Common Place Assertion

Common Place Assertion

give five example common place assertion​

Daftar Isi

1. give five example common place assertion​


•Sharks eat people on purpose

•An apple a day keeps the doctor away

•One pound of lemons contains more sugar than one pound of strawberries

•Apple phones are better than Android phones

•Milk is good for you

•An ostrich's eyeball is bigger than it's brain.


hope it helps

brainliest pleaseeee

2. why is it necessary to know the difference among a factual claim,an opinion,and a common place assertion​


I claim this because it so important

3. Artinty #5: SIMILAR YET DIFFERENTDifferentiate an opinion from a commonplace assertion through a Venn Diagram.Opinion and CommonplaceAssertion 2 similarities 4 difference (2 for opinion & 2 for common place assertion)​


See the following comparisons on opinion and commonplace assertions.



It is a statement that is based on something that could be possibly true. (Example:  Everyone should have themselves vaccinated for the Philippines to achieve herd immunity.) It can come off as a form of judgment, assertion, or belief.                (Example: Green is the best color.)

Commonplace Assertions

These are statements that people tend to take as their truth but are yet to be proven. (Example: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.) These statements are commonly held by people that some of them can be considered stereotype. (Example:  Men are more patient than women.)

Similarity between Opinion and Commonplace Assertion

Whether or not these are true, opinion and commonplace assertion are likely to sway people into believing especially if the speaker is good at persuading. Both are stated based on one’s perception.

Differences between Opinion and Commonplace Assertion

Opinions, being personal, are not subject to verifications. Opinions are mostly based on personal belief or thought that do not require proof. Commonplace assertion can turn out to be true or false. People often had to think if commonplace assertion is true.


4. Fact, convention, opinion, and preference are common types of assertion used in




pa brainlist po! :)

5. Which one is not type of assertion?a.language assertionb.emphatic assertionc.core assertiond.basic assertion​

Which one is not type of assertion?

a.language assertion

b.emphatic assertion

c.core assertion

d.basic assertion



Different dates and places

An officer of the Spanish guardia civil, Lt. Olegario Diaz, stated that the Cry took place in Balintawak on August 25, 1896.

Venue: Disputed, officially recognized in Pugad Lawin or Balintawak, Caloocan, Pro...

Date: August 1896 (exact date disputed)

Outcome: Start of the Philippine Revolution: Formation of an insurgent government


hope it helps.

7. additional activities:search for the common current issue and give your opinion or assertion about it​


The pandemic caused by COVID-19 is one of the worst things 2020 has brought us.

8. why is it necessary to know the deifference among a functual claim,an opinion, and a common assertion?


to know what is the differences between those of them.


Functual claims- have support truths and background opinion is view or judgement of a person to a particular topic while common assertion is a statement that is

9. Turn rhis into a Common Place AssertionPASAGOT NMN PO NEED KO NA PO ASAP PLEASE1.You exist2.Bamboo is a grass3.He is the best teacher4.Turtles are smarter than frog​


Existence is a common experience.

Bamboo is commonly known to be a type of grass.

It is commonly believed that some teachers are better than others.

It is commonly thought that turtles are generally more intelligent than frogs.


.1The fact of one's existence is a common assertion.

2.It is a common assertion that bamboo is a type of grass.

3.Many people believe that he is the best teacher.

4.It is a common belief that turtles are smarter than frogs.

10. B. TRUE or FALSE: Read And analyze the statements below; then tell whether eachis TRUE or FALSE,1. An assertion is usually subjective.2. Commonplace assertions are statements that sound true but aregenerally based on common opinions.3. "Filipinos are the happiest people in Asia" is an example of assertion.4. Basic assertion involves expressing empathy and expounding on howthe writer understands the feelings and emotions of the literary author.5. Emphatic assertions is commonly used in standing up for personalbeliefs.6. "Philippines is so beautiful that its places are included in the eightwonders of the world" is an example of opinion,7. l-language assertions expresses the feelings and preferences of thewriter8. l-language assertion usually uses the pronoun "l"in asserting adisagreement9. It is best to formulate literary assertions while reading a literary wor10. An opinion is written to convey the writer's ideas or feelingstowards a certain work of literature.​












