Waka Pose

Waka Pose

What is your subject of your own art work (Waka pose)

Daftar Isi

1. What is your subject of your own art work (Waka pose)

Answer:a person,things,animals or landscape


2. which of the following is not a yoga position A.triangle pose B.dove pose C.pigeon pose D.childs pose​


hello hello hello hello

D. Child's pose

Brainliest please if possible thnx



3. A yoga pose that imitates the cat and cow poses called ___​


yan po, diko po sure kung ano dyan sa tatlo


mamili na lang po kayo


the Yoga Imitater;)



sorry hindi ko lang po kasi alam;)

4. Mountain pose Tadasana​


Tadasana, Mountain Pose or Samasthiti is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise; it is not described in medieval hatha yoga texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas.

5. combines poses with breathing​


picture picturan mo naintindihan hindi ko

6. Describe the mountain pose?

The foundation of all standing poses, makes a great a starting position, resting pose, or tool to improve posture.

7. bridge pose reflection​


Bridge Pose opens the chest, heart, and shoulders. It stretches the spine, the back of the neck, the thighs, and the hip flexors (front hip joints). ... Bridge Pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and thyroid glands, which improves digestion and helps to regulate metabolism.


8. what is Straight ahead action and pose to pose in animation explain?​

The straight-ahead technique means to animate your action from drawing 1 to the end in sequence order.

The pose-to-pose technique is a bit more intricate as it means to draw the key poses first (often the beginning and end drawing of the action and some other key moment between.


Straight ahead action- is the drawing out of a scene frame by frame from start to finish.

Pose to pose action-is planned out by animator using a few key frames and the intervals are filled in.


Pose-to-pose animation- is characterized by the process of first drawing your key poses at significant points in the action, refining the key drawings, and then doing the in-betweens. This process gives the creator more control and ensures the accuracy of the final result. This is how you worked when you created the pendulum animation. You started by creating your key poses!

Straight ahead animation -is drawn from the first position to the last in a linear sequence. There is very little planning in this methodology, and where the character ends up and how it gets there can be a surprise for both the audience and the animator. While this approach is a lot more spontaneous and creative, it can create inaccurate results.

9. Type of mountain pose ​


Its name comes from the Sanskrit words "tada" (meaning "mountain") and "asana" (meaning "pose"). Tadasana is the foundational pose for all standing yoga postures and full inversions, such as Handstand and Headstand. It is the pose from which every other standing pose in your practice is born!

standing sagot ko dyan

10. Describe Tree Pose On Yoga Or What Is Your Experience On Tree Pose If Ever. Thank You​


triagle pose

chair pose

boat pose


heathy on your bady and you feel fitness

11. a standing yoga pose that utilizes all the muscle on the body.what does this pose called?​

The standing asanas are the yoga poses or asanas with one or both feet on the ground, and the body more or less upright. They are among the most distinctive features of modern yoga as exercise. Until the 20th century there were very few of these, the best example being Vrikshasana, Tree Pose.

pa brienliest naman Po at pa fallow na din thks

12. triangle pose reflection​


bring your arms to a 'T' and turn your right toes 90 degrees to the right. Your right foot should be perpendicular to your left. Keep your left toes facing forward. On your next big exhale, lift your chest and bring your right hand down as far as you can.

13. what is problem posing​

Step-by-step explanation:

standing and hands up at the right side


Problem-posing education, coined by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire in his 1970 book Pedagogy of the Oppressed, is a method of teaching that emphasizes critical thinking for the purpose of liberation. Freire used problem posing as an alternative to the banking model of education.

