How Are Self discipline Good Habits And Children s Rights Connected

How Are Self discipline Good Habits And Children s Rights Connected

how are self discipline good habits and children's rights connected

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1. how are self discipline good habits and children's rights connected


Self-disciplined kids can choose to forgo immediate gratification. They can make good choices regardless of how they feel. Kids who have self-discipline can cope with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way



2. How are self discipline, good habits, and children right connected?


Self-disciplined kids can choose to forgo immediate gratification. They can make good choices regardless of how they feel. Kids who have self-discipline can cope with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. ... When kids lack self-discipline, parents often end up taking more responsibility for the child's behavior


Hope It's Help

3. How are Self -Discipline,Good Habits Children's Right Connected?


To desciplin your self or to make a good rights

4. how are self-discipline good habits and children's right connected do they affect another​


Self-discipline, good habits and children's right connected become it will enjoy your youth and you will inspire other children by you.

5. how are self-discipline good habits and children's rights connected do they affect one another make a simple symbol to show this and write your explanation aside the box ​


Self-discipline is the way of having control​  to our ourselves. When you have strong self-discipline, you have the power to limit yourself in certain areas, like judgings others, telling people your judgment about them, and having the ability to speak or keep what is inside of your head. Self-discipline is a way of knowing what matters to you versus what doesn't.

Good habits are a way of having a routine that will help you reach your goals and aims in life. When you have good habits, chances of knowing your priorities matter, and when you have good habits, you have habits that you continue to strive for and explore what you can do in life.

Children's right is when you know how to face and state a request of young adults even though they still hadn't an ability to survive on their own. It is the subset of human rights with careful gestures to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors.

They are all related to each other because they value each other's rights, freedom, and liberty to seek help and grow as a person while learning from their mistakes. Children must build self-discipline and good habits as young as they can be if children know how to make a self-care routine, they will have a good view of life. They affect one another because if you don't have self-discipline, building good habits will not be easy, and knowing and understanding children's rights as human beings will be difficult and shallow. Remember, children should be present during grown-up talks, meddle in their conversation, or participate in it.


6. how are self-discipline,good habits and children's rights connected?Do they affect one another?​


They can make good choices regardless of how they feel. Kids who have self-discipline can cope with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. ... When kids lack self-discipline, parents often end up taking more responsibility for the child's behavior.

7. How are self-discipline,good habits and children's rights connected?​


Self-discipline is the way of having control​  to our ourselves. When you have strong self-discipline, you have the power to limit yourself in certain areas, like judgings others, telling people your judgment about them, and having the ability to speak or keep what is inside of your head. Self-discipline is a way of knowing what matters to you versus what doesn't.

Good habits are a way of having a routine that will help you reach your goals and aims in life. When you have good habits, chances of knowing your priorities matter, and when you have good habits, you have habits that you continue to strive for and explore what you can do in life.

Children's right is when you know how to face and state a request of young adults even though they still hadn't an ability to survive on their own. It is the subset of human rights with careful gestures to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors.

They are all related to each other because they value each other's rights, freedom, and liberty to seek help and grow as a person while learning from their mistakes. Children must build self-discipline and good habits as young as they can be if children know how to make a self-care routine, they will have a good view of life. They affect one another because if you don't have self-discipline, building good habits will not be easy, and knowing and understanding children's rights as human beings will be difficult and shallow. Remember, children should be present during grown-up talks, meddle in their conversation, or participate in it.



8. How are self discipline good habit and children right connected do they affect one another make a simple symbol to show this and right explanation help me plsss​


How are self discipline good habits and children's right connected do they affect one another make a simple?

How are self-discipline good habits and children's right connected? Self-disciplined kids can choose to forgo immediate gratification. They can make good choices regardless of how they feel. Kids who have self-discipline can cope with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way.


pa brainliest pls ty

9. How are self-discipline, good habits and children’s rights connected? Do they affect one another? Make a simple symbol to show this and write your explanation below it in a piece of paper.


The single most important attribute to becoming successful is self-discipline. It helps you stay focused on reaching your goals, gives you the gumption to stick with difficult tasks, and allows you to overcome obstacles and discomfort as you push yourself to new heights.

10. how are self discipline, good habits and childrens rights connected?


simple,. Self discipline help to control and manage, to know the right thing and not the bad things.


yun lang alam ko po ehh sorry.

