Applicant Letter For Work Immersion

Applicant Letter For Work Immersion

application letter work immersion​

Daftar Isi

1. application letter work immersion​


2. Application letter for work immersion


Date: (ikaw na bahala kung anong date lalagay mo)


I am interested in applying as a work immersion Applicant in your Institution. I am a student from (MARIANO PERALTA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL taking up {WELDING NCII}

I believe that knowledge and skills I have gained in my studies can contribute greatly to the work that your company does in the community. I also hope that working with you will prove to be a good venue in doing my skills to make me better fit in the industry.

Attached with this letter are my credentials, resume, and recommendation from my professor, for your perusal. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

3. application letter for work immersion​


The Work Immersion Program for Senior High School aims to develop among learners life and career skills, and will prepare them to make decisions on post secondary education or employment.

A letter of application also known as a cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experience to an employerthe letter of application is intended to provide detailed information on why you are are a qualified candidate for the job.

:The picture above is an example of application letter for work immersion.


hope it helps~

4. Example of application letter for students in work immersion


picture po para masagutan po plsss


Jen de ko Alam Ang anser pero kayamoyan gogogo

5. Exercise:True or False.Write T if the statement is correct and write F if it is not correct.1. Work immersion is a required subject for Senior high school students.2. Work immersion enable thee students to apply and enhance their learned skills ang competencies.3. Work immersion is needed to graduate in senior high school.4. Work immersion is a simulation of actual work related to the students track.5. In work immersion students can learn work ethics and proper work attitudes.​


1 T

2 T

3 T

4 F

5 T


yan sagot idle

6. benefits for work immersion

Basically, work immersions are implemented for the students to gain insights about the courses that they will be taking on and to gain 21st century skills that can be useful when they are inside the real-life scenario of a certain career.

Some are the more specific benefits of work immersion:

It improves and builds new skills

Immersions will gain new skill sets for the students and improve their existing capabilities. Students also get to discover themselves and start their professional growth by immersion

Students become good team players

A person who works well with others is allowed to go to places. Students who are familiar with this early on are better able to improve their communication skills and can be an asset to the team in project construction

Students become financially aware at an early age

By being exposed to a real work environment's day-to-day activities, students learn how to think like an adult, manage their finances efficiently, and be introduced to other related skills such as budgeting and marketing

Students become goal-driven

Students have goals. Immersion trains them how to achieve these goals by giving them an opportunity to work with and be supervised by professionals and highly creative people. These people can inspire students to discover their capabilities

For other informations related to work immersionn, please visit the link:

What are the 21st Century Skills -

7. What is Work Immersion? Why do the government need to make adjustment on the implementation of Work Immersion in the country?​


Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation.

A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.

Specifically, the students are able to:

(i) gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers;

(ii) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught in school;

(iii) enhance their technical knowledge and skills;

(iv) enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and

(v) develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.

As of this moment, the government has to make adjustments on the implementation of Work Immersion due to the threat of the pandemic.

Aside from not all of the Senior High School students are 18 years old and up, it is not safe to immerse students in a threatening environment.

Read more on the benefits of work immersion here:


8. As an Immersion Student what can you do in your community as an application of your work immersion *​







9. Student application letter for work immersion


ye hope it helps


stan paw patrol stan skase

10. Define both the words " work" and "immersion"Work. | Immersion​


Work Immersion which involves hands-on experience or work simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track. Specifically in Senior High graduating.


I'm a College student now, so I already know the work Immersion.

please rate me ,thanks

11. Applicant letter for work immersion education


Here this is example only

12. Application letter for work immersion student

<Your Name>

<Your Address>

<Your Phone Number>

<Your e-mail address>


<Name of the HR>



<Company Address>

Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs.______:

I am writing to apply for an internship position. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, resume, endorsement letter, parent’s consent, and copy of grades.

The opportunity presented in the listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong experience and education will make me very competitive candidate for this position.  I am exposed with hardships and technicalities related to the course I am taking. Also, I believe that an internship or immersion under <name of the company> will nurture and take out my full potential in the field of work that I am planning to take in the future.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speak with you about my qualifications for the job. The enclosed resume provides further details about my education and experience.







Tama po yan, Sana po makatulong

14. Is work immersion necessary?​




yes because i don't know

15. work immersion experience at home . letter of a reader​


Nasan po Ang picture sasagutan ko



16. importance of work immersion?

Work immersion is an important simulation of work experience. It is part of the SHS curriculum to prepare students for the needs and challenges of employment. SHS students are exposed to a work-related environment related to their field of specialization. The work immersion experience enhances their competency. It is a requirement for graduation.

Work Immersion Objectives

These are the work immersion objectives:

Gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the supervision of industry specialists and workers.Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories imparted in school.Enrich technical knowledge and skills.Deepen their skills in communications and human relationsCultivate work ethics, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. Phases of Work Immersion

These are the different phases of work immersion:

Orientation Work immersion properEvaluation and feedback

Learn more:

Expectation of work immersion:


17. Work Immersion. Comparison of school and work using the venn diagram 1. Application (school and work) 2.Knowledge (school and work) 3.Attitudes (school and work)


Sure, here's a comparison of school and work using a Venn diagram based on the three factors you listed:

[Image: Venn diagram comparing school and work based on application, knowledge, and attitudes]

As you can see from the diagram, there are areas of overlap and areas of difference between school and work when it comes to application, knowledge, and attitudes.

Application: Both school and work require application, or the ability to use knowledge and skills in practical situations. For example, in school, students may apply what they've learned in class to solve problems or complete assignments, while in the workplace, employees may apply their knowledge and skills to complete tasks or meet deadlines.

