Show Both Cards Jointly Foe Expulsion

Show Both Cards Jointly Foe Expulsion

Which of the following sunction in volleyball will received by a player if the 1st referee shows a red card?a. disqualification b. expulsion c. misconduct penalty d. misconduct warning​

Daftar Isi

1. Which of the following sunction in volleyball will received by a player if the 1st referee shows a red card?a. disqualification b. expulsion c. misconduct penalty d. misconduct warning​




nde po ko sigurado po sa answer


C. Misconduct Penalty


for rude conduct or repeated unsportsmanlike conduct, the team is sanctioned with the loss of a rally.

Both yellow and red cards are means to penalize a player/coach for a misconduct behavior during a volleyball game.

Just like every other sports, yellow cards are used to caution or warn players/coaches, while red cards are used to punish players/coaches for a more serious offenses.

2. 11. Which of the following sanction in volleyball will a player receive if the 1st referee shows a red card? A. Disqualification B. Expulsion C. Misconduct penalty D. Misconduct warning 12. If the 1st referee shows both cards jointly, what is the sanction given to a player? A. Disqualification B. Expulsion C. Misconduct penalty D. Misconduct warning 13. A back row player hit the ball above the top of the net stepping on the attack line. The 2nd referee blows his whistle, what is the violation committed by the player? A. Attack hit fault B. Blocking fault C. Double contact D. Four hits 14. Both 1st and 2nd referees crossing their forearms in front their chest, hands open. A. Team to serve B. Four hits C. End of set D. Change of courts 15. A game interruption requested by Team A. 2nd referee executing a circular motion of his forearms around each other. A. Time-out B. Change of courts C. End of match D. Substitution








Ni Research Ko Yan Make Me BRAINLIEST Kailangan Ko Lang Tol

3. identify the names of the following hand signals bassed on the description. 1. make a downward motion with the forearm,hand open. 2.brush with the palm of one hand the fingers of the other; held horizontally. 3.Raise both thumbs vertically. 4. indicate the relevant side of the net with the corresponding hand. 5. point the arm and fingers toward the floor. 6. show red and yellow cards separately 7. show both cards jointly 8. raise the forearms front and back and twist them around the body 9. extend the arm to the side of team that will serve 10. show a yellow card for warning

identify the names of the following hand signals bassed on the description.

1. make a downward motion with the forearm,hand open.

2.brush with the palm of one hand the fingers of the other; held horizontally.

3.Raise both thumbs vertically.

4. indicate the relevant side of the net with the corresponding hand.

5. point the arm and fingers toward the floor.

6. show red and yellow cards separately

7. show both cards jointly

8. raise the forearms front and back and twist them around the body

9. extend the arm to the side of team that will serve

10. show a yellow card for warning

4. 1. Is the pregnancy of an unwed student a ground for expulsion?

Department of Education (DepEd) does not use the pregnancy of an unwed student as a ground for expulsion. It is an extreme consequence in which the concerned learner is disqualified from admittance to any public or private school in the Philippines which requires the approval of the DepEd Secretary. Generally, public schools are discouraged from dismissing pregnant learners from the school as it would bring distressing experience to her. Letting go of a learner in this situation is an added emotional burden that will greatly affect her physical and mental health. However, private schools have different rules and regulations in this situation. `

Guidelines on Protecting Children in School  

School Heads are expected to do the following duties and responsibilities:

Ensure the institution implementation of effective child protection rules ( and procedures, and monitor compliance.  Make sure that the school abides by the Child Protection Policy.  Ensure that all learners, school personnel, parents, guardians or custodians, and visitors and guests are made aware of child protection.Child Protection Committee for the school should be organized and convened.  Conduct training for the members of the Child Protection Committee and Guidance Counselors and Teachers.  Conduct disciplinary inquiries in cases of learner's misconduct.Ensure that the rights of children are respected and sustained in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare.  Document all inquiries related to bullying or peer abuse and submit them after each school year to the Division Office.  Ensure that the school adopts a Student Code of Conduct to be followed by every learner while in-campus or off-campus activities.  Coordinate with the appropriate school offices for appropriate assistance and intervention.  Coordinate with the Department of Social Welfare and Development or, the appropriate government agencies or non-governmental organizations on Child Protection.  

