Which Image Shows Higher Level Of Vulnerability During Typhoon

Which Image Shows Higher Level Of Vulnerability During Typhoon

Which image shows higher level of vulnerable during typhoon?​

Daftar Isi

1. Which image shows higher level of vulnerable during typhoon?​


the image 1


dahil bahana at bumagsak na ang puno

2. 1. Which image shows higher level of vulnerability during typhoon?​




which image shows higher level of vulnerability during typoon

3. Part II. 1.Which image shows higher level of vulnerability during typhoon? 2. List 3 possible reasons why the chosen image in item 1 question has a higher level of vulnerability the given scenario. on 3. Which image portrays better capabilities to response during times of disaster? Explain why.​


image 1


because in image 1 the tress are destroyed of the typhoon, but the image 2 is not so affected in that typhoon

4. what are the vulnerabilities included in super typhoon Yolanda?​


Post-disaster livelihood interventions (extraordinary conditions) USAID estimated that Typhoon Yolanda affected the income stream of 5.9 million, workers 'as a result of infrastructure damage, lack of access to markets, and disrupted cash flow'

5. which image shows higher level of vulnerability?​


image 1

because its higher vulnerabilituly

6. Which cluster island in the Philippines archipelago is more vulnerable to typhoon?​


The Northern part of the archipelago is by far the most exposed.

7. which cluster island in the phillipine archipelogy is more vulnerable to typhoons​


Islands of Eastern Visayas, Bicol Region, and Northern Luzon.


8. What makes an element vulnerable to Typhoon?​


With 60% of its population living in coastal areas, and sensitivity to the El Niño phenomenon, the Philippines is one of the countries with a high propensity to be exposed to typhoons and one of the top 10 countries worldwide at risk for both climate change and disasters.




Once the roof is damaged or ripped off, the interior of the entire house is exposed to wind, rain, and other matter.

9. which part of the philippines is most likely vulnerable to typhoon​


In the pacific ring of fire?

pa mark

10. Compare and Contrast the images below and answer the questions that follow. Part I.Image 1 Image 21. List down 3 differences between the 2 images presented.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Which image shows higher vulnerability of transmissible infectious diseases?____________​


1.image 1 has more people than 2

2.image 1 because it's crowded there in tight positions and would likely infect more people

11. which dimension of vulnerability is associated with. the level of well being of people,communities and society?​


dimensional gap or the creational gap



12. paper.1. According to the article, which group has a higher proportion of COVID-19 cases and is considered as more vulnerable?​


India ,china ,Us ,ph


hope it helps

13. During the typhoon if you are living near the coast you are vulnerable to A. Flashflood B. Landslide C.storm surge D. Mudslide​




correct me if i'm wrong

14. Image #2 Hazards:Reasons of Vulnerability:Image #3 Hazards:Reasons of Vulnerability:​


Pa follow po


Pa brainliest po pls

15. which among the sectors is the less vulnerable to typhoons and floods​

They are the community members whose capacities start from their own ability to acquire material resources; skills and trainings; and position in society. The capacities are higher than those in the vulnerable sector to overcome the adverse effects of disasters.

16. wich image shows higher vulnerability of transmissible infectious diseases?​


where are the images?can you post the images please, so i'll can answer it properly!!:)


asan po picture?


pls kaylangan po para ma an seran na

17. which cluter sland in the philippine archipelago is more vulnerable to typhoons?​


The Northern part of the archipelago is by far the most exposed.

18. ACTIVITY 2: DIRECTIONS: Write a 250-word essay about your experience dunng the Typhoon Rolly. The content of the essay must discuss the various elements exposed during the typhoon You should also incorporate strategies for reducing the vulnerability of different elements exposed during the typhoon. Lastly, as different elements are exposed during that time, you must delemine the factors that might affect the vulnerabilities. Write your written work in the box provided below.PA TULONG PO!​

GEH sige sige









this is a super typhoon is really sadly and sceard.

19. Why is the Philippines vulnerable totyphoons?​


The Philippines is prone to tropical cyclones due to its geographical location which generally produce heavy rains and flooding of large areas and also strong winds which result in heavy casualties to human life and destructions to crops and properties.

#Carry on learning



The Philippines is prone to tropical cyclones due to its geographical location which generally produce heavy rains and flooding of large areas and also strong winds which result in heavy casualties to human life and destructions to crops and properties.

Good Luck!Hope it helps!

Always happy to help  :)

20. list 3 possible reason why the chosen image in item 1 question has a higher level of vulnerability on the given scenario​


1. Image no. 2 has the higher level of vulnerability.

2. First, the students who go to school during typhoon might be in danger. Secondly, the small bridge can be washed out by the flood. Third, there is no possibility that those students can go home safely.

