Culture Is Gratifying

Culture Is Gratifying

Culture is gratifying.​

Daftar Isi

1. Culture is gratifying.​

Culture is the Centre of a society and without culture no society can even exist. It is the main difference between human beings and animals. It is a heritage transmitted from one generation to another. It includes all the ways and behaviors is social life. Man is born in the environment of culture, in which he seeks his way of behaving and acting in a given society. Your can also find out effects of ethnocentrism.

2. example culture is gratifying​


Culture is gratifying. ... Our needs are food, shelter, clothing and desires are status, fame, money, sex etc are all the examples which are fulfilled according to the cultural ways. In fact it is defined as the process through which human beings satisfy their need.

3. 1.) Culture is shared 2.) Culture is social 3.) Culture varies from other societies 4.) Culture is gratifying.


Characteristics of Culture

Culture is social. It is not biological; we do not inherit it. Much of learning culture is unconscious. We learn culture from families, peers, institutions, and media. The process of learning culture is known as enculturation. While all humans have basic biological needs such as food, sleep, and sex, the way we fulfill those needs varies cross-culturally.

Culture is shared. Because we share culture with other members of our group, we are able to act in socially appropriate ways as well as predict how others will act. Despite the shared nature of culture, that doesn’t mean that culture is homogenous (the same). The multiple cultural worlds that exist in any society are discussed in detail below.

Culture varies from other society. A culture l is something that stands for something else. Culture vary cross-culturally and are arbitrary. They only have meaning when people in a culture agree on their use. Language, money and art are all symbols. Language is the most important symbolic component of culture.

Culture is gratifying. This is known as holism, or the various parts of a culture being interconnected. All aspects of a culture are related to one another and to truly understand a culture, one must learn about all of its parts, not only a few.

4. How are the words in your activity connected to the study of culture and society?​ words: Learned, social, variety, shared, gratifying, continuous and transmitted


Which activity are you referring to?

5. what is meaning of Gratify?​


to give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings: Her praise will gratify all who worked so hard to earn it. to satisfy; indulge; humor, as one's desires or appetites.



Gratify is the pleasurable emotional reaction of happiness in response to a fulfillment of a desire or goal. It is also identified as a response stemming from the fulfillment of social needs such as affiliation, socializing, social approval, and mutual recognition.

6. on: write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number 1. A group whose values and norms place it at odds with mainstream society or a group that actively rejects dominant cultural values and norms A Counter Culture B. High Culture C. Popular Culture D. Ideal Culture 2. Who is the founding father of sociology? A Max Webber B. Max Weber C. Weber Max D. Maximo Weber 3. Which of the following denotes to the experience that individuals undergo when they move to new cultural environment? A cultural relativism C. culture shock B. cultural lag D. culture dualism 4. What does it mean if culture is passed on to succeeding generations primarily by means of language? A transmitted C. shared and transmitted B. shared D. gratifies human needs 5. It fefers to the general guidelines that is a fundamental part of our lives and stands for the things we believe in A values B. C. laws D. mores 6. Consist of activities patronized by the elite audiences, composed of member of the upper-middle and uppe class. A Counter Culture B. Iligh Culture C. Popular Culture D. Ideal Culture 7. It is the notion that culture takes time to catch up technology. A cultural lag B. cultural relativism C. culture dualism D. culture shock 8. This type of culture can be observed in our social life. A Ideal Culture B. Material Culture C. Non-material Culture D. Real Culture 9. An object, gesture, sound, color or design that represents something other than itself" A Values B. Symbols C. Beliefs D. Ideas norms 10. Culture provides proper opportunities for the satisfaction of our needs and desires. A Culture is shared C. Culture is continuous and cumulative B. Culture is lcarned D. Culture is gratifying and idcalistic













Hope it helps


Pa brainliest po plss

7. 5. The Filipino workers work abroad. When they came here, they are manifesting sorne behavior or belietthat is practice in the country they are working. What feature of culture is being described?A. Culture is ContinuousC. Culture is LearnedB. Culture is sharedD. Culture is GratifyingWhy culture is social?A. Because culture is not inbornC. Because culture provides satisfaction.B. Because it is the product of behavior. D. Because it is gratifying7. Who called culture "the social heritage" of man?A. Franz BoasC. Ralph LintonB. Auguste ComteD. Wright Mills8. What is the main vehicle of culture?A. LanguageC. SignB. SymbolD. Instruction9. Which is an example of ethnocentrism?A. Filipinos are known for being hospitable.B. She sees that llocanos are thrifty because of their geographical location.C. USA permits abortion and call it woman's rights.D. Eating Dalagang Bukid, Salagubang, Palakang Bukid and other organisms are not healthy10. Which best describes cultural relativism?A. Many people are blinded from seeing things in another perspectiveB. It tends to dislike or make false judgment on other cultures.C. All cultures are equal.D. They tend becoming biased and judge another culturethe cornerstone of culture.​








Electronic products, transport equipment, precious metals, oils, and fruits – these are some of the Philippines’ primary export. Despite the high dollar value that each of these contributes, none of them are considered the country’s top export. The country’s top and most successful export has been and will continue to be its people. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) or those from the Philippines who work abroad are regarded as the modern heroes of the country not just because of the sacrifice they make to lift their families out of poverty and better their economic status. They are also known to be the biggest export earners and among the largest contributors to the growth of the Philippine economy.

