Cor Jesu College

Cor Jesu College

Explain how we as baptized Christians share in the common priesthood of Jesus Christ in your own experience, in what concrete way(s) do you share in that common priesthood? Cor

Daftar Isi

1. Explain how we as baptized Christians share in the common priesthood of Jesus Christ in your own experience, in what concrete way(s) do you share in that common priesthood? Cor


Also you are just cry because this your first time to baptist and you are just about to said your self ''God forgive my Sins, I will not Make Wrong at my Whole Life''


I hope this answer helped

2. Te feminist argues that pornography is harmful and has no merit and should not be discussed in collegeuments. Write only the letter of the corcourses.A. missing the pointB. appeal to authorityC. appeal to ignoranceD. appeal to pityand​




That's what I know hope it helps

3. ANO PO PWEDENG TITLE DITO SA The effectiveness of reading comprehension towards to the non-readers of jesus the greatest name christian collegePARA PO SA THESIS​


Effect of reading and non-reading? not sure

4. sin 30° (sin 60°)Cor 90°​

Step-by-step explanation:

i thought the answer is zero

5. CONDITION Functional(Functional Cor not functional​


Nasan po yung pic


sorry po tlaga hindi ko po makita yung pic nyo

6. PARA PO SA RESEARCH HUHU. ANO PWEDENG INTRODUCTION DITO PO SA The effectiveness of reading comprehension towards to the non-readers of jesus the greatest name christian college​


Reading comprehension is a vital skill for students, as it allows them to understand and critically analyze written material. This is particularly important for non-readers, as they may struggle with the basic reading skills required to understand written text. The effectiveness of reading comprehension programs towards non-readers is an important issue to investigate, as it can have a significant impact on the academic success of these students. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of reading comprehension programs for non-readers at Jesus the Greatest Name Christian College. The study will examine the reading abilities of non-readers before and after participating in the reading comprehension program and will analyze the impact of the program on the student's academic performance. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of reading comprehension programs for non-readers and will inform the development of future reading programs for these students.



Jesus The Greatest Name Christian College has been looking into the feasibility of implementing reading comprehension programs to improve the academic performance of non-readers. Reading comprehension is the ability to understand, remember, and interpret written language. There are various strategies and strategies employed by educational professionals for improving reading comprehension among students.

Studies have shown that reading comprehension strategies can be effective for improving the reading outcomes of students who are not strong readers. These strategies can help students to understand and make sense of text, increase recall of facts and details, note-making skills, and improve overall reading abilities.

Further research has also confirmed that reading comprehension strategies can be beneficial for non-readers. Particularly, such strategies can provide the learners with explicit instruction on various techniques for better understanding and comprehending the text. In addition, research states that instruction on the various techniques for enhancing comprehension can help students to read at a more advanced level.

Moreover, research has also found that effective implementation of reading comprehension strategies by teachers can lead to improved learning experiences, increased motivation, improved attitudes towards reading, increased self-efficacy, and improved learning outcomes.

Overall, research has revealed that reading comprehension strategies can be effective for assisting non-reader in improving their reading abilities and achieving better academic outcomes. Such strategies can also help improve learning experiences and provide students with the skills necessary for success in the classroom. Thus, Jesus The Greatest Name Christian College should consider implementing reading comprehension programs for their non-readers.

7. which of the following is the corred abbrevaition of ounce?​




do you mean correct?

8. metals which easily corred​








What's the Point?







hope it helps.

9. item cor comppputation​


ask lang po ako paano po yan answeran wala po kasing direction ⬆️⬆️⬆️

10. Quantitative Research tittle Releted ABM Cors​



Study Hard

11. reflection about 1 Cor. 7:4-5​


Paul is revealing God's will about sex within marriage. He has rejected the idea that married Christians should abstain from sex. Early heresies, such as Gnosticism, claimed that the body was evil and sex should be avoided, even in marriage. In fact, Scripture says the opposite is true because of the temptation to participate in damaging sexual sin.

