

What is the correct name of H3PO3?​

Daftar Isi

1. What is the correct name of H3PO3?​


Phosphorous acid


pa brainliest namn po

2. Calculate the pH of the solution that is 0.400 M in NaH2PO4 NaHC2O4 H3PO3 H2SO3​


lahat ng test k to correction

3. 200. g of phosphorus trichloride reacts with excess water to form 94.0 g of HCl and aqueous phosphorous acid (H3PO3


sandali lng po bakit ganyan kayo diko maget saglit lng

4. What is the percentage yield of a reaction in which 200 g of phosphorus trichloride reacts with excess water to form 128 g of HCl and aqueous phosphorous acid (H3PO3)?

The percentage yield of a reaction : 80%

Further explanation  

Percent yield is the comparison of the amount of product obtained from a reaction(actual) with the amount you calculated (theoretical)  

General formula:  

[tex]\tt \%yield=\dfrac{actual}{theoretical}\times 100\%[/tex]


200 g of phosphorus trichloride

128 g of HCl


the percentage yield



PCl₃ + 3H₂O → 3HCl + H₃PO₃

mol PCl₃ :

= mass : molar mass PCl₃

= 200 g : 137,33 g/mol

= 1.46

mol HCl based on mol PCl₃(as limiting reactant, because water as excess reactant) :

= 3/1 x mol PCl₃

= 3/1 x 1.46

= 4.38

mass HCl :

= mol x molar mass HCl

= 4.38 mol x 36.5 g/mol

= 159.87≈160 g

% yield :

= 128 g : 160 g

= 0.8⇒80%

Learn more

Percent yield from methane and oxygen reactions  


The percent yield of Al₂O₃  


Theoretical yield of the reaction  




Step 1: Write the balanced chemical equation.

PCl₃ + 3H₂O → 3HCl + H₃PO₃

Step 2: Calculate the molar mass of substances needed.

For PCl₃

molar mass = (30.97 g/mol × 1) + (35.45 g/mol × 3)

molar mass = 137.32 g/mol

For HCl

molar mass = (1.008 g/mol × 1) + (35.45 g/mol × 1)

molar mass = 36.458 g/mol

Step 3: Determine the mole ratio needed.

mole ratio = 1 mol PCl₃ : 3 mol HCl

Step 4: Calculate the theoretical yield of the reaction.

[tex]\text{theoretical yield = 200 g PCl₃} × \frac{\text{1 mol PCl₃}}{\text{137.32 g PCl₃}} × \frac{\text{3 mol HCl}}{\text{1 mol PCl₃}} × \frac{\text{36.458 g HCl}}{\text{1 mol HCl}}[/tex]

[tex]\text{theoretical yield = 159.298 g}[/tex]

Step 5: Calculate the percent yield.

[tex]\text{percent yield} = \frac{\text{actual yield}}{\text{theoretical yield}} × 100[/tex]

[tex]\text{percent yield} = \frac{\text{128 g}}{\text{159.298 g}} × 100[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\text{percent yield = 80.4\%}}[/tex]


5. Q1. To determine the approximate mass of a small spherical shot of iron, the following experiment is performed. When 95 pieces of the shot are counted out and added to 6.9 mL of water in a graduated cylinder, the total volume becomes 7.5 mL. The density of iron is 7.88 g/cm3 . Determine the approximate mass of a single piece of shot, assuming that all of the pieces are of the same dimensions. Q2. A compound of copper and sulfur contains 111.99 g of metal and 113.04 g of nonmetal. How many of copper and sulfur atoms are in 5264 kg of compound? Q3. A balsamic vinegar sample was subjected to acid-base titration and found to contain 5.7% acetic acid by mass, where density of this sample is determined to be 1.116 g/mL. How many grams of acetic acid are present in 2.40 L of this vinegar? Q4. The reaction of NH3 and O2 forms NO and water. The NO can be used to convert P4 to P4O6, forming N2 in the process. The P4O6 can be treated with water to form H3PO3, which forms PH3 and H3PO4 when heated. Find the mass of PH3 that forms from the reaction of 20.44 g of NH3. Q5. Cortisol is a steroid hormone and t is produced by the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex. Cortisol is carbon, oxygen and hydrogen containing compound. It has a composition of 69.6% C and 8.34% H by mass and has a molecular weight of 362.465 g/mol. What is its molecular formula of cortisol? Q6. What is the radius (in cm) of a cylindrical silicon block (density = 2.03 g/cm3) with the height of 2.80 cm to react with 76.0 g of Cr2O3 by the reaction: Si (s) + Cr2O3 (s) → SiO2 (s) + Cr (l) Q7. 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine is a colorless liquid and a potent carcinogen that acts as a DNA methylating agent. When burned in an excess of oxygen, a 0.452 g sample yields 0.662 g CO2 and 0.542 g H2O. The nitrogen content of a 0.354 g sample is converted to 0.165 g. What is the empirical formula of dimethylhydrazine?


