Sti Las Piñas

Sti Las Piñas

Anu Ang hugis Ng Las Piñas

Daftar Isi

1. Anu Ang hugis Ng Las Piñas


huh an0?

nako nako nako

2. alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ang bubuo sa linya ng awit ng himno ng sangay ng las piñas




sana po makatulong.

3. Piña fabric is considered the finest indigenous Filipino-origin textile


Piña. Considered the finest of Philippine textiles, the piña fabric is made from the fibers of the leaves of the red Bisaya pineapple through an arduous process. The extraction of the fibers is a most delicate and tedious process.

4. what is C in the ABC of STI​

Ang tagalog ng egg ay itlog Ang cat Ang tagalog ay pusa alm muna

5. How will you avoid STI's?​

•limiting the number of people you have sex with.

•talking honestly with potential partners about your sexual history.

•getting tested, along with your partner, before having sex.

•avoiding sex when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

and last but not the least, use condom when you're having a sex.

6. 4 common symptoms of STI​


8 po iyan kayo nalang po mamili kung anong gusto nio Hope it helps:)

7. a kitchen essentials use for creamping sti​




8. What is the commonly cause of STI?​

There are three major causes of STDs/STIs: Bacteria, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.


There are three major causes of STDs/STIs: Bacteria, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Viruses, including HIV/AIDS, herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus, hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Zika.


9. differentiate hiv,sti,aids


Explanation:HIV can be transmitted from person to person

AIDS, on the other hand, is a condition a person acquires only after they've contracted HIV. The virus is transmitted from one person to another through the exchange of bodily fluids. Most commonly, HIV is transmitted through sex without condoms or shared needles.

10. How to avoid STDs and STIS?


Use Condoms

Using a condom correctly every time you have sex can help you avoid STDs. Condoms lessen the risk of infection for all STDs. You still can get certain STDs, like herpes or HPV, from contact with your partner's skin even when using a condom.


Use Condoms


Using a condom correctly every time you have sex can help you avoid STDs. Condoms lessen the risk of infection for all STDs. You still can get certain STDs, like herpes or HPV, from contact with your partner's skin even when using a condom.

11. what is sti in science​


sexually transmitted disease ata

ps: alam mo mas madali at mas maiintindihan mo sya sa yt

12. All are sympthoms of STIs EXCEPT:​


Common symptoms of STIs include vaginal discharge, urethral discharge or burning in men, genital ulcers, and abdominal pain. Scope of the problem STIs have a profound impact on sexual and reproductive health worldwide. More than 1 million STIs are acquired every day


13. Only two strategies, If practiced consistently, Reduced the risk of STIs to zero. Name the two strategies to prevent and control STIs particularly HIV or AIDS.


Answer:Abstract and IntroductionExplanation:


Control of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is feasible, leads to improved sexual and reproductive health and contributes to preventing HIV transmission.


In the history of sexually transmitted infection (STI) control, as with other communicable diseases, the pendulum swings between vertical disease-specific and broader horizontal approaches, from a narrow focus on pathogens and their treatment to the wider needs of populations who host and transmit them.

Hope it HelpsPa brainliest po tysm

14. Explain how STIs are transmitted?​


Many STIs are spread through contact with infected body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids, or semen. They can also be spread through contact with infected skin or mucous membranes, such as sores in the mouth. You may be exposed to infected body fluids and skin through vaginal, anal or oral sex.

15. What is your stand on the increasing number of STI cases and as a student, how can you be an advocate against STI?


What is your stand on the increasing number of STI cases and as a student, how can you be an advocate against STI?

These high rates among males aged 15–24 years likely reflect a combination of recent increased screening efforts in young men, including extra-genital screening, as well as increased incidence.


16. STIs are preventable.TRUE OR FALSE ​




Yes, STIs are preventable. There are many ways to prevent it




Yes,STIs are preventable. There is a lot of ways to prevent it.

Hope it helps<3

17. Only two strategies, if practiced consistebtly, reduce the riskof STIs to zero. name the two to prevent and control STIs particulary HIV/Aids.

