King s Court Building 1

King s Court Building 1

who was the magician at king Arthur's court?​

Daftar Isi

1. who was the magician at king Arthur's court?​


Merlin (Welsh: Myrddin, Cornish: Marzhin, Breton: Merzhin) is a legendary figure best known as an enchanter or wizard featured in Arthurian legend and medieval Welsh poetry.


merlin was the magician

2. who build a tennis court at hampton court palace​


The first tennis court at Hampton Court Palace was built for Cardinal Wolsey between 1526 and 1529. The current tennis court was built for Charles I in 1625. Three of its walls date from this period and the external wall to the right of the viewing gallery is one of Cardinal Wolsey's originals.

3. 1. King: Throne:: Judge : ? (a) Lawyer (b) Bench (c) Court (d) Trial​

Answer: C.Pa brainleist po

4. What was the way of courting in 1990's? ​


Traditional courtship in the Philippines is described as a "far more subdued and indirect" approach compared to Western or Westernized cultures. It involves "phases" or "stages" inherent to Philippine society and culture. Evident in courtship in the Philippines is the practice of singing romantic love songs, reciting poems, writing letters, and gift-giving. This respect extends to the Filipina's family members. The proper rules and standards in traditional Filipino courtship are set by Philippine society.

5. is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people . yes or no? explain​




because the court could be wherever while a hospital needs to be somewhere

and because you just cant treat your ilness if your doctor is just a random hippie

6. 1. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are more basketball fans, than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people? 2. Does the Philosophy of greatest good for the greatest number have any merit?​


2. Does the Philosophy of greatest good for the greatest number have any merit?

A goal put forth for governments: that they should be judged by the results of their policies, and specifically, whether those policies benefit the majority.


I'm sorry for the number one

7. Homecoming has 10 candidates for King. How many ways can a King and a First Runner-up be chosen to form the Festival Court?


The King and a First Runner can be selected in 42 ways of making up the festival court.

Calculation of ways:

For King, the selected candidates=7

There are 7 options for selecting the King.

The first runner-up would be chosen in





7−1=6 different ways.

The total ways where a King and a First Runner-up can be selected to constitute the festival court.








=42 Ways

Therefore, the total ways are "42 ways".

Find out more information about the festive here:

8. This refers to the Jew who enjoyed a favorable position in the courts of king Artaxerxes I and rebuilding of the city wall and the gate of jerusalem


it item you can pursue on king artaxerxer

9. 3.Which Francisco Santiago was sung before the Royal Court of Spain upon therequest of King Alfonso II.​




Correct me if im wrong :)

10. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans, than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people?300 words​


No, it's not. There may be fewer sick people, but that does not mean there are none. The construction of a hospital is a priority because its mission is to heal sick people who may be facing life-or-death situations. For the meantime, the construction of a basketball court can be postponed. The basketball fans can look for alternatives such as watching from a television or online.

11. Mr. Pascua bought a land with an area of 100m2. He plans to build a house with alength of 8m by 9m and a basketball court. How many m2 is allotted for the basketballcourt?​


8m by 9m and a basketball court?

12. 2. Why is it that priest and missionaries are very influential in the King's court?​


The power of the church derived not simply from wealth and oficcial status The priests and friars had a command of local languages are among the lay spanish and in the provinces they outnumbered avil officials. Thus, they were an valuable source of information to the colonial government.


lyla tank

13. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans, than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people?

The answer depends on one's perspective, though. But for me, the answer is no.

It is never right to build a basketball court just because there are basketball fans while there are no hospital for sick people. If there is budget, put those priorities first. Take care for your co-human beings, treat them, and let them heal. Basketball courts can wait if there are still money left from the budget. Health must always come first and also, health is wealth.

If there are enough hospitals to accommodate sick people, then that's the right and perfect time to build a basketball court for basketball fans. But if you know that there isn't enough room to treat sick people, then you must think twice before spending the budget for something else.

14. is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans,than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people?​


It is never right to build a basketball court just because there are basketball fans while there are no hospital for sick people. ... If there are enough hospitals to accommodate sick people, then that's the right and perfect time to build a basketball court for basketball fans.