Knowledge: Both school and work require knowledge, or a body of information or skills that can be used to achieve goals. In school, students acquire knowledge through classes, textbooks, and other resources, while in the workplace, employees may acquire knowledge through on-the-job training, professional development programs, or experience.

Attitudes: Both school and work require attitudes, or personal beliefs or values that influence behavior. For example, in school, attitudes such as curiosity, perseverance, and a growth mindset can help students learn and succeed, while in the workplace, attitudes such as teamwork, adaptability, and professionalism can help employees collaborate effectively and achieve goals.

Overall, while there are similarities between school and work when it comes to application, knowledge, and attitudes, there are also important differences that reflect the unique challenges and opportunities of each setting.









School and work share a similar application in that they are both places where knowledge is learned and skills are developed. Both schools and workplaces have rules and expectations that must be followed.


Schools and workplaces share a similar level of knowledge. Both places require students to learn about a variety of subjects. In addition, both schools and workplaces require employees to be knowledgeable about the company's policies and procedures.


Both schools and workplaces have attitudes that must be followed. For example, both schools and workplaces have rules about dress and behaviour. Employees must also be respectful of their colleagues and the environment.

18. Letter to the readers about work immersion


yan po


19. description of the work immersion program i. objectives of the work immersion partnership ii. responsibilities of the parties make a reflection


Work immersion refers to the subject of the senior high school curriculum which involved hands on experience or work simulation which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track.

-Example of work immersion venues includes offices, factories, shops, and project sites


hope it's help

fol²ow for more

brainles² as well

20. Application letter for work immersion student​


goodafternon po Sir/maam

21. differentiate work immersion to work ethics​


A work ethic is a set of moral principles a person uses in their job. People who possess a strong work ethic embody certain principles that guide their work behavior, leading them to produce high quality work consistently and the output feeds the individual to stay on track.

Students were assigned to different public and private institutions depending on their strand for them to have a glimpse of actual professional work environment.


22. what is work immersion

Work immersion is a course requirement for graduation that senior high school students undergo. this can enhance their technical knowledge and skills and develop their work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for their work.

23. Application letter sample for students immersion


the answer is in the picture


3 picture po yan

hope it help mark me as brainlist po tanks

24. TEST 1: TRUE or False : Write T if the statement is true and FH it is false.1. Having failed in the Work immersion, a leamer can still join the graduationT 2. We can refer to the Memorandum DM-C1-00085 whenever we want to clarify the model usedby the ABM students in this time of crisis.F. 3. The Memorandum of Agreement is signed by the Work Immersion Teacher only andauthorized personnel from the company,F 4. It is only the Work Immersion adviser who can monitor your Home-based Work ImmersionI 5. Learners can achieve the prescribed competencies for Work Immersion though they are notdeployed in a Work Immersion Venue6.Work Immersion requires parental consent.7. 80 hours is the minimum hours for the Work Immersion.8. All Immersion learners shall be given allowances by the work immersion venue.9. Partner Institutions and Work Immersion Venues shall be selected only after thoroughstudy, screening and preparation to ensure that each venue is a safe, secure, and suitable place forlearning10. Work Immersion involves hands-on experience or work simulation that can be conductedin work immersion venue.​




#brainliest answer

25. acknowledgement work immersion ​


ano po isasa got salamat po pa brainles po salamat po


can i get brainleast plsss

26. Example of acknowledgement letter about work immersion


Acknowledgement Letter About Work Immersion

Work Immersion is an important part of the academic curriculum because this is where the students are being expose to the real life scenario he/she will be facing once graduated from studies. The Student should be able to test his skills and knowledge that was learned from school. Also, The student will be able to learn extra skills that are relevant to the chosen field of study.

Other than academic skills, the student will also be able to test his/ her adaptability as they transition from school environment with a working environment where a lot of challenges are present.

Going back, an Acknowledgement Letter for work Immersion is used to thank the your boss or the people you have worked with as you finish the hours required for the training.

The below can be a sample of a Work Immersion Letter.


(Name of the Company/ Organization)

Address of the Company/ Organization


Dear Sir/ Maam (Name of your boss),


As I end my work immersion training, I would like to give you my sincerest gratitude for accommodating me here in ( Put the name of the company here ). I will never forget the practical life skills that I learned in here. The technical skills that I have acquired as I did my immersion here will help me build my leverage among others.

Also, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to Maam/ Sir ( indicate the names of the people you have worked with here. ) for patiently teaching me as I familiarize myself to the work processes of this company.

I hope in the future as I finish my studies I will still be welcomed here.

Thanks you once again and till we meet again.


(Your name here)


For other samples of Acknowledgment letter:


27. Application letter for immersion senior high school


I only have example but here

28. If there are 150 students to be deployed for a Work Immersion Program, and the ratio of the immersion partners to the number of students is 1:5, how many immersion partners does the Work Immersion Program have?



Step-by-step explanation:

29. Activity 1 Directions. Using Microsoft Word, make an application letter addressed to your prospect immersion partners for the incoming work immersion. Copy the activity on your notebook. Task: Write the following: Heading 1. Date 2. Name of Manager or Title 3. Name of Company 4. Address 5. Salutation 6. Greetings 7. Body of the letter 8. Complimentary Close 9. Signature Format of the Application Letter​


Letter for Summer job

April 15,2020

567 NE 54th St.

30. as a work immersion student how will you practice teamwork in your work immersion venue?​


Whether it’s forming a study group for one of your classes or joining club or organization in your field of study, putting yourself in situations that force you to work with others will help you become more comfortable. If you’re not in school, that’s okay too. Start volunteering or begin planning a book club with your friends. Interacting with others in any setting will help you build your teamwork skills.

Having some experience under your belt can help you boost your hiring potential. Those real-life scenarios can help you highlight your competency in this area.


mine nyonako

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