Tush Kyiz

Tush Kyiz

what is description of tush kyiz​

Daftar Isi

1. what is description of tush kyiz​


Tush kyiz - are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.

2. tush kyiz utilization/uses​

Tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter. Colors and designs are chosen to symbolize Kyrgyz traditions and rural life. Flowers, plants, animals, stylized horns, national designs and emblems of Kyrgyz life are often found in these ornate and colorful embroideries. Designs are sometimes dated and signed by the artist upon completion of the work, which may take years to finish. The tush kyiz is hung in the yurt over the marriage bed of the couple, and symbolize their pride in their Kyrgyz tradition.

3. tush kyiz /utilization/uses​


Colors and designs are chosen to symbolize Kyrgyz traditions and rural life.


yan po

4. ACTIVITY 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Analyze the given terms based on the countries they belong to. Choose the correct letter to get the correct answer.1.Calligraphy2.Handmade Sculpted soap3.Shirdarks4.Tush Kyiz5.Keteni6.XXX cushion7.Diwali8.Silverwork9.Inlaid Wood designs10.Hammered Metal workCHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER.A. TURMENISTANB. KYRGYSTANC. WEST ASIAND. PAKISTANE. INDIA​



2. A



5. E



5. What is the use of tush kyiz in Kyrgyzstan


are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.

6. 9. C. Calligraphy D. Carpet Design 10. An art that is commonly present in pottery and tiles to decorate architectures such as mosques in Syria Which of the following is the best craft of Saudi Arabia? A. Ceramic Arts B. Painting C. Carpet D. Ceramic Arts C. Painting and Persia. A. Painting B. Calligraphy 11. It is the art of beautiful handwriting. A. Calligraphy B. Carpet D. Ceramic 12. It was the most popular painting of Islamic art used in books called "illuminated manuscripts". A. Miniature Painting C. Landscape Painting B. Portrait D. Calligraphy 13. It is a sacred space often a circle which reveals inner truth about you and the world around you. A. Mandala C. Rishton Ceramics B. Yurt D. Tush Kyiz 14. It is a unique settlement for the nomads of the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz people. A. Yurt C. Rishton Ceramics B. Tush Kyiz D. Mandala 15. Otherwise known as wall hangings. A. Tush Kyiz C. Yurt B. Mandala D. Rishton Ceramics 16. Well-known for printmaking A. Uzbekistan C. Kazakhstan B. Tajikistan D. Turkmenistan 17. What country is well known for their wood carving? A. Tajikistan C. Turkmenistan B. Uzbekistan D. Kazakhstan 18. An art that can be found throughout Kazakhstan A. Petroglyphs C. Embroidery B. Wood Carving D. Printmaking​


9. C

10. B

11. A

12. A

13. A

14. A

15. A

16. C

17. B

18. A


pa brainliest po pls

7. is non mi corura nentage.EST II- Analogy: Write the missing word to complete the pairing words. Choose your answer in the box below.Visual ArtsPakistanHandmade SoapKeteniUzbekistan1. Wall Hanging: Tush Kyiz; Homespun silk;2. Kazakhstan Visual Arts; Uzbekistan; Printed Cloth3. Flamboyant truck:Carpet; Turkmenistan4. Pakistan; Mohenjo Daro; Lebanon;5. Ceramics;Carving; Tajikistan​



2.visual arts


4.handmade soap


8. 6. What form of art refers to the unique patterns on the floor or ground created by using colored rice, dry llour, colored sand or flower prials? A Ceramic C. Rangoli B. Diwali D. Tush Kyiz​

ang sagot ay letter C.Rangoli

9. 12. When is tush kyis be used?A. BaptismalB. BirthdayC. FuneralD. Wedding​


D. Wedding


Tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, by elder women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.


10. Learning ActivitiesTrue or False: Write the letter T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement isFALSE.1. Keteni is an object of one the wonderful tradition in Pakistan people2. Flamboyant truck is the most colorful truck seen at Pakistan3. Tush Kyiz are Traditionaly made in Kyrgystan4. Mohenjo Daro and Kot Diji are among Post-Colonial Period settlementsin Pakistan5. West Asia is rich in Cultural Heritage.​








11. Directions: Identify the art or craft in the picture to its country of origin. Write your answers on theblank3.2.1.Keteni:Mendhi:Tush Kyiz:6.5.4.Carpet Design:Rangoli:Truck art :109.Mandala:Taj Majal:8.Laksmi:7.Diwali:​




Carpet design= WEST ASIA








hope it helps

12. 12. What event in a person's life is honored when their family displays tush kyiz in their homes? A Birthday C. Marriage B. Graduation D. Promotion​





(ANSWER)D Promotion

@Thund >_<


13. what country tush kyiz made


what country tush kyiz made



pabrainliest po plsss



- Tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.