Ganito po kasi yan wee are the beast so you can answer it on your own understanding wag mong ipa sagot sa iba welcpme

15. What genre is a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court?


What genre is a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court?

may moderator

16. Homecoming has 10 candidates for King. How many ways can a King and a First Runner-up be chosen to form the Festival Court?



A train is leaving Divisoria on Monday afternoon in is supposed to arrive in Naga at 10:30 am on Tuesday at the estimate Journey time is 10 hours and 20 minutes at what time should the train leave Divisoria? Express your answer book in 12 hours and 24 hours clock format.

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☞ To solve for the time for the train to leave Divisoria and arrive in Naga at 10:30 am, we just need to subtract 10 hours and 20 minutes from the time it supposedly arrive the said place.

\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered} \: \: \: \: \: \: \large \rm 10: 30 \\ \large \rm \: \: \underline{ - \: \:\: \: 10 : 20 ___________large \rm ____________12: 10 \: am\end{gathered}\end{gathered}




Why 12 instead of 0? Zero represents 12 o'clock since after 12 in terms of time, we'll have one.

But remember that zero is crucial in 24-hours format.

☞ You are tasked to express your answer in 12-hours and 24-hours clock format.

12:10 am is in 12-hours clock format.

00:10 is in 24-hours clock format. It can't be 12:10 since that represents 12:10 pm.

\red {\overline{


17. 1. King: Throne:: Judge : ?(a) Lawyer (b) Bench(c) Court(d) Trial​

King: Throne:: Judge : Bench


In the problem above, two words are given to the first variable, the first word is "King" and the second word is "Judge". While the second variable is only given the word "Throne" as a comparison for the first variable "King". Therefore, an analysis was carried out on each variable listed in the multiple options to find the relationship between the variables as the second variable as a comparison "Judge"

A. Lawyer.

Judge and Lawyer are two words that are the same as stating a profession or position. Therefore, if it is associated with a variable and the first word is "King" then the appropriate word is "Queen" or "Premier". Then we can say answer A is not valid

B. Bench

Bench is a position where a judge carries out his duties or more precisely like the throne of a judge. This is of course related to a King with his throne where the king sits and carries out his duties. So that the similarities between the two variables are found in this option, where the king and judge are a profession/position while the second variable is throne and bench where the first variable carries out its duties.

C. Court

The relationship between the judge and the court is the place or more precisely the location or room/building where a judge carries out his duties. If the first variable is written with the word "King", then the second variable certainly contains the place or building where a king carries out his duties so that the correct word is "Palace" which makes answer C must be invalid.

D. Trial

Trial is a formal examination of evidence before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. So if the first variable is “King” then the second variable that is more appropriate is "Royal Verdict"

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18. the basketball players run 3m/s in the court​


uhm..whats the question?:)

19. 2. The court established by the king of Spain to prevent corruption in the government.

The court established by the king of Spain to prevent corruption in the government is known as the Audiencia de Contaduria Mayor de Cuentas or the Royal Court of Accounts. This court was established in 1561 by King Philip II of Spain to oversee the financial affairs of the Spanish Empire and to prevent corruption in the government. The court was responsible for auditing the accounts of government officials and ensuring that public funds were used appropriately. Members of the court were appointed by the king and were required to be experts in accounting and finance. The Royal Court of Accounts played an important role in maintaining the integrity of the Spanish government and its financial affairs during the colonial period.

20. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans, than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people? ​


Build first a hospital because people need it than basketball courts,because basket ball courts people that in emergency


pa brainliest

21. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans than to build a hospital because there are few sick people.?

Is it justifiable or not: Building a basketball court because there are basketball fans rather than building a hospital because there are few sick people

The answer depends on one's perspective, though. But for me, the answer is no.

It is never right to build a basketball court just because there are basketball fans while there are no hospital for sick people. If there is budget, put those priorities first. Take care for your co-human beings, treat them, and let them heal. Basketball courts can wait if there are still money left from the budget. Health must always come first and also, health is wealth.

