Abortion Argumentative Essay

Abortion Argumentative Essay

abortion argumentative essay​

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1. abortion argumentative essay​


Abortion has been legal in the United States since 1973 (MacKinnon,2018). Despite the legality, both pro-lifers and pro-choice advocates have stood on opposite ends of the issue. Those who are passionate about either side have valid points to the moral issue at hand. What this really boils down to is who has more rights-the women who wants to decide for herself when she wants to reproduce or the unborn fetus? The fetus does not have a voice; therefore, pro-lifers speak for them. Pro-life advocates stress that termination should never be an option.

hope it helps pa brainly po


2. sample of argumentative essay on abortion​

Answer:Tips are provided on how to write an argumentative essay on abortion


If you are going to write an argumentative essay on abortion, you need to be able to present compelling arguments and data to support them.

An argumentative essay is where a student presents both side of a given situation. You will need to investigate, collect data, present them and establish your own position on the matter.

So on the matter of abortion there will be two sides:  pro and against. But first define what abortion is and research on Philippine laws covering abortion.

Are we allowed to have it?

Are there abortion clinics here like they have in the USA? What happens to woman if they have an abortion?

How many babies are aborted every day?

These are some of the preliminary questions you need to know.

Now, after establishing the scenario, you need to take a stand, whether you are for it or against it. If for it, what arguments will you use? You could probably cite that a woman's body belong to her so it is her right. If you are against, you can probably argue that abortion is the same as killing a child, hence immoral and illegal.


3. Samples of argumentative essay of abortion with references.

Answer:Abortion is the most controversial issue having no grounds of

agreement among two polar aspects. The argument is life and death though

the uncertainty of complication makes it difficult. I don’t believe in abortion

because it’s murder we are not the ones that can decide whether the person

that a woman gives birth to should live or die. Abortion is a life or death

matter, having equal supporters on both sides. Yet those supporters have

one goal in common: decreasing the number of abortions and making

abortion safer.


4. essay about abortion. State your reason to why you agree or disagree.​


Mag aral ka buguk salot Sa lipunan

5. Can you please help me explain this? A clear and understandable general explanation of this from your own words and idea base on your own understanding. Thank you. Abortion  Abortion is an act which intends to bring about the death of a fetus for the sake of the woman who carries it. The main argument against abortion is based on the right to life. Abortion is considered as plain murder of an innocent being; and for that it is deserves the gravest condemnation. Because of the unborn status of the subject of abortion, the controversy usually revolves around the debate whether the subject in the womb is already a person, or not; or to put it in another perspective, whether the subject inside the woman has life already, or not. Most pro-abortion arguments will argue for the acceptability of abortion because they do not recognize the fetus, or the embryo as constituting a human person who deserves the right to life. The basic argument thus runs: Every person has a right to life. The fetus is not yet a person. Therefore, the fetus does not have yet the right to life. An analogy may perhaps simplify this. A presidential candidate is a potential president; but she does not deserve the rights and privileges of an actual president until she wins the election. Similarly, a fetus who is a potential person, does not possess the right to life because it is not yet a person.  We have to see the important aspect of this pro-abortion argument-that is, killing a person is wrong. They only argue for the permissibility of abortion because they do not consider fetuses or embryos as persons. That is why most of the arguments are directed to the issue of determining when life is produced. As for the Vatican, abortion is a termination of life, and it is therefore wrong. The right to life must not be discriminating. The Vatican declares: "The right to life is no less to be respected in the small infant just born than in the mature person." In reality, respect for human life is called for from the time that the process of generation begins.​



The essay is about the debate surrounding abortion, with the main argument against it being based on the right to life. The controversy centers on the question of whether a fetus is considered a human person with the right to life or not. Pro-abortion arguments argue that fetuses or embryos do not possess the right to life because they are not yet considered persons. On the other hand, the Vatican considers abortion as a termination of life and therefore wrong, as it is a violation of the right to life which must be respected for all humans from the moment of conception. The essay concludes by emphasizing the importance of respect for human life from the beginning of the process of generation.

6. how you solve abortion in essay​


Iwasan ang pakikipagtalik kung hindi pa naman kaya o wala pang sapat na kakayahan para bumuo ng pamilya.

