Sack Sentence Completion Test With Answer

Sack Sentence Completion Test With Answer

How sack sentence completion is administered?

Daftar Isi

1. How sack sentence completion is administered?

The Sacks Sentence Completion test was administered for self-concept, interpersonal relation and family environment.

2. How sacks sentence completion is administered?


The Sacks Sentence Completion test was administered for self-concept, interpersonal relation and family environment. 

Answer: In administering a sentence completion test the evaluator presents the subject with a series of partial sentences that he is asked to finish in his own words  


3. 17-20. Aling Claring has 100 sacks of rice. She sold 90% of the rice. How many sacks of rice did she sell? Answer the following. What is asked in the problem? What are the given facts? What is the number sentence? What is the complete answer?NONSENSE ANSWER = REPORT​

What is asked in the problem?

The amount of sacks of rice that Aling Claring sold

What are the given facts?

100 sacks of rice, 90%

What is the number sentence?

100 × 0.90 = N

What is the complete answer?

90 sacks of rice

sana makatulong

4. mrs ortiz paid 12000 for 15 sacks palay, how much did each sack of palay cost? what is asked? what is given? what is/ are operations to be used? what is the number sentence? what is answer?



Question :

Mrs ortiz paid 12000 for 15 sacks palay, how much did each sack of palay cost?

What is asked :

How much did each sack of palay cost?

What are given :

15 Sacks of palay for 12,000 pesos

What operation to be used?


What is number sentence ?

12,000 ÷ 15 = N

What is the Answer ?

12,000 ÷ 15 = 800

♂️ Therefore the cost of each sacks of palay is 800 pesos.


What is asked

Step-by-step explanation:

e di i wan

5. mr timbol donated 5/6 sack of rice 10 of this neighbors. how much rice will each neighbor receive? a. what is asked? b. what are the given facts. c. what operation is to be used? d. write the number sentence. e. what is the complete answer?​


a. The quantity of rice each neighbor of Mr. Timbol will receive.

b. Given Facts:

[tex]\frac{5}{6}[/tex] sacks of rice10 of Mr. Timbol's  neighbors

c. Division

d. [tex]\frac{5}{6}[/tex] / 10= n

e. Therefore each neighbor of Mr. Timbol will receive a quantity of [tex]\frac{1}{12}[/tex] sacks of rice.

6. A sack of rice weight 35 heavy do 6 sacks weight? Kind of proportion:_____ Answer:____


Question:A sack of rice weight 35 kilograms.How heavy do 6 sacks weight?

Kind of proportion: Unitary MethodAnswer: 210 kg


1 sack of rice = 35 kg rice6 pack of rice = 35 × 6 = 210 kg rice ========================


7. 1. Mang Karyo used 8 sacks of fertilizer during his planting. A month after, he boughtanother 15 sacks of fertilizer for his 2 hectares cornfield. How many sacks of fertilizer did he use in all?What is asked in the problem? MOSmanySOCKSfertilizer heved in ab.What are the facts given?c. What operation to be used?d. What is the number sentence?e. What is the complete answer?​


A. The problem asked for the number of sacks of fertilizer that Mang Karyo used.

B. The given facts are 8 sacks and 15 sacks of fertilizer.

C. The operation to be used is addition.

D. 8 + 15 = 23

E. Mang Karyo used 23 sacks of fertilizer.

Step-by-step explanation:

8. Direction: Underline the population and encircle the sample. A farmer purchases 100 sacks of fertilizers, he opened and tested 2 sacks to find out whether it is of good quality and in condition or not​


Underline - 100sacks

Encircle - Tested 2sacks


•Underline the word 100 sacks

•Encircle the word 2 sacks

9. A 50 kg sack of rice is lifted vertically to a height of 5m by a force of 200 N.Answer the following:a. Find the work done lifting the sackb. PE of the sack at a height of 5mc. KE of the sack of rice at a height of 5md. velocity of the sack of rice 5m​




Correct me if im wrong

10. mother bought sacks of sugar for her sari sari store at php1,650.75 per sack. how much did she pay for 6.5 sackaa.what is askedb.what are the given informationc.what is the operation to be usedd.what is the mathematical sentencee.what is the final answerwhat's dat correct answer​


A. What is asked?

How much did she pay for 6.5 sack

B. What are the given impormation?

Php1,650.75 per sack

6.5 sack

C. What is the operation to be used?


D. What is the mathematical sentence?

Php1,650.75 x 6.5 = N

E. What is the final answer?

Mother pay 10,729.875 for 6.5 sack


Step-by-step explanation:

11. Aling Maria bought five sacks of rice for Php 1,900.00 per sack. How much did spend in all? A. what is asked? B. What are the given? C. What operation to be used? D. Write the number sentence. E. What is the final answer?​


A. How much did spend in all

B. five and 1,900.00

C. Multiplication

D. 5 x 1,900.00=N

E. 5x 1,900.00= 9,500.00

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it's help

12. 1. Nella sold 5 sacks of calamansi. How many kilograms of calamansi did she sell if a sack weighed 40 kilogrmasassuming that the sacks have the same weight? A. Asked:B. Given: C.Operation to be used: D. Number sentence: E. Solution and answer:help me​