11. Assessment Directions: Read the statements carefully. In an intermediate paper, write YES if the statement expresses the truth about opinions and assertions, and NO if it says otherwise. 1. Opinion is defined as a view, judgment, or appraisal drawn from facts. 2. In a smaller context, assertion may be used in both formal and informal writing. 3. I-Language Assertion expresses the feelings and preferences of the writer, 4. The sentence "The Philippines is the happiest country in the world" is an assertion because it is objective and not founded on factual evidences. 5. There are four most common types of assertions. 6. Basic assertion usually used in standing up for personal beliefs. 7. Stereotypes are statements that sound untrue but are generally based on common opinions.​









12. what is your assertion about wearing face mask in public places​


it's a right thing to do cause it help us

prevent the covid 19 virus and stop it from spreading,,,,.^_^


Wearing a mask can help protect you and those around you if you are in an area with community transmission, and physical distancing is not possible, like on public transport.

While a mask can be used as an extra precaution, you must continue to:

stay at home if unwell

maintain physical distance (more than 1.5m) from other people, when out

avoid large gatherings and crowded indoor spaces

practise hand and respiratory hygiene

13. fact, convention, opinion, and preference are common types of assertion used inA.Identifying assertionB.Formulating counterclaimC.Determining evidencesD.None of the above​

Answer: B.Formulating counterclaim

yan po yong sagot ko sorry kong mali

14. Activity 3: With the given editorial cartoon, formulate statements of opinion or assertion using the three most common types of assertion. (PUBLIC) Ramesh Fosillo A. SEPT 22, 2017 MEDIA​


1. The editorial cartoon by Ramesh Fosillo displays a powerful message about the power of the media in today's society.

2. The depiction of authority figures indicates that media can be used to manipulate public opinion and create false narratives.

3. By highlighting its reach and influence, the cartoon suggests that media can have a significant impact on the public's perception of events.


diko alam yannnnmnnnnnnnn

15. Identify if the sentence expresses an option or an assertion. Write the word Opinion or Assertion as your answer.1. Dumaguete City is the best place to live in if one intends to pursue his or her studies. a. Opinionb. Assertion2. There are 15,000 registered motorcycles in Dumaguete City alone which makes it the Motorcycle Capital of the Philippines. a. Opinionb. Assertion3. I believe that Dumaguete City's downtown area's size is the most ideal makeup for a place that is dubbed as the Best Place to Retire.a. Opinionb. Assertion4. The City of Gentle People has the oldest church in the entire East Asia.a. Opinionb. Assertion5. There are thirty (30) barangays that politically subdivided Dumaguete City.a. Opinionb. Assertion​


Identify if the sentence expresses an option or an assertion. Write the word Opinion or Assertion as your answer.

1. Dumaguete City is the best place to live in if one intends to pursue his or her studies.

a. Opinion

b. Assertion

2. There are 15,000 registered motorcycles in Dumaguete City alone which makes it the Motorcycle Capital of the Philippines.

a. Opinion

b. Assertion

3. I believe that Dumaguete City's downtown area's size is the most ideal makeup for a place that is dubbed as the Best Place to Retire.

a. Opinion

b. Assertion

4. The City of Gentle People has the oldest church in the entire East Asia.

a. Opinion

b. Assertion

5. There are thirty (30) barangays that politically subdivided Dumaguete City.

a. Opinion

b. Assertion​


16. 9. "With the virus hitting our place, I understand you areanxious, and I too, but I cannot finish my work unlessyou submit what I need. So, I want you to cooperate onthis."A Basic AssertionB. Emphatic AssertionC. Escalating Assertion D. Language AssertionPasagot po​


B.Emphatic assertion


Because it gives a certain feeling about the text.

