Representation Of The Character In The Present Society Grendel

Representation Of The Character In The Present Society Grendel

Representation of the Character in the Present Society of Grendel.

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1. Representation of the Character in the Present Society of Grendel.


Grendel represent evil,so poet Christian word view turns him into a fiend from hell,the wicked creature,grim and greedy,was at the ready,savage and cruel,and seized in their rest thirty of the thanes.the poet describes Grendel's first attack on Hrothgar's men.Grendel is evil because he is a demon from hell and thus a foe of mankid,his mother evil is more ambiguous, because killing for veagence was allowed in the warrior culture of Beowulf's time.while fighting Grendel, Beowulf discovered his weakness.the weakness is an external eardrum,the source of Grendel's pain.beowulf began attacking it directly.



Grendel’s mother, like her son, is a mysterious humanoid creature. She enters the poem as an “avenger” (l.1258), seeking redress for the death of her son at Beowulf’s hands. For this reason, some readers have seen Grendel’s mother as an embodiment of ancient Northern European society’s tendency toward unending blood-feuds. Other readers have suggested that she represents the suffering of women under the bloodfeud system. Before Grendel’s mother attacks, we hear the story of Hildeburh, a princess who loses all her male relatives because her brother’s family is feuding with her husband’s. However, Grendel’s mother is by no means only an embodiment of blood-feuding and its failures. She lives in a “mere” (l.1362) whose bottom “has never been sounded by the sons of men” (l.1367). Many readers have seen the mere as powerfully symbolic of the human subconscious, or of the mysteries that lie beyond human knowledge. To these readers, Grendel’s mother represents the dangers that await anyone who seeks to confront the unknown, either in the world or in themselves.


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3. Representation of the Character in the Present Society of Grendel Mother


for me it represent a struggles like covid 19 pandemic in our society that we must defeat.

4. wiglaf representation of the character in the present society ​


Wiglaf represents people who are true to his word


sorry kung kulang o male, mahirap kase

5. representation of the character Grendel's mother in the present society​


ikaw na mag adjust sa pic

6. beowulf representation of the character in the present society​


Nasa pic yung sagot


Sana mkatulong

7. representation of the character in the present society? BEOWOLF

Answer:BEOWOLF is a great warrior society it's characterized predominantly by his feats of strength and courage and including his fabled swimming match against Breca.




8. dragon - representation of the character in the present society​

The dragon is a strong and seductive adversary that can hold its own against Beowulf. In fact, some interpreters have seen the dragon as a metaphor for death itself: the specific, individual end that every person must experience. This is because the dragon is so well-suited to bring about Beowulf's fate. Hrothgar sets us up to perceive the dragon in this light when he warns Beowulf that every warrior must overcome an inconceivable foe, even if it's merely old age. The geats' unique fate and paganism as a whole are also symbolized by the dragon.

Beowulf is a long poem written around 1000 AD. Beowulf is one of the oldest poems written in English.

The poem tells the story of events that happened in the early 500s AD, almost 500 years before this poem was written. The story is set in Denmark and Sweden, and involves real people who lived in the early 500s AD. These people are known from other written accounts from Sweden as well as from archaeological finds.

In this tale, Beowulf is a great warrior and hero. He sailed to Denmark to save King Hrothgar from a terrible monster called Grendel. A fight ensues, and Beowulf manages to cut off Grendel's arm, causing the monster to flee and bleed to death.

For more information about Beowulf, click the link below.


9. representation of the character in the present society wiglaf brainly


Hope it helps


God bless

10. representation of the character in the present societyBeowulf​


Beowulf is a great warrior, characterized predominantly by his feats of strength and courage,including his fable swimming match against breca.

11. grendel representation of the character in the present society brainly


grendel representation of the character in the present society


Grendel represent evil,so poet Christian word view turns him into a fiend from hell,the wicked creature,grim and greedy,was at the ready,savage and cruel,and seized in their rest thirty of the thanes.the poet describes Grendel's first attack on Hrothgar's men.Grendel is evil because he is a demon from hell and thus a foe of mankid,his mother evil is more ambiguous, because killing for veagence was allowed in the warrior culture of Beowulf's time.while fighting Grendel, Beowulf discovered his weakness.the weakness is an external eardrum,the source of Grendel's pain.beowulf began attacking it directly.