Abtenence And PREVENT KISSING SOMEONE or the Saliva

18. which of the following is not a bacterial STI?​


Bacterial STDs, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, are often cured with antibiotics. However, viral STDs, (the four “H's”) such as HIV, HPV (genital warts), herpes, and hepatitis (the only STD that can be prevented with a vaccine), have no cure, but their symptoms caN

19. sexually transmitted infection (STI)​


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) — or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) — are generally acquired by sexual contact. The organisms (bacteria, viruses or parasites) that cause sexually transmitted diseases may pass from person to person in blood, semen, or vaginal and other bodily fluids.

20. it concerns on the problimes like STIs.​

Problems that concern STls.

Some of the health complications that arise from STDs include pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, tubal or ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer, and perinatal or congenital infections in infants born to infected mothers.

correct me if im wrong

21. give examples of STI deseases

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is also known as Sexually transmitted Diseases. These are diseases transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. Some STIs can also be transmitted via unsterilized drug needles, sharing needles, neddlestick injury, mother to infant during childbirth or breastfeeding, and blood transfusions.

Common STIs:

1. Chlamydia

2. Gonorrhea

3. Syphilis

4. HIV

5. Genital warts

6. Hepatitis B

7. Genital Herpes

22. what is the acronym STI stands for​


Sexually Transmitted Infection


When we hear discussions about sexual health, the terms STI and STD are thrown around a lot. Well using acronyms does wonders for convenience, but falls short on explaining the significance of these words.

23. How are these STIs transmitted?​

Answer: More than 30 different bacteria, viruses and parasites are known to be transmitted through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal and oral sex. Some STIs can also be transmitted from mother-to-child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Eight pathogens are linked to the greatest incidence of STIs.


1. Chlamydia: Chlamydia is most commonly transmitted through unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex. It can also be transmitted through sharing sex toys that have not been properly cleaned.

2. Genital Herpes: Genital herpes is most commonly transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person, such as vaginal, oral, or anal sex. It can also be transmitted through sharing sex toys that have not been properly cleaned.

3. HIV: HIV is most commonly transmitted through unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex. It can also be transmitted through sharing needles, or sharing sex toys that have not been properly cleaned.


1. Chlamydia: Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is most often transmitted through unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex. When an infected person engages in any of these types of sexual activity, the bacteria can be passed from one person to another. The bacteria can also be passed through sharing sex toys that have not been properly cleaned. Chlamydia can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.

2. Genital Herpes: Genital herpes is a viral infection that is most often transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. This can include vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can also be passed through sharing sex toys that have not been properly cleaned. Genital herpes can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.

3. HIV: HIV is a viral infection that is most often transmitted through unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex. When an infected person engages in any of these types of sexual activity, the virus can be passed from one person to another. HIV can also be transmitted through sharing needles, or sharing sex toys that have not been properly cleaned. HIV can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.

24. Preventive measures in STI's.​




B seems to be a good and not to be a better person


Abstain. The most effective way to avoid STIs is to not have (abstain from) s3x

Stay with one uninfected partner. ...

Wait and test. ...

Get vaccinated. ...

Use condoms and dental dams consistently and correctly. ...

Don't drink alcohol excessively or use drugs. ...

Communicate. ...

Consider male circumcision.

25. Character and characteristic in sti orpheus

Please rephrase your question so we can help you. :)

26. how to prevent HIV and STI

you can get medical care, treatment, and supportive services to help you stay healthy and reduce your ability to transmit the virus to others.

27. what are the characteristic of an sti student?


it is a pupil that you can give your opinion of your own


This can help you.ty

28. what is the meaning of STI college​


STI College, formerly known as Systems Technology Institute, is the largest network of for-profit information technology based colleges in the Philippines. The acronym STI has been declared as an orphan initialism after their name change in 2006.


29. describe the sti and hiv/aids​


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that spread from person to person through sexual activity, including anal, vaginal, or oral sex. HIV is an STD. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and syphilis are examples of other STDs

30. STD at STI meaning and explanation​

Sexuality Transmitted Diseases(STDs) or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infectious that are passed from one person to another through sexual contract

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