14. ANSWER:1.A-Cobra2.B-seated twist3.C-triangle pose4.D-bridge pose5.E-tree pose​








dikopo sure king tama

15. In how many ways can 4 people pose for a photograph if two insist on posing next to each other?​


If those people is to be chosen from a larger group then combinations could be involved.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps

16. reflectoin of tree pose​


Explanation:   uuuuuuuu

17. Describe the Staff Pose

Pushing heavy things while walking

18. these are extreme poses that show how an action will take place.a. In-between poseb. key posec. rough key drawingsd. all of the choices​


A in between pose


Im not sure but if wrong pls correct me

19. what is pose and dispose?​


As verbs the difference between dispose and pose is that dispose is to eliminate or to get rid of something while pose is to place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect or pose can be (obsolete) to ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.


Sana makatulong :)

What is pose and dispose?


Dispose means :

to give a tendency or inclination to; incline:

Example :

His temperament disposed him to argue readily with people.

Pose means :

present or constitute (a problem, danger, or difficulty).

Example :

"the sheer number of visitors is posing a threat to the area"

20. reflection on triangle pose?​


Keeping that stability in the legs, raise the arms parallel to the ground (palms up for a little more shoulder and chest opening). Utthia means to extend. Extend the torso and spine to the right and the hips move to the left. .

21. progressive tense of pose​


present tense - pose

he/she/it - poses

present participle - posing

past tense - posed

past participle - posed


not so sure hehe

22. what is the meaning of pose​


pose that's it


23. what is pose poration​


The POSE® procedure is a non-surgical technique for stomach reduction. The operation is performed by using an endoscope, so it does not require incisions and does not leave scars. It is a form of minimally invasive surgery, designed for patients who are obese needing to lose weight for health reasons.


Primary obesity surgery endoluminal (POSE) is an endoscopic technique that in- volves placement of a gastric transmural plications in the fundus and pre-antral area to trigger earlier physiologic feedback of fullness and less hunger.

24. description of each pose​



- a particular way of standing or sitting, usually adopted for effect or in     order to be photographed, painted, or drawn.

- a particular way in which someone or something is placed or arranged.

- the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting

(   Sorry if im wrong :(   )

( i hope it helps :D   )

25. What is the meaning of posing?

to assume a particular attitude or stance, especially with the hope of impressing others1. Kasalukuyan o bumubuo (isang problema, panganib, o kahirapan).

2. Palaisipan o perplex (isang tao) na may isang tanong o problema.

26. Describe the Tirangle Pose

A triangle is known as trikonasana.this pose is a therapeutic pose that provides many benefits including strenthening of the core and legs

27. IV. Exercises / Activities Activity 1 Perform the following exercises. Make sure to have your warm up before the exercises and bring water with you to avoid dehydration 1 Flexibility exercises ( 16 counts every exercise) A Bicep stretch J. Side stretch B Triceps stretch K. Downward dog CDeltoid stretch L. Cat pose M. Cow pose D Hamstring stretch E Quadriceps stretch N Camel pose F. Child pose 0 Pyramid pose G. Abs stretch P Triangle pose H Forward bend Q. Split Pigeon pose B C F H​


28. In your family reunion, you and your 9 cousins decided to have a remembrance photo. Find the number of permutation if all of you will pose in a row. Only 4 cousins will be taken a picture at a time. Only 7 cousins will pose at a time. Only 2 cousins will pose at a time. Only 1 cousin will pose at a time​


only 2 cousins will pose at a time.


• For 4 cousins in a row: 10!/(10-4)! = 5040

• For 7 cousins in a row: 10!/(10-7)! = 5040

• For 2 cousins in a row: 10!/(10-2)! = 90

• For 1 cousin in a row: 10!/ (10-1)! = 10

For more information about permutations: https://brainly.com/app/search?q=permutations

29. Second of Stage poses​


Ano po yung tanong nyo?

30. What's In is Directions: Matching Type. Match the yoga position in column A with Columa B Column A A Cobra 2. B. Seated Twist 3. C. Triangle Pose 4. D. Fridge Pose 5. E.Tree Pose F. Lunge PositionAnswer:1.A.Cobra 2.B.Seated twist3.C.Triangle pose4.D.Bride pose5.E.Tree pose​




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