Rights of Filipino Children  

Every adult is responsible for protecting Children’s Rights ( such as:  

Every child has the right to be born in good physical condition.  Every child has the right to be a part of a loving family.  Every child has the right to be nurtured well and become a productive citizen of society.  Every child has the right to essential needs.  Every child has the right to access what they need to be successful.  Every child has the right to schooling.  Every child has the right to enjoy recreational activities.  Every child has the right to be protected from risk.  Every child has the right to live in a safe environment.  Every child has the right to have State custody in the absence of their parent or guardian.  Every child has the right to good government.  Every child has the right to live freely with peace.

Read the following related information for more details:

Teenage Pregnancy


5. psgot foe techuu foe:)​


parte SA Pamilya yan


ibaiba Ang ating mga kasagutan

6. tugmang de-gulong expulsion​


ano po yan?



1.huwag kalimutang pumara ng makauwi sa pamilya

2.kapag mataba doble ang bayad

3.pasaherong masaya tiyak na may pera


sana maka tulong:)

7. patulong foe sge na foe​



na error yung saken sorry dko masasagot :<

8. sna foe msgot techuu foe:)​


Newton's first law of motion

An object at rest stay at rest or an object that is moving at a constant velocity in a straight line keeps moving unless balaced force act on it.

Newton's second law of motion

The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force acting on it and is inversely proportionalto its mass


Newton's first law of motion

Newton's first law of motion

sometimes referred to as the law of inertia. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Newton's second law of motion

Newton's second law of motion can be formally stated as follows: The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

I hope it helps

9. psgot foe ty for advance foe:)​


13. C

14. D



17. A

18. D


20. A


22. B

23. B



I just answered the questions that are familiar to me. Others are not familiar or I just forget it but I hope my answers help you. Good luck.

10. What is the meaning of expulsion

expulsion(education), removing a student from a school or university for severe or continuous policy violationsthe act of forcing someone to leave a place (such as a country or a school) : the act of expelling someone

11. give example of expulsion​


Expulsion is defined as forcing someone to leave or forcing something out of the body. An example of expulsion is when a child is kicked out of school forever and told never ever to return because of his terrible behavior


hopefully that's helped


when the chold is kicked out of school forever

12. need q nah foe ng ans sna foe my mksgot techuu foe:)​






Hope it helps po

13. expulsion of an embryo from a pregnant woman​


abortion, the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it has reached the stage of viability (in human beings, usually about the 20th week of gestation).


Abortion : the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it has reached the stage of viability


Abortion is the removal of the embryo or fetus from the womb, before birth can occur either naturally or by induced labor.

14. is the pregnancy on an unwed student a ground for expulsion​




Because DepEd won't expel pregnant students

15. When a varies jointly as h and c, then a _______ when both values of h and c decrease

joint variation

When a varies jointly as h and c, then joint variation when both values of h and c decrease

16. A sudden, sharp sounding expulsion of air with sound​


Definition. A cough is a sudden, usually involuntary, expulsion of air from the lungs with a characteristic and easily recognizable sound.


17. the respiratory system is responsible for carbon dioxide and the expulsion of​


expulsion of air in the lungs.

18. A sudden sharp sounding expulsion of air with sound




Yes is true

19. Expulsion is usually considered proper punishment for _____


Expulsion is usually considered proper punishment for Failed Grades

#Pa brainliest po

20. Explain what is the definition of expulsion in wikang tagalog

Pilitang pagpapaaalis ng isang tao mula sa isang organisasyon o grupo.

21. control the expulsion of feces​


The external anal sphincter is under voluntary control whereas the internal anal sphincter is involuntary. In infants, the defaecation occurs by reflex action without the voluntary control of the external anal sphincter. Defecation is voluntary in adults.



