Illusion In Tagalog

Illusion In Tagalog

There is only nothing and all else is an illusion... Pahelp po in tagalog explaination what does it mean? ​

Daftar Isi

1. There is only nothing and all else is an illusion... Pahelp po in tagalog explaination what does it mean? ​


calista was planning to bake a carrot cake for ger mothers birthday what kitchen equipment she must use in baking the carrot cake

2. slogan about the importance of caring illusion as caring our environment...please I really need it pwede pong Tagalog o English​



3. this process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change


Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change by means of the rapid succession of sequential images that minimally differ from each other.


4. Why death is just an illusion? Do you agree that death is just an illusion? Why or Why not?​


Death can be an illusion if life is an illusion.But the self is an illusion - the idea that you are this separate and unique “poor little old me,” disconnected from the rest of the universe. Every single atom that makes you up, is an atom that was made in a star. Every bit of you is the universe itself, that has come alive for a few moments in time, and has become aware of itself. You are the universe itself, becoming conscious of itself for a bit, and then you die. But every single conscious being in the world, is also the same universe. So the thing is, while death is not an illusion, it’s impossible to experience death, since we experience consciousness with our brains. And since our brains doesn’t survive death, death is the lack of experience. So even if you die, and there isn’t another conscious being that is born for trillions of years in the universe, you would be that being, since you are the universe. But the thing is, you would experience it as if no time at all had passed since your death, and trillions of years later when the new being was born. It’s like a video recorder. You record a home video of yourself when you’re 13 years old. and then you don’t turn the video recorder on for 5 years. But when you play back your movie on the tv, you’d see yourself at 13, and then it would jump to you at 18, as if no time at all had passed in between them. thats what it will be like when you die. You’re next moment of life might be trillions of years from now, but it will be like no time at all had passed since you died.


In Medical terms Death means "the cessation of life; permanent cessation of all vital bodily functions."In Spiritual terms it means "ones soul leaving from his body for eternal journey"


5. what is illusion of control​


The illusion of control is the tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events; for example, it occurs when someone feels a sense of control over outcomes that they demonstrably do not influence. The effect was named by psychologist Ellen Langer and has been replicated in many different contexts.


sana makatulong

6. ___ can best, described as an illusion. We perceive depth by creating an illusion of 3D space.


2-D space can best be described as an illusion

7. illusion feel? thanks


You feel that way because the world may actually be an illusion, and you have no way of proving it isn’t.

You feeling that way shows that, unlike most people, you are a thinking person.

Every thinking person feels that way sometimes, especially when young. It’s an important issue. Philosophers have been talking and writing about it for centuries.

Study the issue if you want to. It’s interesting, and knowing about it will help you think clearly about other matters, such as religion and psychology.

The wisest philosophers tell us to go ahead and eat, drink, have fun, be good to everyone around you, learn the facts about everything, and take care of yourself mentally and physically. That’s the way to be as happy as possible.

8. what is illusion means? ​


A thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.


Illusion, a misrepresentation of a “real” sensory stimulus—that is, an interpretation that contradicts objective “reality” as defined by general agreement. ... An illusion is distinguished from a hallucination, an experience that seems to originate without an external source of stimulation.



Illusion, a misrepresentation of a “real” sensory stimulus—that is, an interpretation that contradicts objective “reality” as defined by general agreement. ... An illusion is distinguished from a hallucination, an experience that seems to originate without an external source of stimulation.


Optical illusions happen when our brain and eyes try to speak to each other in simple language but the interpretation gets a bit mixed-up. For example, it thinks our eyes told it something is moving but that's not what the eyes meant to say to the brain.


9. It is the illusion of depthm​


One of the aspects of great photographs is the illusion of depth; the sensation of looking into an image when, in fact, all we're really looking at is a flat surface. Depth helps a photograph become three-dimensional; the scene becomes a gateway into another world.Layering and overlapping is placing one or more elements in front of another element in order to create the illusion of depth in composition. Objects that appear in front of others seem nearer while those that are behind seem further away.


What is an illusion of depth?

One of the aspects of great photographs is the illusion of depth; the sensation of looking into an image when, in fact, all we're really looking at is a flat surface. Depth helps a photograph become three-dimensional; the scene becomes a gateway into another world.

Is used to create an illusion of depth?

Layering and overlapping is placing one or more elements in front of another element in order to create the illusion of depth in composition. Objects that appear in front of others seem nearer while those that are behind seem further away.

One of the aspects of great photographs is the illusion of depth; the sensation of looking into an image when, in fact, all we're really looking at is a flat surface. Depth helps a photograph become three-dimensional; the scene becomes a gateway into another world.Layering and overlapping is placing one or more elements in front of another element in order to create the illusion of depth in composition. Objects that appear in front of others seem nearer while those that are behind seem further away.


hope it helps..

pa brainliest please..

i tried my best..