In the previous verse, Paul wrote that husbands and wives must both give sex to each other, translated in various Bibles as "conjugal rights" or "marital duty." Now Paul explains why this is true, using the language of authority. Neither wives nor husbands are entirely independent over their own bodies when it comes to sex. Instead, the wife has authority over the husband's body and vice versa.

The Bible's teaching on this subject runs counter to both the culture of Paul's day and to our own. This is a uniquely Christian idea for several reasons.

First, in many cultures then and now, a wife's body was thought to be the explicit property of her husband, but categorically not the other way around. In some cases, cultures essentially considered "male adultery" non-existent, requiring fidelity only of the woman. In Christian teaching, however, both parties in marriage are so closely connected, as if one person (Genesis 2:24), that they have mutual authority over each other's bodies. This is the opposite of male dominance of women. This specific verse focuses on that idea of mutual submission in one specific area of marriage.

Second, especially in modern times and places, culture often recoils at the suggestion that a person does not have absolute, unrestricted autonomy over his or her own body. Christian teaching, though, is clear about this idea. Paul wrote in the previous chapter that, as Christians, we are not our own our bodies, because God purchased us from sin and death with the blood of Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:19–20; Ephesians 1:7; Galatians 3:13). The two primary expressions of this are in avoidance of sin and in the mutual expression of sexuality in marriage.

Marriage is meant to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and those who have been redeemed in the church. In that picture, both the redeemed husband and redeemed wife surrender their right to exercise authority over their own bodies—in this area specifically—as part of their marriage commitment to become one.


Context Summary

First Corinthians 7:1–16 includes Paul's teaching about sex and marriage for Christians. Some in Corinth apparently thought even married believers should not have sex. Paul rejects that idea, insisting that married Christians belong to each other and should not deprive each other in this way because of the temptation to sexual sin. Also, married believers should not divorce in order to somehow be closer to God. The Lord intends marriage to be for life. Those married to unbelievers may, by staying in the marriage, help lead the other person to Christ.


"The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife"

12. musical instruments in cor anglais​

English horn, French cor anglais, German Englischhorn, orchestral woodwind instrument, a large oboe pitched a fifth below the ordinary oboe, with a bulbous bell and, at the top end, a bent metal crook on which the double reed is placed. It is pitched in F, being written a fifth higher than it sounds.

13. me other gove otoy cor3​


asan pic saan saan asaan

14. What is the quotient of 82.25 and 0.04? OF COR​




the answer is that on the picture

15. synonyms wordcorred? thank you​











16. Ilocos and Cor fillers Andministrative Region​

Ilocos Administrative Region

•Ilocos Region (Ilocano: Rehion/Deppaar ti Ilocos; Pangasinan: Sagor na Baybay na Luzon; Tagalog: Rehiyon ng Ilocos) is an administrative region of the Philippines, designated as Region I, occupying the northwestern section of Luzon. It is bordered by the Cordillera Administrative Region to the east, the Cagayan Valley to the northeast and southeast, and the Central Luzon to the south. To the west lies the South China Sea.

•The region comprises four provinces: Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union and Pangasinan. Its regional center is San Fernando, La Union. The 2000 Census reported that the major languages spoken in the region are Ilocano at 66.36% of the total population at that time, Pangasinan with 27.05%, and Tagalog with 3.21%.[4

Cordillera Administrative region

•Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), also known as Cordillera Region (Ilocano: Rehion/Deppaar Administratibo ti Kordiliera; Tagalog: Rehiyong Pampangasiwaan ng Cordillera), is an administrative region in the Philippines, situated within the island of Luzon. The only landlocked region in the insular country, it is bordered by the Ilocos Region to west and southwest, and by the Cagayan Valley Region to the north, east, and southeast. It is the least populous region in the Philippines, with a population less than that of the City of Manila.

•The region comprises six provinces: Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga and Mountain Province. The regional center is the highly urbanized city of Baguio.

•The region, officially created on July 15, 1987,[3] covers most of the Cordillera Central mountains of Luzon, and is home to numerous ethnic peoples. The Nueva Vizcaya province has a majority-Igorot population, but was placed by the American colonial government in the Cagayan Valley region instead during the early 20th century.


