Susie s Cuisine Menu

Susie s Cuisine Menu

what kind of cuisine and menu does your restaurant offer ​

Daftar Isi

1. what kind of cuisine and menu does your restaurant offer ​


any kind of cuisine menu that are available on our ingredients


Mar k me as b rain liest #Carry on learning

2. why Filipino Cuisine offers a diverse menu that fits for any occasion? ​


It's a mix different cultures

the reason why Pinoy food is so unique is that it draws inspiration from several influences and you can definitely tasty the Spanish, Chinese, India, and Western influences with each dish.


3. In the Philippines, delicacies like suman, bibingka, and puto are a must-try,a. exotic menub. expensive dishc. foreign cuisined. local food​




because its are own food


it's letter D local foods

4. Differentiate the differences between regional cuisine to traditional cuisine?



- The regional vary based upon food availability and trade, varying climates, cooking traditions and practices, and cultural differences while Traditional Cuisine are passed through generation it may be national dish, regional cuisine or local cuisine. It means that Regional is like a limited time food while tradition is a tradition.

(Based on my own knowledge and some sources if it's wrong please correct me)

Hope it helps :)

5. think of a Filipino cuisine that you can relate with lao 's sticky rice​


kakanin, bibingka,putobongbong

6. history of italian cuisine​


But many of the plants used in Italian food, didn't actually originated in Italy. Or even anywhere in the Old World. The tomato, for instance, is a South America plant that eventually migrated to Europe after contact. Likewise, another quintessentially Italian ingredients, Basil, originated from India.

Italian foodstarted to form after the fall of Roman Empire, when different cities began to separate and form their own traditions. Many different types of bread and pasta were made, and there was a variation in cooking techniques and preparation. The country was split.

7. what is Regional Cuisine?​



Regional cuisine is cuisine based upon national, state or local regions. Regional cuisines may vary based upon food availability and trade, varying climates, cooking traditions and practices, and cultural differences.

8. African cuisine affect Philippine Cuisine?


Ang hirap naman pa answer mo sa Iba sorry talaga

thanks sa points


Filipino cuisine is composed of the cuisines of more than a hundred distinct ethno-linguistic groups found throughout the Philippine archipelago.


sa tungin ko ito yonn

9. Invented of Philippine Cuisine​



Malayo-Polynesian Beginnings. The origins of Filipino food lie with the Malayo-Polynesians, who were responsible for its most common ingredient: rice. Around 3200 BC, they settled in the Philippines and brought farming and cooking methods that included steaming, boiling, and roasting over a fire.

Pa Brainliest

10. what chinese dynasty developed chinese cuisine? how they developed the cuisine?


Chinese cuisine was said to have originated during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), a most important time for the Chinese nation to rise to prosperity.


Chinese Cuisine in Tang Dynasty

By the time of tang dynasty, Chinese cuisine had already developed to a quality level, people at that time often had many kinds of parties or banquets to enjoy their lives. This great attention to food can today be attributed to several factors that enabled Chinese cooks to create the most diverse and interesting cuisine in the world – quick expansion of the Han culture from Yellow River across entire territory of China that covers many climate zones that have their own indigenous ...

11. History of English Cuisine​


english has developed alot of cuisine

12. What is spa cuisine?

spa cuisine utilizes the natural elements, nutrients and minerals in food to assist the body so that it can function at an optimal level of vitality. In layman's terms, it looks colourful and tastes delicious!

13. what does epiphany means in "french cuisine has been the epiphany in world cuisine"?​

Epiphany means 'revelation'

14. What are your opinion on our Filipino cuisine and the difference between Filipino cuisine and other countries' cuisine?


Filipino cuisine does not merely mix and match ingredients and different cooking methods of foreign dishes. She speculated that it might be due to the Filipinos' sense of shame towards their own cuisine brought about by being heavily colonized for so many centuries.

I hope it helps po.

15. history of classical cuisine

It is a method of cuisine in france where they used to decorate boque.

16. State your own observations to distinct characteristics of Philippine Cuisine. What makes Philippine cuisine unique

Philippine cuisine is distinguished by its bold combination of sweet, sour, and salty flavors. While other Asian cuisines may be known for a more subtle delivery and presentation, Filipino cuisine is often delivered all at once in a single presentation.