NO, Because Divorce has been seen to have a negative effect on the children involved, especially during the transition period as they deal with the separation of their parents. This may manifest in various ways such as diminished social skills, proneness to anger and increased irritability.Divorce also does not safeguard or promote the mental and physical health of children as it is difficult to cope with one’s problems when one’s family, their main support system, is broken apart.

In addition, the divorce may influence the child into losing faith in the concept of a family entirely, which leads to another negative effect of this process. If divorce were to be legalized, it would amplify the mentality that marriage can be easily broken, which may result in people putting less effort into making it last and ensuring that they will pick the right partner. The family is thus put into danger and further exposed to the risk of breaking apart.

Abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines for it is a painful surgery. Despite the use of such anesthetics, Almost 97% of women that committed abortions have been reported experiencing extreme pain during the procedure. Compared to other pains, researchers have rated the pain from abortion as more afflictive than a bone fracture, about the same as cancer pain. The use of more powerful general anesthetics can reduce the pain, but it increases the risk of cervical injury.

sana makatulong

8. Make an essay about abortion with 8-opinion-marking signals, kahit body lng po ng essay nahihirapan po ako e, tysm:) ​

Abortion is considered as one of the most controversial issues. It is an argument between life and death. The uncertainty of its complications makes the issue more challenging to deal with. Abortion refers to the termination of pregnancy by removing the fetus or the embryo from the uterus before it is ready to take birth.

Abortions are one of the most common methods to end a pregnancy. It is one of the safest procedures to terminate a pregnancy through medicine. An abortion that occurs without clinical intervention is known as miscarriage and occurs in almost 30% to 50% of pregnancies. Unsafe abortion can lead to maternal death; hence it is always safe to go for clinical procedures.

9. Possible arguments of abortion​

There are women who are raped and become pregnant; the problem is that they were raped, not that they are pregnant.

There are women who are starving who become pregnant; the problem is that they are starving, not that they are pregnant.

There are women in abusive relationships who become pregnant; the problem is that they are in abusive relationships, not that they are pregnant.

-Megan Clancy


women have a moral right to decide what to do with their bodies

the right to abortion is vital for gender equality

the right to abortion is vital for individual women to achieve their full potential

banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists

the right to abortion should be part of a portfolio of pregnancy rights that enables women to make a truly free choice whether to end a pregnancy


There are three arguments against induced abortion:

The first argues that a full human life begins at the point an egg is fertilized by a sperm; therefore, abortion is a violation of human rights. In the Christian tradition, this argument is commonly articulated through a religious belief in a deeply personal relationship with God who has foreseen every aspect of our individual lives. Within this philosophy are varying degrees of provision for women whose health is threatened by carrying a pregnancy to term.

The second argues that induced abortion should not be needed in a just society. Most pithily summed in the talking point that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare,” this line of thinking envisions a world with extremely high levels of health and well-being. In such a world, in which women would not face reproductive coercion or sexual assault, in which everyone would have excellent health and healthcare, in which no families lived in poverty, all pregnancies would be wanted. Abortion would occur in rare cases of medical necessity.

And then there is a third argument, which is a scientific claim that induced abortion harms women’s health. This is a line of reasoning that has emerged as state legislators increasingly seek to enact laws to regulate the provision of abortion. Unlike the first two arguments, which are moral arguments, this third argument is an empirical one. The problem is that it is not grounded in fact.

•I Hope It Helps

10. what would be your recommendation about abortion?essay ​


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wag kayu aasa dto sa brainly.


wag kayu aasa dto sa brainly pwedeng mali ang mga answers nila minsan

11. Essay Writing: Are you in favour of using contraceptives and abortion as means of family planning?​


Are you in favor of using contraceptives and abortion as means of family planning?


For me, it's a yes. Thinking about the situation of our country right now, it is indeed hard to get a job for your family to survive in. Having intercourse with our partners in times of pandemic especially when the majority are ordered to stay home, is normal and can't be prevented. The result of this intercourse causes another charge in money for anyone. So yes, I'm in favor, this is to reduce the population in our country who's living in an impoverished family. They usually get sick and can't be guided by their parents because of a lack of money. This is for the sake of those people who are not ready for the responsibility of gaining another baby. But, take note that I'm not enticing everyone to do this. Before doing this "thing", it's better to be married first and get a suitable job. It's still a life of a baby that is at risk, it's only for those who are not yet ready to raise a baby.