sorry I don't understand your question I need true questions please

6. What is the percent yield reaction?PC13(g) + 3H2O(I)--- H3PO3 (aq) + 3HCl (aq)Where 20.0 g Of phosphorous trichloride react with excess water to form 11.2 g HCI and phosphorous acid (H3PO3)?2. Given CH4 (g) + C12 (g)---- CH3Cl (g) +CHI (g). Ten grams of CH4 and 40.0g of chlorine gas undergo a reaction that has a 75.0% yield. Calculate the mass (in grams) Of chloromethane (CH3Cl) formed.​


Nde ko alam mare...pasensya na godbless


e search be, pasensya kana ha godbless.

7. 8. Find the limiting reactant if 220 g of PCl3 is mixed with 300 g of H20. PC13+3H20-H3PO3+3HCI a. PC13 b. H20 c. H3PO3 d. HCI For items 9 and 10, refer to this equation CS2 + 2CaO + CO2 + 2CaS 9. How much mass of CO2 can be obtained from the reaction of 2 moles of CS2?a. 88 g b. 44g c. 769 d. 152 g 10. What is the limiting reagent if 26 g CaO and 38 g of CS2 are chemically combined? g a. CS2 b. CaO c. CO2 d. Cas For items 11 to 13, Use the chemical reaction below to answer the questions that follow. CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O(9) g 11. What is the limiting reactant when 19.9 g CuO reacts with 2.02 g Hz? a. Cuo b. H2 c. Cu d. H2O 12. The actual yield of copper was 15.0 g. What is the percentage yield? a. 85.6% b. 88.33% c. 92.05% d. 94.3% 13. How many grams of Cu can be collected if 20.6 g CuO reacts with an excess of hydrogen with a yield of 91.0%? a. 11 g Cu b. 13g Cu c. 15 g Cu d. 16g Cu​









Pa brainliest like/heart rate to 5 stars is ok

but brainliest make mo happy so much thanks

#Carry on learning

8. When liquid phosphorus trichloride is added to water, it reacts to form aqueous phosphorous acid, H3PO3(aq), and aqueous hydrochloric acid.


j Kay and my friend is coming to work and she has a lot to be there for her to be with her for me to be with u her and I

9. Learning Task 2 Answer the following by putting coefficient/s to balance the equation: 8th Grude Science BALANCING EQUATIONS NAME SECT.: BALANCE THE FOLLOWING EQUATIONS (IF ALREADY BALANCED WRITE "B"AFTER) 1. CaCO3 --> CuO + CO, 2. KCIO KCI + 02 3. P.010 + с -> P: + CO or 4. Hz + N, > NH, 5. H, CIZ HCI 6. Cuo + H2 Cu HO 7. NO, H2O HNO, NO 8. Hgo Hg + 02 9. СО H2 CH4OH 10. Na + HO NaOH +H, 11. PBry + H2O H3PO3 + HBr 12. Sb + Cl2 SHCI, 13. H2S 02 SO, H2O 14. NaCl + H SO. Na So. HCI 15. Zn(OH)2 NaOH NazZn02 + H2O 16. Fe,0, + CO Fe CO, 17. CH C2H2 + H2 18. NaOH + CO2 Na,Co, + HO 19. Caz(POS), SIO2 P..010 + Casio 20. Caz(PO4)2 H2SO4 Caso H;PO 21. AsCl3 H2O HCI + As(OH)3 22. Fe2O3 с Fe,c + CO 23. AIO, + С ALC3 CO 24. ALC: + H20 Al(OH); + CH, 25. Al + Fe3O. Al2O3 + FePLEASE PASAGOT .​


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