A= how many kilograms of calamansi did she sell

B=5 sacks 40 kilograms

C= multiplication


E=40×5 = 200

Step-by-step explanation:


13. after harvesting 20 sacks of corn, 3 sack were divided by mang jun. he gave 1/4 of a sack of corn to each of his neighbors. how many neighbors shared mang jun's good harvest?a. what is asked?b. what are given?c. what is the operation to be used?d. what is the number sentence?e. what is the complete answer? ​


what is asked:how many neighbors shared Mang Jun's harvest?

what is given:20 sacks,3 sacks,1/4 of sack of corn

what is operation to be used: division, subtraction

what is number sentence:20-3÷1/4=?

what is the complete answer:20-3÷1/4=68 neighbors

14. On Sunday morning your father bought one sack of rice. What is the equivalent of one sack of in grams? (1 sack of rice = 25kgs) Answer:​


Step-by-step explanation:

1 kg = 1000 grams

assuming that one sack of rice is 25 kgs,

25 times 1000 = 25 000 grams

hope this helps

pa brainliest po tyy

15. How much work does a carabao do while pulling 10 sacks of rice 20 meters with a force of 200 N?Complete answer​


subscribe to my channel on youtube


no answer sorry comment diwn below

16. Household recyclable waste Php 484.00. If each of the 4 sack weighs the same, how much did eac sack cost? Answer Price of each sack. Step 1. Understand a. What is asked? b. What are the given facts? Php 484.00 and 4 sacks Weighs the same c. What are the word clues? 2. Plan a. What operation to be used? b. What is the number sentence? 3. Solve a. Execute the operation 4. Check and look back a. Check whether your answer make sense and write your final complete answer​


19.767 - 17.203 = 2.564

Step-by-step explanation:

17. B. Read, analyze and solve the problem carefully Aling Cely has 3/4 sack of sugar. She sold 1/2 of it. What part of the sack of sugar was sold? 25. What is asked? 26. What are given? 27. What operation to be used? 28. Write the number sentence. 29. Write the complete solution. 30. What is the complete and final answer?


1. what part of the sack of sugar was sold

2. 3/4 & 1/2

3. its up to you

4. its up to you

5. its up to you

6. its up to you

18. For Questions 7 and 10. A sack of rice costs Php 2 100.00. How much is the cost of 4.5 sacks of rice? 7. What is asked in the given problem? A. the total sack of rice B. the total cost of rice C. the total cost of sack D the total cost of 4.5 sacks of rice 8. What are the given? A. Cost of rice per sack; 4.5 sacks B. 4.5 sacks of rice; cost per sack C. Php 2 100.00; sack of rice D. 4.5 sacks of rice ; Php 2 100.00 per sack 9. What is the number sentence to the given problem? A. 2 100 + 4.5 = N C. 2 100 x 4.5 = N B. 2 100 - 4.5 = N D. 2 100 = 4.5 = N 10. What is the answer to the given problem? A. Php 4 950 B. Php 5 490 C. Php 9 450 D. Php 9 540


7. d

8. d


10. c

Step-by-step explanation:



7.C 8.D 9 C 10. C

Step-by-step explanation:

thats what i think i hope it helps you

19. Problem # 1. Father bought a sack of rice weighing 50 kilos. Mother cooks 1/3k for breakfast, 3/4k for lunch,and 1/2k for supper at a regular basis.a). How many kilos will they consume in a day?Write the number sentence:Solution and Answer:b). How many kilos will they consume in a week?aNumber Sentence:Solution and Answer:c). How many kilos is left in the sack after a week?Number Sentence:Solution and Answer:​

Problem Solving Involving Fractions

a. How many kilos will they consume in a day?

  Let x be the total kg of rice consumed in a day

  x  = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

   x =  [tex]\frac{4}{12}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{9}{12}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{6}{12}[/tex]

   x = [tex]\frac{19}{12}[/tex]

   x = 1 [tex]\frac{7}{12}[/tex] kilos

They will consume  1 [tex]\frac{7}{12}[/tex] kilos of rice in a day

b. How many kilos will they consume in a week?

  Let y be the total kg of rice consumed in a week

    y =  1 [tex]\frac{7}{12}[/tex] x 7  

    y =  [tex]\frac{19}{12}[/tex] x 7

    y = [tex]\frac{19}{12}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{7}{1}[/tex]

    y = [tex]\frac{133}{12}[/tex]

    y = 11 [tex]\frac{1}{12}[/tex] kilos

They will consume 11 [tex]\frac{1}{12}[/tex] kilos of rice in a week.

c. How many kilos is left in the sack after a week?

  Let z be the kg of rice left after a week:

    z = 50 - 11 [tex]\frac{1}{12}[/tex]

    z = 49 [tex]\frac{12}{12}[/tex] - 11 [tex]\frac{1}{12}[/tex]

    z = 38 [tex]\frac{11}{12}[/tex] kilos

There will be 38 [tex]\frac{11}{12}[/tex] kilos of rice left after a week.


