:

Explanation:HOPE IT HELPS

24. What are the scope and delimitation of work immersion?

the scope silent they are looking for panties

25. What are the advantages of work immersion?​


It is a Language immersion or develop immersion.


It improves and builds new skills. Immersions will have students gain new skill sets and improve their existing capabilities. It is also through immersion that students get to discover themselves and jumpstart their professional growth

Nahanap ko lang po sa website sana makatulong

26. what is work immersion for k12?


It's a nightmare for Grade 12 students, I can say I'm gonna experience it soon next sem. It's like a training or a program where in you're gonna learn everything about applying jobs, filling up a resume, interviews etc.

27. What is the MAIN purpose of WORK IMMERSION?


Work Immersion helps a student to have a background experience in his/her chosen career. It prepares every student of how to work in an environment under pressure. Work immersion also practices the trainee show his abilities and capabilities on a certain job.

28. What is Disadvantages of work immersion?

enerally, work immersion is advantageous to students who want to experience and learn more about the life of being employed. It prepares them to the bigger world after graduation and makes them equipped with relevant skills. It also teaches a lot of valuable lessons that they cannot get inside the classroom

29. What are the objectives in a work immersion

The objective of work immersion is that you will be immerse in the future career you will be working on. It will enables you to have a sort of idea in your possible jobs as well as it allows you to be familiar on such problems and difficulties you may encounter.

30. what is work immersion for K-12?​


A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student's postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.


Pa Brainliest nalang Po thank you

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