What Makes You Strong Despite What You Have Gone Through

What Makes You Strong Despite What You Have Gone Through

whats makes you strong despite what you have gone through?

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1. whats makes you strong despite what you have gone through?


My Family


because in the hard times/toughest they are still with me/you

2. What makes you strong despite of what you have gone through?


your mentality


I've gone through a bad time with my dad. He would abuse me in a way that made me feel unclean and defiled. Even though I've experienced that event for 12 constant years, I'm still doing my best to be optimistic.

Having a good support group like friends can help empower your mentallity. Don't over exert yourself by inducing constant stress in your mind. Take a break and have some alone time. If you want to cry, cry. You don't need a reason to be sad. letting your emotions out is a good way of stress relief. (Just don't hurt yourself or anyone in the process of releasing your emotions)

Having a pet is a great way of reducing stress.

hope this answered your inquiry even a lil' bit :D

3. What make you strong despite what have you gone through


Friends and Family


Just recently, one of my close relatives died and what makes me strong is my friends and family. I need to stay strong for them because they need strength and I am willing to provide them the strength they need but in order to do that I have to be strong and keep my composure. One of them is crying them on someones armz, you have to let go, accept reality, and catch your feelings. Don't keep it in. If you want to be strong release all of that feelings to feel better. You can cry in a close friends arms if you don't want your family to see you crying.

Do whatever relaxes you, have time for yourself if it can make you feel better. I know it's hard to accept the fact that you lost someone important. But you must if your family's strength is coming from you. Being depressed or thinking too much won't do you any good. It will only cause more pain and it won't bring back the dead. Think if that person who died will like to see you like that.

That's why, I'm strong today because I know that the person dear to me that passed will tell me to take care of mt family for him. Make sure that they can make it through. We can make it through together.

4. what makes you strong despite what what you have gone through an example ang pagiging matatag​

It is the lesson that you have learned through what you've gone through.

5. Who makes you strong despite of what you have gone through?​




Cause they will stay no matter what

6. What makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic? ​


The thought of my parents sacrificing their health and doing their best to work in the middle of the pandemic just to guve me proper support for this school year.

7. your sources of strengths? what makes you strong despite what you have gone through? who acts like the wind to you (blows you up)? who/what helps your sour?


just dab bro hih joke joke

8. What makes you strong despite what you have gone through?​


support of my family and friends

9. What makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic


I am strong because im with my family and prayer too.

10. what makes you strong despite of what you have gone through​


The support and love of my family and friends and my dreams makes me strong despite of what i've gone through. They make me feel that they are here by my side in every step that I take and they are always here to support me in every decision that I will make.

11. what makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic​

my family, faith in god, moral support from friends and acquaintances is what makes me strong during the past few months of pandemic

12. what makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic except family​

God from above, of course, He's been with me since then.

13. what makes you strong despite whta you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic?​


My family

Explanation:because they are alwats there for me and they are making me believe that this pandemic will end.

14. What you think are your sources of strength? What makes you strong despite what you have gone through? Can you also identify what or who acts like the wind for you? Who or what helps your sour?




everyone else family is there a source of strength




Your family is what gives you strength even if you are tired

15. what makes you strong despite of what you have gone through​


My friends have commented quite a lot that I am a strong, tough person, whatever you call it. However, I admit I didn't always think of myself as a strong person. There were times when I cried and wanted to give up, like most people.

But, what makes me strong or at least so that others can think of me that way, perhaps, I can describe it here:

I'm used to solving problems myself.

My friends actually acted because they felt I didn't share enough stories and complaints. In fact, when I'm confused and stressed, I withdraw from people. They made me hold back, but actually saw that I was solving my own problems. I will get back to friends after the problem is solved and I feel better.

Stubborn mode is on, act late.

I have a principle, when I am faced with a problem, just face it first. Want to be faced, resolved while crying the last two days, the important thing is that I face it and try to solve it. It's okay to complain, as long as you don't overdo it because complaining all the time won't solve anything.

Cry if you really want to cry.

I think, the reason why I can look strong is because actually I cry easily and accept everything that is felt. When I feel tired, yes I admit. I'm really tired, really, yes, I'm crying. Just admit that if you're really tired, want to cry, the situation is like this, then face it again.

Know the need for rest.

Lastly, I always try to understand myself if I really need a break. If and want to rest, I allow myself to rest for a while. Do what you like. Make yourself happy. A good mood will affect the ability to think positively, face, and solve problems.


Let's learn about strong person is here:



16. what makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic


what makes me strong is praying and believing in God. he's our strength, our salvation.

17. what makes you strong despite what you have gonethrough during the past few months of pandemic?​

Explanation: I think its because you have got a lot of time at home to realize things and have hope.

18. What makes you strong despite what you have gone through during past Dee months of pandemic?


“I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.  No power in the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

Remember, thou canst be brought into no condition, be it ever so severe, where Love has not been before thee and where its tender lesson is not awaiting thee.  Therefore despair not or murmur, for that which seeketh to save, to heal, and to deliver, will guide thee, if thou sleekest this guidance.”  


19. what make you strong despite whatyouhave gone through?

I think you need your own opinion to answer this question, unless there are answers for you to pick from. : )

20. What you think are your sources of strength.What makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic?

My family because they will always be there for

21. What makes you glossy and lush despite what you have gone through? Who acts like sun, water, air, and soil for you?




22. what makes you strong despite what you have gone through ?

Whats makes me strong ?

Is my family, they always there for me. To remembering how much life important is despite all those I've gone through. Family is one of the reason who makes me strong and makes me taugh to depend myself from struggles and dept.

23. what makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic


it makes me feel a little bored for me

24. what make you strong despite that you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic​


family and friends keeps me strong.

and of course yung shopee at lazada

sa shopeepepepepe

25. Module IV Handout: Sample Kite Drawingwhat makes you strong despite what you have gone through?can you also identify what or who acts like the wind for you? who or what helps you soar? ​


my family makes me strong despite covid-19, they helped me and supported me ehen I'm in bad situations. The wind is like my family it helps me soar high as the clouds supporting me through my challenges



26. what makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of pandemic?​


by God

God makes me strong during the past few months of pandemic until now ☺️

pray lang mga lods

27. what makes you strong despite what you have done through during the past few months of pandemic​


None other than my faith to God.


If you have faith in God and you believe in Him then everything will be possible to happen. Every problems or struggles that will come along will be solve because you believe that you can surpass these problems with the help of God.

28. what makes you strong despite what you have gone through during the past few months of a pandemic?​


hope and faith


believing that this is just a rain and a rainbow will soon be up in the sky

29. Who makes you strong despite of what you have gone through


my friends and family


because their always there for me

30. What makes you strong despite what you have gone through? Can you also identify what or who acts like the wind for you? Who or what helps you soar? ​


My family, friends and god because they are always thier when i needed them. They are my wind that help me soar above the sky. They never leave me behind even sometimes i have bad attitudes.

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