What Is Ra 6975

What Is Ra 6975

what is the difference between ra 6975 and ra 8551​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the difference between ra 6975 and ra 8551​


6975 on December 13, 1990, the Philippine National Police (PNP) was established under a reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). ... 8551 otherwise known as the "Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998“ thus, amending RA 6975.


Yan po answer pa Brainliest

2. what the government agencies created of RA 6975?​


6975 established the Philippine National Police (PNP) under a Reorganized Department ofthe Interior and Local Government.

3. explain to the RA 6975​


By virtue of Republic Act (RA) 6975, known as “An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police under a reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government and Other Purposes,” a highly effective and competent police force that is national in scope and civilian in character was established in 1991.

4. What are the difference between RA 6505 and RA 11131?


Duterte's Republic Act 11131 (RA), otherwise known as The Philippine Criminology Profession Act 2018, effectively repeals RA 6506 that created the Board of Examiners for criminologists in the country.

RA 11131 governs the examination, registration and licensure for criminologists; supervision, control, and regulation of the practice of criminology, standardization and regulation of criminology education; development of the professional competence of criminologists; and integration of all criminology progressional groups.


yan po ❤︎,please vote this

5. the importance of R.A 6975 and R.A 8551 in the development of policingsystem in the Philippines?​


The importance of RA 6975 is to help monitoring not only on the mainland but for also for the sealife. It will also enforce all laws to protect lives and properties of each Filipino. The law also promised to protect everyone in the public.

RA 8551's importance is to upgrade and change the each current departments like the Police, NAVY, etc.


Hope it helps

6. Prior to the enactment of RA 6975 the Fire Bureau is still within the * umbrella of the Department of National Defense (DND) together with the Police force and the Jail Force. In your own idea, is it proper that supervision and control over these agencies is transferred to the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)? Why?


may puday kapo?..





walang akong puday

7. elaborate what you have understand about the essential features of R.A 6975/ R.A 8551?​








sana makatulung

8. what is RA 8485 and RA 8485 Section​


It is the purpose of this Act to protect and promote the welfare of all animals in the Philippines by supervising and regulating the establishment and operations of all facilities utilized for breeding, maintaining, keeping, treating or training of all animals either as objects of trade or as household pets.


9. which of the follwing gives an estimate of 2000? a.8125-5689 b.8756-6250 c.9456-7545 d.9555-6975​



Step-by-step explanation:

correct me if I'm wrong:)

10. do you have anything to add in the R. A no. 6975 and why?​


Republic Act No. 6975 established the Philippine National Police (PNP) under a Reorganized Department ofthe Interior and Local Government. This law stated that PNP is supposed to have a Maritime Police Unit, to absorb the police functions of the Coast Guard and to be provided with sea capabilities.Title of the Act. — This Act shall be known as the “Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990.By virtue of Republic Act (RA) 6975, known as “An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police under a reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government and Other Purposes,” a highly effective and competent police force that is national in scope and civilian in character was established in 1991.THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE6975 December 13, 1990. AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE UNDER A REORGANIZED DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section 1.The passing into law of RA 6975 on December 13, 1990 merged and reorganized the PC/INP into the encompassing Philippine National Police which activated the Maritime Command on January 16, 1991 to be one of its National Operational Support Units pursuant to NHQ PNP General Order No. 58.

11. what is PD 603, RA 9344 and RA RA 1063 all about?​


PD 603 amended to RA 9344 The Philippines passed the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 to ensure the. protection and safety of juveniles that commit crimes. Before the act was implemented, children 9 years and older who were arrested waited in jail until sentencing.


Sana Makatulong po

12. what is ra 6506-ra 11131​


here's the answer


Duterte's Republic Act 11131 (RA), otherwise known as The Philippine Criminology Profession Act 2018, effectively repeals RA 6506 that created the Board of Examiners for criminologists in the country

13. what is PD 603, RA 9344 and RA RA 1063 all about?​


The Title of Republic Act No. 9344 is hereby amended to read as follows: "An Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System, Creating the Juvenile justice and Welfare Council under the Department of Social Welfare and Development, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes."

The Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) was created through Presidential Decree 603, otherwise known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code in 1974. It is mandated to coordinate the implementation and enforcement of all laws, formulate, monitor and evaluate policies, programs and measures for children.

14. Is there anything you want to add nor change in the R.A. No. 6975?​

No because i don't understand what are you talking about

15. what are the differences and similarities of the RA 7394 and RA 8423?​


RA 7394 aims to protect consumers against hazards to health and safety, protect consumers against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices, provide information and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumers, provide adequate rights and means of redress

Ramos who integrated the alternative and traditional medicine in the government's health care delivery system when he signed into law Republic Act 8423, also known as the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997, an Act creating the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care


16. give the distinction between RA. 6975 and RA. 8551​


I'm so sorry but I need points..

17. What are the Difference of RA 9263 and RA 9592

The Difference between RA 9263 and RA 9592 are:

9592 amended 9263 for educational qualification.9263 known as the Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.

Further explanation:

RA 9263 was amended by RA 9592 on May 8, 2009, to adjust the requirements to allow existing staff to be retained.

Convicted criminals are housed at the BuCor, a department of the Department of Justice (DOJ) connected agency. In the meanwhile, the DILG oversees the BJMP, an organization that manages the district, city, and municipal jails where those who have been deprived of their liberty but are still awaiting trial are detained.

Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Prison Management and Penalties. The office promotes peace and order, ensures public safety, and enhances the ability of local governments to effectively provide basic services to their citizens.

The Bureau of Prisons and Penalties is responsible for directing, overseeing, and controlling the administration and operations of prisons in all counties, cities, and towns nationwide, and has broad responsibility for the care and development of those disenfranchised (PDL).

Its main function is to prevent crime by setting standard limits to impose huge penalties. For example, if someone is convicted of stealing money, there are certain penalties. This practice demoralizes criminological thinking and serves as maintenance of what is right in society.

Fire protection departments are responsible for ensuring public safety by preventing and/or suppressing all destructive fires to buildings, residences, other similar structures, forests, etc. The Philippine National Police is tasked with law enforcement, crime prevention and control, and maintaining tranquility. Maintain public order and security and ensure public and domestic security with the active support of the public. Foundation. Maintenance of peace and order. The Bureau of Prisons and Penalties is responsible for directing, overseeing, and controlling the administration and operations of prisons in all counties, cities, and townships nationwide, and is responsible for broader inmate care and development. I'm here.

Learn more about fire protection here: https://brainly.ph/question/2442295


18. What are the Philippine National Police support units as per RA 6975 section 35?


There are two support units: Administrative and Operational Support Units.Under these are:

Administrative Support Units:

Logistic UnitCommunications UnitComputer CenterFinance Center.Civil Security Unit

Operational Support Units

Maritime Police UnitPolice Intelligence UnitPolice Security UnitCriminal Investigation UnitSpecial Action ForceNarcotics UnitAviation Security UnitTraffic Management UnitMedical and Dental CentersCivil Relations Units

Hope this helps :)

19. R.A 6975 and R.A 8551 after reading you compare and identify what was changed and added by the new law which is the R.A 8551​

diko po main Tin Dihang



20. The importance of Republic Act No. 6975 to Law enforcement ?


Republic Act No. 6975 established the Philippine National Police (PNP) under a Reorganized Department ofthe Interior and Local Government. This law stated that PNP is supposed to have a Maritime Police Unit, to absorb the police functions of the Coast Guard and to be provided with sea capabilities.

21. what is the difference between RA 6539 and RA 19883?​

AnswerRA 6539 An act preventing and penalizing carnapping"Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972."Section 13 of the Republic Act is out of date. (2 - 6 years of imprisonment plus fine)SimilaritiesBoth Laws are provisions for Anti-Carnapping LawThe Fine included in the penalty/punishment is still the same.RA 10883 (CORRECTION: there is no such thing as Republic Act 19883)An Act Providing for a New Anti-Carnapping Law of the Philippines (RA 10883 is an updated version of RA 6583)"New Anti-Carnapping Act of 2016."Increases RA 6539 Section 13 penalties (20years of Imprisonment up to Life Imprisonment)

Importance of Visual Art Elements - https://brainly.ph/question/2809402


22. 9. Which of the following is divisible by both 3 and 9?​ A. 6975 B. 5496 C. 7250 D. 7635



Step-by-step explanation:

6975÷3=22656975÷9=755 pareho silang divisible ng 3 at 9.

23. what is the difference between RA 8550 and RA 10654?​


RA 10354

which amends the Philippine Fisheries Code. It seeks to “prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated”

RA 8550 known as "The Philippine Fisheries Code"

An Act providing for the development, management and conservatio of the fisheries and aquatic resources, integrating all laws pertinent thereto,and for other purposes


report if mali


24. what are the similarities of the ra 7394 and ra 8423?​


RA 7394 aims to protect consumers against hazards to health and safety, protect consumers against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices, provide information and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumers, provide adequate rights and means of redress

Ramos who integrated the alternative and traditional medicine in the government's health care delivery system when he signed into law Republic Act 8423, also known as the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997, an Act creating the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care


Provides the improvement of quality and delivery of health care and its integration into the rational healthcare system.

25. what are the issues and measurement in RA 1954(RA 1199)​


SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Agricultural Tenancy Act of the Philippines."

Section 2. Purposes. - It is the purpose of this Act to establish agricultural tenancy relations between landholders and tenants upon the principle of school justice; to afford adequate protection to the rights of both tenants and landholders; to insure an equitable division of the produce and income derived from the land; to provide tenant- farmers with incentives to greater and more efficient agricultural production; to bolster their economic position and to encourage their participation in the development of peaceful, vigorous and democratic rural communities.

26. what year ta R.A 6975​




sana makatulong po




Yan po sagot sinearch ko.

Search nyo po dito sa Brainly 1998 po tamang sagot.

27. What is the title of RA 9163 and RA 7077​

9163 (NSTP)
7077 (ROTC)

28. what is PD 603, RA 9344 and RA RA 1063 all about?​


tungkol Kay cocomartin na sumasayaw

29. what is difference between RA 9344 with the RA 10630?​

9344, “Child” is a person under the age of eighteen (18) years. ... Under Republic Act 10630, offences which only apply to a child and not to adults are called “Status Offences”. These shall not be considered as offences and shall not be punished if committed by a child.

30. comparison between ra 6975 and ra 8551 ​

Republic Act 6975 entitled An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police under a reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government and Other Purposes as amended by RA 8551 Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 and further amended by RA 9708.

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