11. How are self-discipline, good habits and children's rights connected? do they affect one another?​


Eventually they do affect one another, at first you should have to discipline yourself for you to be a good person and then when you already discipline yourself it means you have control in yourself you will be responsible enough to do things and good habits in your life and when you are responsible enough and you already prove it to everyone, you have a right to make decision with yourself or a Children's rights you will be able to do thing with your own decision but don't spoil it have limitations on what decision you will make☺

12. How are self discipline good habits and childrens right Connected? Do they affect one another? make a simple​

Self discipline enables a person cherish a relationship. It connects to many different factor of beneficiaries. It helps a person manage itself at its fullest potential.

13. how are self discipline,good habits and children rights connected? and what symbol​


Healthy discipline teaches kids alternative ways to get their needs met. Kids need to learn problem-solving skills, impulse control, and self-regulation skills from appropriate training.


14. How are self-discipline, good habits and children’s rights connected? Do they affect one another?write your explanation below it


Because self discipline is all about taking care of ourselves/yourself.

Yes they do affect one another(not only the childrens but also the elders), because base on my observation through the childrens is that, they'll going to copy everything base on what they've mostly seen through the outside and internet. (it'll only depends in the kid/childrens mind.)

(So childrens, be careful on what you've may seen in the internet, because not all of it are good for you.) good luck!

15. how are self discipline good habit and children rights connected do they affect one other PASAGOTTTTT PLSSS​

Answer: Discipline makes for more intelligent and motivated students. Research shows that students who are highly self-disciplined may be able to better focus on long-term goals and make better choices related to academic engagement

16. Can somebody make a symbol about "how are self discipline, good habit and children rights connected" please I need your help ​

question ko din yan



17. How are self-discipline, good habits and children's nghts connected?​


they're connected because they all lead to a child growing without being spoiled and will later on learn that what you did was necessary because you love him/her and that you just want to make them grow up an independent human being.

18. How are self-discipline, good habits and children's right connected?

How are self-discipline, good habits and children's right connected?  

The ability to focus on a task is self-discipline.  or aim to achieve a certain outcome. or objective. Like other attributes that could lead to your overall  success, self-discipline is one that generates enduring success over time.

Self-disciplined individuals commonly rely on a group of other traits, such as:

Ambition Focus Organization Persistence Responsibility Resilience Strong work ethic

Self discipline in the workplace becomes a way to build actions, ideas and  habits that help you fulfill tasks, overcome milestones, and ultimately reach specific aims. Learning self-discipline is a life-long process, and every  child will struggle with self-discipline at different times.  Give your child the appropriate tools to  help him practice resisting temptations and delaying gratification.

For more information visit this link:  


19. How are self-discipline,good habits and children's right connected? Do they affect one another? Make simple symbol to show this and write you explanation


Self-discipline, good habits, and children's rights are all connected in that they all play a role in the overall development and well-being of a child. Self-discipline is the ability to control one's own behavior and actions, while good habits refer to the consistent actions and behaviors that are deemed beneficial for one's physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. Children's rights, on the other hand, refer to the legal and moral rights that are afforded to children to ensure their protection and proper development.

These three concepts are interconnected and affect one another in the sense that self-discipline and good habits are crucial for the proper exercise of children's rights. For example, self-discipline is necessary for children to be able to make responsible decisions and take care of their own well-being, which is a fundamental aspect of the right to protection and development. Good habits, such as regular exercise and healthy eating, also contribute to children's overall well-being, which is essential for the enjoyment of their rights.

A simple symbol that can be used to show the relationship between self-discipline, good habits, and children's rights is a triangle, with self-discipline at the bottom, good habits in the middle, and children's rights at the top. The triangle represents the interconnectedness of the three concepts, with self-discipline and good habits serving as the foundation upon which children's rights are built. The bottom and middle layers of the triangle represent self-discipline and good habits as the foundation of children's rights, while the top layer represents children's rights as the ultimate goal.

In conclusion, self-discipline, good habits, and children's rights are interconnected and affect one another. Self-discipline and good habits are crucial for the proper exercise of children's rights, and a simple symbol such as a triangle can be used to represent the relationship between these three concepts.

20. how are self discipline good habits and children rigths connected​


Healthy discipline teaches kids alternative ways to get their needs met. Kids need to learn problem-solving skills, impulse control, and self-regulation skills from appropriate training.



Your discipline tactics shouldn't be about controlling your child. Instead, discipline should be about teaching your child how to control himself. Kids who learn self-discipline will be better equipped to face life's challenges, manage stress, and make healthy choices even when you're not around.

21. How are self-discipline,good habits and children's right connected? Do they affect one another? Make simple symbol to show this and write you explanation


Self-discipline, good habits, and children's rights are connected in the sense that they all play a role in promoting a healthy and successful upbringing for children.