3. Image 1. portrays better than the second image. The boat can be useful enough to save yourself from drowning when the flood causes by the typhoon came.

21. during a disaster , which group of people is least vulnerable?​

Xori i dont know I just really need points

22. philippines is now less vulnerable to typhoon because


bruh really dude really just really


it's even not bro plus u are :>


thats not true


cuz theres an incoming typhoon incoming


23. Which image shows higher vulnerability of transmissible infectious diseases


ExplanatioProbably we would get the virus of COVID 19 in going to crowded places.

Well-functioning cities do one thing exceptionally well all over the world: they put people together. Social and economic connections are the hallmarks of city life, making residents more prosperous and often providing a thriving demand for developers and investors' inventions. Without lively towns, no nation can experience substantial economic growth.

However, the coronavirus pandemic is severely restricting social contacts. With no vaccine available, avoidance by containment and social distancing, as well as repeated handwashing, tend to be the only effective anti-virus methods for the time being. The aim is to delay delivery and prevent overburdening health-care facilities with limited funding. As a result, non-essential industries have been suspended, and social distancing policies, such as lockdowns, have been implemented in many countries.

Will those interventions be effective against the virus in densely populated areas? In theory, indeed. Wealthy residents in densely populated areas may surround themselves by getting utilities and groceries shipped to them. Many people can work online, and some can even survive without working for a while.

However, such luxuries are out of reach for the poorest inhabitants of densely populated areas. They are compelled to leave their homes every day to work, shop for food, and do laundry. This is particularly significant in developing-country low-income areas, many of which are slums and informal settlements. Most families here live in substandard accommodation and are overcrowded. Due to a lack of proper facilities, they must share taps and latrines with up to 200 persons per communal facility. The majority of people in these societies work as ordinary wage earners in the informal economy, with intermittent wages and precarious employment. They are unable to exercise social distancing in a practical manner, nor are they able to afford it.


24. Which of the following is vulnerable factor of risk? A. Typhoons B. Coping capacity C. population D. pandemic ​



sana makatulong

25. Which image shows higher vulnerability of transmissible infectious disease​

Which image shows higher vulnerability of transmissible infectious disease

For me is the image 1, because Contagion is most likely to happen when you are at a crowded context such as public places. In this situation which we are in a pandemic, there's a chance that we can get the virus so we must avoid it.

Probably we would get the virus of COVID 19 in going to crowded places.

Well-functioning cities do one thing exceptionally well all over the world: they put people together. Social and economic connections are the hallmarks of city life, making residents more prosperous and often providing a thriving demand for developers and investors' inventions. Without lively towns, no nation can experience substantial economic growth. However, the coronavirus pandemic is severely restricting social contacts. With no vaccine available, avoidance by containment and social distancing, as well as repeated handwashing, tend to be the only effective anti-virus methods for the time being. The aim is to delay delivery and prevent overburdening health-care facilities with limited funding. As a result, non-essential industries have been suspended, and social distancing policies, such as lockdowns, have been implemented in many countries. Will those interventions be effective against the virus in densely populated areas? In theory, indeed. Wealthy residents in densely populated areas may surround themselves by getting utilities and groceries shipped to them. Many people can work online, and some can even survive without working for a while. However, such luxuries are out of reach for the poorest inhabitants of densely populated areas. They are compelled to leave their homes every day to work, shop for food, and do laundry. This is particularly significant in developing-country low-income areas, many of which are slums and informal settlements. Most families here live in substandard accommodation and are overcrowded. Due to a lack of proper facilities, they must share taps and latrines with up to 200 persons per communal facility. The majority of people in these societies work as ordinary wage earners in the informal economy, with intermittent wages and precarious employment. They are unable to exercise social distancing in a practical manner, nor are they able to afford it.

For more information visit this link:  




26. typhoon vulnerability location?​


population living in costal areas.

With 60% of its population living in coastal areas, and sensitivity to the El Niño phenomenon, the Philippines is one of the countries with a high propensity to be exposed to typhoons and one of the top 10 countries worldwide at risk for both climate change and disasters.

27. Vulnerabilities of typhoon and why


dapat magtanim ka nang maraming kahoy para hindi magkaroon nang baha!


dahil sinisipsip nang kahoy ang tubig

28. Why is the Philippines vulnerable to typhoons?

Answer:because it included in the typhoon belt and also in the pacific ring of fire


29. list 3 possible reason why the chosen image in item 1 question has a higher level of vulnerability on the given scenario​


paningkamot ayaw paningtiil


> No bridge to cross the flood road.

>Always wet to go to school may lead to have colds.

> Have a hard time go to school because of the flood.

30. According to the article, which group has a higher proportion of COVID19 cases and is considered as more vulnerable?

Wala pong naka lagay na pic


saan po yung article?

pa pic po


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