12. representation of the character beowolf in the present society​


The qualities of a good leader, relationships between leader and follower, and battle between good and evil exist in both societies and in turn make Beowulf an unforgettable poem which holds importance even in the modern world. Corruption, greed, and jealousy exist today, as do courage, bravery, and nobility.


Hope it helps

13. dragon representation of the character in the present society


title of the research study

wiglaf representation of the character in the present society

dragon representation of the character in the present society

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representation of wiglaf in the present society

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#carry on learning

sana maka tulong yan

14. representation of the character in the present society beowulf brainly


Beowulf is a great warrior, characterized predominantly by his feats of strength and courage, including his fabled swimming match against Breca.



15. representation of the character in the present society beowulf brainly

The protagonist of the epic, Beowulf is a Geatish hero who fights the monster Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and a fire-breathing dragon. Beowulf’s boasts and encounters reveal him to be the strongest, ablest warrior around. In his youth, he personifies all of the best values of the heroic culture. In his old age, he proves a wise and effective ruler.

Read an in-depth analysis of Beowulf.

King Hrothgar
The king of the Danes. Hrothgar enjoys military success and prosperity until Grendel terrorizes his realm. A wise and aged ruler, Hrothgar represents a different kind of leadership from that exhibited by the youthful warrior Beowulf. He is a father figure to Beowulf and a model for the kind of king that Beowulf becomes.

A demon descended from Cain, Grendel preys on Hrothgar’s warriors in the king’s mead-hall, Heorot. Because his ruthless and miserable existence is part of the retribution exacted by God for Cain’s murder of Abel, Grendel fits solidly within the ethos of vengeance that governs the world of the poem.

Read an in-depth analysis of Grendel.

Read an in-depth analysis of Grendel.

Grendel’s mother
An unnamed swamp-hag, Grendel’s mother seems to possess fewer human qualities than Grendel, although her terrorization of Heorot is explained by her desire for vengeance—a human motivation.

The dragon
An ancient, powerful serpent, the dragon guards a horde of treasure in a hidden mound. Beowulf’s fight with the dragon constitutes the third and final part of the epic.

Other Danes
Shield Sheafson
The legendary Danish king from whom Hrothgar is descended, Shield Sheafson is the mythical founder who inaugurates a long line of Danish rulers and embodies the Danish tribe’s highest values of heroism and leadership. The poem opens with a brief account of his rise from orphan to warrior-king, concluding, “That was one good king” (11).

The second king listed in the genealogy of Danish rulers with which the poem begins. Beow is the son of Shield Sheafson and father of Halfdane. The narrator presents Beow as a gift from God to a people in need of a leader. He exemplifies the maxim, “Behavior that’s admired / is the path to power among people everywhere” (24–25).

Read an in-depth analysis of Beow.

The father of Hrothgar, Heorogar, Halga, and an unnamed daughter who married a king of the Swedes, Halfdane succeeded Beow as ruler of the Danes.

Hrothgar’s wife, the gracious queen of the Danes.

A Danish warrior who is jealous of Beowulf, Unferth is unable or unwilling to fight Grendel, thus proving himself inferior to Beowulf.

Read an in-depth analysis of Unferth.

Hrothgar’s elder son, Hrethric stands to inherit the Danish throne, but Hrethric’s older cousin Hrothulf will prevent him from doing so. Beowulf offers to support the youngster’s prospect of becoming king by hosting him in Geatland and giving him guidance.

The second son of Hrothgar.

Hrothgar’s nephew, Hrothulf betrays and usurps his cousin, Hrethic, the rightful heir to the Danish throne. Hrothulf’s treachery contrasts with Beowulf’s loyalty to Hygelac in helping his son to the throne.

Hrothgar’s trusted adviser.

Other Geats
Beowulf’s uncle, king of the Geats, and husband of Hygd. Hygelac heartily welcomes Beowulf back from Denmark.

Hygelac’s wife, the young, beautiful, and intelligent queen of the Geats. Hygd is contrasted with Queen Modthryth.

