Negotiable Instruments Law Philippines

Negotiable Instruments Law Philippines

Negotiable instruments law de leon

Daftar Isi

1. Negotiable instruments law de leon


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2. Negotiable instruments law fidelito soriano


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Article 3 of the uniform commercial code (UCC)

Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

4. .2.Why is a bearer instrument risky on the part of the issuer? 3. Can an accommodation party refuse payment due to lack of consideration? Why? a subject negotiable instrument can someone help me please.


2.A bearer instrument is a type of fixed-income security in which no ownership information is recorded and the security is issued in physical form to the purchaser. The holder of a bearer instrument is presumed to be the owner, and whoever is in possession of the physical bond is entitled to the coupon payments

3.diko po alm eh

5. define the term negotiation skills what are considere as negotiation skills​


Negotiation skills are qualities that allow two or more sides to reach a compromise. .Negotiation skills are qualities that allow two or more sides to reach a compromise. .Explanation:Negotiation skills are qualities that allow two or more sides to reach a compromise. .Explanation:These are often soft skills such as commution, persuasion, planning, strategizing and cooperating. Understanding these skills is the first step to becoming a stronger negotiator

6. An important feature of a negotiable instrument is the accumulation of secondary contracts as it is transferred from one person to another.


Negotiable Instruments Law

2. Negotiable Instruments ▪ A document that promises payment to a specified person or the assignee. The payee (the person who receives the payment) must be named or otherwise indicated on the instrument.

3. Function & Importance of Negotiable Instruments ▪ Although they do not constitute legal tender, they are used as a substitute for money. ▪ Negotiable papers, particularly checks, constitute, at present, the media of exchange for most commercial transactions.

4. Function & Importance of Negotiable Instruments ▪ Negotiable instruments also serve as a medium of credit transactions. ▪ Negotiable instruments shall produce the effect of payment only when they have been encashed or when through the fault of the creditor they have been impaired.

5. Characteristics of Negotiable Instruments ▪ Negotiability: That quality or attribute whereby a bill, note or check passes or may pass from hand to hand, similar to money, so as to give the holder in due course the right to hold the instrument and collect the sum payable for himself free from defenses.

6. Characteristics of Negotiable Instruments ▪ The most important feature of negotiable instruments is the accumulation of secondary contracts as they are transferred from one person to another.

7. Forms of Negotiable Instruments

8. Bill of exchange ▪ A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to order or to bearer.

9. Kinds of Bill of Exchange ▪ Draft ▪ Trade acceptance ▪ Check

10. Inland v. Foreign Bill of Exchange ▪ An inland bill of exchange is one which, on its face, purports to be both drawn and payable in the Philippines. Any other bill is a foreign bill.

7. What are the reasons why negotiable instruments play an important role in trade and commerce?


Goodluck to you and sana maka answer ka ng maayos at maka sagot ng tama

8. Differentiate the following terms:• Law and Rule• Law and Legislation• Law and Relation• Law and Negotiation• Law and Laborwhat is the deferent of that​


fact and opinyon____________________

9. What is an example of a promissory note that is negotiable and why is it considered negotiable or what makes it negotiable? ​


A negotiable instrument is a commercial document in writing. There are of three types, namely, bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques. Section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 2000 defines “negotiable instrument” as a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable either to order or to bearer.

10. 5.Differentiate the following terms:A. Law and RuleB. Law and LegislationC.Law and RelationD. Law and NegotiationF. Law and Labor​




Hope Its Help

Sana Makatulong.

11. Is a postal money order a negotiable instrument? Why?


no, because money orders are distinguishable from negotiable instruments in that the former are statutorily limited to one endorsement, con- trary to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code,20 and are made payable "to" the payee,21 rather than payable either "to order" or "to bearer."


12. Differentiate the following terms:Law and Rule→Law and Legislation→Law and Relation→Law and Negotiation→Law and Labor→​​


Law and Rule→ RULES are a set of instructions to help people live and work together. ... LAW is a set of legal rules designed to help keep order, protect property, and keep people safe.

Law and Legislation→ Laws are actually rules and guidelines that are set up by the social institutions to govern behavior. Legislation is another term meaning statutory law.

Law and Relation→ Policy is the outlines of what a government is going to do and what it can achieve for the society as a whole. “Policy” also means what a government does not intend to do. It also evolves the principles that are needed for achieving the goal. Policies are only documents and not law, but these policies can lead to new laws.”  Laws are set standards, principles, and procedures that must be followed in society. Law is mainly made for implementing justice in the society. There are various types of laws framed like criminal laws, civil laws, and international laws. While a law is framed for bringing justice to the society, a policy is framed for achieving certain goals.

Law and Negotiation→ The process of parties bargaining in an attempt to reach an agreement. Parties often negotiate the terms of a contract prior to entering into the contract.

Law and Labor→​​ Labor law typically focuses on laws dealing with unions, collective bargaining, and any other issues regarding organized labor.

13. Differentiate the following terms:Law and Rule→Law and Legislation→Law and Relation→Law and Negotiation→ Law and Labor→​


Motin baho naay pag ka humot humot

14. Why does a negotiable instrument considered a substitute for money?​


Simply put, the negotiable instrument is a substitute for money or serves as an extension of credit. For it to work, it is imperative that the instrument be easily transferable without danger of being uncollectible.

Hope it helps

Note: I would appreciate if you make it brainiest



15. Are postal money order negotiable instrument philippines


wait until you can wait I'll be back

16. What is your idea about Negotiable Instruments?


A negotiable instrument is a signed document that promises a sum of payment to a specified person or the assignee. In other words, it is a formalized type of IOU: A transferable, signed document that promises to pay the bearer a sum of money at a future date or on-demand. The payee, who is the person receiving the payment, must be named or otherwise indicated on the instrument.