I hope it helps

pabrainliest po

17. Direction: write an essay about the experiences you have gained in the most beautiful place you have visited this year. Use / apply the three types of assertion in writing your essay. your essay should have at least 3 paragragphs. Untilize the second heet in writing your essay.Three types of assertion:1.basic assertion2.emphatic assertion3.I- Language assertion​


I love my experience in Baguio, it is cold and I'm fre.ezing but it feels like I'm in another country. I hope that I could go in there again. Hoping that the weather in Baguio could be also in our land.

In this place, I feel like I need a warm hug for my favorite person. This is very nice place and I love it so much.

I wanted to taste the sweet and sour strawberry in there. Also, the famous strawberry jam of them. It feels like I'm in a movie strawberry shortcake. I wish I could go through that place again so, I could eat a lot of bread with strawberry jam.

sana makatulong. paheart vote and brainliest po


18. Basic AssertionEmphatic AssertionEscalating AssertionLanguage Assertion​


What is an example of an assertion?

An example of someone making an assertion is a person who stands up boldly in a meeting with a point in opposition to the presenter, despite having valid evidence to support his statement. An example of an assertion was that of ancient scientists that stated the world was flat.

What is escalating assertion?

Escalating Assertion. Occurs when the other person fails to respond to your basic assertions, and you become increasingly firm. May include the mention of resulting action on your part. For example, "If you don't complete the work on my car by 5:00 tomorrow, I will call the Better Business Bureau."

What is Confrontive assertion?

Basic Assertion Simple expression of standing up for personal rights, beliefs, feelings or opinions. Example: When being interrupted, "Excuse me, I'd like to finish what I'm saying." ... Confrontive Assertion Describe what was to be done... Describe what actually occurred... Express what you wan

What are the 4 types of assertion?

Five Types of Assertiveness

Basic Assertion. Basic assertion is a simple expression of your personal rights, beliefs, feelings, or opinions. ...

Empathic Assertion. ...

Escalating Assertion. ...

I-Language Assertion.

Hope It Helps

19. wayA Association B. BandwagonC. Emotive language7. It plays a great part in maintaining the smooth flow of ideas in an argumentativeD. Expertsessay. It is also known as connectivesA AssociationB. Emotive language C. ModalsD. Transitions8. It is used to express suggestion and obligation.A. AssociationB. Emotive language C. ModalsD. Transitions9.It is defined as a view, judgement or appraisal drawn from facts. It is usually aconcept or impression based on factual evidence.1. Assertion B. Common place assertion C. OpinionD. PersuasionO. It is a declaration or expression for strong belief towards a particular topic, oftenvithout evidence.- AssertionB. Common place assertion C. Opinion D. Persuasion1. It is a type of assertion that directly expresses the writer's feelings and beliefsrough simple statements.A Basic assertionC. Complex assertionB. Empathic assertionD. l-language assertion. It expresses the feelings and preferences of the writer. It uses the pronoun "I" inserting disagreement.A. Basic assertionC. Complex assertionB. l-language assertionD. Empathic assertionrosariion ni a person's ideas, opinions or propositions.​


a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


dami ng sulat mo


7. a

8. d


10. d

11. A

12. c

20. who made the assertion that youth activism that took place in 1970 to 1972 was bought by the domestic and some worldwide phenomena​


S.D Reicher

University of Exeter

R. Spear and T. Postmes

University of Amsterdam

21. there are five common of assertion​


There are five types of assertion:

basic, emphatic, escalating, I-language, and positive

22. Il. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if it is FALSE.9. Opinion is usually a concept or impression based on factual evidence.10. "Stereotypes" is another name for commonplace opinions.11. In basic assertion, the writer usually uses the pronoun "I" in asserting disagreement.12. Assertions are written for one to convey his/her feelings towards a piece of literature and convince the readertwith his/her views.13. Assertion usually includes forceful or confident and positive statements regarding a belief or a fact.14. It is important to understand the literary work first before writing assertions.15. It is not helpful for the writer to gather evidence before writing assertions.16. There most common types of assertion are Basic Assertion, Empathic Assertion, and I-Language Assertion.17. "The Philippines is the happiest country in the world" is an example of an opinion.​

