Who Are Involved In The Relationship Describe Each Character

Who Are Involved In The Relationship Describe Each Character

Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.

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1. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.


Each person has a role to play to spice up any relationship. Relationship is considered successful  if it was built by any of the characters in a relationship, a healthy relationship that are built to last and is maintained. Each characters should pursue a  long-term relationship to improve it's quality and duration.

What are the roles does each character play in the relationship?

1. Family

Provides support Mutual Trust They provide regular interactions Shares beliefs and values A sense of community

2. Friends

Friends are always there in times of need. They never leave and they are willing to help.

3. Partnership

Affection trust Intimacy Romantic love

2. 2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.​



*provides support

*mutual trust

*provide regular interaction

*shares belief and values

*a sense of community


*always at your back

*always willing to help





*romantic love

3. Processing Questions:1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe?2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character,3. What roles does each character play in the relationship? Explain your answers5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your answer.6. In what ways can the characters show they are responsible to maintain a goodrelationship?​


#2 lng yan jakzoansisowks

4. After reading the letter, be ready to answer the following questions in class:1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe? 2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character. 3. What roles does each character play in the relationship? 4. Are you satisfied with this type of relationship? Explain your answer. 5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your answer. 6. In what ways can the characters show they are responsible to maintain a good relationship? 66​


I'm sorry but we are unable to provide you a correct answer because we don't know what your question is all about because of incomplete context.

5. Jelly and Ace like each other. Ace loves to play soccer and has hopes of joining league someday. He has just started to play with a group after how many hours of practice over the past few months. He excitedly calls Jelly to tell her about the first game that he will be playing in. Jelly is not so sure that she can go but talks and listens throughout the entire conversation, showing Ace how excited she is for him. She knows how much the team means to Ace and wants to support him, but Jelly told him that she cannot come because she has a meeting on that day. Ace is disappointed and wishes that Jelly would just forget about her meeting and come to the game anyway. But he knows that the meeting is as important to her as soccer is to him. He just told him that it would really mean a lot to him if she comes to the game. Jelly agrees to come to the second half after her meeting is over. Ace is so happy that she can come to the 2nd half and understands that also that she has an important commitment on that same day. 1. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. In what ways the characters show that they are responsible to maintain a healthy relationship? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What characteristics of a healthy relationship is being shown on the scenario?_________________________________________________________​


1. Jelly and Ace. Jelly is a thoughtful and supportive girl. Ace is an understanding person also loves to play soccer.

2. They both support each other in whatever their passion is and understand each other.

3. Not arguing about *not being able to come, being understanding, being supportive to each other and most of all we all can see that they really love each other.

6. After reading the letter, be ready to answer the following questions in class: 1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe? 2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character. 3. What roles does each character play in the relationship? 4. Are you satisfied with this type of relationship? Explain your answer. 5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your answer.6. In what ways can the characters show they are responsible to maintain a good relationship?​


idono who?? im sorry i really dont know

7. Patulong1. Videos, animation, text, images, and audio are all multimedia ________.a. formats b. componentsc. uses d. presentations2. Flash fiction is known as micro stories, postcard fiction, nano tales and short shorts. a. True b. False3. Which of the following is the description of MP4 Video format? a. Used to deliver digital video content over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player version 6 and newer. b. The first popular video format on the web. c. is the most popular format for music players. d. is a video format, but can also be used for audio. Supported by all browsers. 4. Autographic forms are the marks of author’s handwriting which creates an impact that the whole novel is a manuscript and thus provides a sense of intimacy. a. True b. False5. “Angels and Blueberries” by Tara Campbell is a story of various explanations for the color of the sky that involves angels and blueberries is an example of? a. Graphic Fiction b. Flash Fiction6. What format of multimedia has these types of multimedia include wmv, avi, mped and flash. a. Audio b. Animation c. Videos d. Images7. Which of the following is the description of MPEG Video format? a. Used to deliver digital video content over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player version 6 and newer. b. The first popular video format on the web. c. is the most popular format for music players. d. is a video format, but can also be used for audio. Supported by all browsers. 8. _______ are created by graphic designers using various software. a. Audio b. Text c. Videos d. Images9. Which among the following statement is the characteristic of Multimedia? a. You can download the multimedia presentation but cannot play it live. b. A multimedia presentation has various viewing options such as projector or a media. c. Combining various forms of media together is not advisable.10. This characteristic of Flash fiction presents the story with fewest words as possible. a. Surprising ending b. Brevity c. Complete plot d. Surprising beginning11. _______ has always been and will always been the most common among the types of multimedia components in different applications. a. Audio b. Text c. Videos d. Images12. Which among the following statement best describe the animation in multimedia? a. It is primary component in multimedia, especially those that appear online and on television. b. a form of art for most people. c. Voiceovers comprise a tremendous number of the types of multimedia components. d. Some of these formats are better than others because they load faster.13. “The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers” by Sarnath Banerjee in 2009 portrays 18th century Calcutta exploiting the myth of the “Wandering Jew”. a. Graphic Fiction b. Flash Fiction14. It is a container file format used to deliver digital video content over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player version 6 and newer. a. MP3 b. MP4 c. AVI d. Flash15. It emphasizes the development of plot. It has a beginning, middle and ending of the story. a. Brevity b. Complete plot c. Surprising ending16. The illustrations in graphic novel allow the readers to imagine and experience the characters and events in the story. a. True b. False17. The following are some of the features of graphic fiction or graphic novel according to Singh, except?a. It encourage interactivity in the minds of the reader as he fills in the blanks between image panels.b. Filling in the blanks between image panels makes the reader imagine the actions portrayed in the story.c. The language, syntax and meaning of a graphic novel spring primarily through the relationship between images than words. d. Graphic fiction separate book and screen.18. This characteristic of Flash fiction has the successful hallmark of a flash fiction is its twist at the end of the story. a. Surprising ending b. Brevity c. Complete plot d. Surprising beginning19. “This Teddy bear once had amber eyes made from special glass — each one had a pupil and an iris. The bear itself was gray and stiff, with wiry fur. I adored him.”, this is an example of? a. Flash Fiction b. Graphic Fiction20. “Louis Riel” by Chester Brown in 2003 is a fictionalized violent rebellion in the 19th Century on the Canadian praire who led by Riel is an example of? a. Flash Fiction b. Graphic Fiction​


Multimedia is an interactive presentation of audio, images, videos, and text. It creates interaction between users which literally means more than one medium.

C. UsesA. TrueA. Used to deliver digital video content over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player version 6 and newer.A. Sense of intimacyB.  Flash FictionC. VideosD. d. Is a video format, but can also be used for audio. Supported by all browsers.B. TextA. You can download the multimedia presentation but cannot play it live.A. Surprising EndingC. VideosD. Some of these formats are better than others because they load faster.A. Graphic FictionA. MP3B. Complete plotB. FalseC. The language, syntax and meaning of a graphic novel spring primarily through the relationship between images than words.D. Surprising beginningA. Flash FictionB. Graphic Fiction

Multimedia is the use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio, and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate. It is a broad term for combining multiple media formats. Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types.

To know more about multimedia, please head over to this link



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