Philippine College Of Health Sciences

Philippine College Of Health Sciences

research on the concept of indigenous science in the philippines give me the some answer of this college student​

Daftar Isi

1. research on the concept of indigenous science in the philippines give me the some answer of this college student​


Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Education: The Dumagat Experience in the Provinces of Nueva Ecija and Aurora, in the PhilippinesContentsPDF / ePubMoreRelated contentSimilar articles:Open AccessA Reflective Analysis of the Selection and Production of Instructional Material for Curriculum Delivery at the Primary Level in Postcolonial GuyanaOpen AccessFrom Awareness to Action: Teacher Attitude and Implementation of LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum in the English Language Arts ClassroomOpen AccessEvaluation of Self-Learning Curriculum for Kindergarten Using Stufflebeam’s CIPP ModelSAGE recommends:SAGE Research MethodsBook chapterIndigenous Knowledges in Education: Complexities, Dangers, and Profound BenefitsSAGE KnowledgeEntryIndigenous ResearchSAGE KnowledgeWhole bookInclusive Education: International Policy & PracticeAbstractThe Philippine historical accounts show that Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in the Philippines have long been suffering from discrimination and lack of access to Education. The IPs comprise about 10% to 20% of the Philippines’s 102.9 million total populations. The Philippine educational system’s neo-colonial background creates injustice on some cultural minorities who can attend school. For this matter, the study measures the perceptions of the Dumagats on their rights to Education. It focuses on the Dumagat communities in the provinces of Nueva Ecija and Aurora in the Philippines. By using the simple binary quantitative tool, the qualitative method of research, the application of Indigenous research methods, and critical pedagogy as analytical lens, the study found that (a) the implementation of the Philippine policies on the rights to Education as reflected on the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997 is more of a tokenism; (b) the enjoyment of the right to Education of IPs is hindered mainly by poverty; (c) English remains the widely used medium of instruction in most IP curricula; and (d) the IPs’ limited knowledge on specific provisions of IPRA related to the access to Education and culture is short of the policy ideals. The above findings necessitate change agents to start a process of pedagogical liberation. The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) personnel and IP teachers can play a vital role as change agents and may act to correct the historical injustices on IPs’ rights and welfare.

2. college science[tex]11[/tex]college science ​


gawa ka nang Tao na buhay

3. In a college of manila,400 freshmen are enrolled under the college of business and accountancy,700 under the college of engineering,203 under the college of law and 155 under the college of arts and science.​



Step-by-step explanation:



yes oeg Al new one is a

4. What is the impact of community health to you as a college students?​


Communities that are attentive to public health can even reduce inequality among their residents. “[Community health] also helps to reduce health gaps caused by differences in race and ethnicity, location, social status, income and other factors that can affect health,”


Health education programs help empower individuals and communities to live healthier lives by improving their physical, mental, emotional and social health by increasing their knowledge and influencing their attitudes about caring for their well-being.

you can choose one of them

hope it's help

5. what is the possible social science course that you wanted to pursue in college?​


Classes may include psychology, political philosophy, international politics, public policy, sociology, anthropology, and statistics.



6. How many college students in the philippines 2020?


There were 3,408,815


There were 3,408,815 students enrolled in higher education for the school year 2019-2020, an increase of 457,620 from school year 2010-2011 student enrolment of 2,951,195

7. what is the history of batangas college of arts and sciences

Batangas state university was established as Manual Training School on 1903 through the supervision of an american principal,Mr. sheer.The school aimed to trained youth for benificial jobs specially in woodworking. Two years later, it was renamed as Batangas Trade School with Messrs

8. Art appreciation subject in college philippines


what?, i cant understand what your asking ;-;


please try to make you question or statement clearer so i can it can be understood

9. The ratio of boys to girls at ABC College of Science and Technology is 11 to 10. There are 330 boys at the college. How many girls are there?

There are 300 girls.


Using proportion:

330:x = 11:10

330×10 = 11x

3300 = 11x

300 = x

Answer: 300

10. as a college student during this pandemic how art and science conected and meet?​


For the past decade or so, we have been repeatedly bombarded with a loud, aggressive and alarming message that university graduates from certain arts, social sciences and humanities majors are irrelevant to the knowledge economy, ill-equipped for today’s world, unready for jobs and uncompetitive compared to those majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM in particular.

11. essay about importance of the vission and mission and the goal of College of Arts and Science​


time is gold

pagnanonood Ng bold

12. What is the college parties like in the Philippines?


Drinking alcohol,Dancing in the party,singing and others

13. college about health lifestyle​








brainliest plss

[tex] \large \bold \color{lime}{ANSWER }[/tex]








14. What is 1 in grading system college philippines?


para maiba Naman sa mga ibang shool

15. if given a chance where would you rather go to college in a university/college in singapore or in a university of the philippines why​


For me, if I would given a chance I rather go to university/college in Singapore, because it is a big opportunity to me not because I want to travel the world but because I want to experience everything in Singapore.

16. examine the mission and vission of national college of science and technology​


VISION: The National College of Science and Technology (NCST) envisions to become one of the nation's leading industry-based educational institution with campuses in key areas around the Philippines. NCST will be a top choice for human resources of every industry.

