What Did You Discover About Yourself After Doing The Activity

What Did You Discover About Yourself After Doing The Activity

What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?

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1. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?


I discovered that I have a healthy relationship with my family, friends and my partner because I can express my opinion without fear or dread, me and my partner make decision together fairly if we have a problem or if we deciding something in our life.I discovered that I need to control how I spend my time with my partner so that I can prevent having a sex because If I spend most of my time with him there is a tendency that we can do that thing.I discovered that I nurtured my relationship with my family,friends and partnership because I am healthy and happy.

2. 2. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?​


this cant be answer here


if you have showed us the activity we can answer it olease fix your questions


its not easy and i feel tired and also I'm bored

3. what did you discover about yourself after doing the activity brainly


it is fun to help other people


Mas nakakatulong sla Bat ibang Tao kahit Hindi kilala


it's really fun too help other people

4. Processing Questions:1. What were your thoughts and feelings while answering the activity?2. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?3. With previous activities how would you describe your relationship with yourparents? Siblings? Possible or current romantic relationship? Friends?4. Which relationship is most important to you? Why?5. In what ways do you express your feelings, whetner positive or niyalive?6. If your relationship is not doing very well, what can you do about i?​

Where's the Pic Sisteret


1. My thoughts and feeling while doing the activity is happy because i activated my mind while doing the activities and i also learned something new on this module.

2. I descover anout my self that i can do more than anything and i can have some bew learnings if i do the activity right.

3. My relationship with my parents is good. I am open to them. It means that we nurtured and value or relationship well.

My family is my fans they always support me at the back no matter what happen.

They are my shoulder who can cry on if I have a problem.

4. the most important relationship for me is my relationship with God because God is the one who love us Everytime and care for us.

5. ?

6. If your relationship is not doing very well, remember to always clear your mind with negativity and calm yourself before dealing with it. As being involve in a relationship, you should try to talk to the person if you can have some serious talk together.


Study hard bro


5. After doing the activity, what have you realized about yourself? What did you feel? Did you discover something about yourself? What are your strength as a person?​


im a person bro this is my self

6. What can you say about your accomplishments for seven days? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________2. What did you noticed in your activity log? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________3. What did you discover about yourself after doing the challenge?________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________4. Will you still continue engaging in these types of physical activity? Why? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________5. Is it possible to manage your weight and lifestyle by doing physical activities alone? Prove your answer. _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________​


1.You did a great job .


3.Its hard


5.Yes , if you have motivation to do it then you can do it.

7. Brainliest good answer.. 1. Did you find it easy doing this activity?Why or why not? 2. What did you discover about yourself after accomplishing the task? 3. Why is it important that a teenager like you express iniatative in extending help to the community? ​

1. it's not easy why not because where is the activity .

2.Yourself. Your true self. The one that is strong and faithful. Loved and cared by the people sorrounding you. And truly successful as a whole.

3.Community opens our eyes to the needs of other people around us. A community can help bring your teen out this behavior by giving them both the responsibility and opportunity to look outward. One way to provide your child with new opportunities that can make a positive impact is to get them involved in service work.

8. 2. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?​


you're able to answer the activities using your own ideas and thoughts by improving your skills

9. Activity 1: Directions: Complete the given table by writing the advantages and importance of being responsible for others. Actions of being responsible Advantage Importance 1. Helping your siblings in doing household chores. 2. Do not blame others for mistakes and failures. 3. Never bully other people. 4. Cooperating in group activity in the school 5. Following the health protocols by wearing face mask all the time. Processing Questions 1. Was it easy for you to accomplish the activity? Why? 2. What will happen to your relationship to others if you are responsible with them? 3. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?


blade of desperation


because I have to go to a ride and that I was not able to make the store to get a better soon as possible so I will be there's a ride to the airport on

10. 1. What were your thoghts and feelings while doing the activity?2. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?3. How does this activity helps you understand your relationship with your family?4. If your relationship is not doing very well, what can you do about it? ​


1. Feels good answering someking of questions and lies i have so much fu

2. I discovered that I have a healthy relationship with my family, friends and my partner because I can express my opinion without fear or dread, me and my partner make decision together fairly if we have a problem or if we deciding something in our life

3. Our relationships with others influence how we communicate with them by many different factors. ... The relationship between people influence the way we interact with them. Giving hugs is generally for people you are close to, although you may shake someone's hand if you are not as close to them

4. You Should Give Yourself Space For Some Time,

Think about your Relationship If You both really want It. If both of you are really willing to fight for your Relationship, Talk about it. Ask Someone Who's experienced this before, so you can ask that person What To Do. Also, find the problem in your Relationship, Is it the Cause of Cheating? Lack Of Time? Cold Replies? After Finding It, Talk About It, Give It A Solution, If It Doesn't Work, End It, Simple.


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