A young kinsman and retainer of Beowulf who helps him in the fight against the dragon while all of the other warriors run away. Wiglaf adheres to the heroic code better than Beowulf’s other retainers, thereby proving himself a suitable successor to Beowulf.

Read an in-depth analysis of Wiglaf.

Beowulf’s father, Hygelac’s brother-in-law, and Hrothgar’s friend. Ecgtheow is dead by the time the story begins, but he lives on through the noble reputation that he made for himself during his life and in his dutiful son’s remembrances.

King Hrethel
The Geatish king who took Beowulf in as a ward after the death of Ecgtheow, Beowulf’s father.

Beowulf’s childhood friend, whom he defeated in a swimming match. Unferth alludes to the story of their contest, and Beowulf then relates it in detail.

Other Figures Mentioned
A figure from Norse mythology, famous for slaying a dragon. Sigemund’s story is told in praise of Beowulf and foreshadows Beowulf’s encounter with the dragon.

King Heremod
An evil king of legend. The scop, or bard, at Heorot discusses King Heremod as a figure who contrasts greatly with Beowulf.

Queen Modthryth
A wicked queen of legend who punishes anyone who looks at her the wrong way. Modthryth’s story is told in order to contrast her cruelty with Hygd’s gentle and reasonable behavior.

16. beowulf representation of the character in the present society


make me brainliest

hope it helps

17. representation of the character in the present society


make me brainliest

hope it helps

18. representation of the character in present society wiglaf


Wiglaf, one of Beowulf’s kinsmen and thanes, is the only warrior brave enough to help the hero in his fight against the dragon. Wiglaf conforms perfectly to the heroic code in that he is willing to die attempting to defeat the opponent and, more importantly, to save his lord. In this regard, Wiglaf appears as a reflection of the young Beowulf in the first part of the story—a warrior who is strong, fearless, valiant, and loyal. He embodies Beowulf’s statement from the early scenes of the poem that it is always better to act than to grieve. Wiglaf thus represents the next generation of heroism and the future of the kingdom. His bravery and solid bearing provide the single glint of optimism in the final part of the story, which, for the most part, is dominated by a tone of despair at what the future holds.


19. Representation of the character in the present society dragon​

Answer:For me for today society the dragon are the bad impact effect of the covid-19 pandemic to our economy and to many lives in earth that many people suffer the nightmare situation,our downfall that we don't know the end and the our new good start in life.

I hope it helps

20. representation of the character in the present society beowulf brainly


representation of the character in the present society beowulf


Beowulf is a great warrior, characterized predominantly by his feats of strength and courage, including his fabled swimming match against Breca.


21. Learning Task 3: Analyze the characters in the epic, Beowulf, by providingsignificant information about them and relating them to the present time.CHARACTER1.Beowulf2.King Hrothgar3.Grendel4.Grendel's Mother 5.Wiglaf6.DragonSIGNIFICANT DETAILS ABOUT THE CHARACTERREPRESENTATION OF THE CHARACTER IN THE PRESENT sagot.​




the hero of all hereos Beowulf strong and courageous is the prince greats once makes a vow he stands by his words no matter is reluctant to the people

SAGOT: Beowulf Yan Lang po ang Alam ko

22. Significant details about the character and representation of the character in the present society of beowulf, king hrothgar, grendel, grendel's mother, wiglaf and the dragon​.


Beowulf is the main character in the Old English epic poem "Beowulf." He is a warrior of the Geats, a tribe in what is now Sweden, and he travels to the kingdom of the Danes to offer his services as a hero to King Hrothgar. Beowulf is known for his great strength, courage, and honor. In the poem, he defeats the monster Grendel, who has been terrorizing Hrothgar's kingdom, and later defeats Grendel's mother. He also fights and defeats a dragon that has been wreaking havoc in his own kingdom.

King Hrothgar is the ruler of the Danes in the "Beowulf" poem. He is a wise and generous king who is deeply grateful to Beowulf for saving his kingdom from Grendel and Grendel's mother. Hrothgar is also known for his wealth and his great hall, Heorot, which is where Grendel attacks.

Grendel is a monster who terrorizes Hrothgar's kingdom and is eventually defeated by Beowulf. Grendel is described as being descended from the biblical Cain, who was cursed by God after killing his brother Abel. Grendel is portrayed as being evil and monstrous in the poem.