MISSION: NCST undertakes the responsibility of providing the country with quality graduates who are trained with industry-responsive knowledge and skills and founded with underpinning values of faith, love of country and humanity, hope, justice, mutual respect and peace.

17. power and fuction of Philippine public safety college (PPSC)​


i don't know what to ask you need anything let me

Section 66 of RA 6975
established and constituted the
Philippine Public Safety College
(PPSC) as the premier
educational institution for the
training, human resource development and
continuing education of all personnel of
police, fire and jail personnel.

Hope this helps !!

18. create a college on the inventions in the Philippines and the world​


This article discusses Filipino inventions and discoveries the details the indigenous arts and techniques, cultural inventions, scientific discoveries and contributions of the people of Philippine islands — both ancient and modern state of the Philippines.


19. Positive impact on free College education in the Philippines?​


These are good impact of having free education. First, the students will have their own freedom to choose what course they want to have. Some students just take programs that they think is practical or those that has lower cost. Being passionate and having interest in your field of study will help the students to study harder. Second, better perspective in life. Having a complete educational attainment makes you feel confident and will help you to success.Third, more students that can’t afford to go to college, will be able to attain this kind of education. The students do not need to drop out anymore for they don’t have money to pay their tuition fee, or for some they do not need to stop studying just to take part time jobs to have money.


paheart or pa follow po thanks

i hope it helps po^,^

20. What is the highest gpa in college in the philippines?


Hope it helps#Carry on learningGrade Point Equivalence Equivalence Description
4.00 97–100% Excellent
3.50 93–96% Superior
3.00 89–92% Very Good
2.50 85–88% Good

21. Preparedness of senior high school students for college in the philippines


Overall, results indicate that high school appears to be doing a decent job of setting students up for success in college. Nearly four out of every five respondents feel high school properly prepared them. Getting more specific, the overall average preparedness level of our respondents

22. why is it important to learn science and technology and society to all college students?​


Studies of technology and science provides students with insight into how different processes of knowledge are initiated and progressed, and how innovative technological processes are developed, employed and increase in importance.

It prepares them for careers in business, law, government, journalism, research, and education, and it provides a foundation for citizenship in a globalizing, diversifying world with rapid technological and scientific change.


Hope it helps you po


Hope it helps


Carry on you're learning

24. blank just graduated from college with a degree in science​


I just graduated from college with a degree in science

25. GE-PHY 101: PHYSICS FOR ALLIED HEALTH PROFESIONALS DE LA SALLE MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES INSTITUTE COLLEGE OF ALLIED SCIENCES EXPERIMENT 1. KINEMATICS OBJECTIVES 1. Verify that the value of acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s². 2.Predicting the horizontal and vertical distance of a ball shot at an angle ​

Physics is Physics its hard to understand

26. what schools are best for computer science in college?


Carnegie Mellon University.

Stanford University.

University of California--Berkeley.

University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign.

Cornell University.

Georgia Institute of Technology.

University of Washington.

Princeton University.

27. ano ang tagalog ng College of arts and science​


kolehiyo ng sining at agham thank me later.

Answer: kolehiyo ng sining at agham



28. anong taon itinatag Philippine Women's College?​

Hope it helps you...


29. 1 point each)Known as Plaridel college a formername of Philippine College ofCriminology was established on?​

Plaridel college was established on 1952

30. As a college student during this pandemic, how art and science connected and meet?


For the past decade or so, we have been repeatedly bombarded with a loud, aggressive and alarming message that university graduates from certain arts, social sciences and humanities majors are irrelevant to the knowledge economy, ill-equipped for today’s world, unready for jobs and uncompetitive compared to those majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM in particular.

This message has been conveyed in numerous articles, reports and briefings from multiple international and national organisations, leading to the closure and shrinking of university programmes in sociology, anthropology and philosophy around the world.

This discourse is so strong and frequent that many university administrators, professors, students, employers and parents have internalised and reproduced it so much that the irrelevance message has become the norm and an unquestionable truth.

This discourse has also reduced several years of university education to merely one thing: employability. The question of transformation is absent. Likewise, the many ways that students of such majors can impact their societies and the world in general via their education, knowledge and skills are overlooked.

Like some other scholars, such as Paul Ashwin in his University World News article “Higher education is about transformation”, my students and I find the irrelevance discourse highly problematic as it ignores the holistic purposes of education and, for instance, its role in developing compassion and care for humanity and in community service, volunteering and education-driven engagement.

These are the very values and educational orientations that have proved to be essential for the well-being of societies, peoples and the environment, as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shown us this past year.

For this reason, University World News is launching a series, Sociology Students Write Back and Forward, which aims to engage readers in fruitful, productive and non-binary conversations about higher education. It will feature a number of commentaries which students on my 2020-21 module “Society and education in a globalised world” and I have co-written.

It foregrounds the voices of sociology and anthropology students and their views about their education’s relevance and importance to themselves and those around them. They will draw on specific community engagement projects that they have conducted during and beyond the course.

The students also make explicit the nature of the transformation they have gone through and reflected upon. Likewise, the students highlight how the communities around them have received and responded to the initiatives to make social and educational improvements for all.

In advance of the series beginning, I am sharing excerpts from three letters I have written to my students since the pandemic hit as they show the way we have conducted the module at this challenging time for students, teachers and communities and demonstrate clearly its value.

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