17. het ople ought cors or best cor scles. Of the 24 customers, many people bought new carshelp​


het ople ought cors or best cor scles. Of the 24 customers, many people bought new cars

18. Which of the Following is corred​


Saan po yung pic or questions


ahm na saan Yung complete question or pagpipilian?

19. write the corred time volue ​


the duration of a given printed note relative to other notes in a composition or section

20. reflect on verse 1 cor 14:40​


ow it so hard to explain

21. Cor 3. Listing method is also know as ​


rooster listing method


22. Learning task 2: CROSSWORD PUZZLE4ACROSS1. It is used to stop the cor.2. A rubber ring that surrounds a cor's wheel4. Use as a fuel or lubricant,DOWN:​


1. stop

2. rubber wheel


hindi ko na po alam yung no.4 yan nalang

23. reflection 2 Cor 11:12-15​


2 Corinthians 11:12

"And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about."


includes Paul's unmasking of the false apostles in Corinth. They are like the serpent in the garden tempting Eve. Or, they resemble a man trying to seduce a betrothed woman away from her promised husband. They disguise themselves as servants of righteousness as Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Paul is a spiritual father who must protect the Corinthians from deceptions like a false Christ and a false spirit. Paul doubles down on his commitment not to take funds from the Corinthians for his own needs, simply to prove how he is different from the false apostles.

the believers in Corinth to a betrothed bride. It also pictures them as Eve facing temptation from the snake in the garden in Genesis 3. Paul's job as their spiritual father is to protect them from the lies of false apostles. These deceivers disguise themselves as servants of righteousness in the same way that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Paul is shocked the Corinthians put up with such harsh treatment from these men. He sarcastically pretends to brag about himself as the false teachers do about themselves. Instead, he boasts mostly about the ways he has endured suffering in his service to Christ.


24. reflection on verse 1 Cor. 14:17 ​


Verse 12 indicated that the Christians in Corinth should be striving at building up the church by building up each other. That's the reason spiritual gifts are given by God. That's what those gifts are intended to be used for. If spiritual gifts don't help with that purpose, they should not be displayed in the church.

That's why Paul is restricting the exercise of the gift of speaking in unknown languages during church services if no interpretation is available. Some of the Corinthians may have objected that they were using the gift to pray to God, and He understood them. Paul's response is that praying to God without knowing what is being said makes the experience only a spiritual one and not mentally engaging. For those who listen to unintelligible words, it is neither spiritual nor intellectual. It is meaningless.

In the previous verse, he wrote that those who hear a prayer of thanksgiving to God without knowing what is being said cannot respond by saying "Amen." Apparently, this was a common response in the church to prayers of blessing or giving thanks to God. Saying "Amen" was a way of expressing agreement with the one who was praying. This practice continues in many churches today.

Paul writes now that the problem is not with the prayer itself. The speaker may have given thanks "well enough," but they have not contributed to the mission of the church: They have not built anyone up.

Setting the discussion of spiritual gifts aside, Paul's teaching here shows that one purpose of public prayer in church is to build up those who hear, as well as communicating to God personally.


25. explain 1 Cor. 9:24-27.


1 Corinthians 9:24-27

24Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. 25Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one. 26So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air; 27but I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified.

26. Solve for the Greatest Cor1. 18x2 and 6x with solution​

18x2= 36

Step-by-step explanation:

ibigsabihin ng times(x) is doble na number na nasa unahan .

18+18= 26

27. 10 puntoscor5.KALAYAAN​


d po maintindihan yung question mo po.. ayusin mo

28. directions : encircle the letter of the corred answer​


nasaan yung question/picture?


pa brainliest po pls

29. Arange the jumbled letter ( LILF ROL CORS).

Arange the jumbled letter ( LILF ROL CORS).



fill yan lng muna

30. reflect on verse 1 cor. 14:17​


1 Corinthians 14:17 "You are giving thanks well enough, but no one else is edified."

For me it means that, my prayer of giving thanks is good and very well, but it doesn't help other person to be better and educated.

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