12. Essay about on legalizing abortion in the philippines

for me we must legalize abortion because abortion is freedom to the mother who giving birth to her child because she is the one who will be supporting the child in the future and we must not disagree what she wants to happen in her life

13. is it enough for us to accept abortion if the state legalize them? essay explanation?

Disclaimer: This is just an opinion (which was needed to answer the question) magkakaiba tayo sa pro-life and pro-choice.

I'm a pro-life and if the state legalize abortion its like killing fetus inside the womb and never letting them see the light of the day. Yes, maybe the women has their right for their motherhood but my stand will be on what it is like to legalize abortion. Abortion is removing the fetus from the womb of a mother which also means killing. As a pro-life, legalizing abortion is like legalizing killing without liability for mothers.

Note: I'm a pro-life and if you're a pro-choice, I respect your side but that is how I see it.

14. what is abortionwhat is abortion​


An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy.

It's also sometimes known as a termination of pregnancy. The pregnancy is ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical procedure.


Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or "spontaneous abortion" and occurs in approximately 30% to 40% of pregnancies.



hope it helps

15. argumentative essay about abortion please ​


Abortion is a new generation’s way of shrugging off accountability of their action at the cost of human life agreeing to the first revision to the structure that says we have the proper way to give of discourse. Me personally for one beyond any doubt that most of us would agree to the reality that..



16. Possible argument in abortion.​


Symmetries that emerge from the analysis of the major arguments on either side of the abortion debate may explain why the abortion debate seems intractable. Consider the following standard anti-abortion argument: Fetuses are both human and alive. Humans have the right to life. Therefore, fetuses have the right to life. Of course, women have the right to control their own bodies, but the right to life overrides the right of a woman to control her own body. Therefore, abortion is wrong.


hope it helps

17. write an essay about your thoughts of contraception and abortion​


A contraceptive method, by definition, prevents pregnancy by interfering with ovulation, fertilization or implantation. Abortion ends an established pregnancy, after implantation.


sana po makatulong

happy to help you

18. Pakibigay po ang mga sagot please ABORTION - - definition - - morality - - law - - arguments - - response


ang abortion o pag papalaglag ay pag alis ng isang fetus o sanggol sa sinapupunan ng isang ina


Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.[note 1] An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage".


In the Philippines, being a Catholic country, abortion is illegal. We treat this as immoral. We strictly follow not only the human law but also the 6th commandment of the Lord, "You shall not murder."

Performing abortion only on the basis of a woman's request is allowed in 30 percent of countries, including in the US, Canada, most European countries, and China, with 42 percent of the world's population living in such countries. There are no international or multinational treaties that deal directly with abortion but human rights law touches on the issues.

19. make an essay about abortion that contain obligation to sustain the dignity of life promote peace justice and solidarity among peoples and communities ​


Kukuha lang ng point Technical


20. Please say something about abortion. An essay or paragraph. Asap.

Abortion, as we all know, has been used many times on innocent undevelop babies. One main reason why women would do such is first, because they aren't prepared to be a mother, second, because their partner left them and they got nothing else to supply the baby's basic needs and last one, is because they assume that the baby is a "mistake". But what they are missing is that even how many problems, trials and even "mistakes" they would make, that baby, even if you turn the world upside down, is life. It is another life. A blessing, and the joy to which you would experience upon seeing it.

Yet why do some women or even young ladies abort such a beautiful thing? Lust is a word that can be interconnected with this matter. Some say the baby is "just a mistake" but actually the baby is not the mistake, rather, they are the ones. If they hadnt gone overboard and do things that they are still not ready yet, then why go with the flow with it? 

Carrying and delivering a baby is hard. All women know that. Experiencing pain, sorrows and everything. But after you have a life within you, why not keep it? Even if it's hard at first, at the end, all those pain and all those sufferings are worth it. Joy and laughter would definitely replaced those negative and bad emotions. You just need to endure it, ask advices too and most especially, when carrying it, fill that baby all the love you could give it. Don't just deliver and carry it for the sake of getting rid of the burden, cherish it because sooner or later, you will really regret.

