Emulate In Tagalog

Emulate In Tagalog

is it something that you can emulate why or why not in tagalog

1. is it something that you can emulate why or why not in tagalog





2. Ano sa tagalog ang emulate what is good:ignore what is bad


a bad is so bad for jusus

3. is my work worth emulating? how as I able to come up with this Emulous project?​


The Emulating is made from central asian textile

thats meaning to say its talk about emulous

and thats all thank u

4. what are thor qualities worth emulation​

Answer: Good

Explanation: Thor is a good and nice man

5. example of emulate??​

Answer:A little boy trying to emulate his father.

6. What Is Faith Emulating?


Faith Emulating symbolize Faith,Hope and Love


I Hope that you learned

7. what is the usage of the word emulate?​

to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have:

8. give 1 sentence of the word emulate?​


They hope to emulate the success of other software companies

9. Task 3: Emulating accomplished people

Emulating Accomplished People.

Emulating accomplished people does have a positive effect on others. Looking up to people who have made it to the top inspires those who are just approaching the starting line of life to aim for the same level of success in their chosen field. Dreamers should be reminded of following those who walked the straight and narrow path to reach their success. Morality is a much-ignored component of achieving the right balance of success and contentment for the conscientious member of society.


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10. what is the meaning of emulate​


match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.

"lesser men trying to emulate his greatness"

11. what is the pronunciation of the word emulate?​


eh myuh laiyt


That's the way we read emulate

12. what is temporary emulation​


Using the default temporary table emulation

How does the default emulation work?

Informix® CREATE TEMP TABLE and SELECT INTO TEMP statements are automatically converted to ORACLE "CREATE TABLE". The name of the temporary table is converted to a unique table name.

Tables are created in the current schema.

Temporary tables are created with the option TABLESPACE TEMPTABS so that data is stored in a dedicated tablespace named "TEMPTABS". Of course the TEMPTABS tablespace must exist before running programs, otherwise temporary table creation will fail. You create a tablespace with the CREATE TABLESPACE SQL command. Using a specific tablespace for temporary tables allows you to specify storage options, for example to use a physical device which can be different from the disk drive used for real data storage. Additionally, backups of permanent application tables can be performed without the data of temporary tables.

Starting with Oracle 10g, dropped tables are saved in the recycle bin by default. You may want to avoid the recycle bin feature at the database level or session level with:

ALTER SYSTEM SET recyclebin = OFF scope=both


Sana po makatulong.

13. why is it worth emulating rajah sulayman​


Sulayman - along with his co-ruler Rajah Matanda of Maynila and Lakan Dula, who ruled the neighboring polity of Tondo - was one of the three reigning monarchs during the Spanish conquest of the Port of Manila and the Pasig River delta. Spanish accounts describe him as the most aggressive of the three rulers – a characteristic chalked up to his youth relative to the other two rulers.


14. how to download games at emulators?​


Sa playstore


Dun kase ako nagdodownload Ng laro eh

Play store and App Store here are images:

15. according to the poem who should we emulate why do you think we should emulate them​


Where is the poem?


What is the title of the poem?

16. What is a Terminal emulation protocol?​


terminal emulator, terminal application, or term, is a computer program that emulates a video terminal within some other display architecture. ... A terminal window allows the user access to a text terminal and all its applications such as command-line interfaces (CLI) and text user interface (TUI) applications.

17. Should be emulated from good speakers


how they connect with the audience


pa brainlest po

18. What filipino trait is worth emulating? ​


beautiful culture and tourist attractions

19. what is the definition of emulate?




verb .

To match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.

20. what is worth emulating​


Can i see the picture po



the process of copying something achieved by someone else and trying to do it as well as they have


based on my research

21. What qualities of the boy are worth emulating?​


boy should emulate beowulf's loyalty,honor,bravely,and faith

22. Write the qualities of Deborah that are worthy to emulate

Qualities found in Deborah’s leadership:1. Wisdom2. Approachability3. Sensitivity to God4. Leader to Leaders5. Courageous6. Understands the role of her leadership7. Her heart is with the people8. Recognizes who gets the honor


1. Wisdom: People came to her for counsel and guidance. Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time (Judg. 4:4). She exercised wisdom.

2. Approachability: The people of Israel came to her; she was sought after. She would sit under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the mountains of Ephraim. And the children of Israel came up to her for judgment (Judg. 4:5).

3. Sensitivity to God: She knew God. She spent time with Him and she understood what He wanted for His people. When Barak came to her she said to him, Has not the Lord God of Israel commanded, ‘Go and deplore troops at Mount Tabor; take with you ten thousand men of the sons of Naphtali and the sons of Zebulun…’ (Judg. 4:6). Her knowledge of what God wanted Barak to do implies her sensitivity to God.

4. Leader to leaders: Barak is the military leader of the Israelites. He is a man in a high-powered position, overseeing thousands of men. Deborah leads Barak in his decision making process.

5. Courageous: She was willing to go into battle with Barak. He tells Deborah, If you go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go! (Judg. 4:8).

6. Understands the role of her leadership: When leaders lead in Israel, when the people willingly offer themselves, bless the Lord (Judg. 5:2).

7. Her heart is with the people: My heart is with the rulers of Israel who offered themselves willingly with their people (Judg. 5:9).

8. Recognizes who gets the honor: Hear, O kings! Give ear, O princes! I, even I will sing to the Lord; I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel (Judg. 5:3).


23. this makes the emulation burn on the screen​


photo emulsion


ayan po, tama yan

24. is my work worth emulating​


The Emulating is made from central asian textile

If you really value your work then yes, yes it is worth emulating

25. what is the meaning of emulate​


match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.


Hope it helps<3

Kindly brainliest this, TYSM ❤️


Emulate means to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have:

They hope to emulate the success of other software companies.Fitzgerald is eager to emulate Martin's record of three successive world titles.

26. in rangolin is my worth emulating


the emulating is made from central asian textile

27. what is the meaning of emulate​


to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass: to emulate one's father as a concert violinist. to rival with some degree of success: Some smaller cities now emulate the major capitals in their cultural offerings.


match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.


example: "lesser men trying to emulate his greatness"

28. what is worth emulating​



29. Is it something that you can emulate?


yes,that is based on my imitation based on the statement

30. why is it worth emulating jose rizal​


He was a revolutionary and that caused his downfall and execution. He was also a polymath and could speak some 20 languages or so. The man was a bit of a one-off genius, had the backing of a wealthy family and was also a serial womaniser, especially with young girls which today would possibly be frowned upon. As the originator of “Maria Clara” who every girl here is supposed to revere (rather dented by the underage pregnancy rate however), he is seen as a hero by many people, though probably only because they were taught that he was in school.

As for emulating him as a role model, I doubt that is within the ability of most Filipinos, even the most brilliant. Nowadays he would no doubt be either an OFW making a fortune, or in an early grave for his revolutionary tendencies. The current power brokers are just as corrupt and no different from those in the late 19th century - don’t buck the regime

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