Principles Of Reversibility Is Brainly

Principles Of Reversibility Is Brainly

principles of reversibility is brainly

Daftar Isi

1. principles of reversibility is brainly


The reversibility principle is a concept that states when you stop working out, you lose the effects of training. It is sometimes referred to as the ''use it or lose it'' principle. Moreover, on the plus side, it states that when you resume working out, you begin to make gains again


2. principle of reversibility


The principle of reversibility of light states that light follows the same path if the direction of the travel of light is reversed. ... In its simplest explanation, the principle of reversibility is a deduction of Snell's law of the refraction of light.

3. reversibility principle


The reversibility principle is a concept that states when you stop working out, you lose the effects of training. ... While the reversibility principle is often perceived as a negative thing, exercise physiologists are discovering that it can be a positive thing as well.


Brainliest please!

4. explanation according to the principles of reload progression specificity reversibility​


Overload - A training principle stating that the body must work harder than usual.

Progression - A training principle stating that the workload should be gradually increased.

Reversibility - A training principle stating that one will return to its initial level of fitness if an individual stops to exercise.

Specificity - A training principle stating that an individual should adopt a specific exercise appropriate to the target part of the body.

5. what the principles of reversibility is


The reversibility principle is a concept that states when you stop working out, you lose the effects of training. It is sometimes referred to as the ''use it or lose it'' principle. This sounds like common sense, but the science behind the reversibility principle is more complex. Moreover, on the plus side, it states that when you resume working out, you begin to make gains again. While the reversibility principle is often perceived as a negative thing, exercise physiologists are discovering that it can be a positive thing as well.


uhmmm I hope it helps!

6. Which of the following states that adaptations that take place as a result of training are reversible? a. Principle of Progression b. Principle of Reversibility c. Principle of Individuality d. Principle of Overload

Principle of Reversibility  

The correct answer is B. Principle of Reversibility states that an athlete loses the effect of training as they cease to perform relevant training activities. In simple terms, when somebody regularly works out and ceases for a period of time, the body will revert to its state before the training began. As such, the Principle of Reversibility is also known as detraining. However, when a person goes back to working out, the effects of detraining can be reversed.

Reversibility happens in a short time after training stops. Training loss may occur differently to each person as every 'body' is unique. Usually, it affects muscular endurance more than the strength of the athlete undergoing this process.  

Why does a person go through 'detraining'?

There are several reasons why a person undergoes detraining or stop working out:

Injury Lack of motivation Illness Failure Costs Environment Shift in career Aging What is the importance of Detraining?  

As unpleasant as it sounds, the principle of reversibility is used by many successful athletes to get better in their shape and skills. For example, a weightlifter might have already reached his maximum potential and would like to go further. He will then rest for a while and let his body be inactive. After a short while, he then goes back to training and surpasses his past level.

Other principles related to training: Principle of Individuality Principle of Specificity of Overload

7. This principle states that each individual have various levels of adaptation to the workout.Select one: a. Principle of Reversibility b. Principle of Individuality c. Principle of Progression d. Principle of Overload




The overload principle is one of the seven big laws of fitness and training. Simply put, it says that you have to increase the intensity, duration, type, or time of a workout progressively in order to see adaptations.

8. What makes Principle of Reversibility differ from Principle of Specificity?​


 Principle of Specificity implies that, to become better at a particular exercise or skill, one should perform that exercise or skill. ... The Reversibility Principle dictates that athletes lose the beneficial effects of training when they stop working out.

9. what is the reversibility principle?​


The reversibility principle is a concept that states when you stop working out, you lose the effects of training.


It is sometimes referred to as the ''use it or lose it'' principle. This sounds like common sense, but the science behind the reversibility principle is more complex. Moreover, on the plus side, it states that when you resume working out, you begin to make gains again. While the reversibility principle is often perceived as a negative thing, exercise physiologists are discovering that it can be a positive thing as well.

10. All of the adaptations that take place as a result of training are all reversible. Select one: a. Principle of Overload b. Principle of Specificity c. Principle of Progression d. Principle of Reversibility

Answer: d. Principle of Reversibility


All of the adaptations that take place as a result of training are all reversible. This means that we can also lose what we worked hard for. There's already a clue in the question and it's quite obvious. :)

11. this principle states that the body should experience a gradual increase in workloadA. principle of ReversibilityB. principle of specificityC. principle of progressionD. principle of overload ​


C. principle of progression

12. According to the principle or reversibility the adaptations that took place as a result of exercises can no longer be reversed




Principle of Reversibility - All of the adaptions that take place as a result of training are ALL REVERSIBLE

13. principles of reversibility is


The principle of reversibility states that light will follow exactly the same path if its direction of travel is reversed.


pa brainliest pohope it helps

14. CHOICES:typetimefrequencyintensityreversibilityprinciple of progressionprinciple of overloadprinciple of specificity​




3.principle of overload

4.principle of specificity




8.principle of progression


sana makatulog

15. All of the adaptations that take place as a result of training are all reversible. Select one: a. Principle of Reversibility b. Principle of Overload c. Principle of Progression d. Principle of Specificity

d.principle of specificity

The correct answer is ( A. Principle of Reversibility ).