Grendel's mother is a monster who seeks revenge on Beowulf for killing her son, Grendel. She is eventually defeated by Beowulf in a battle underwater.

Wiglaf is a warrior who assists Beowulf in his fight against the dragon. He is one of the few warriors who does not desert Beowulf during the battle, and he helps Beowulf kill the dragon.

The dragon is a fearsome creature that Beowulf fights and defeats in the final part of the "Beowulf" poem. The dragon has been hoarding a great treasure, and Beowulf's defeat of the dragon allows him to claim the treasure and bring it back to his own kingdom.

In present society, the characters of "Beowulf" are often studied in literature and history classes and are seen as representing the values and culture of the Anglo-Saxons. The character of Beowulf, in particular, is often cited as a model of the heroic warrior and is sometimes used as an example of the ideals of honor and courage.



The dragon is a mighty and glamorous opponent, an appropriate match for Beowulf. The dragon is so well suited to bring about Beowulf’s downfall, in fact, that some readers have seen it as a symbolic representation of death itself: the unique, personal end that awaits every person. Hrothgar prepares us to view the dragon in this way when he warns Beowulf that for every warrior an unbeatable foe lies in wait, even if it is only old age. However, the dragon also symbolizes the specific fate that lies in wait for the Geats, and for pagan society generally. The dragon is “driven […] to guard heathen gold, / through age-long vigils, though to little avail” (ll.2275-7). Like Beowulf, the dragon uses its strength to accrue a huge mound of treasure, but in the end all the treasure does is bring about its death. The treasure also brings about Beowulf’s death. Possibly the poem’s Christian narrator sees greed for treasure as a kind of spiritual death, suffered by pagans who value treasure over Heaven. The dragon hoards his treasure in a “barrow,” that is, a grave.


I hope it helps


24. Representationof the Characterin the Present Society beowulf​


, Beowulf is a great warrior, characterized predominantly

by his feats of strength and courage, including his fabled

swimming match against Breca.


Keep on learning

25. Grendel's mother representation of the character in the present society?​


Grendel’s mother, like her son, is a mysterious humanoid creature. She enters the poem as an “avenger” (l.1258), seeking redress for the death of her son at Beowulf’s hands. For this reason, some readers have seen Grendel’s mother as an embodiment of ancient Northern European society’s tendency toward unending blood-feuds. Other readers have suggested that she represents the suffering of women under the bloodfeud system. Before Grendel’s mother attacks, we hear the story of Hildeburh, a princess who loses all her male relatives because her brother’s family is feuding with her husband’s. However, Grendel’s mother is by no means only an embodiment of blood-feuding and its failures. She lives in a “mere” (l.1362) whose bottom “has never been sounded by the sons of men” (l.1367). 


sana po nakatulong

26. representation of the character in the present society of dragon​


Answer. The dragon is a mighty and glamorous opponent, an appropriate match for Beowulf. The dragon is so well suited to bring about Beowulf's downfall, in fact, that some readers have seen it as a symbolic representation of death itself: the unique, personal end that awaits every person

27. Beowulf representation of the character in the present society​


a warrior society


sana makatulong po

28. grendel representation of the character in the present society brainly


Grendel represent evil,so poet Christian word view turns him into a fiend from hell,the wicked creature,grim and greedy,was at the ready,savage and cruel,and seized in their rest thirty of the thanes.



29. representation of the character wiglaf in the present society.present society po hinihingi​


Wiglaf, one of Beowulf’s kinsmen and thanes, is the only warrior brave enough to help the hero in his fight against the dragon. Wiglaf conforms perfectly to the heroic code in that he is willing to die attempting to defeat the opponent and, more importantly, to save his lord. In this regard, Wiglaf appears as a reflection of the young Beowulf in the first part of the story—a warrior who is strong, fearless, valiant, and loyal. He embodies Beowulf’s statement from the early scenes of the poem that it is always better to act than to grieve.


pwede nayun hindi ito para png na ma perfect ka

30. representation of grendel in the present society


Grendel represent evil, so poet Christian word view turns him into a fiend from hell,the wicked creature,grim and greedy,was at the ready,savage and cruel,and seized in their rest thirty of the thanes.



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