Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship

Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship

how can scalable startup entrepreneurship help our economy?​

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1. how can scalable startup entrepreneurship help our economy?​


Startups may be small companies but they can play a significant role in economic growth. They create more jobs which means more employment, and more employment means an improved economy. Not only that, startups can also contribute to economic dynamism by spurring innovation and injecting competition. New entrepreneurs can bring new ideas to the table, much needed to stir innovation and generate competition.

2. Why do we need to have a startup capital in entrepreneurship?​


Because we can't start our own business if we don't have a capital. We can't also buy materials and produce goods if we don't have money.

3. 1. Small Business EntrepreneurshipA.B.C.2. Scalable start up entrepreneurshipA.B.C.3. large company entrepreneurshipA.B.C.4.Social EntrepreneurshipA.B.C.​



2. Coffee shop

3. company (being CEO)


4. inkscape uses Scalable vector graphicsTrue or False​


Inkscape uses the W3C SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file format as its native format.

5. How can the cloud help us in our problem with an on demand-scalability problems?



The cloud computing holds a potential that is strong enough to change the business scenarios around the world, making way for new industries and many innovations. What cloud service providers are offering with their multiple cloud-based products, is not merely a new technology, but a solution to the modern business needs, reduced time to market and scalability.

The modern businesses require a wholesome solution that is able to help them meet their customer demands, provide them with strong computing resources at minimum cost, but is still able to help them maximize their ROI.

IBM identifies some key features of cloud that makes it a lucrative option for businesses as their IT solution. One of the key business enablers here is “scalability.”

6. Selective Startup a.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​




coreect ne if im wrong



paki brainliest thank you

7. how scalable is your business model?​


To quote Investopedia, scalability is “a company’s ability to grow without being hampered by its structure or available resources when faced with increased production”.

In other words, a business is ready to scale if it has a proven product and business model that allow it to grow through new geographies and markets.

8. Which of the following aspects of the internet has most increased its scalability?


tama tama tma


hope it's help

9. what is startup selection that loads all device drivers and services?a. a normal startupb. diagnostic startupc. selective settingsd. start up button​

Answer: a normal startup


10. scalable vector graphics short cut​



11. difference scalable vector graphics? ​


Unlike bitmaps, vector images are not based on pixel patterns, but instead use mathematical formulas to draw lines and curves that can be combined to create an image from geometric objects such as circles and polygons. Vector images are edited by manipulating the lines and curves that make up the image using a program such as Adobe Illustrator.

12. scalable psychology by keynote​


The definition of psychological is something that relates to the mind or mental actions. An example of something psychological is an IQ test. An example of something psychological is bipolar disorder. Of, relating to, or arising from the mind or emotions.

13. 11.Multiple ChoiceDirections: While the letter of the correct answer before the rumber1. What is the default startup that should be selected in generalaconfiguration and shows how the computer w starta noma Startupe selector settingb diagneslic startupd. startup button​


D. strat up button



14. Building scalable java microservices coursera


answer secret ko nalang yun ah

15. What is the default startup that should be selected in general tab in the System configuration and shows how the computer will start?a. normal Startupb. diagnostic startupc. selective settingsd. startup button​


a. normal startup


a. normal startup

16. 3. The process of designing, launching and running a new business, whichtypically begins as a small business, such as a startup company, offering aproduct process or service for sale or hire.A. entrepreneurB. entrepreneurshipC. marketingD. store​


3. The process of designing, launching and running a new business, which

typically begins as a small business, such as a startup company, offering a

product process or service for sale or hire.

C. Marketing

17. How to make a web site scalable?


use ctrl and scroll wheel on your mouse.


18. referenced in the construction of websites to enable different functions not offered by the systemA. Easily editable content B. ExpansionC. Scalable setsD. Scalable feature sets​


it's letter A


correct Yan kasi Yan din module ko

19. There are five functional tabs in MS Configuration utility, namely General, Boot, Services, Startup and Tools. Classify the following items according to the tabs they belong.1. Selective startup.a.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​2. Safe boot.a.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​3. List of services that start when computer boots.a.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​4.Make all boot settings permanent.a.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​5. Normal startup.a.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​6. No GUI Boota.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​7. OS Boot informationa.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​8. Hide All Microsoft Servicesa.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​9.Convenient List of Diagnostic Toolsa.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​10. Base Videoa.Generalb. Bootc. Servicesd. Startupe.Tools​​


1 b

2 a

3 a

4 c

5 a

6 b

7 c

8 b

9 a

10 a


20. What is the purpose of startup configuration?​


Explanation:The startup configuration file is stored in NVRAM and contains the commands needed to initially configure a router. It also creates the running configuration file that is stored in in RAM.

