I Want To HaveWith Minami

I Want To HaveWith Minami

what similarities do you havewith the other family members​

1. what similarities do you havewith the other family members​


Our Similarities are, being good to every person around us, always concern when it becomes to health and growing issues, we have positive minds, and we have manners with right conduct


sana makatulong (pa brainliest)


Aside from the physical looks, I think I am similar to the other family members as to:

the choice of food we want to have if we have occasions at home;the choice of travel destination; and the values we have because of our parents' teachings and advice.

2. ano sa guto[tex]jddddss \\ [/tex]captain amounting minami ​


favorite ko din hello kitty pero Ngayon Hindi na

3. buwis na sinisigal sa taga camarines she cebu minamis at karatig lalawigan nito​


falua po


baka makatulong tingnan nyo lang po kung tama

4. Date: Skill Building Activity 2 If you're done reading the preprinted notes, it's time to arrange the scrambled words to match with the corresponding sentence on the right. 1. FRISCACIE - is an act of offering of food, objects or the lives of animals as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure. 2. UPSINERSITTO a practice or belief in inexplicable things or unseen beings without prior evidence, as a result of ignorance. 3. ENGILOIR- refers to approaches to human spirituality which usually includes a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with god. 4. ARUTIL - a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order to appease the spirits. 5. MINAMIS-it perceives all things-animals, plants, rocks, rivers, and huma handy work --as animate and alive and possess distinctive spiritual qualition​








ayan napo

5. 1. Minami Bike shop obtains a loan of P500,000, with interest at 18% compounded quarterly, for the construction of a new branch in Malolos City. The owner will repay the loan by payments made quarterly for six and a half years. Find the quarterly payment. A. P94,819.73 B. P91,233.74 C. P41,118.45 D. P33,010.68​


The problem asks for the quarterly payment. To find the quarterly payment, we will use the formula

[tex]\boxed{P = A[\frac{1 - (1 + \frac{r}{n})^{-nt}}{\frac{r}{n}}]}[/tex]


P = present worth

A = annuity

r = annual interest rate

n = number of times interest is compounded per year

t = time



Listing the given values

P = 500,000

r = 18% = 0.18

t = 6.5

n = 4 (quarterly)


Solving for A

[tex]P = A[\dfrac{1 - (1 + \frac{r}{n})^{-nt}}{\frac{r}{n}}][/tex]

[tex]A = \dfrac{P}{\frac{1 - (1 + \frac{r}{n})^{-nt}}{\frac{r}{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]A = \dfrac{500,000}{\frac{1 - (1 + \frac{0.18}{4})^{-4(6.5)}}{\frac{0.18}{4}}}[/tex]

[tex]A = \frac{500,000}{15.146611}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{A = ₱33,010.68}[/tex]


Therefore, the answer is D. ₱33,010.68.



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