21. abortion essay pahelp po please.​


abortion essay pahelp po please.Numerous clinics provide abortions to a variety of patients, including unintended pregnancies caused by unsafe sex or by a mother with a terminal illness who does not wish to pass it on to her child. Abortion should only be permitted in cases of rape, terminal illness in the mother or baby, and birth defects in the United States. The national rape-related pregnancy rate for victims aged 12 to 45 is 5%, and 50% of those pregnancies resulted in an abortion, according to the US National Library of Medicine.

More, Lowen (2017) emphasizes that Filipino women are subject to abortion. It is extremely risky for them, as demonstrated by the fact that in 2015, ten thousand women died as a result of unsafe abortion complications, but they terminate their child for various reasons. The first is the negative impact on mothers' lives, particularly those of teenage girls who become pregnant while still in their teens and at the wrong time. They weren't ready to become mothers and shoulder the responsibilities that come with them, so they can't properly raise a child on their own. The second reason is that a woman's finances are a problem. Whether she is a single woman living on her own or a college student, they wouldn't have enough money to help them get pregnant and raise their child.

The assertion that a woman has the right to control her own body is the primary justification for this action. This is unquestionably accurate. With their own bodies, everyone has the right to do whatever they want. However, a fetus within a mother is a living being. Despite being contained within its mother, it is a distinct entity genetically. It has distinct DNA that differs from that of its mother. Because of that, it is conceived as a completely distinct genetic individual. Because the mother's body differs from that of her baby, or more accurately, fetus, the idea that it is right to abort due to a demand, or abortion to prevent one or both parties from having a hard time, is not applicable to the discussion of abortion. When discussing abortion for medical reasons where the mother's life is in danger, the mother, her family, and the doctor should make the decision.



Abortion is a highly controversial topic that has been the subject of much debate and discussion over the years. It is the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable outside the womb, either through medical procedures or natural means. While some people believe that abortion should be legal and easily accessible, others believe that it is morally wrong and should be illegal. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the debate and discuss the ethical and moral implications of abortion.

Those who support legalizing abortion argue that it is a woman's right to choose what happens to her body. They argue that a woman should have the right to decide whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term, especially in cases of rape, incest, or when the woman's health is in danger. Additionally, they point out that outlawing abortion does not prevent it from happening, but rather drives it underground, putting women's health and safety at risk.

On the other hand, opponents of abortion argue that it is morally wrong to end a human life, and that the fetus has the same rights as any other human being. They argue that abortion is a form of murder and should be illegal in all cases. Some also argue that there are alternative options, such as adoption, for women who do not want to raise a child.

The debate over abortion often centers around the question of when life begins. Some argue that life begins at conception, while others believe that it begins at birth or at some point in between. This is a difficult question to answer, as it is subjective and depends on one's personal beliefs and values.

In terms of the legal and political implications of abortion, there are different approaches taken by different countries. Some countries, such as the United States, have legalized abortion but have placed restrictions on it, such as requiring parental consent for minors or prohibiting late-term abortions. Other countries, such as Ireland, have only recently legalized abortion after years of strict bans.

From an ethical perspective, the debate over abortion raises important questions about the value of life, the rights of women, and the role of government in regulating personal choices. It is important to consider the various perspectives on this issue and to engage in constructive dialogue that seeks to find common ground and respect for different viewpoints.

In conclusion, the topic of abortion is complex and controversial, with strong arguments on both sides. While it is important to respect differing opinions, it is also important to consider the ethical and moral implications of this issue. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to legalize abortion is one that must be made by society as a whole, taking into account the values, beliefs, and needs of all individuals involved.

paki-brainliest po, atsaka i summarize mo na din.

22. example of argumentative essay about abortion


Tips are provided on how to write an argumentative essay on abortion


If you are going to write an argumentative essay on abortion, you need to be able to present compelling arguments and data to support them.

An argumentative essay is where a student presents both side of a given situation. You will need to investigate, collect data, present them and establish your own position on the matter.

So on the matter of abortion there will be two sides:  pro and against. But first define what abortion is and research on Philippine laws covering abortion.

