Motor Vehicle User s Charge Law

Motor Vehicle User s Charge Law

What is the importance of traffic laws in regulating motor vehicles? Explain​

Daftar Isi

1. What is the importance of traffic laws in regulating motor vehicles? Explain​


The primary point of traffic laws is safety, but also keeping order. Following traffic laws is one of the most essential aspects of driving and can increase your safety as well as of the people around you.

2. LTO Core applicationa. Driver's Licenseb. Motor Vehiclec. Law Enforcement and Ticketing System​




Hope it helps you <33



A. Drivers licence po ang sagot



# Carry on learning ❤️ ❤️

Pa brainliest po

3. tools produce in the industry must pass in this law.A.National traffic and motor vehicle actB.working equipment law C.Clean air actD.Federal legislation law​




4. Acknowledgement receipt sample for motor vehicle


Acknowledgement of receipt:

a confirmation that a letter/product/payment has been received. idiom. to acknowledge, to confirm receipt of (a letter): to confirm that (a letter) was received.

5. what is the safety precaution in motor vehicles??​




Pinaka basic na precaution is healmet

6. A current of 0,5 A flows for 20 s through a small electric motor. How much charge has passed?​


[tex]I = \text{0.5 A}[/tex]

[tex]t = \text{20 s}[/tex]




[tex]Q = It[/tex]

[tex]Q = \text{(0.5 A)(20 s)}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{Q = \text{10 C}}[/tex]



7. motor vehicle man-made or natural? ​


man made po

hope it's help


Motor Vehicle are Man-made


plz mark me the brainlist

8. A common air pollutant from exhaust motor vehicles is?​


Pollutants produced by vehicle exhausts include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, particles, volatile organic compounds and sulfur dioxide. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react with sunlight and warm temperatures to form ground-level ozone.


Pollutants produced by vehicle exhausts include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, particles, volatile organic compounds and sulfur dioxide. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react with sunlight and warm temperatures to form ground-level ozone. Ground-level ozone, a main ingredient in smog, can cause upper respiratory problems and lung damage.


Pa brain list po <3

9. What are the requirements for motor vehicle registration?

The requirement of motor vehicle registration is regulated in The Land Transportation Office (Filipino: Tanggapan ng Transportasyong-Lupa; LTO).

LTO is a Philippine government body under the Department of Transportation in charge of all land transportation in the country. Therefore, here are some required documents that you should fulfill:

1. Original Sales Receipt

2. Original LTO copy or applicable insurance Certificate of Coverage or COC electronically transmitted (Third Party Liability)

3. Original copy of the Philippine National Police - Highway Patrol Group (PNPHPG) Motor Vehicle (MV) Clearance Certificate and the Special Bank Receipt (SBR)

4. Reported original CSR or Certificate of Stock

5. Bring your Payment Reference Number if you paid by e-PAT.

Before going to LTO to register your car, make sure you have all of the essential paperworks so you don't have to go through the trouble of having to come back because you forgot some of the documentation you needed.

Learn more about motor vehicle here



nasaan po yung tanong niyo

11. Which of the following device/s best demonstrate/s the concept of magnetism exerting a force of a moving charge? a. generator b. motor c. transformer d. all of these​




Magnetism is a class of actual traits that are interceded by attractive fields. Electric flows and the attractive snapshots of rudimentary particles lead to an attractive field, which follows up on different flows and attractive minutes. Magnetism is one part of the consolidated peculiarity of electromagnetism. The most natural impacts happen in ferromagnetic materials, which are emphatically drawn in by attractive fields and can be polarized to become super durable magnets, creating attractive fields themselves. Demagnetizing a magnet is additionally conceivable. A couple of substances are ferromagnetic; the most well-known ones are iron, cobalt and nickel and their composites. The uncommon earth metals neodymium and samarium are more uncommon models. The prefix ferro-alludes to press, since long-lasting magnetism was first seen in lodestone, a type of normal iron metal called magnetite, Fe3O4.

