Appeal In Tagalog

Appeal In Tagalog

ano sa tagalog ang court of appeal

Daftar Isi

1. ano sa tagalog ang court of appeal

Hukumang Pagkakapela.

2. Translate sa tagalog ang halimbawa ng falacy,appeal to force

The translation is kamalian,panawagan upang puwersahang pilitin

3. Which work is more appealing the cantico profano in tagalog og the profane canticle in English

i dunno tha answer cuz im only grade 4 ok

4. Direction: Describe or say something about the following common propagandatechniques in advertising.a. Bandwagon Appeal-b. Glittering Appeal-C. Reward Appeald. Plain Folks Appeal-e. Humor Appeal-​


a. Bandwagon- a method is when the speaker tries to convince us to accept their point of view.

b.Glittering - vague statements with no reasons.

c.reward-a method when they promote a brand and with a reward.

d.plain folks-a method that uses common people.

e.humor - a method is when someone spreads a humor about the product.


correct if wrong

5. 1. is the strategic use of logic, claims, and evidence to convince an audience of a certain point.A. Logical appealB. Ethical appealC. Emotional appealD. Appeal to authority​


is the strategic use of logic, claims, and evidence to convince an audience of a certain point.


Logical appeal is the strategic use of logic, claims, and evidence to convince an audience of a certain point. When used correctly, logical appeal contains the following elements... Ethical appeal is used to establish the writer as fair, open-minded, honest, and knowledgeable about the subject matter.

6. 3. Attempting to persuade a reader by triggering their feelings about a subject is known asa. an appeal to reasonc. an appeal to emotionsb. an appeal to authorityd. an appeal to parents​


a. po sana makatulong


7. 2. What type of propaganda technique is this "Sa Jolibee Blda angSayal?A. Testimonial AppealB. Reward AppealC. Slogan AppealD. Snob Appeal​


B. Reward appeal

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8. three appeal fallacies then given a scenario using each appeal fallacy​


yoko na sa buhay ko Wala na

9. 1. A logical fallacy that shows that the belief is false with the use of unpleasant consequences of believing something are pointed out. a. Appeal to Consequences c. Appeal to Force b. Appeal to Authority d. Appeal to Pity​




10. 25. An advertising strategy that uses, celebrities to give statements about the goodness of a product.E. Testimonial appealD. Bandwagon appealC. Slogan appealB. False Image appealA. Reward appeal​


E. testimonial appeal


pls pls tama yan

11. similarities of Court of tax appeals and court of appeals


The Court of Tax Appeals (Filipino: Hukuman ng Apelasyon sa Buwis) is the special court of limited jurisdiction, and has the same level with the Court of Appeals. The court consists of 8 Associate Justices and 1 Presiding Justice. The Court of Tax Appeals is located on Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City in Metro Manila.

12. differentiate ethical appeal from emotional appeal?​


an appeal to emotion and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response while an appeal to ethics and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader.


yan lang po.

13. The animal was brutally slaughtered. *A. Appeal to reasonB. Appeal to trustC. Appeal to emotionD. Plain Folks​







C.Appleal to emotion that i know

14. Logical appeal persuade the audience by appealing to the intellect


As the name suggests, logos represents your appeal to logic by relying on your viewers' intelligence and by providing tangible evidence to support your point of view. The reason logos is an integral part of any successful persuasive speech is because it's essential for persuading your audience effectively.


sana makatulong O_O

15. Differentiate emotional appeals from logical appeals?


Pathos represents an appeal to the emotions of an audience. An emotional appeal uses the manipulation of the emotions rather than valid logic to win an argument. Emotional appeal is a logical fallacy, whereby a debater attempts to win an argument by trying to get an emotional reaction from the opponent and audience.

16. Gauge Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. 1. It uses a statement in which the character presents himself or herself as an ordinary person who knows and understands the concerns and needs of the general public. A. Bandwagon Appeal B. Testimonial Appeal C. Reward Appeal D. Plain folks Appeal 2. What type of propaganda technique is this, "Sa Jollibee Bida ang Saya!"? A. Testimonial Appeal B. Reward Appeal C. Slogan Appeal D. Snob Appeal to-Print1.D2.D​


1. D. plain folks appeal

2. C. slogan appeal

3. A. reward appeal

4. D. scientific appeal

5. A. glittering appeal

that's my answer . hope it helps ..

17. The following are sign's of biased excepta. emotional appealb.One-side appeal c. Appeals to authorityd. loaded languages​


The following are sign's of biased except

a. emotional appeal

b.One-side appeal

c. Appeals to authority

d. loaded languages




A.Emotional appeal


May can help this my answer

18. 1. Grocery store commercial that shows a happy family sitting around the table at Thanksgiving. A. Appeal for emotion B. Appeal to Popularity C. Appeal to Tradition


C, Appeal to Tradition.

19. 8. Appeals to your sense of right or wrong.A. Emotional AppealC. Ethical Appeal glittering generalizationB. Glittering GeneralizationD. Logical Appeal magic ingredients​


A.Emotional Appeal.