9.false 10.true 11.true 12.true 13.true 14.true 15.false 16.true 17.true


i hope it's help

23. what are the common types of assertion​

Five Types of Assertiveness
Basic Assertion. Basic assertion is a simple expression of your personal rights, beliefs, feelings, or opinions. ...
Empathic Assertion. ...
Escalating Assertion. ...
I-Language Assertion.Answer:Common types of Assertion:Basic assertion is a simple expression of your personal rights, beliefs, feelings, or opinions.Empathic AssertionEscalating AssertionI-Language AssertionExplanation:Hope it Helps#MarkmeasBrainliest#CarryOnLearning

24. 2. Fact, convention, opinion, and preference are common types of assertion used inA. Identifying assertion C. Determining evidencesB. CounterclaimD. None of the above​





25. what do you call the statement that gives constructive and emphasis in expressing feelings of anger?A. emphatic assertionB. I-language assertionC. basic assertionD. common assertion​

B.l-language assertion

paki Brainlist Plss Ty And Merry Christmas

26. Fact, convention opinion, and preference are common types of assertion used in​


Types of assertions convention fact opinion preference

Types of Assertion

1. Basic Assertion

2. Emphatic Assertion

3. I-Language Assertion

What is the example of assertion?

Basic assertion

What is assertion? How to use it?

• This type of assertion is a statement used to express the feelings, beliefs and opinions directly by the writer. This type of assertion is usually used in writing formal papers like thesis and dissertation.

Emphatic Assertion

• This is a statement used to express empathy  

• It is included in the writings on how a person understands the feelings and emotions of the literary author.  

• This type of assertion is can be used on:

1. writing a formal  

2. informal paper

It is usually composed of two parts:

1) First part  

is the statement that recognizes the situation or even the feelings of the characters on the text being read followed by

2.) Second statement

2) This is where the writer states his stand about the situation.

I -Language Assertion

• This is a statement used to express the feeling and preference of the writer.

•  It is called I-Language because it focuses on the writer and is using the pronoun ‘I’. This type of assertion is

1.  Recommended if the author wants to express negative feelings and opinions.  

2. This is best used in writing a review or reflection paper.

3 parts of the I language Assertion

1.  Accurate information from literary work, especially the topic the writer disagrees with (When you. . .).  

2. The effect or feeling of the writer towards the topic (It affects/I feel...).  

3. The preference or recommendation of the writer (Therefore, I prefer/I want...).


• These are the belief that is socially accepted but cannot be verified objectively.


• The statement that can objectively proven by proofs such as experiences, witnesses surveys, testimonies.observation or conclusions of studies of research.  


• The statements that are based on facts. This type of assertion is open to disputes, debates or arguments.


• This is based on personal choice thus it is subjective but still cannot be verified objectively.

27. React by writing the word AGREE or DISAGREE 11. You don't need to explain your reactions.12. One can decide to agree or disagree on the given assertion.13. You can react to assertions made by authors in a text.14. Assertion is very common in literature, politics and advertisements15. Reactions should always be positive.​








28. 1. What is assertion?.A. Assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or stand about people.B. Assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or stand aboutan idea.C. Assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or stand about places.D. Assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or stand on viewing.​




Correct me if I'm wrong.


D. Assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or stand on viewing.​


An assertion is a declaration that's made emphatically, especially as part of an argument or as if it's to be understood as a statement of fact. To assert is to state with force. So if someone makes an assertion, they're not just trying out an idea — they really mean it.

29. Fact, convention, opinion, and preferenceare common types of assertion used in?​


This type of assertion is a statement used to express the feelings, beliefs and opinions directly by the writer. This type of assertion is usually used in writing formal papers like thesis and dissertation. ... This is best used in writing a review or reflection paper.



30. An assertion of the source of King's authority in Monarchical Absolutism. *1 pointA. GodB. PeopleC. CongressD. House of Commons​




I think that's the answer maybe?

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