All substances display some kind of magnetism. Attractive materials are characterized by their mass defenselessness. Ferromagnetism is answerable for the majority of the impacts of magnetism experienced in regular daily existence, yet there are really a few sorts of magnetism. Paramagnetic substances, like aluminum and oxygen, are pitifully drawn to an applied attractive field; diamagnetic substances, like copper and carbon, are feebly repulsed; while antiferromagnetic materials, for example, chromium and twist glasses, have a more complicated relationship with an attractive field.

2.What is magnetism? -



Which of the following device/s best demonstrate/s the concept of magnetism exerting a force of a moving charge?

a. generator

b. motor

c. transformer

d. all of these

12. The seatbelt law, known as republic act RA 8750 requires the mandatory installment of seat belts in all motor vehicles and their compulsory use by all passengers. do you think, what is the purpose of using seatbelt in a certain vehicle? and why it has been proposed as a law


R.A 8750 Seat Belt Law: Effectivity & Mandatory Use of Act

“An Act Requiring the Mandatory Compliance by Motorists of Private and Public Vehicles to Use Seat Belt Devices, and Requiring Vehicle Manufacturers to Install Seat Belt Devices in all Their Manufactured Vehicles” is the full title of the Republic Act No

13. what includes motor vehicle accident?​

[tex] \huge \color{pink}{Answer : }[/tex]

Vehicular accidents include car crashes, truck wrecks, and motorcycle crashes. In some cases, a plaintiff may also enlist a car crash lawyer to sue someone other than the person who caused the accident, such as the motorist's employer or the manufacturer of one of the vehicles involved.


14. What isbthe effect of motor vehicles to the environment

Motor vehicles are one of the greatest contributors to

greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) estimates that on-road vehicles cause one-third of the air pollution that produces smog in the U.S., and transportation causes 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.

15. What harm do motor vehicles do the environmen?​


Pollution in air


F.o.l.l.o.w. me and brainliest for mor answers U^U

The smoke that they releases. It causes air pollution


16. 18. What will likely happen if a motor rider fails to apply the brakes of hismotor vehicle on a busy street?A. The motor rider will reach his destination the fastest way.B. The motor vehicle will stop on its own.C. The motor rider will be able to stop the vehicle safely without brakes.D. The motor rider will encounter road accident.​


The answer is d. The motor rider will encounter a road accident.


hope this helps :]

17. what is the advantage and disadvantage of the motor vehicle in our society​


7 benefits of a car: What you should know

18. Spa for the registration of a motor vehicle


asn po pic?

Step-by-step explanation:

HAHA I'm gonna be a good time for me pet

19. It is the result of air pollution from factories and motor vehicles.




it may cause disease to other people

20. how do motor vehicles pollute the air over a city? What substance do motor vehicles release to the air which are harmful to man?​

Carbon monoxide (CO) — cars emit carbon monoxide when fuel is burned. Breathing air with a high concentration of CO affects critical organs like your heart and brain. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, as much as 95 percent of all CO emissions in cities may come from motor vehicle exhaust.

Carbon monoxide (CO)

At concentrations above 1000ppm it is considered immediately dangerous and is the most immediate health hazard from running engines in a poorly ventilated space. In 2011, 52% of carbon monoxide emissions were created by mobile vehicles in the U.S.






21. But it should not be implemented, __________ and flawed guideline, according to a motoring expert. A. of the new law B. in Motor Vehicles Act C. who compared the need for child car seats D. amid a pandemic E. adding the economic cost of​




I dont know what the answer ... I just pick b for the anSwer...


. A. of the new law

But it should not be implemented, of the new law and flawed guideline, according to a motoring expert

Hope it helps

#reliabe answer

22. the gas emitted by motorized vehicles and electric power plants.​


Carbon monoxide (CO)


This odorless, colorless, and poisonous gas is formed by the combustion of fossil fuels such as gasoline and is emitted primarily from cars and trucks.

23. Motor vehicles are sources of _______pollution.​


air pollution


i thk air pollution




The primary regulated emissions from gasoline-fueled automobiles and trucks-volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO)—all contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone.

24. law that prohibits a person who is driving a motor vehicle from holding and using mobile communication devices and electronic entertainment gadgets. whats ur opinion in this law?