#Carry on learning

20. Usually uses funny songs or jingles, slogans, or illustrations to catch the customer's attention. a. Humor appeal b. Bandwagon appeal c. Testimony appeal d. Reward appeal


A.Humor Appeal or


B.Bandwagon Appeal

21. Pls pa help brainliest ko po Choose the letter of the correct answer. _____1. It is defined as the promotion done by a company for the public to buy and purchase a certain product or services. A. Bandwagon Appeal C. Approach B. Advertising D. Propaganda _____2. What techniques try to convince a consumer that the product purchased will make the person healthy satisfied, famous and a standout. A. Propaganda technique C. Advertisement B. Appeal D. Reward Appeal _____3. One of its example is “JUST DO IT”, which tells consumers that everyone is using the product. A. Bandwagon Appeal C. Humor Appeal B. False Image Appeal D. Snob Appeal _____4. It is an appeal that makes a consumer feel positive towards a brand and thus encourages him/her to repeatedly purchase the product. A. False Image Appeal C. Brand Loyalty Appeal B. Plain Folk Appeal D. Scientific Evidence Appeal _____5. It uses persons who are well known, like celebrities and satisfied users to give statement about the product. A. Plain Folks Appeal C. Progress Appeal B. Humor Appeal D. Testimonial Appeal.



If you satisfied with my answer please heart this thankyou! (≧▽≦)

22. 4. This uses scientlfic or medical studies and surveys to show thatthe product is effective, healthy and safe?A. Bandwagon AppealB. False Image AppealC. Progress AppealD. Scientifle Appeal​


d po ang aking sagot


hope it helps

D. Scientific Appeal

This propaganda uses scientific or emdical related studies and surveys to show that a product is effective, healthy and safe.

23. Write the letter of the correct answer.1. uses a statement in which the character presents himself or herself as an ordinary person whoKnows and understands the concems and needs of the general publicA Banderagon AppealC. Reward AppealTestimonial AppealD. Plain Folks Appeal2. What type of propaganda technique is this Sa Jolibee Bida ang Saya!?A. Testimonial AppealC. Slogan AppealB. Reward AppealD. Snob Appeal3. Jose opens his first branch of milk tea house. He offers Buy-one Take-one promo to convince theconsumers to buy What type of propaganda did he used?A Renard AppealC. Humor AppealB. Brand Loyal AppealD. Glittering Appeal4. This uses scientific or medical studies and surveys to show that the product is effective, healthyand sate?A. Bandwagon AppealC. Progress AppealB. False Image AppealD. Scientific Appeal5 t uses overstated claims that aimed to appeal to the emotion of the consumers and entice theminto buying the productA Giftering AppeaC. Humor AppealB. Brand Loyal AppealD. Progress Appealpaki sagot po​







Explanation: I'm not sure at the no 5 correct me if I'm wrong

24. Between Southern Tagalog and Bicol Region arts and crafts, which region has more appealing arts and crafts to you? Why? ​


for me southern tagalog has more appealing arts with their unique crafts from their own nature appeals and attracts many buyers or customers

25. 9. This fallacy evaluates the arguments based on the personal identity of thepersona. Appeal to the peoplec. Appeal to forceb. Appeal to pityd. Division10. This fallacy makes a generalizationfrom insufficient number of cases.a. Appeal to forceb. Appeal to peoplec. Equivocationd. Hasty generalization​


B.appeal to people


to know of his identity

26. difference between appeal to emotion and appeal to reasons and their similarity​


How do emotional appeals differ from logical appeals?evidential appeal: An attempt to show the logical connection between a set of evidence and a consequence. Also known as logical appeal or logos. emotional appeal: An an attempt to make the audience feel certain emotions so that they will be more likely to be engaged by the speech.#CARRYONLEARNING

27. A Snickers bar has 280 calories and 30 grams of sugar. That is not very healthy. *1 pointA. Appeal to reasonB. Appeal to emotionC. Appeal to authorityD. Appeal to trust​

bc you have to trust me

28. 1.jose open his first branch of milk tea house.he offer's buy one take one promo to convince the consumers to buy.what type of propaganda did he useA.reward appealB.brand loyal appealC.humor appealD.glittering uses overstated claims that aimed to appeal to the emotion of the consumers and entice them into buying the productA.glittering AppealB.brand royal AppealC.humor AppealD.progress Appeal​


1. A



1. It is "A" since it literally said what the question is, which is buy one take one, in the other word buy 1 you'll get a reward of the same product or so.

2. The answer is "B", it means that the explanation of the product is more than it's effect so it is like putting more words to your product more than it would work to something it is said to work.

29. Identify what propaganda technique is being used. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. ( better With Coke A. Glittering Appeal B. Testimonial Appeal C. Plain Folks Appeal D. Reward Appeal A. Bandwagon Appeal B. Scientific Evidence App C. Reward Appeal D. False Image Appeal ces kerg Sarap! Wateleted Bucur! A. Plain Folks Appeal B. Testimonial Appeal C. Reward Appeal D. Snob Appeal A. Piain FIKS Apboat B. Testimoniot Appoat C. Rowurd App D). Humay Appo hone Parrwers atleast​






carryv on learning








yan po ang sagot ko

sana makatolong

30. Write a short description of the following advertising techniques in your own words.•Bandwagon•False Image Appeal•Humor Appeal•Plain folks Appeal•Slogan AppealNonsense answer=reportcorrect answer=Brainliest​


BAND WAGON:  This common propaganda method is when the speaker tries to convince us to accept their point of view or else we will miss out on something really good.  The Band-Wagon technique is often used in advertising.  Examples: "This is the wave of the future", "Be the first on your block", "Act Now!".   You might ask yourself "What if I was the only one on my block because no one else was interested (duped)?".

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