OFWs aid the country’s economy through their remittances or the portion of their salary that they send to their loved ones in the Philippines. All the money is sent through the international banking system and is immediately recorded in the country’s balance of payments. Once the money gets into the country and in the hands of the intended receiver, it then starts to impact the national economy. There are many ways remittances influence the economy, but the most noticeable and desirable one is its contribution to the rising living standards in the country.

Families who receive money from relatives who work abroad are given more purchasing power, which then improves domestic consumption – one of the key factors in the growth of the economy. Although most OFWs send money so that their families can maintain a certain standard of living, there are families that have sources of domestic income and use remittances solely for the improvement of their lives. They put the money into investments, home improvements, and high-quality education. Simply put, a lot of opportunities are opened for these families due solely to the remittances.

People from the Philippines who work abroad are deemed heroes because of their contributions to both their families and the economy. They are highly commended for what they do and put on a pedestal by some, which is why so many desire to become OFWs. There is, however, more to being an OFW that people don’t know about and that’s exactly what we aim to shed some light on today. Simply read more as we take a glimpse into the lives of overseas Filipino workers!

8. How are the words in your activity (Learned, Social, Variety, Shared, Gratifying, continouos, transmitted) connected to the study of culture and society?​


The culture of society comprises the shared values, understanding. It refers to the sum of human beings' lifeways, their behaviour, beliefs, feelings, thought

9. RassignedLearning Task 8: #i-cover "Sinulog Festival”Situation: As a potential journalist, you areto document one of the most famous festivals in our country, the "SinulogFestival.” During the event, you need to take pictures and write down notes of theimportant things about the festival that are related to the differentcharacteristics of culture.Culture is social.Culture is shared.Culture is learned.Ex. Dancers learn the steps thruthe help of choreographer andteachers.אווווווCulture is transmitted.ESCulture varies from othersocieties.Culture is gratifying,​

Sinulog Festival

→ You can see the picture below.


Teachers and choreographers assist dancers in learning the steps.


Dancers communicate with one another while they dance, which energizes everyone at the festival.


The viewers are satisfied by the dancers' imaginative, vibrant, and embellished costumes.


Each festival showcases a distinct theme. It differs from other festivals since it has a feature that others don't.


The dancers have the opportunity to present and introduce the steps they have learned from their trainers and choreographer to everyone attending the festival. By using paint and other materials to decorate their faces, they can also demonstrate their ingenuity to others.


Everyone is taking part in the Sinulog festival and learning from it as well. They can and will teach others everything they have learned. Link to Author Lumari Villanueva.

Further explanation:

The Philippines celebrate a holiday called Sinulog. The dance movement that festivalgoers engaged in is referred to as sinulog. The Cebuano adverb sulog, which roughly translates to “like water current movement,” is whence the word sinulog originates. This holiday is observed on January 16. An estimated 1 to 15 million people attend this festival to witness and experience a different culture. In addition, they hold pre- and post-party street dances and other events. As a result, the Philippines refers to this gathering as the “Queen of celebrations.”

The idea of the Sinulog Parade was implemented in 1981, featuring representatives from other Philippine provinces in addition to Cebu. The Sinulog distinguishes itself from another well-known festival, by putting less emphasis on the ritual itself and more on the dance's historical facets, which, as has been noted, serve as a symbol of the nation's embrace of Christianity.

Learn more about sinulog here:


10. so i say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires on the flesh

This line is from the Bible (Galatians 5:16) "so i say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires on the flesh" The meaning of this line is we need to walk with Jesus in our life. Do not forget to fulfill the thirst and hunger of our soul to Jesus. The only way to fight the desire from the flesh is to be with Jesus. To nourish our spirits with His Words. Do not forget to walk with Christ in our daily lives. Temptation is always there to temp us but always remember that if you have a strong soul and faith with God nothing can temp you. As we walk our journey in lives we always leaner new things whether it is good or bad just do not forget the love of Christ to us. Always remember that a nourished soul will never be hunger with flesh because the person with nourished soul is filled by love with Christ.

11. can culture and society be completed without these things, social, varies, shared, learned, transmitted, continuous, gratifying? why? ​




because that is a part of culture and society.