22. 21. Congress shall have the sole power to declare the existence of a state of war by vote of: a. three-fourths of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting jointly; b. two-thirds of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting jointly; c. two-thirds of both Houses in separate session assembled, voting jointly; d. two-thirds of both Houses in joint session, voting separately.

D. two-thirds of both Houses

in joint session, voting



SECTION 23. (1) The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting separately, shall have the sole power to declare the existence of a state of war.

hope it helped

23. whats the meaning caution or expulsion in football​

Caution - A yellow card can be given for repeated fouls. A second yellow results in a red and expulsion from the game. Expulsion - The player must leave the game and cannot be substituted for.


#carry on learning

24. induced expulsion of a human fetus​


expulsion of the products of conception before the embryo or fetus is viable. Any interruption of human pregnancy prior to the 28th week is known as abortion. The term spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is used to signify delivery of a nonviable embryo or fetus due to fetal or maternal factors, as opposed to purposely induced abortion.


25. psgot nah foe plzz foe:)​













Step-by-step explanation:

tama po yan 100%

Sana po makatulong

26. A sudden, sharp sounding expulsion of air with sound

A cough is a sudden, usually involuntary, expulsion of air from the lungs with a characteristic and easily recognizable sound.

I’m not sure hihi

27. which of the following equation shows that a varies jointly as b and h​

24+24=48 multiplication

28. M varies jointly as N and P. How does M change when both N and P are doubled? when N is doubled and P is halved? show your solution.


if more than two variables are related directly or one variable changes with the change product of two or more variables it is called as joint variation.

If X is in joint variation with Y and Z, it can be symbolically written as X α YZ. If Y is constant also then X is in direct variation with Z. So for joint variation two or more variables are separately in direct variation. So joint variation is similar to direct variation but the variables for joint variation are more than two.

Equation for a joint variation is X = KYZ where K is constant.

One variable quantity is said to vary jointly as a number of other variable quantities, when it varies directly as their product. If the variable A varies directly as the product of the variables B, C and D, i.e., if.A ∝ BCD or A = kBCD (k = constant ), then A varies jointly as B, C and D.

For solving a problems related to joint variation first we need to build the correct equation by adding a constant and relate the variables. After that we need determine the value of the constant. Then substitute the value of the constant in the equation and by putting the values of variables for required situation we determine the answer.

We know, area of a triangle = ½ × base × altitude. Since ½ is a constant, hence area of a triangle varies jointly as its base and altitude.

A is said to vary directly as B and inversely as C if A ∝ B ∙ 1C or A = m ∙ B ∙ 1C (m = constant of variation) i.e., if A varies jointly as B and 1C.

If x men take y days to plough z acres of land, then x varies directly as z and inversely as y.

1. The variable x is in joint variation with y and z. When the values of y and z are 4 and 6, x is 16. What is the value of x when y = 8 and z =12?


The equation for the given problem of joint variation is

x = Kyz where K is the constant.

For the given data

16 = K × 4 × 6

or, K = 46.

So substituting the value of K the equation becomes

x = 4yz6

Now for the required condition

x = 4×8×126

= 64

Hence the value of x will be 64.

Step-by-step explanation:

#ihopeitshelps :)

29. show the genotypic ratio and penotypic ratio of a cross between two pea plants which are both heterozygous axial flower position. heterozygous long stem. use letter A foe flower position and letter B for stem length p2 gametes f2 ratio​


Let us take both monohybrid and dihybrid cross. This can be explained by taking a specific example of a plant (say pea plant).

In monohybrid cross one trait of plant is taken into consideration.

Let us take a cross between a homozygous tall and homozygous dwarf pea plants.

All the plants in F1 generation will be tall and will have same genotypes, i.e. all plants will be heterozygous tall.

Plants of F1 generation are allowed to interbreed freely among themselves to get F2 generation. The plants in F2 generation will be tall and dwarf in the ration of 3:1. But all tall plants are not similar genotypically. Homozygous tall and heterozygous tall will be in the ratio of 2:1.

Thus in monohybrid cross F1 plants have similar genotype. All are heterozygous tall (Tt).