Self-discipline refers to the ability to control one's own behavior and emotions, and make decisions based on long-term goals rather than immediate impulses. Good habits, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and good study habits, help to build self-discipline and support overall well-being.

Children's rights, such as the right to education, healthcare, and protection from harm, help to create an environment that supports and nurtures the development of self-discipline and good habits. When children's rights are not upheld, it can lead to challenges that interfere with the development of these important life skills.

A simple symbol to show this connection could be a circle representing the holistic concept of well-being, with arrows pointing inward towards the center from the words "self-discipline," "good habits," and "children's rights." The arrows represent the influence each of these elements has on promoting overall well-being.

In conclusion, self-discipline, good habits, and children's rights are interconnected and affect one another in promoting a healthy and successful upbringing for children.

22. how are your thoughts discipline good habits and children's rights connected do they affect on another


they do affect


this is the answer

23. Suggested the allowHow are self-discipline, good habits and children's rights connected? Do they affectone another? Make a simple symbol to show this and write your explanation✅✅​


Healthy discipline teaches kids alternative ways to get their needs met. Kids need to learn problem-solving skills, impulse control, and self-regulation skills from appropriate training.


yan po ate oh

24. How are self discipline, good habits and children rights connected?(Ang di sasagot may halik kay xander ford)​


Your discipline tactics shouldn't be about controlling your child. Instead, discipline should be about teaching your child how to control himself. Kids who learn self-discipline will be better equipped to face life's challenges, manage stress, and make healthy choices even when you're not around. Self-disciplined kids can choose to forgo immediate gratification. They can make good choices regardless of how they feel. ... When kids lack self-discipline, parents often end up taking more responsibility for the child's behavior.

25. How are self-discipline, good habits and children's rights connected? Please explain and answer respectfully.​


we are in a world of peace and understand each other



Explanation:Since 2014 our programme ‘The Rights of Children and Youth’ has been working to ensure that the rights of girls, boys and young people are upheld and supported so that they may reach their full potential. Our team has focused on the topics of child protection, education for sustainable development, youth empowerment and championing the rights of young people to grow up in a healthy environment. It is the duty of each state to support these rights and we have been highlighting some of the exemplary policy solutions from around the world helping to make this happen. We have promoted the spread of impactful laws by enabling key stakeholders from different countries to come together and exchange good practice. Alongside these field trips and knowledge sharing events we have developed practical tools for action.

26. How are self-discipline good habits and childrens rights connected?Do they affect one anotherPlease Answer​



Self-disciplined kids can choose to forgo immediate gratification. ... They can make good decisions in terms of chores, homework, money, peer pressure and self-care. When kids lack self-discipline, parents often end up taking more responsibility for the child's behavior


self-discipline is good habits to children it may affect to others in discipline


Kids who have self-discipline can cope with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. They’ve learned anger management skills and are able to control impulsive behavior. They can respond respectfully when adults correct them and they can take responsibility for their behavior.

27. How are self-discipline, good habits and children's right connected? Do they affect one another? make a simple symbol to show this


self-discipline is good habits to children it may affect to others in discipline:)




Healthy discipline teaches kids alternative ways to get their need met.Kids need to learn problem-solving skills,impluse control,and self-regulation skills from appropriate training.

29. How are self-discipline, good habits and children's rights connected?? do they affect one another? ​

Self-discipline is the way of having control to our ourselves. When you have strong self-discipline, you have the power to limit yourself in certain areas, like judgings others, telling people your judgment about them, and having the ability to speak or keep what is inside of your head. Self-discipline is a way of knowing what matters to you versus what doesn't.

Good habits are a way of having a routine that will help you reach your goals and aims in life. When you have good habits, chances of knowing your priorities matter, and when you have good habits, you have habits that you continue to strive for and explore what you can do in life.

Children's right is when you know how to face and state a request of young adults even though they still hadn't an ability to survive on their own. It is the subset of human rights with careful gestures to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors.

They are all related to each other because they value each other's rights, freedom, and liberty to seek help and grow as a person while learning from their mistakes. Children must build self-discipline and good habits as young as they can be if children know how to make a self-care routine, they will have a good view of life. They affect one another because if you don't have self-discipline, building good habits will not be easy, and knowing and understanding children's rights as human beings will be difficult and shallow. Remember, children should be present during grown-up talks, meddle in their conversation, or participate in it.

30. How are self-discipline,good habitats and children's rights connected?


Its is connected because they are the one who can change the attitude of the kids

and they are the one who can teach the kids the right way in life

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