RA 10913 or the Anti-Distracted Driving Act (ADDA) is a law that prohibits a person who is driving a motor vehicle from holding and using mobile communication devices and electronic entertainment gadgets.

hope it helps


It's right to prohibit a person who is driving a motor vehicle from holding and using mobile communication devices and electronic entertainment gadgets to prevent accidents. I support this law because it's also for the person's safety.

25. it is a subtance released from motor vehicles and motor fuels.


An air pollutant is a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. ... Through the burning of fuel, motor vehicles, cars and trucks emit a range of health damaging pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxides and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOS)


i hope it helps

pa brainliest

26. which of these is the possible effect of motor vehicles to the environment?​




The possible effect of motor vehicles is polution,some vehicle's or machine uses crude oil,which would affect the environment and also includes the nature

27. Affidavit of change color of motor vehicle of painter

(Affidavit for Change of Color of Motor Vehicle)

Republic of the Philippines)
Province of ____________________)S.S.
City/Municipality of _____________)
x - - - - - - - - - - - x


I, _____________, Filipino, of legal age, (single / married / widow), and a resident of _____________, Philippines, after being sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:

1.That I am the registered owner of a certain motor vehicle that is more particularly described as follows:

Make:Motor No.:
Type:Chassis No
Color:Plate No.:

2.That the original color of the said motor vehicle was "_____________";

3.That when the paint of the above-described motor vehicle had faded, I had its color repainted to "_____________"such that the color of the said motor vehicle was changed from "_____________" to "_____________"

4.That said change of color is not intended for any illegal or unlawful purpose but solely due to the foregoing reasons;

5.That I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and in support of the application for the change of color of the above-described motor vehicle on its Certificate of Registration.



28. what are the requirements for motor vehicle registration?


Here you go:

LTO copy and electronically provided proof of coverage for the necessary insurance (Third Party Liability)

Original Motor Vehicle Inspection Report completed as required (MVIR)

Certificate of Emission Compliance original copy (CEC)


have a wonderful day!

29. A motor vehicle travels 240 km in 4 hours. At what rate is the motor vehicle running​


60 km/h

Step-by-step explanation:

speed = distance ÷ time

speed = 240 ÷ 4 = 60

60 km/h

30. registration of motor vehicle may be suspended if

If your motor vehicle gets suspended your motor vehicle gets grabbed if u dont pay the taxes. Besides that, it can also be caused because at the request of the owner of a motorized vehicle, such as a vehicle that is heavily damaged, is sold; consideration of motorized vehicle regident officials, such as after passing 2 years since the expiration of the STNK validity period (5 years) of motorized vehicles; and considerations of the competent authority in the field of permits for the operation of public transportation.


For those of you who have a vehicle with a dead Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), it's best to get it taken care of immediately within 2 years before the STNK dies at the nearest Samsat Office. This is because there is a policy of blocking STNKs that have died by the police, if a maximum of 2 consecutive years the STNK is not taken care of after the STNK expires every five years.  

The police have warned that STNKs that have been dead for more than two years cannot be registered anymore. The threat is no joke, erasing registration data and vehicle identification for two-wheeled and or four-wheeled STNKs. There are three things that cause STNK to be blocked or deleted from the list of motorized vehicle identifiers. First, at the request of the motor vehicle owner. For example, if a motorized vehicle is in a state of severe damage and cannot be operated anymore. If the type of public motor vehicle can no longer be operated as public transportation.

Second, the consideration of motorized vehicle regident officials. For example, after two years have passed since the expiration date of a motorized vehicle registration, but no registrant is asked for an extension. In addition, motor vehicles that were heavily damaged as a result of natural disasters or social unrest or heavy traffic accidents cannot be used anymore.

Third, the consideration of the authorized official in the field of permits for the operation of public transportation. If a motor vehicle for public transportation has passed 1 year after the expiration of the permit, no extension of the permit for the operation of public transportation is requested. However, the deletion from the motorized vehicle regident list was at the discretion of this authorized official after a warning by the regident implementing unit. For example, three months before the expiration of the 2 year period, provide the first warning letter within 1 month of receipt of the warning letter to carry out the regident extension.

More about motor vehicles


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