10. What is illusion of space

The Illusion of Space<br /> Design elements in creating space in two dimensions<br /> Overlapping- involves one shape obscuring another or shapes overlapping each other.<br />This is a more traditional form of overlapping. You can tell that the objects that you see completely, are closest to the viewer, in front.


11. This process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change​


nasa pic po


hope its helps




Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change by means of the rapid succession of sequential images that minimally differ from each other.

12. it is the illusion of depth​


One of the aspects of great photographs


the sensation of looking into an image when, in fact, all we're really looking at is a flat surface. Depth helps a photograph become three-dimensional; the scene becomes a gateway into another world.

13. is peace an illusion​

Actually peace is the natural thing.


14. illusion of reality​



We sense our world using



But even one of these senses

are removed our world become

more difficult but even with 5



15. time an illusion or not?


Not not not not not not not

16. This process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change artsC.inkspaceD.editorial​




animation animation

17. What is Optical Illusion?​


something that deceives the eye by appearing to be other than it is.

18. it is the illusion of depth?​


one of the aspects of great photography is the illusion of depth the sensation of looking into image when in fact all were looking at is a flat surface


Depth help a photograph become three dimensional the scene becomes a gateway into another world.

19. it is the illusion of depth​


linear perspective

aral mabutiヾ(^-^)ノ





" TAKI "

21. it creates an illusion of action?​

know what you mean I have a lot to do in order to try and find a place to try and find and I have a lot going on right I was going on

22. it is the illusion of depth​


I think it's Linear perspective

23. Create a step-by-step floating illusion, and explain how the velocity gives the illusion that you are floating.​

[tex]\huge \underline{\tt \green{ SCIENCE//ANSWER}}[/tex]

Transferring as much energy from your legs to your arms by swinging them around, you must lifts your arms at the highest point then drops them back down on your way down. This causes your center of mass to shift slightly from high to low at your peak. This shift is something we cannot see but is always being pulled downward by gravity. This along with how your velocity will naturally be 0 at the vertex gives the illusion that your floating for a brief period.

[tex]\huge\green{\overline{\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad \quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\ \: }}[/tex]

[tex]\underline{\tt \green{ HOPE \: \: THIS \: \: HELPS. \: GOODLUCK}}[/tex]


24. What is zollner illusion​

What is Zollner Illusion



noun: Zöllner illusion; plural noun: Zöllner illusions

an optical illusion in which long parallel lines appear to diverge or converge when crossed by rows of short oblique lines.


late 19th century: named after Johann K. F. Zöllner (1834–82), German physicist.


25. Creates an illusion of energy Creates an illusion of power and strength Please Answer.​

Childhood social and personality development emerges through the interaction of social influences, biological maturation, and the child’s representations of the social world and the self. This interaction is illustrated in a discussion of the influence of significant relationships, the development of social understanding, the growth of personality, and the development of social anProvide specific examples of how the interaction of social experience, biological maturation, and the child’s representations of experience and the self provide the basis for growth in social and personality development.

Describe the significant contributions of parent–child and peer relationships to the development of social skills and personality in childhood. Explain how achievements in social understanding occur in childhood. Moreover, do scientists believe that infants and young children are egocentric? Describe the association of temperament with personality development. Explain what is “social and emotional competence“ and provide some examples of how it develops in childhood.d emotional competence in childhood.

26. 11. The name hallucinogen came from the word hallucination which means?A. To perceive illusionC. To widen illusionsB. B. To slow down illusionsD. To speed up illusions​


A. To perceive illusion




to widen illusion

to widen illusion

27. Optical Illusion:7. Draw any image that shows optical illusions. (10 pts.)2. Describe it in 3-6 sentences.Optical Illusion example​


Optical illusion art, or Op Art for short, is an aesthetic style that intentionally exploits that oddity of human perception that gives the human eye the ability to deceive the human brain.

28. what is shape illusion?​


Shape illusion - described in which the apparent shape of an object (the "target") is systematically distorted by the presence of an adjacent shape (the "inducer") that is distinct from, but perceptually grouped with, the target.



The misperception or misinterpretation of an individual that comes from a real object.


29. creates an illusion of action?​




how the eye move to the artwork; leading the attention of the viewer from one aspect to another

30. description of torus optical illusionAYUSIN NYU OPTICAL ILLUSION HINDI SHAPE ​

What is an optical illusion? Optical illusions, more appropriately known as visual illusions, involves visual deception. Due to the arrangement of images, the effect of colors, the impact of light source or other variables, a wide range of misleading visual effects can be seen.

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