16. How does the principle of reversibility affect the training or exercise?​

Answer:Reversibility means that an athlete can lose the effects of training when they stop, and can gain the effects when they begin to train again. Detraining occurs within a relatively short time period after an athlete ceases to train.



☆Reversibility means that an athlete can lose the effects of training when they stop, and can gain the effects when they begin to train again. Detraining occurs within a relatively short time period after an athlete ceases to train.



17. what is principles of reversibility​


if light travels from a point A to a point B over a particular path, it can travel over the same path from B to A.


diko po sure.


a principle in optics: if light travels from a point A to a point B over a particular path, it can travel over the same path from B to A.


18. reversibility principle example situation??​


Your strength diminishes, you become less aerobically fit, your flexibility decreases.


What is an example of principle of reversibility? For example: Your strength diminishes, you become less aerobically fit, your flexibility decreases, etc. This can happen in a relatively short time after you stop training, which can be frustrating.

19. which of the following given statements is true about principles of reversibility *


it's letter A.


The benefits of training are lost with prolonged periods without training.


20. E. Principles of reversibility is​

The Reversibility Principle states that athletes lose the effects of training after they stop working out; however, the detraining effects can be reversed when training is resumed. In short, ... Detraining starts to occurs within a relatively short time period after training ceases.


write true if the statement is correct, and if it is FALSE change the underline word to make the statement correct

21. What does use it or lose it refers considering the principle of reversibility?​


The reversibility principle is a concept that states when you stop working out, you lose the effects of training. It is sometimes referred to as the ''use it or lose it'' principle. This sounds like common sense, but the science behind the reversibility principle is more complex


22. Why are the national parks in Africa called "zoos in reverse? What principle underlie a "zoo in reverse"?​


The term “zoos in reverse” is not commonly used in Africa. However, it means that in an African National Park or Safari, the animal roams around while humans are usually confined in a car; a reverse of having the animals confined.

23. A principle of reversibility is​


The reversibility principle is a concept that states when you stop working out, you lose the effects of training.

pa brainliest po ty


The principle of reversibility is a concept that states workout gains or progress will be lost when an athlete stops training. Reversibility in fitness can apply to all forms of exercise, such as cardiovascular, endurance, and strength training

24. A principle of physical activity when the workload is extended for a higher level of performance isA. Principle of OverloadC. Principle of ReversibilityB. Principle of ProgressionD. Principle of Specificity​

i think letter c. principle of reversibility

25. differentiate the principle of overload, peogression, specificity, and reversibility​


Overload means we must put our bodies under more stress than normal in order for adaptive changes to be made. Specificity relates to ensuring the training done is specific to the sport or activity. Reversibility means if you don't keep it up you will lose it and variance relates to varying the training activities.

26. This is the most basic principle that indicates doing more than normal for improvement to happen.A. Overload Principle B. Principle of Progression C. Principle of Reversibility D. Principle of Specificity. ​




the principle of progression

27. 2. In your understanding what does the Principle of Reversibility mean?3.Cite an example of Principle of Progression?​


2 reversibility principle is a concept that states when you stop working out, you lose the effects of training. It is sometimes referred to as the ''use it or lose it'' principle. This sounds like common sense, but the science behind the reversibility principle is more complex.


2. The concept of reversibility is a notion which states that you lose the effects of training when you stop working out. It is often referred to as the concept of "use it or lose it"

3. Example: The weekend athlete who only exercises intensely on weekends does not exercise enough frequently, thereby breaking the theory of progression.

28. what is needed to reverse the process brainly


To get the reverse process to occur, the water temperature must be lowered to 0°C. Chemical systems in equilibrium are reversible.

29. The effect of training will be lost if the training is discontinued.Which principle of physical activity deos it refer to?A. Overload principleB. Progression principleC. Reversibility principleD. Specificity principle​


C. Reversibility principle

30. According to the Principle of Reversibility, the adaptations that took place as a result of exercises can no longer be reversed?

Hi are you AMA student?

My answer is: false

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