If You Were An Inventor What Would You Invent

If You Were An Inventor What Would You Invent

if you were an inventor what would you invent​

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1. if you were an inventor what would you invent​


A human sized robotic teddy bear thatcan read your emotion so that when your upset, sad or feeling negative, it can hug you and pull you up in a cuddle.


everyone has their downtimes and all they wish for during that time is someone to comfort them. but not everybody has a buddy to hug them, so I want to invent this haha

2. If you were an inventor, what would you invent?


I would probably invent a time machine.


Technology will emerge as the medical field would advance and grows. Hence, inventing time machine will enable us to go into the future where there's a high possibility that the cure for COVID-19 is established.

3. If you were an inventor what would you invent? invention that not exist from now



4. If you were Galileo, what would you invent?why?​

still, telescope


para saakin may partikular na kahalagahan ang telescope nagbibigay ito ng linaw saatin of what is the things beyond us, natuto tayong magdiscover ng bagay na "beyond us humans" at isa iyong legacy.

5. if you will be given a chance to be an inventor of an automobile what would be source of power to the automobile you will going to invent​


If I've Given A Chance To Be An Inventor Of An Automobile, I'd Choose Water. Yes, Water, Someone Have Thought Of This Idea Already And I Know They've Already Made One, But Making A Production Of Cars Like This Can Save A Lot Of People's Cash

6. if you will become a filipino inventor, what invention you create? how will this invention help our country​

I will invent a kind of plastic that is biodegradable.

It can help our country in facing environmental issues like the issue on plastic.

7. If you were a scientist, what material would you like to invent or improve? What would you do with your invention? write about your invention below.



If I were a scientist having the capability to make inventions, I would want to invent medicines that can cure HIV or cancer.

8. If you could be the inventor of anything imaginable, what would you invent? Explanation must be in 7 sentences. ​


time traveller watch.


because i've want to back in normal life.

no covid 19.

all is ok.

jUST a normal life.

9. if you were galileo what would you invent ?why?​

time machine cuz i wanna see my grandpa

ily my memories with him and i miss him and ily him forever

10. if you were given a chance to live by the time of the inventors what are you going to invent to help in the field of electricity?​




11. If you were an inventor, what will be the best invention to solve the problem in Pollution?​



Giant Sprinklers on Skyscrapers

Artificial Fog Removal

Electrostatic Vacuum Cleaners


Innovative Filters

Photosynthesis Bikes

Clean-Air Helmets

Anti-Smog Martial Arts

PlantsIf maybe im an inventor im gonna make a lot of recyclable waste or maybe a machine who eats waste and turn it into an anothe good product to prevent pollution

Just my own opinion maybe its wrong but i hope it can help

12. imagine that you are an inventor who made an invention that would help humanity​


i will invent a automatic sanitizers


to prevent covid

hope it helps

13. if you were become a scientist ,what would you invented?


If I were a scientist, I would invent a helping hand for disabled people. It would help people with disabilities to help them do what they have to do like learn, go to school, and do what they were born to do


Hope it helps#Stay safe

14. If you were an inventor, what would you invent? How will this invention make the world a better place to live in? and How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in terms of function?


I will like to invent flipflops that are biodegradable. Most of the flip flops in our present time are not being decomposed. I want to use cheap and biodegradable raw products like algae to produce flip flops. It can help solve minimizing the waste produce in the world.


15. if you were given a chance to be an inventor or an scientist someday think of a tool or an apparatus that you wanted to invent

I'd like to invent a "hoverball" for people to drive, eat and even live in. It is a bit like a hovering home.

16. If you were an inventor, what would you invent?” In thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one that has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future.​

If I were an inventor, I am thinking about inventing ARMY ROBOT.


I think, army robots in the future will be the most advanced in the military world. It uses accuracy and computer calculations as well as the reduction of human casualties to be a strong reason for countries that have strong defenses to develop this technology.

This I think allows DNA manipulation, bionic augmentation, and advanced robotics to become commonplace on the battlefields of the future. Attempts are made to use robotics and experiment with manipulating the DNA of troops to give them increased strength and speed. It's like about how countries can use DNA the way farmers do in herds.

