Cascade In Tagalog

Cascade In Tagalog

cascade meaning in tagalog

Daftar Isi

1. cascade meaning in tagalog



2. What is Cascade windows used for?​


cascading windows - Computer Definition

Displaying windows in a progressive order so that all the title bars appear on screen at one time. Cascading Windows. The Cascade function organizes open documents or images one after the other as in this example.


3. Cascaded transistor amplifier conclusion


1.ano ano hindi ko alm saan ang tanong jan?

4. Which two mountain ranges are nearly identical in age, size, rock type and sequence of deposition? (A) Himalayas and AndesB) Rockies and Cascades (C) Appalachians and Caledonians D) European Alps and cascades

Two  mountain is himalayas and andes

5. 4. What is Cascade windows used for?​


Cascade Delete means that if a record in the parent table is deleted, then the corresponding records in the child table will automatically be deleted.


6. What has been cascading in the philippines and bringing a lot of gloom?


It's the natural resources we have.


An attractive highlights in every place of the PHILIPPINES.

7. what is your reflection/generalization of introduction to cascading style sheets(css)?​


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents.

These pages contain information on how to learn and use CSS and on available software. They also contain news from the CSS working group.




is an integral part of the modern web development process. It is a highly effective HTML tool that provides easy control over layout and presentation of website pages by separating content from design.


8. 3. Bodies of water that flow downward. Also called cascade. (LWASTREFLA)




thats the ans

9. 4. Explain how the cascading effect of hormonalpathways amplifies the response.​


follow the rules and take it

10. ict codingCascading Style sheetplease help:)​


What i have learned about CSS?

1. how to create CSS files

2. about selectors, properties and values

3. how to use classes and ID's

4. about different lenght and units

5. about selector specificity

6. the ins-and-out of width and height

7. the different color types


carry on learning

11. What is the importance of typography in Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)?​


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is the coding language that gives a website its look and layout. Along with HTML, CSS is fundamental to web design. Without it, websites would still be plain text on white backgrounds.

12. what has been cascading in the Philippines and bringing a lot of glom?


-Global warming, which is spawning of superior typhoons

-Extreme grinding of poverty of the Filipino peoples

-Migration to foriegn countries, which results in a tirrible brain drain and Unrelenting graft and corruption.


mark me as a brainliest pls


comment your Grade and Subject on my answer and i will give the answer key of that module

14. Explain the role of Cascading Style Sheet in creating HTML document.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) use a separate language from HTML. CSS allows you to apply consistent styling of elements across all pages on your site, so that all headings, lists, and paragraphs look and act the same on every page of a site.


correct me if im wrong po

15. Explain the role of Cascading Style Sheet in creating HTML document.


Simply CSS is use to styling your webpage along with basic markup HTML. It is about to attact your users/visitor, CSS is a huge part of user interface.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) use a separate language from HTML. CSS allows you to apply consistent styling of elements across all pages on your site, so that all headings, lists, and paragraphs look and act the same on every page of a site.


this is all i can tell

16. What are the changes on earth if a lava cascade happen? Nonsense = Report​


When Cascade volcanoes do erupt, pyroclastic flows, lava flows, and landslides can devastate areas more than 10 miles (16 km) away; and huge mudflows of volcanic ash and debris, called lahars, can inundate valleys more than 50 miles (80 km) downstream.Volcanos change the Earth's surface very quickly.When volcanoes erupt, hot lava is released from inside the Earth. As it cools and hardens, rock is formed and that can change the shape of the land. Volcanos change the Earth's surface very quickly. When volcanoes erupt, hot lava is released from inside the Earth.

pa brainliests..

17. what is the difference of cascade windows from stuck windows​


In Windows, you can use the cascade windows option to arrange all open windows to overlap one another with their title bars remaining visible so you can quickly see which windows are open to switch to one.




Windows 8.1 Pro, Intel i7-3770k, 4 internal SSD drives, 32 gb Ram, 4gb x2 ATI and 2 displays as one Asus PA246Q, other Acer s243hl.


Burn-out in a global culture is not difficult to assess. Windows 8 cascade of open/selected windows is too tight for my eye-sight and coordination. Neuropathy aside, the user ability to customize desktop layout is almost or equally as exasperating in Windows as in Mac. Microsoft, this sterility is the massive blockade of work layout that we all dread every day. PLEASE cut us some slack! Your accessibility concept seems limited to 1:20 eye-sight, and 4 billion information workers all hitting the same key at the same time. Get REAL. Let’s take five little steps together (and ignore 9,996 other little steps (things like user window border color/radius/transparency selection) for now). You can count them on your fingers with just one hand, all 4 billion of you, all at once!


ANSWER DESK (culture and Window's untidy display) and PARTNER SUPPORT (improved technical layout for cascade - use gently cued display grids).

pa brainliest po

18. Cascade company manufactures a special laundry soap

how much is it can i see itt

19. What has been cascading in the philippines and bringing a lot of gloom?


What has been cascading in the philippines and bringing a lot of gloom?

❣️It's the natural resources we have. Philippines is very rich in natural resources that make our country glow among other countries.


20. Can human population be blamed for the cascading degradation of the environment? why?


We humans are remarkable creatures. From our humble beginnings in small pockets of Africa, we have evolved over millennia to colonise almost every corner of our planet. We are clever, resilient and adaptable―perhaps a little too adaptable.

In 2015 the world population is more than 7.3 billion people. That’s more than seven billion three hundred million bodies that need to be fed, clothed, kept warm and ideally, nurtured and educated. More than 7.3 billion individuals who, while busy consuming resources, are also producing vast quantities of waste, and our numbers continue to grow. The United Nations estimates that the world population will reach 9.2 billion by 2050.