[tex]\tt\blue{HIKARI-PSYCHO-INVINCIBLE \: SQUAD}[/tex]

14. D. tush kyiz5. Images created by removing part of the rock surfacecarvingA. petroglyphsC. calligrapB. hieroglyphsD. ochre​




im not sure

15. 5. What is the purpose of Tush Kyiz that is made by elder women? A. To commemorate Nowruz holiday B. To commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter​




we need to help you

think you

16. 10. What facts you can gather about tush kyiz?A flat cushionsB. embroidered Hanging wallsChanging Walls DecorationD. homespun silk that is used for the beautiful dresses worn by Turkmen women​



10. What facts you can gather about tush kyiz?

A flat cushions

B. embroidered Hanging walls

Changing Walls Decoration

D. homespun silk that is used for the beautiful dresses worn by Turkmen women

17. 1. What is Petroglyph? 2. What is the most important out of local Tajikstan Residents? 3. Who produces the most unique and beautiful carpets in the world? 4. How do they create their carpets? 5. What is a ketchi? 6-7. What is a shirdak? Who produces it? 8-10. What is a tush kyiz? Who makes it? What is the purpose of making it?


What is Petroglyph?

Images made by carving, incising, picking, or abrading the surface. Most rock arts depict animals, nature, stars, and hunters. It is associated with prehistoric people.

What is the most important out of local Tajikstan Residents?

Recently they have discovered substantial oil reserves. the strategic location of Tajikistan, bordering between Afghanistan and China.

Who produces the most unique and beautiful carpets in the world?

The Persians, or known today as Iran. These carpets are called Persian Rugs.

How do they create their carpets?

By weaving looms and knots with materials such as wool, cotton, and silk.

What is a ketchi?

Do you mean Kuchi? They are Pashtuns from southern and eastern Afghanistan. Also called Kochi.Or it could also refer to the Afghan dog which is also called Kuchi.

What is a shirdak?

It is called Shyrdak or Syrmak. It is a stitched color felt floor-coverings

Who produces it?

Usually handmade in Central Asia.

What is a tush kyiz?

Large, intricate embroidered wall hangings

Who makes it?

Women of Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan

What is the purpose of making it?

A commemoration of a son or a daughter's marriage.

Related Topic - West Asian Art


18. -tions: Name the following picture. Choose from the words inside the box. Write your answer e blank provided. atan Ceramics arabesque decoration Turkmen rug Tush kyiz Egyptian mosque lamp 1. 3. 4. 2. 5.​


nasaan po ung picture


picture pls.

19. D. Uzbekistan9. Which of the following country is known as the heart of Central Asia?A. Kazakhstan B. Tajikistan C. Turkmenistan10. It is an object of one of the wonderful traditions of the Turkman peopleA. Diwali Clay B. Keteni Cloth C. SilverworkD. Tush Kyiz​


9.Tajikistan: Progress and Problems at the Heart of Central Asia.

D.Tush kyiz


mArk me the brainliest pls

Correct me if I'm wrong



9. B.Tajikistan

10. B. Keteni Cloth


•Tajikistan is known as the "Heart of Central Asia"

•Keteni Cloth is an object of one of the wonderful traditions of the Turkman People


20. 1. It is known as the embroidered wall hangings to conmemorate the marriage of the son daughter D. Tush Kyiz c. Divas 2. It is an art form, originating in the indian subcontinent, in which patterns are created on the floor or the ground using materials such as coloured nice, coloured sand, quartz powder, flower petals, and coloured rocks. a. Dhwali b. Lakshmi c. Rangoli d. Tush Kyiz 3. It is homespun silk that is used for the beautiful dresses worn by Turkmen women on special occasions. a. Talks b.hateni c. Diwali d. Rangoli 4. It is danced by both males and females; many of the dances convey moods Oy love a kathak b. Mehndi c. Camatic d. Hindustani 5. Turkmenistan is known on its most unique and beautiful arts and crafts that vary in shape and purpose. a. skirt weaving b. carpet weaving c. scarf weaving d. cushion weaving 6. It is a specific part in Asia which is rich in cultural heritage, and this is clearly evident in the variety and quality of regional arts and crafts. * East Asia b. Southeast Asia C. South Asia d. West AsiaCORRECT ANSWER PLEASE ​


1. D. Tush Kyiz

2. C. Rangoli

3. B. Keteni (wrong spelling)

4. A. Kathak

5. B. Carpet Weaving

6. D. West Asia


hope it'll be helpful for you

21. Term used for Kyrgyzstan's outerwear?a. keteneb. tush kyizc. frescoesd. pattachitra​


B. Tush kyiz


Tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter. Colors and designs are chosen to symbolize Kyrgyz traditions and rural life.



