Program Proper

Program Proper

_____ 3. It is a chart that indicates proper sequence of activities that will give you proper engagement and progressive physical body composition. a. Physical activity program b. Phase program c. Mental activity program d. Healthy body program

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1. _____ 3. It is a chart that indicates proper sequence of activities that will give you proper engagement and progressive physical body composition. a. Physical activity program b. Phase program c. Mental activity program d. Healthy body program


physical education

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2. Why proper division of a program is important?


The division of labor encourages efficiency because each person works on one small task, is able to master it, and doesn't have to constantly switch between tasks; but it also incentivizes each worker to make their particular job faster and easier.

3. What is the importance of proper organization and management of a remedial program




















4. proper ways of making a fitness program through the sport badminton​


sorry po kaylangan ko ng points ehh

5. How do you describe a community with proper health program? *​


Because of the gravity of the earth

6. 3. It is the program of the government that would answer the community health problem through proper waste segregation and disposal. A. Prevention Environmental Issues Program B. Reduce, Reuse, and recycle Program C. Solid Waste Management Program D. Waste Disposal Program




Solid Waste Management Program

7. How do you describe a community with proper health program?


people have a healthy program will maintain their healthy body and and not prone to sickness

8. How do you describe a community with proper health program?


It maintains the cleanliness and safety of the community. It improves the lifestyle of the people. It protects the rights of the citizen in the community.


I hope it helped

9. Why do we need to follow and observe "proper Waste management program"? ​


Having a proper waste management can result in the availability of valuable materials to reuse. ... Reducing, reusing and recycling your waste is important for the environment, but it can also be profitable. It decreases the amount of waste for disposal, saves space in landfills, and conserves natural resources.


10. what are the benifits derived from proper program evaluation? ​


Some of the benefits of evaluation include: Enhancing the chance that the initiative's goals and objectives are being achieved.

11. what do you think the importance of knowing the proper cumputer programs to be in the spicific task?​


Computer literacy so important in the workplace, for everyone from the lowest employee to the highest employer. We are about to tell you why.

12. make reaction paper regarding the government program on proper waste management​


ikaw po gagawa niyan dapat kasi project ata yan


ok baka po project yan thanks pwede po pa brainliest kahit ngayon lang po

13. what are the three proper program of exercise?Define each and give example.​

Answer: Consider your fitness goals.

Create a balanced routine.

Start low and progress slowly.


14. incorporate the components of a basic exercise program :warm up , exercise proper and cool -down​




to relax ok up down up

15. How do you describe a community with proper health program?


If the community us clean and without trash in sides I'm not sure if my answer is correct

16. why is it important to establish an effective and proper maintenance program in aircraft maintenance​


Is it important to establish an effective and proper maintenance program in aircraft maintenance​ because regular maintenance will extend aircraft life and ensure that aircraft will perform safely for the expected period of time. In order to effectively take preventative measures, aircraft should undergo different levels of inspection through an aircraft maintenance schedule.


17. 3. What are the benefits derived from proper program evaluation. Discuss briefly ​


Benefits of Evaluation

Enhancing the chance that the initiative's goals and objectives are being achieved.

Determining value for money (i.e., allocated resources are yielding the greatest benefit for clients and stakeholders)

Identifying what components of an initiative work/do not work and why.


Identifying areas that need improvement in order to provide the best service possible.

Determining value for money (allocated resources are yielding the greatest benefit for clients and stakeholders)

Enhancing the chance that the initiative's goals and objectives are being achieved.

18. Why do we need to follow the proper ways of clossing all the open program?​

answer nasa photo

thats just the results of my research

19. What is the importance of compiling and executing the java program? Proper answer please


Java code needs to be compiled twice in order to be executed: Java programs need to be compiled to bytecode. When the bytecode is run, it needs to be converted to machine code.

20. write two proper nouns for each common nuon Tv program​


A proper noun is usually understood as a noun that has an initial capital letter, no matter where it sits in a sentence. Proper nouns are almost always singular nouns.

21. who is responsible to the head of office for proper maintenance of security of the security program of the office​


Office of the program security of the maintenance proper office of head to the responsible is

22. 2. Which of the following is not the proper way of launching the AutoCAD program​


when it's not Double-clicking the icon may not launch the product as intended.

23. what is the proper ways of making a fitness program through the badminton?nonsense report​


forward, backward and sideways lunges with weights


Others include squats, leg presses, leg curls, and leg extensions. To improve the strength of the upper body, perform shoulder presses, chest presses, and lat pull downs.

24. what would be your objectives if you have a program about proper waste of disposal​


The primary goal of solid waste management is reducing and eliminating adverse impacts of waste materials on human health and the environment to support economic development and superior quality of life. This is to be done in the most efficient manner possible, to keep costs low and prevent waste buildup.

25. how do you describe a community with proper health program ​

Community health programs and clinics provide treatment, special clinics, education, and media campaigns that target a variety of issues affecting the health of a community. Many poor populations would have no other options for treatment without such neighborhood clinics and community health programs.

26. read the words in the box below identify which of the following are mobile programs applications and computer programs application write the words into the proper group​


mobile computer

1.face app. 1.stencyl maker 2.flipgram

3.adobe Photoshop 3.twine

4.picsart. grid

5.pic monkey. 5.ctrl+paint

not too sure of it but I hope it helps you...

27. how do you describe a community whit proper health program?


healthy community


cause its healthy

28. Why do we pick proper symbols in program flowchart?


click this link to free earn cash out

29. Incorporate the components of a basic exercise program: warm-up, exercise proper, and cool-down.​

i am venom its a vurus its a bird

30. It is an act mandating the proper waste management program in the Philippines​


The Philippines has endeavored to improve its management of solid waste through the passage of RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act that provides for a systematic, comprehensive and ecological waste management program to ensure the protection of public health and the environment.


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