For most of our existence the human population has grown very slowly, kept in check by disease, climate fluctuations and other social factors. It took until 1804 for us to reach 1 billion people. Since then, continuing improvements in nutrition, medicine and technology have seen our population increase rapidly.

Human population has skyrocketed over the last few hundred years. In 1500 there were 425 million humans; in 2000, there were 6 billion; and today, in 2015, 7.3 billion.Human population has seen exponential growth over the past few hundred years. Data source: Our World in Data.

The impact of so many humans on the environment takes two major forms:

consumption of resources such as land, food, water, air, fossil fuels and minerals

waste products as a result of consumption such as air and water pollutants, toxic materials and greenhouse gases

More than just numbers

Many people worry that unchecked population growth will eventually cause an environmental catastrophe. This is an understandable fear, and a quick look at the circumstantial evidence certainly shows that as our population has increased, the health of our environment has decreased. The impact of so many people on the planet has resulted in some scientists coining a new term to describe our time—the Anthropocene epoch. Unlike previous geological epochs, where various geological and climate processes defined

How can this be? Whether we have 500 million people or one trillion, we still have only one planet, which has a finite level of resources. The answer comes back to resource consumption. People around the world consume resources differently and unevenly. An average middle-class American consumes 3.3 times the subsistence level of food and almost 250 times the subsistence level of clean water. So if everyone on Earth lived like a middle class American, then the planet might have a carrying capacity of around 2 billion. However, if people only consumed what they actually needed, then the Earth could potentially support a much higher figure.

But we need to consider not just quantity but also quality—Earth might be able to theoretically support over one trillion people, but what would their quality of life be like? Would they be scraping by on the bare minimum of allocated resources, or would they have the opportunity to lead an enjoyable and full life?

More importantly, could these trillion people cooperate on the scale required, or might some groups seek to use a disproportionate fraction of resources? If so, might other groups challenge that inequality, including through th

21. What has been cascading in the Philippines and bringing a lot of gloom?​

Answer: baka renejay to


dahil ang pagong ay lumilipad

22. CSS stands for Cascading style sheet​




cascading style sheet ngayon ko lang yan nabasa ehhh


23. can human population be blamed for the cascading of degration of the environment? Why or why not? ​


The world population is growing by approximately 74 million people per year

Population growth is not evenly distributed across the globe

Scientists are yet to conclusively determine the human ‘carrying capacity’ of Earth

Population is only one of many factors influencing the environment

We have consumed more resources in the last 50 years than the whole of humanity before us

The 20th century saw the biggest increase in the world’s population in human history

24. look for the meaning of the following words write the meaning of the space provided cascade​



1.a small waterfall, typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope.

"the waterfall raced down in a series of cascades




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waterfallfallswater chutecataractrapidstorrentflooddelugeoutpouring

waterfallfallswater chutecataractrapidstorrentflooddelugeoutpouringwhite water

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2.a process whereby something, typically information or knowledge, is successively passed on.

"the greater the number of people who are well briefed, the wider the cascade effect"



(of water) pour downward rapidly and in large quantities.

"water was cascading down the stairs"


















2.arrange (a number of devices or objects) in a series or sequence.

25. Why it is necessary to use Cascading Style Sheets in webpages​


Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allows developers to separate content from presentation. In other words, with CSS the visual layout of a Web page can be established with style sheets, while the content can be put into HTML.

So, as time goes on, you will need to use styles to be able to create effective XHTML pages.

26. Cascade Range of Wester North America​


The Cascade Range is a significant mountain range of western North America, extending from Canada’s British Columbia by means of the U.S. states of Washington and Oregon to Northern California. This article will give an overview of Cascade Range volcanos, mountains, Oregon, location, climate, formation, facts, etc.


27. Names an element for use with Cascading Style Sheets​


In CSS, property declarations have the form "name : value" and are separated by a semi-colon. To specify style information for more than one element, authors should use the STYLE element. For optimal flexibility, authors should define styles in external style sheets

28. Cite the significance of the two basic in cascading style sheet.​

Cite the significance of the two basic in cascading style sheet.​

The significance of the two basic in cascading style sheet.​

The layout of Web pages is formatted using Cascading Style Sheets. Text styles, table widths, and other Web page properties that were previously only available in HTML can now be specified using CSS.

CSS allows Web designers to establish a consistent look across multiple pages of a website. Rather than defining the style of each table and block of text in the HTML of a page, commonly used styles can be defined once in a CSS sheet. Any page that mentions the CSS file can use the style defined in the CSS file. CSS also makes it simple to alter styles across multiple pages at the same time.

CSS stands for Cascading style sheet​


29. mount saint helen and the cascade mountain​


Mount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, Washington in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Cascade mountainis a major mountain range of western North America, extending from southern British Columbia through Washington and Oregon to Northern California.

#Be Brainly#Brainliest Please




Mount St. Helens is primarily an explosive dacite volcano with a complex magmatic system. The volcano was formed during four eruptive stages beginning about 275,000 years ago and has been the most active volcano in the Cascade Range during the Holocene.


Cascade Mountain is a mountain range in the northwestern United States extending through Washington and Oregon and northern California; a part of the Coast Range. synonyms: Cascade Range, Cascades. example of: chain, chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, range, range of mountains.

30. what is the difference of cascade window from stock window​


A cascade window is man-made and a stock window is made from nature.


tats wat i know

hope it helps

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