21. 2.How will you fix laptop lagging specially in the startup?A. Run MS Config and disable running application in the startup which is not important.​


Disable applications from running on startup

You may not realize it, but your computer runs several applications as soon as it starts. While this is necessary for your computer to function, too many applications running on startup can slow down your computer. Among other ways to keep your computer running smoothly, you can disable applications from running on startup to improve its performance.

Consider before disabling anything

Before you disable an application from starting, consider whether you should. You don't need to disable most applications, but disabling the ones you don't always need or ones that are demanding on your computer's resources can make a big difference. If you use the program every day or if it's necessary for the operation of your computer, you should leave it enabled on startup. You can do an Internet search for the name of a program if you aren't sure what it is or what it does.

Disable in a program's own settings

Some programs have a built-in setting to enable or disable them from running on startup. Each program is different, but it's usually in a settings or configuration menu. Many programs don't have a startup setting because most operating systems can automatically manage which programs run on startup.


hope it helps

22. give a sentence about scalable​


sentence : The company selected Scalable Networks, an independent network integrator, ahead of several competitors including Ericsson.


The most important type of scalable, high resolution fonts are TrueType fonts.It also had to be easily scalable to meet future demands.    


23. This starts windows in the usual manner. a.normal startup b.diagnostic startup c.selective setting


A. po Hinde ko po sure Pero sana makatulong po tnx:)!

24. Why is it useful to have wider scalability for memory and processor support?​


mainstream in processor architectures, Intel and AMD have introduced their


Hope It helps

25. Define the term system architecture. Define the term scalability,and explain why it is important to consider scalability in system design​.


System Architecture is classified as a conceptual model which helps in defining the view of the system, its behavior and structure. A system Architecture helps is translating an information system’s logical model to a physical structure. This physical structure of a include software, hardware, security and network support. System components and the relationship between these components and the properties of these components are included into the system architecture.

26. 1. Small business entrepreneurship2. Scalable start ups3. large company4. social entrepreneurshipfrom the four types of entrepreneurship, what most likely you will going to have 10 years from now? why?​


Social entrepreneurship because the process of recognizing and resourcefully pursuing opportunities to create social value. Social entrepreneurs are innovative, resourceful, and results oriented. ... “What business entrepreneurs are to the economy, social entrepreneurs are to social change.


27. What is scalability?​


SCALABILITY is the property of a system to handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system. In an economic context, a scalable business model implies that a company can increase sales given increased resources.


thanks po



The Ability Of A Computing Process To Be Used Or Produced In A Range Of Capabilities.


Pa Brainliest Po

28. Give at least 3 examples on each type of entrepreneur. Aside from theones even above. Write your answer on a piece of paper.1. Small Business Entrepreneurship3. Large company entrepreneurshipA.A.B.B.C.2. Scalable start up entrepreneurship A. B. C. 4. Social Entrepreneurship. A. B. C. ​

An entrepreneur is a person who starts a new business and usually risks his own money to start the venture. Examples of well-known entrepreneurs include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Pierre Omidyar, Arianna Huffington and Caterina Fake

29. what are the important things to remember when we say startup? what are the mechanics or startup?​


With that in mind, taking the time to prepare before the project starts is extremely important. All of the stakeholders involved need to be aware of who is doing what, when they are supposed to have completed it by and which resources they have been allocated to assist them. This needs to be as clear as possible and easily trackable so adjustments can be made and expectations can continue to be met throughout the process.

30. what bis startup tab


.What exactly is the Windows 10 startup folder?

As soon as you boot up your system or log on to your user account, Windows 10 automatically runs all programs or files listed in the startup folder. Up until Windows 8, you could view and change these applications directly from the Start menu. As of version 8.1 and higher, including Windows 10, you can only access the startup folder from your personal user files.

There is also an All Users startup folder in addition to your personal startup folder. The applications in this folder run automatically when all users log on. This folder is usually managed by the system administrator. Windows 10 may also need to access this folder itself, for example when installing software.



The Startup tab shows you all the applications that are configured to launch when you start Windows. On this tab you'll find a list of all the programs that are configured to launch when Windows starts. To find out more about any of the programs, simply right-click on the one you want to investigate



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