Tush kyiz- are intricate embroideries, often made for marriages

RANGOLI -One characteristic of rangoli is that commoners paint it, without much background in geometry, fine arts or mathematics

TRUCK ART -features elaborate floral and leaf patterns and this kind of art is especially seen on trucks.


basta yan sagot ko

23. turkmenistan is the source of a homespun silk that is used for the beautiful dresses worn by turkmen women on special occasions called ______A. Tush kyizB. KeteniC. Flat cushionsD. ShirdarksThankyou agad. <<3​


B. Keteni


* The silk textile product from Turkmenistan is called a Keteni. It is beautifully made into a dress for Turkmen women on special occasions, like a wedding gown.

24. 1. One of the arts of India uses finely ground whitepowder with different colors. It is used for decoratingcourtyard of houses. Which of the following best fit thisdescription?a. Diwalic. Rangolib. Tush Kyizd. carpet​


C. Rangoli


Rangoli, the art of making designs or patterns on the walls or the floor of the house, uses finely ground white powder along with different colors. Numerous households in the Indian subcontinent make use of Rangoli designs for decorating the courtyard of their house.


25. what is the use of tush kyis in kazakhstan and kazakhstan?​


Tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.


Hope this hleps

Also mark this brainliest pls thank you ;D

26. what are similarities of tush kyiz, rangoli and truck arts​


Tush kyiz- are intricate embroideries, often made for marriages

RANGOLI -One characteristic of rangoli is that commoners paint it, without much background in geometry, fine arts or mathematics

TRUCK ART -features elaborate floral and leaf patterns and this kind of art is especially seen on trucks.



27. what is the use of tush kyiz in Kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan?​


tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.

28. ARTIdentify what country the art crafts belong. Write your answer after each item. [ Tajikistan India Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Pakistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan ]1. Decorative carving 2. Diwali lamp 3. Visual art 4.Taj Mahal 5. Tush kyiz 6. Truck art 7. Printed cloth 8. Carpets 9. Image of Shiva 10. Mahabharata and Ramayana​


1. Germany

2. India

3. Rome, Italy

4. Agra, india

5. Kyrgyzstan

6. Pakistan

7. Spain

8. Iran

9. Southern india

10. India



29. Check Your Understanding Directions: Below are some examples of different arts in Central Asia, Can you describe each art? Write the answer on your answer sheet Arts in Central Asia 1. Suzanis and Ikat 2. Yurts 3. Keteni 4. Tush kyiz 5. Kandakory Description​


1.Ikat is fabric with no raised pattern. Since a suzani features decorative embroidery, it will have a raised pattern you can feel and raised stitching you can see.

2.A yurt, or ger, is a portable, circular dwelling. Yurts have been the primary style of home in Central Asia, particularly Mongolia, for thousands of years. A yurt is a portable, circular dwelling made of a lattice of flexible poles and covered in felt or other fabric. They are a sturdy, reliable type of tent.

3In Farsi, word keten means fabric. One of the main characteristics of keteni fabric is its colouring, defined by the quality of the dye. In ancient times, the fabric was dyed with natural vegetable dyes, hence the peculiar intensity of the tone and stability of dyes.

4.Tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter. Colors and designs are chosen to symbolize Kyrgyz traditions and rural life.

5Wood carving (kandakory) in Tajikistan is a diverse art and has several types of techniques: relief cutting (clear-cut), flat cutting, deep cutting, double-sided cutting, facing (cladding) cutting. Large geometric shapes, circles, and other motifs with streamlined shapes, which are trimmed with a roller.

30. 8. What is the use of Tush Kyiz in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan? A. Used by elder women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter B. To symbolize the statuesque of men in the society C. Part of the women's dress D. Used by elder men to commemorate the marriage​


A. Used by elder women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter


Tush kyiz are large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.

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