Step-by-step explanation:

A. In adding dissimilar fractions, we follow the steps below:

1. Change dissimilar fractions (different denominators) into similar fractions (same denominators).

    a. Find LCM (least common multiple) of the denominators.

    b. Convert the fractions to equivalent fractions with denominators equal to  

         the LCM.

2: Add the numerators (top numbers).

3. Copy the common denominator.

3: Simplify the fraction when necessary.

B. In multiplying the mixed number and a whole number, we follow the steps below:

1. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

   a. Multiply the denominator by the whole number and add this to the numerator. This becomes the numerator of the improper fraction.

  b. Copy the denominator.

2. Change the whole number into a fraction by adding the denominator 1.

3. Multiply the numerators.

4. Multiply the denominators.

5. Simplify the fraction when necessary.

C. In subtracting a mixed number from a whole number, follow the steps below:

1. Convert the whole number into a mixed number. The fraction part of the minuend should have the same denominator as the subtrahend.

  Ex. 50 = 49 [tex]\frac{12}{12}[/tex]

2. Subtract the whole numbers of the minuend and subtrahend.

3. Subtract the fractions of the minuend and subtrahend.

    a. Subtract the numerator.

    b. Copy the common denominator.

4. Simplify when necessary


20. A. Father harvested 5 400 sacks of palay last year and 3 300 sacks this year. How many sacks of palay did he harvest in all? 1. What is asked in the problem? Answer: 2. What are the given facts? Answer: 3. What are the word clues? Answer: 4. What operation do the word clues suggest? Answer: 5. What is the number sentence? Answer: 6. What is the complete answer? Answer:pls answer .help me thanks​


1. How many sacks of palay did he harvest in all?

2. 5400 sacks of palay harvest last year, 3300 sacks of  palay this year

3. How many sacks

4. It suggest Addition

5. 5400 + 3300

6. Father harvested 8700 sacks of palay overall

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:

1. the last question

2. 5 400 and 3 300

3. harvest in all?

4. addition

5. 5 400 + 3 300

6. 8 700 sacks

21. Mang Ambo harvested from his field 149.25 sacks of palay on Saturday. Then the following day, he harvested 85.75 sacks of palay. He sold 145 sacks to the palay buyer. How many sacks of palay were left for the family consumption? word problem. Write the correct answer inside the box 1.problem. 2. Given facts (label) 3. Operations to be 4. hidden question 5.number sentence 6.solution 7.answer( label)​

i dont know pls send pic of examples

22. The nuns gave her a to signify their gratefulness for her generosity. What do you think is the best set of words to complete the sentence? a. hit the sack b. token of appreciation c. sack of potatoes d. piece of cake

B. token of appreciation because they are like giving thanks using some material things.Answer:
B. Token of appreciation ^-^

23. Mang domeng had 3/4 sack of organic fertilizer .He used 1/2 sack for his garden .What part of the organic fertilizer was left ?what operation is to be used?what is the complete answer​


1/4 sack of the fertilizer subtraction

Step-by-step explanation:

3/4- 1/2 if you will subtract first you will make the denominator same so

3/4-2/4= 1/4

hirap magexplain haha

24. mrs ortiz paid 12000 for 15 sacks palay, how much did each sack of palay cost? what is asked? what are given? what is/are operations to be used it? what is the number sentence ? what is the answer?


500 or something sorrry need ko

Step-by-step explanation:

ng iloblve u

25. directions: encircle the complete subject and underline the predicate in each sentence. betty's worried mother sent her two sacks of rice.​





hope it helps


Betty's worried mother sent her two sacks of rice.


Betty's worried mother sent her two sacks of rice.




26. A 4.68 sack of fertilizer was used equally at 0.13 sack per field.How many fields were covered?Number Sentence:Solution:Answer:pasagot naman po salamat.​


number sentence: 4.68÷0.13=N

sulotion: 4.68÷0.13=36

answer:36 fields were covered

27. example sentence of a sack of rice using mass noun and count questions​


us know when you're not top of me and my birthday is in my car and the completed form and the completed form and the completed

28. which quantifier will best complete the sentence ''I eat_____rice everyday. ''?A. a can of B. a sack of C. a glass ofD. a cup of​

prng may Mali Po e dpat Po

"I eat rice on the platk every day"

platk = plate

jusq simpleng tanong hirap sagutin

29. A. Father harvested 5 400 sacks of palay last year and 3 300 sacks this year. How many sacks of palay did he harvest in all? 1. What is asked in the problem? Answer: 2. What are the given facts? Answer: 3. What are the word clues? Answer:4. What operation do the word clues suggest? Answer: 5. What is the number sentence? Answer: 6. What is the complete answer? Answer:​

Answer: many sacks of palay did he harvest in all



1.the number of sacks of palay he harvested in all.

2.5400 sacks of palay last year and 3300 sacks this year. all



6.he harvested 8700 sacks of palay.

hope i helped :D

30. Is a pair of punch - likes sacks that contains the testes.​




This is the loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind and below the penis. It contains the testicles (also called testes), as well as many nerves and blood vessels

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