Are we allowed to have it? Are there abortion clinics here like they have in the USA? What happens to woman if they have an abortion? How many babies are aborted every day?

These are some of the preliminary questions you need to know.

Now, after establishing the scenario, you need to take a stand, whether you are for it or against it. If for it, what arguments will you use? You could probably cite that a woman's body belong to her so it is her right. If you are against, you can probably argue that abortion is the same as killing a child, hence immoral and illegal.

For more information:

Argumentative Essay: https://brainly.ph/question/216517

23. WHAT'S INDirections: Copy the following table on your paper and sort out the words/phrasesinto their corresponding columns.Suitable Topic for anArgumentative EssayNot Suitable Topic for anArgumentative EssayGiven Words/Phrases1. Death Penalty2. Beauty and the Beast3. Gender Equality4. Once Upon a Time5. Love Letter6. Abortion7. Photosynthesis8. Mercy Killing9. Literary Composition10. ABS-CBN Shutdown​



1. Death Penalty

3. Gender Equality


8.Mercy killing

10. ABS-CBN shutdown


2. Beauty and the Beast

4. Once Upon a Time

5. Love Letter

7. Photosynthesis

9. Literary Composition



24. I need help for this about of abortion Ang topic ko persuasive essay ​

The abortion debate is extremely contentious and polarizing because people have strong opinions on both sides of the issue. The argument that abortion is morally wrong and that life begins at conception is one that opponents of the practice frequently use. But in my opinion, it's crucial to prioritize women's right to bodily autonomy and the freedom to choose their own course in life.

Numerous women who obtain abortions do so for valid causes, such as monetary instability, health problems, or interpersonal issues. When a woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion is denied to her, her autonomy over her body and life is violated. Respecting women's autonomy will enable them to take charge of their reproductive health and empower them to make informed choices about their own lives.

Making abortion illegal won't stop it from occurring. The only effect will be to make access more difficult and put women's safety at risk. Legalizing and regulating abortion gives women access to effective and safe procedures while also giving women's bodily autonomy and right to privacy top priority. By doing this, we can make sure that women can receive the care they need without running the risk of undergoing potentially harmful procedures.

#BrainlyPH #JustLemmino

25. Activity 4: Create your own argumentative essay following the outline discussed in this module.Choose a topic below or you could have your own,state your opinion,give reasons to support your opinion,and argue against the opposite opinion.a. Death Penalty b. Abortion c. Same-sex Marriage ​




This assignment relies upon information provided in both modules five and six, so make sure you read over module six on citing academic sources before you get too far along. However, we wanted to give you the assignment now so that you have its requirements in the back of your mind as you learn about how to bring sources into your paper correctly.

26. write three paragraph argumentative essay consisting of ten sentences only. The topic is Legalization of Abortion in the Philippines​


Paragraph 1: Abortion is a controversial issue in the Philippines, as it is in many countries. The government has long held a stance against granting women the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy, and the church has been vocal in its opposition to allowing women the choice to have an abortion. Despite this opposition, there are many arguments in favor of legalizing abortion in the Philippines.

Paragraph 2: One of the main arguments in support of legalizing abortion is the protection of women's health. Terminating a pregnancy can be safer for the mother than carrying a child to term. In some cases, the physical and mental health of the mother is at risk if she is forced to give birth. Legalizing abortion will allow women to make informed decisions about their own health and safety.

Paragraph 3: Another argument in favor of legalizing abortion is that it will help reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies. Unplanned pregnancies can lead to poverty and other negative outcomes, so giving women access to safe and legal abortions can help them avoid these situations. Allowing women to make decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health is a major step towards gender equality. Legalizing abortion in the Philippines is a necessary step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of

27. C. Create your own Argumentative Essay fonowing the outline discused in thismodnte. Choose a topic below or you could have your own, state your opinion, overeasons to support your opinion, and argne against the opposite ophrion.a. Death Penaltyb. Abortionc. Academic Freeze​


A. Death penalties are government-sanctioned practices, in which a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a particular crime. It is also known as Capital Punishment. It is one of the cruellest types of criminal penalties that are carried out in the form of hanging, electrocution and lethal injections.