Because they are transferable and assignable, some negotiable instruments may trade on a secondary market.

Negotiable instruments are transferable in nature, allowing the holder to take the funds as cash or use them in a manner appropriate for the transaction or according to their preference.

Common examples of negotiable instruments include checks, money orders, and promissory notes.


Ajjwhw jab is a great place to work for and it is a great place to work for and it is a great place to work for and it is a great place to work for and it is a great

Step-by-step explanation:

Reneboy that is very important for the company that is a good place and a good experience and you can get it for the same as

17. 1.why is it important gather information in negotiating??2.why is it important negotiation with your own side in negotiating?3. why is it important clarify your aims in negotiating??4. why is it prepare the setting in negotiating situation?​


1. Effective negotiators believe that getting more information before and during the negotiation process increases the chances for finding creative solutions. Continued conversations are necessary and valuable to search for an optimal solution.

2. Clarification is an essential part of the negotiation process, without it misunderstandings are likely to occur which may cause problems and barriers to reaching a beneficial outcome.

3. Through this clarification it is often possible to identify or establish some common ground. Clarification is an essential part of the negotiation process, without it misunderstandings are likely to occur which may cause problems and barriers to reaching a beneficial outcome.

4. Proper preparation is a source of negoti- ating power because it enhances your ability to persuade the other side to agree to what you are asking for. Preparing for a negotiation has two important dimensions, and you must attend to both to give yourself a maximum opportunity for success at the negotiating table.


it based on my learning


18. Which of the following instruments is negotiable?


Examples of negotiable instruments include bank checks, promissory notes, certificates of deposit, and bills of exchange.

Mark me asa brainlist plzz

19. have you ever negotiate with someone or in a group can you discuss the outcome of your negotiation​


At the negotiation table, what’s the best way to uncover your negotiation counterpart’s hidden interests? Build a relationship in negotiation by asking questions, then listening carefully. Even if you have decided to make the first offer and are ready with a number of alternatives, you should always open by asking and listening to assess yur counterpart’s interests. Note that if your style of listening isn’t sufficiently empathetic, it won’t elicit honest responses.

A relationship in negotiation is a perceived connection that can be psychological, economic, political, or personal; whatever its basis, wise leaders, like skilled negotiators, work to foster a strong connection because effective leadership truly depends on it.

Positive negotiation relationships are important not because they engender warm, fuzzy feelings, but because they engender trust – a vital means of securing desired actions from others.

Consider that any proposed action, whether suggested by a negotiator at the bargaining table or a leader at a strategy meeting, entails some risk.

People will view a course of action as less risky, and therefore more acceptable when it is suggested by someone that they trust.

In order to create a durable relationship in negotiation, there are four basic building blocks that can help you create effective partnerships with the people you lead:

Two-way communication

A strong commitment from the leader to the interests of those he leads


Respect for the contributions followers make to the organization

20. What is the importance of negotiation in negotiable instruments?​


joke joke joke joke joke joke joke joke joke

21. What constitutes a negotiable instrument?​


A negotiable instrument is a signed document that promises a sum of payment to a specified person or the assignee. In other words, it is a formalized type of IOU: A transferable, signed document that promises to pay the bearer a sum of money at a future date or on-demand.


hope it's help

22. What do you think that forgery has a negative impact on the execution of a negotiable instrument?​

Answer:What is the effect of non delivery of a negotiable instrument?

Incomplete instrument not delivered. - Where an incomplete instrument has not been delivered, it will not, if completed and negotiated without authority, be a valid contract in the hands of any holder, as against any person whose signature was placed thereon before delivery. Sec.

Explanation:pa brainlest po

23. Differentiate the following terms:•Law and Rule→•Law and Legislation→•Law and Relation→•Law and Negotiation→• Law and Labor→pa help po.​


fact and opinion_______________________

24. it is type of negotiation which is called as "we fish" negotiation?​


Disdributive Nagotation


Definition of 'Distributive Bargaining' Definition: Distributive bargaining is a competitive bargaining strategy in which one party gains only if the other party loses something. It is used as a negotiation strategy to distribute fixed resources such as money, resources, assets, etc. between both the parties.

Hope this helps:)

25. If an instrument is written in a Chinese language when making a promissory note, is it still negotiable?​.

gndaaa kooo bwhsgajiakakakjaoakakakshx

p brainliest

26. An instrument payable to bearer may be negotiated through any of the following means, except:


saan po yung choices? paano masasagutan kung wala yun:)

27. What is the Negotiable Instruments?


Negotiable Instruments - A negotiable instrument is a document guaranteeing the payment of a specific amount of money, either on demand, or at a set time, whose payer is usually named on the document. More specifically, it is a document contemplated by or consisting of a contract, which promises the payment of money without condition, which may be paid either on demand or at a future date. The term has different meanings depending on the use of the term as it is used in the application of different laws, and depending in which country and context it is used.


it is a signed document that promises a sum of payment to a specified person.

common example of this is, checks, money orders, and Promissory notes.

pa brain liest, thankyouu

28. How are concepts of personal and political negotiated in Philippine Literature?


it's about drive it's about power

29. do you think forgery has a negative impact on the execution of negotiable instrument?​




becauss there is alot of people been executed

like jusus ang etc.


:) ×_×

30. Differentiate Negotiable and non negotiable rules


Negotiable is the opposite of non-negotiable. When an asking price or contract is referred to as negotiable it means that it is not set in stone and can be adjusted depending on the circumstance. Likewise, instruments of this nature can be exchanged or transferred with ease.

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