12. How are the words in your activity connected to the study of culture and society?​ words: Learned, social, variety, shared, gratifying, continuous and transmitted

were is the selection.


Where is the activity?

13. rearrange the letters1. (dangerous) erpisulo -2. (ashamed) aeadhbs -3. (satisfy, gratify) perhaps -​




3.sorry po diko po alam comment konalang po pag alam kona salamt





14. synonym: mad,outrage antonym:delight,gratify​


Some common synonyms of outrage are affront, insult, and offend. While all these words mean "to cause hurt feelings or deep resentment," outrage implies offending beyond endurance and calling forth extreme feelings.

Dismay,displease,disgust,displeasure and pain

15. Multiple choice.1.) The following are examples of material culture except.a. Toolsb. Weaponsc. Dwelling unitsd. Customs2.) The following statements are characteristics of culture except.a. It is learned and acquiredb. It is deliberated and enactedc. It is shared and transmittedd. It gratifies human needs3. The following are modes of learning and acquiring culture except.a. Diffusionb. Imitationc. Indoctrinationd. Conditioning4. It is an attempt to judge behavior according to its cultural context.a. Cultural indoctrinationb. Subculturesc. Cultural relativityd. Culture shock​

Answer:1.c,2.d,3.b and 4.a I think

16. TO FILL WITH RAGE: ANGER??synonym: mad,outrageantonym:delight,gratify​

Search it somewhere. There will be an answer

17. gratify meaning?nzbzjssjmz​


graffiti, form of visual communication, usually illegal, involving the unauthorized marking of public space by an individual or group

18. Let Us Enhance Directions: Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is correct. If false, change and write the correct answer of the underlined word. _____1. Culture is social because it is the product of behavior. _____2. Culture is a human product. _____3. Culture is not something that an individual alone can possess. _____4. Sometimes people share different aspects of a culture. _____5. Culture is often called “learned ways of behavior.” _____6. Covert refers to obvious behaviors. _____7. Society is the main vehicle for the transmission of culture. _____8. Culture is transmitted among members of society. _____9. Culture is continuous and cumulative. _____10. Culture is gratifying and idealistic.













i hope it's works:)

19. A. Element of culture2. It is preserved and accumulated; it is changing.B. Characteristics of culture3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of culteC. FolkwaysD. BeliefsA. Culture is learnedB. Culture is gratifyingC. Culture is accumulatedD. Culture is specificC. Types of cultureD. Component of culture​




D. Culture is specific, is not a characteristic of a culture.

20. should we feel gratified with the honors and recognition gained by filipino champions? why?​


Of course, just like with the recent gold medalist, since they represent our country and have spent countless hours on their field.




Because ,they promote our country,this proved that we are powerfull nationn

21. . "I am discontented with my work". What is the meaning of the word discontented? * b. Dissatisfied d. happy c. Pleased a. Gratified ​

"I am discontented with my work". What is the meaning of the word discontented? 

b. Dissatisfied

Meaning of discontented

It means dissatisfied, especially with one's circumstances.



Marking me as the brainliest or just simply clicking thanks and rating my answer is much much appreciated, thank you.


22. 9. Culture is defined as the process through which human beings satisfy theirwants. This statement simply means that culture isa. continuousc. socialb. gratifyingd. transmitted​


B. Gratifying-nakakatuwa


Sure po ako%

23. 3. aboveboard : sincere : swindle:a. Befriendb. Deceivec. gratifyd. help​


c.gratify is my answer.,

24. What is this word? satisfy, gratify (verb)

Satisfy means meets the expectation, needs or desires

25. 6. The following statements are characteristics of culture except.A. It is learned and acquiredB. It is deliberated and enactedC. It is shared and transmittedD. It gratifies human needs7 This arises from the fact that culturas differ and each culture defines reali​


B.It is delibrated and enacted


A. it is learned and acquired

26. How are the words in your activity connected to the study of culture and society?​ Characteristics of culture 1.learned 3.variety 4.shared 5.gratifying 6.continuous 7.transmitted


ga then ga tree tell if UC em tax Glenn ga time this sky rank is in

27. Observe how you celebrate your barangay fiesta and prove that characteristics of culture has been observed. Culture is shared. Culture is learned.Culture is social. Culture varies from one to another. Culture is transmitted. Culture is gratifying.​


what Is various ways of philosophy

28. What term was used for those women who were used by Japanese soldiers to gratify their lust?​


[tex]1. comfort \: women[/tex]



29. What is gratified? ​

To give pleasure to by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings.


to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need/give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction.

30. The need to go to your classroom with your teachers and classmates is an example of what aspect of culture?a.Culture is learnedb.culture is gratifying c.culture is transmittedd.culture os social​

B. culture is learned


because their performing a culture that is inherited or learned by the them

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