If there are enough hospitals to accommodate sick people, then that's the right and perfect time to build a basketball court for basketball fans. But if you know that there isn't enough room to treat sick people, then you must think twice before spending the budget for something else.

If you want to read more about this topic, you can click these link/s for more reads/information:


22. Give the correct form the verb in each of the following sentences 1. the royal couple's journey (begin) next week 2. the king (gather) all the people at the court last week 3 the kings soldiers (arrive) ahead of him 4. the people (shout) long live the king 5. the king (charge) the law of the palace a year ago. ​








correct if wrong thanks:)

23. is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans than to build a hospital with fewer sick people?​



-Seek first the implication of things, though you build a hospital with h fewer patients it might be helpful when the other days comes around.Hospitals are not just important they are truly healers of community and had a great impact on society.Example would be during these pandemic,health would be mean a lot

24. It is the palace proper of assyrian palace which includes the king's residence, men's apartment and reception courts for visitors



It is the palace proper of assyrian palace which includes the king's residence, men's apartment and reception courts for visitors.


Seraglio is the palace proper in an Assyrian palace.


Palace proper w/c includes the kings residence, men's apartment & reception courts. Part of palace; usually designed with a private family apartments or women's quarter.


[tex]\large{ \rm{hope \: it \: helps.}}[/tex]



the table below represents the following questions in the space provided by the way you can see the attached file is scanned


Tama rin po ako diyan

25. Juan and Pedro are playing basketball in an outdoor court on top of a building. Juan missed his shot and the ball rolled off into the opposite side of the building, falling off and reaching the ground after 4.0 s. What is the approximate magnitude of the speed of the basketball just before it hits the ground in m/s?

Lakwvdjalals djaoajs akaoab

26. He was later appointed as the official painter of the royal court of king Charles IV​

Diego Velázquez

As Philip IV's court painter, Diego Velázquez painted many royal portraits, notably Las meninas (1656). Yet he was also known for popularizing the bodegón, or kitchen scene, in such early works as An Old Woman Cooking Eggs (1618).

27. Why is it that priest and missionaries are very influential in the King's court?​


The power of the church derived not simply from wealth and oficcial status The priests and friars had a command of local languages are among the lay spanish and in the provinces they outnumbered avil officials. Thus, they were an valuable source of information to the colonial government.



28. King : Throne : Judge :____ (A) Lawyer (B) Bench (C) Court (D) Trial​




as 'king' is related to 'judge' in the same way 'throne' is related  to a bench

29. homecoming has 7 candidates for king. how many ways can a king and a first runner up be chosen to form the festival court?pls help​


President rodrigo roa duterte


majority of vote

Every president elected because the people voted for them

30. 16. Homecoming has 7 candidates for King. How many ways can a King and a Firs Court? 23 b. 42 a. C. 840​



[tex]\huge\purple{\boxed{\tt{\colorbox{black}{NEED HELP}}}}[/tex]

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[tex]\small \color{magenta}{❦︎ꨄ︎Angelꨄ︎❦︎ }[/tex]

[tex]\huge\pink{\overline{\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad \ \ \ }}[/tex]




[tex]\huge\rm\color {red}{A}\color {yellow}{N}\color {green}{S}\color {blue}{W}\color {pink}{E}\color {orange}{R}\color {magenta}{!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm\color {red}{A}\color {yellow}{N}\color {green}{S}\color {blue}{W}\color {pink}{E}\color {orange}{R}\color {magenta}{!}[/tex]




[tex]\huge\pink{\overline{\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad \ \ \ }}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \boxed{{ \colorbox{pink}{Answer}}}}[/tex]

B. 42

[tex]\huge\pink{\overline{\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad \ \ \ }}[/tex]

[tex]\small \color{magenta}{❦︎ꨄ︎Angelꨄ︎❦︎ }[/tex]

[tex]\huge\pink{\overline{\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad \ \ \ }}[/tex]





Step-by-step explanation:

hope it help pa brainlest

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