I see this because we are now reaching a point where humans can potentially manipulate the DNA of people to breed to have extra strength, endurance and more like we do with animals. As humans once did with standard cattle to give them more (strength), humans can do that now very precisely to humans.

I predict this will set off a biological race, with countries worried about what the big powers might be producing in the near future. In addition, these warriors are also immune to illness and feelings. I will make a bionic man capable of fighting "all the time". Another advancement is that soldiers are equipped with exoskeletons for increased strength and speed, as well as having microchips injected into their skin to monitor their heart rate and battlefield performance.

Among the models are medications to keep the troops awake for a long time and combat stress, and even surgery to improve hearing. I believe that many countries are investing their money in developing advanced implants that will allow the human brain to communicate directly with these computers. I also believe that this performance can exceed the capabilities of standard human capacitance.

See more about facts about new inventions here:



17. what can you say about inventions and inventor?​


Inventions are those masterpiece that had been made while inventors are those who does the inventions and they are the master-mind of their own creative inventions. Theres no inventions, when there are no inventors and vice versa.

Hope this helped

18. If you were an inventor what would you invent? why?Answer with explanation:​

Answer:A Time MachineExplanation:I want to go back to the past and i will correct all my mistakes. And one more thing, i want to spend more time to my father that was die 14 years from now, that is the only way to make a memories with my father, i don't have a memories to my father that's why I choose A Time Machine If I were an inventor.

19. if you were invent something what would that be?​

A thing that will buy subcribers for free anyways (sub to hacobo) the 20+ Sub guy not the other famous guys


any kind that makes me happy and kinda i can do all nad ill give all that i have

20. if you are an inventor or scientist what will you invent and why​


A device that would enable me to block questions like this. Not only from my feed, but from everyone’s feed.


Why would I want to invent this? Because it would prevent naive inventors and business entrepreneurs from disclosing ideas that they would be better off keeping as trade secrets, or protecting from some other form of Intellectual Property protection.

I would invent nothing :)

21. If you were an inventor, what would you invent and what does it do?


time machine it would make me travel trough time so i can join ww2


pls pa brainlest

22. “If you were an inventor, what would you invent?” In thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one that has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future. ​


I'd go with a time machine. Cliché but yeah, some memories are worth repeating again.

23. In this section, you learned that necessity is the mother of inventions and innovations. Inventions are not simply made, but are motivated by social, political, cultural, and economic contexts. In this task, you will address this question: “If you were an inventor, what would you invent?” in thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one that has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future. On the space below, sketch a draft of your invention then answer the questions that follow. ​


if I were an inventor I would invent a system . there each person can see their status like you can see how much your strength. like those in games

24. if you were an inventor what would you like to invent ?why?​


If I were given a chance to be an Inventor I would invent a cure for cancer.


because millions of people get diagnosed and died because of the stated disease, it is small but I am guaranteed it will be helpful.

25. if you were an inventor what would you like to invent why?


Teleporting machine. ...

Cooling beds and pillows in warm nights. ...

Instant cooling machine. ...

Locator for missing things. ...

Robot house help. ...

Dream store. ...

8. Female interpreter.


Below is a list of the things we really wish someone would invent and make life simpler.

26. If you were Galileo, what would you invent? Why?​


if i were in his timeline then i would invent the things that have already been invented in the present time and call it my own.tho plagarism is a crime nobody in the past timeline would even know except for timetravelers ofc.


fictional statement

27. If you were an inventor, what would you invent?”make sure that you come up with one that has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future​


A time machine


so people in the future don't have to imagine what it was like in the past and can not lie about it anymore since they can now experience it with us

28. Instructions: In this task, you will address this question: “If you were an inventor, what would you invent?” In thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one that has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future. On the space below, sketch a draft of your invention then answer the guide questions that follows.​


I will invented a TIME MACHINE so that I could go back to the time that all is clear and no mistake.

29. given the chance to be an inventor for a day, what machine would you invent and why?​


given the chance to be an inventor for a day, what machine would you invent and why?

Answer:TVBecause to watch TV and sell it in the mall or anything and to watch the happening of our country


TV is an inescapable part of modern culture.We depend on TV for entairtain ment,news,education,culture or anything you watch




30. if you were the inventor of computer what feature would you add ?why?​


I would add a feature that would help users surf / browse easily. It will make their browsing experience more quick and convenient.

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