In F2 generation genotypic ratio will be 1:2:1. , i.e. 1 homozygous tall: 2 heterozygous tall: 1 homozygous dwarf.

In dihybrid cross two traits are considered together.

Let us take a cross between Pure tall red plant and pure dwarf white pea plant.

Tall and dwarf are two alleles of height and red and white are two alleles of color of flower. Tall is dominant over dwarf and red flower color is dominant over white flower color.

All plants of F1 generation in this cross will have similar genotype, i.e. all are heterozygous tall and heterozygous red (TtRr ).

Plants of F1 generation are allowed to interbreed freely among themselves to get F2 generation. In F2 generation, tall red, tall white, dwarf red and dwarf white will be in the ratio of 9:3:3:1. Thus F2 phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1.

F2 tall red plants will have 4 genotypes, i.e. homozygous tall homozygous red (TTRR), homozygous tall heterozygous red (TTRr), heterozygous tall and homozygous red (TtRR), and heterozygous tall and heterozygous red (TtRr) will be in the ratio of 1:2:2:4.

Tall white will have 2 genotypes, i.e. homozygous tall homozygous white (TTrr) and heterozygous tall and homozygous white (Ttrr) in the ratio of 1:2.

Dwarf red will have 2 genotypes, i.e. homozygous dwarf and homozygous red (ttRR) and homozygous dwarf and heterozygous red in the ratio of 1:2.

Dwarf white plants will be have1 genotype, i.e. homozygous dwarf homozygous white (ttrr).

Thus overall genotypic ratio of F2 generation will be 1:2:2:4:1:2:1:2:1.

30. show the genotypic ratio and penotypic ratio of a cross between two pea plants which are both heterozygous axial flower position. heterozygous long stem. use letter A foe flower position and letter B for stem lengthp2gametesf2 ratio​​


Let us take both monohybrid and dihybrid cross. This can be explained by taking a specific example of a plant (say pea plant).

In monohybrid cross one trait of plant is taken into consideration.

Let us take a cross between a homozygous tall and homozygous dwarf pea plants.

All the plants in F1 generation will be tall and will have same genotypes, i.e. all plants will be heterozygous tall.

Plants of F1 generation are allowed to interbreed freely among themselves to get F2 generation. The plants in F2 generation will be tall and dwarf in the ration of 3:1. But all tall plants are not similar genotypically. Homozygous tall and heterozygous tall will be in the ratio of 2:1.

Thus in monohybrid cross F1 plants have similar genotype. All are heterozygous tall (Tt).

In F2 generation genotypic ratio will be 1:2:1. , i.e. 1 homozygous tall: 2 heterozygous tall: 1 homozygous dwarf.

In dihybrid cross two traits are considered together.

Let us take a cross between Pure tall red plant and pure dwarf white pea plant.

Tall and dwarf are two alleles of height and red and white are two alleles of color of flower. Tall is dominant over dwarf and red flower color is dominant over white flower color.

All plants of F1 generation in this cross will have similar genotype, i.e. all are heterozygous tall and heterozygous red (TtRr ).

Plants of F1 generation are allowed to interbreed freely among themselves to get F2 generation. In F2 generation, tall red, tall white, dwarf red and dwarf white will be in the ratio of 9:3:3:1. Thus F2 phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1.

F2 tall red plants will have 4 genotypes, i.e. homozygous tall homozygous red (TTRR), homozygous tall heterozygous red (TTRr), heterozygous tall and homozygous red (TtRR), and heterozygous tall and heterozygous red (TtRr) will be in the ratio of 1:2:2:4.

Tall white will have 2 genotypes, i.e. homozygous tall homozygous white (TTrr) and heterozygous tall and homozygous white (Ttrr) in the ratio of 1:2.

Dwarf red will have 2 genotypes, i.e. homozygous dwarf and homozygous red (ttRR) and homozygous dwarf and heterozygous red in the ratio of 1:2.

Dwarf white plants will be have1 genotype, i.e. homozygous dwarf homozygous white (ttrr).

Thus overall genotypic ratio of F2 generation will be 1:2:2:4:1:2:1:2:1.

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