17. what is asian cuisine ?​



-Asian cuisine includes several major regional cuisines: Central Asian, East Asian, North Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and West Asian. A cuisine is a characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions, usually associated with a specific culture.

18. What occurred when for example adobo is served today in many Filipino owned restaurants in the United States as part of a traditional' or authentic menu of Filipino cuisine.​


matimatika is the best answer

19. Chinese cuisine or Korean cuisine? Which do you prefer? elaborate.




easy to learn jsbjf

20. ano ang susi s pagwstong B Marissa santos?​


where is ur story


make sure if u ask aquestion its complete


21. What is the cuisine of africa?


Traditionally the various cuisines of Africa use a combination of locally available fruits such as cereal grains and vegetables

22. What is cuisine in tle​

A cuisine is a style of cooking characterized by distinctive ingredients, techniques and dishes, and usually associated with a specific culture or geographic region. Regional food preparation traditions, customs and ingredients often combine to create dishes unique to a particular region.

23. classification of haute cuisine​


Haute cuisine (French: [ot kɥizin]; lit. 'high cooking') or grande cuisine is the cuisine of "high-level" establishments, gourmet restaurants and luxury hotels. Haute cuisine is characterized by the meticulous preparation and careful presentation of food at a high price Early history,Cuisine classique,Nouvelle cuisine,References,Further reading

24. what do you think is the difference of philippine cuisine to ther cuisine​


"Filipino food reflects the culture of the filipinos,"said Barbara Delos Reyes.Filipino families, she said, are fond of having a mix of various dishes on the dining table and it reflects the hospitality of the Filipinos and the culture of close family ties. "When we eat in our homes, we are always together."




is composed of the cuisines of more than a hundred distinct ethno-linguistic groups found throughout the Philippine archipelago. However, a majority of mainstream Filipino dishes that compose Filipino cuisine are from the cuisines of the various ethnolinguistic groups and tribes of the archipelago, including the Ilocano, Pangasinan, Kapampangan, Tagalog, Bicolano, Visayan (Cebuano, Hiligaynon and Waray), Chavacano and Maranao ethno-linguistic groups. The style of food making and the food associated with it have evolved over many centuries from their Austronesian origins (shared with Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines) to a mixed cuisine of Indian, Chinese, Spanish and American influences, in line with the major waves of influence that had enriched the cultures of the archipelago, as well as others adapted to indigenous ingredients and the local palate

25. in your own persoective can filipino cuisine be an international cuisine?​


Filipino food has been emerging in the international scene slowly but surely. ... Every province you go in the country, there is a version of this Filipino cuisine that's unique to their land, but still maintaining the essence of what Adobo is.



Pa brainlist naman po need ko napo kasi thank you;)❤

26. Which cuisine do you prefer among the cuisines you have learn and why?​


Chicken tikka masala- This is an Indian food and my mom actually took me to an Indian restaurant on my birthday.


sana makatulog po




i learn how to cook spaghetti's because of my mother. she teach me how to cook spaghetti even in other cuisine.

27. what is biotechnology cuisines?

the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc

28. If given a chance to advertise the cuisine between Korea and China, whose cuisine will you choose and why?

If I had the opportunity to promote the cuisines of Korea and China, I would go with China... Korean, American, and Italian dishes are well known and advertised in the Philippines.. Since today, China has become infamous as a result of the corona virus, which originated in China. There was a lot of Asian hatred, and if they know you are from Asia or look like an Asian without knowing what Asian race you are, especially in western countries, they will bully and verbally abuse you. So it is time for Chinese cuisine to be known, in order to educate people about their culture, as not everyone tolerates eating exotic foods. It is time for China to revert how people perceive their food and to remove the stigma associated with it.,


paki tama lang po mga spelling or ewan na mga tuldok ko

29. As a filipino which cuisine do you prefer-filipino?chinese?spanish?any other foreign cuisine?Why?

it depends on the filipino who likes to eat other cuisine.
because as a chinise filipino i prefer to eat filipino foods than chinese foods.I would choose Filipino cuisine since its a fusion of different foreign cuisines like Chinese and Spanish which highly influenced Filipinos




because it s exotic.

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