The primary aim of the death penalty is to decrease the number of horrendous crimes in the world. The death penalty is a legal punishment ordered by the court against the violation of criminal laws. The methods of death penalty vary from country to country. It gives people an idea as to what the law is capable of doing.

28. PERFORMANCE TASK: 2nd QUARTER Direction: As your assigned topic, make your own argumentative essay using conjunctions. It should not be less than 100 words. (Handwritten or printed) Topic: Do you think that abortion should be made illegal?​


Abortion is a controversial topic that has been at the forefront of public debate for many years. While some argue that it should be made illegal, others believe that it should remain a legal option for women.

On the one hand, those who support making abortion illegal often do so on moral grounds. They argue that abortion is a form of murder, as it involves ending the life of a developing fetus. Additionally, some argue that it is unfair to the unborn child, who has no say in the matter.

On the other hand, those who oppose making abortion illegal often argue that it is a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body. They argue that forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is a violation of her personal freedom and autonomy. Furthermore, some argue that making abortion illegal would not necessarily stop it from happening, but would only make it more dangerous for women who are forced to seek illegal and potentially unsafe abortions.

In conclusion, the debate over whether or not abortion should be made illegal is complex and nuanced. While those who support making it illegal may have strong moral arguments, those who oppose it have equally compelling arguments based on a woman's right to choose and the potential consequences of making it illegal. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to make abortion illegal should be left to individuals and their own personal beliefs.

Try again

29. write an essay about your thoughts of contraception and abortion?​


The misunderstanding arises from the fact that, contrary to popular belief, the prevalence of contraception and the incidence of induced abortion can and often do increase in lockstep within specific populations. These counterintuitive trends have a simple explanation. 2 In cultures where the fertility process has not yet occurred, real fertility as well as ideal family sizes are also high (or, to put it another way, childbearing is not yet considered to be "within the calculus of conscious choice"3). Couples in such communities have a low (or no) chance of unintended pregnancies. High (or "fatalistic") reproductive desires have been destabilized since the introduction of modern contraceptives. As contraception use becomes more widespread and fertility continues to decrease, a rising number of couples want no more children (or want to wait a long time before having another), raising the risk of unintended pregnancy. When it comes to fertility change, the early and middle stages are crucial. couples who want to delay or restrict childbearing still have a long way to go in terms of adopting and maintaining successful contraceptive methods. As a result, the increasing demand for contraception may outstrip availability;4 as a result, the number of unintended and unwanted pregnancies increases, fueling an increase in unwanted live births and induced abortions. Contraceptive use and induced abortion can increase at the same time in this scenario.


Make your own essay next time.

30. abortion law essayintroductionbodyconclusionpahelp po pls​


Recently, there are many controversial topics in this world, and abortion is one of them. It was not a big problem before; however, recently the number of abortions increases rapidly. In some countries abortion is legalized; nevertheless, I strongly disagree with this idea. I believe that abortion should be illegal. In this essay, I'll show my opinions why I don't agree with abortion.

First, everyone should have responsibility for their behavior. Some people think that abortion is an easy way to avoid having a baby. Therefore, they mate whenever they want. And after that, if they notice a pregnancy, they'll go to the hospital. It sounds very easy; however, it sounds that they lack responsibility for their behavior to me. Abortion means to kill a new life and to endanger a woman's body. It seems that people who have an abortion easily think the fetus is just a "thing." If they don't want to have a baby, there are ways to avoid having a baby before pregnancy. Therefore, to rely on just abortion means they don't have any responsibility.

Second, as I mentioned before, abortion is dangerous for a woman's body. Recently, many people try to have an abortion; thus, it causes misunderstanding. Abortion is not the easy way that people think. It's possible that a woman can't have a baby anymore because it hurts the woman's body. Besides, it's possible that women die because of it. Unfortunately, many people don't know the reality. From my point of view, it's because of the lack of education about abortion. The women who are pregnant don't know what abortion does to their body.

Third, the baby, whether he/she is born or not, has the right to live. Who can say that the baby has no hope? It's possible that the baby can have a better life than ours. We don't have any right to kill a newborn baby. Moreover, I think only human beings do abortion. Humans are the only animals that kill their babies intentionally.

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