The Human Person In The Environment

The Human Person In The Environment

human person in the environment

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1. human person in the environment




2. the human person in their environment​


As a human person's. It is our responsibility to treat with respect not only our fellow humans but also everything in our world.

3. The human person in the environment​

 Environment philosophy is the discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human contents. ...
 Philosophers believe that the human person has the ability to change the environment to suit his purposes.J

4. 2.What is the role of the human person in the environment?


Human makes the foodchain balance and protecting the ecosystem of the environment

5. how can you promote human person in the environment ?​


Connecting with nature through community walking trails, gardens, parks or other initiatives can be health promoting for individuals, families, communities .

6. How important human person in the environment?​


Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.


hopr that helps

7. as a human person what is your role in the environment​


Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage


hope it helps

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

There are actions everyday people can take to protect the environment: First, we can recycle, reuse, and compost. Recycling involves cutting down on waste and energy consumption by turning used items such as plastic bottles into new items. Reusing involves cutting down on waste by reusing items such as grocery bags.

8. how does the acts of a human person affect the environment​


Human activity is causing environmental degradation, which is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife; and pollution.


Humans affect the environment in positive and negative ways.

Cutting down trees and littering have a negative effect on animals and plants.

Protecting endangered species and cleaning lakes and seas has a positive effect on the environment.

At home you can help the planet by recycling waste and growing plants or vegetables.

9. how did the song see the human person in the environment?​

Paki ayos yung tanong thanks

10. explain the relation of human person and his environment ​


Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.

11. Explain the role of the human person in the environment.


overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation.

hope it helps


Human plays an important role in our environment. We need to interact with it to obtain our food water needs and materials. But sadly, others use our environment in the wrong way. We engage not just with our fellow humans but also with other living and nonliving things in our surroundings. Humankind has a substantial impact on us just as changes in our environment have an impact on us.

12. Does human person play vital role in the environment​


Human beings are the product of the environment. They are an important factor of the environment. It is the environment that helps us for our survival, growth, development, reproduction and health. No creature's existence is possible without the balance of the natural elements. Thus, there must be a healthy environment for our sound living.


Our environment plays a pivotal role in our biological, both physical and psychological, development. “One of the times when we are most susceptible to the influences of our surrounding environment is when we are developing as a foetus in our mother’s womb.”

Human Impacts on the Environment Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

13. in your own idea what is#man#human#person#human nature#environment​


Human nature is a concept that denotes the fundamental dispositions and characteristics—including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—that humans are said to have naturally. ... The term is often used to denote the essence of humankind, or what it 'means' to be human.

By definition, human nature includes the core characteristics (feelings, psychology, behaviors) shared by all people. We all have different experiences of the humans in our life, and this is where the disputes begin. ... The group you are born into will pass on its particular ideas about what makes humans 'human

14. how is a human person in an environment?​


As human person, we interact not only with our fellow human beings, but also with other living and nonliving elements in our environment

15. as a human persons, are we the ones to blame for the destruction of the environment​




Because we,humans created such a big pollution on earth..pollution is the one who destruct our environment..

I hope it helps..

Don't bash me if im wrong please..

16. What is the impact of the environment to human person?​


Human impact on the environment or anthropogenic impact on the environment includes changes to biophysical environments and ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources caused directly or indirectly ...


17. What is human person in the environment? Give an example.​


Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.


hope it helps


18. Human person in thier environment​


HUMAN PERSON IN THE ENVIRONMENT 2. What is a Human Person? A human person is a living being that contains a real and existing to direct its own development toward fulfillment through perfect, unconditional, and infinite Truth, Love, Goodness, Beauty, and Unity, and will do so if all the proper conditions are met.

19. to show appreciation on the importance of human person in the environment​


Pa mark brain less po thank you


Philosophers believe that the human person has the ability to change the environment to suit his purposes. ... This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to transform nature and use its resources.

20. what is the role of the human person in the environment ?​


Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.

21. explain the role of the human person in the environment​

They are the one who take advantage of the nature and to take care of it, but instead they are destroying it.


From a sustainable marketing perspective, the fundamental relationship between humans and nature is the ongoing exchange and change of resources, the service nature and humans provide to each other: We tend to consume as if there is an unlimited supply of resources, but we live in a world of non-renewable resources.

22. reflection about the human person in their environment​


ayan na po hope its help may answer

23. How should the human person relate to or approach the environment? ​


In order to maintain this harmony, the human person has to treat the environment as a partner in the preservation of life, that is to say, the human person has to appreciate the value of all things in her surrounding, rather than just treat them as means for her to survive.


Click the photos. I'm sorry sa photo ayaw ma crop lahat.

24. the human person in their environment​

It depends on what do others do around you. If is it bad then you will be influenced to do bad things but if it is good then you will be influenced to do good.

25. how can you promote the human person in the environment

Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.

Connecting with nature through community walking trails, gardens, parks or other initiatives can be health promoting for individuals, families, communities

Hope it helps! :>>

26. 1. What is the role of human person in the environment?​


To receive food, water, electricity, medications, construction materials, and many other items, humans must communicate with the environment. Advances in science and technology have enabled us to take advantage of the environment, but they have also resulted in contamination and environmental degradation.


I hope it helps Stay Safe :)


Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.


#carry on learning

27. how did the song see the human person in the environment

Answer: Louis Armstrong's 1967 song, What a Wonderful World, talks about the aesthetic and beautiful feeling that nature provides to humans. Explanation: This song expresses wonder and joy at just being alive, at realizing that there is beauty to be found in almost every aspect of existence.

28. how does attitude of a human affect the environment and how does environment affect the attitude of a human person​


The environment can influence peoples' behavior and motivation to act. ... The environment can influence mood. For example, the results of several research studies reveal that rooms with bright light, both natural and artificial, can improve health outcomes such as depression, agitation, and sleep.


idea lang.

29. the human person is above the environment?​

This means that as human person, we interact not only with our fellow human beings, but also with other living and non-living elements in our environment.  Humankind is a part of the world, and we significantly affect our environment in the same way that changes in our environment affect us.


We are related to the environment because we impact it in physical ways by overpopulation and deforestation, we are also related to the environment because we breath through air that is produce by trees.

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