Binislakan Costume

Binislakan Costume

what is the female costume of binislakan​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the female costume of binislakan​

ang costume ng mga babae of binislakan ay nasa picture



2. What is the costume for male dancers in "Binislakan"?​



Camisa de Chino and red pants.

3. Your teacher assigned to your section to perform a binislakan dance what costume you will be use by performing binislakan?


sorry i really need points :)



4. what is the specific dance aspect of the binislakan?and what is the specific aspect of binislakan?​

Binislakan folk dance came to the Philippines with Chinese immigrants. The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks," imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating.

5. binislakan meaning of the dance


Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks," imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating. The dance was performed to commemorate the stay of Limahong, a Chinese pirate. The municipality of Lingayen in Pangasinan was derived from the Chinese word "Li-King-Tung," meaning to look backward and forward, by the Chinese settlers in the area long ago.


hope it helps bb <3


The Binislakan dance was performed to commemorate the stay of Limahong, a Chinese pirate who built his kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning “the use of sticks”, imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating.Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick

6. Describe binislakan costume(Report po kung non-sense yung answer)​


Means “the use of sticks”

It is a folk dance of the people in Lingayen, Pangasinan

Place of origin: China

Classification: Social Dance

It was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate-Limahong-who built a kingdom in Lingayen in the 1200’s


hope it helps

pa brainliest Naman po o


Sorry po wla po kasi yan pa sa aming lesson sorry po talaga

7. Dance classification of binislakan?​


Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. Binislakan folk dance came. to the Philippineswith Chinese migrants. The dance was used to commemorate the Chinesepirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen

8. what is the classification of binislakan​

it is a Folk dances are dances created by individuals to reflect the lives of people in a specific country or region.


BINISLAKAN (Lingayen)Dance Researcher: Francisca Reyes

BINISLAKAN (Lingayen)Dance Researcher: Francisca ReyesMeaning: With the use of sticks

BINISLAKAN (Lingayen)Dance Researcher: Francisca ReyesMeaning: With the use of sticksDance Culture: Christian Lowland

BINISLAKAN (Lingayen)Dance Researcher: Francisca ReyesMeaning: With the use of sticksDance Culture: Christian LowlandPlace of Origin: Pangasinan

BINISLAKAN (Lingayen)Dance Researcher: Francisca ReyesMeaning: With the use of sticksDance Culture: Christian LowlandPlace of Origin: PangasinanCountry of Influence: China

BINISLAKAN (Lingayen)Dance Researcher: Francisca ReyesMeaning: With the use of sticksDance Culture: Christian LowlandPlace of Origin: PangasinanCountry of Influence: ChinaEthno-linguistic Group: Pangasinense Ethno-linguistic Group: Pangasinense

BINISLAKAN (Lingayen)Dance Researcher: Francisca ReyesMeaning: With the use of sticksDance Culture: Christian LowlandPlace of Origin: PangasinanCountry of Influence: ChinaEthno-linguistic Group: Pangasinense Ethno-linguistic Group: PangasinenseClassification: Social Dance


Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. Binislakan folk dance came to the Philippines with Chinese immigrants. The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen.

One may also ask, what is the meaning of Sakuting? Sakuting is a Philippine folk dance that interprets a fight between Ilocano Christians and non-Christians. This mock fight between rival folks is traditionally performed during Christmas at the town plaza or performed house-to-house as a form of traditional carolling show.

In this regard, what makes Binislakan unique?

Binislakan (Bee-neehs-lah-KAHN) is a peculiar and very colorfol dance from the province of Pangasinan in the island of Luzon, Philippines. "Binislakan" in the Pangasinan dialect means "with the use of chopsticks." The dancers hold two sticks, one in each hand, with which they produce rhythmic effects.

What is the importance of proper expression in folk dancing?

There is a need for proper gestures and expressions in folk dancing because they play a very important role on the performance for they give life and meaning to the dance. Dancing without proper gestures and expressions is meaningless. water, air, fire and sometimes seashells, leaves, and flowers.


Hope it helps and have a great day ahead! :)

9. similarities of tiklos and binislakan​


saan po yung pagpipilian ng sagot??

10. what is binislakan​

Answer:Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. Binislakan folk dance came. to the Philippines with Chinese immigrants The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese. pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen.

Explanation:Sana makatulong :)

11. insights of binislakan dance​


Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks," imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating.



12. 1. Binislakan dancers use two sticks to produce rhythms. 2. Binislakan in Pangasinan means "with the use of the sticks". 3. Lingayen in Pangasinan means having to look backward and upward. 4. Camisa de Chino and red pants are for the male costume in Binislakan dance. 5. Limahong is a Chinese pirate who built his kingdom in Pangasinan a long time ago.​


1. True





Thankyou mwaa

13. Activity 1:Identification: Answer the following statements below. Write your answer on the space provided1. What does Binislakan means?2. What classification of dance is Binislakan?3. What does Sua-ku-Sua means?4. What classification of dance is Sua-ku-Sua?5. Who is the researcher of Binislakan?6. Who is the researcher of Sua-ku-sua?7. What is the place of origin of Binislakan?8. What is the place of origin of Sua-ku-sua?9. What is the costume for the top of female if the danceof sua-ku-sua?10. What is the costume for the pants of female if thedance of sua-ku-sua?​


1. Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak

2. Social Dance

3. The Sua-ku-sua or "My Pomelo Tree" is a dance that likens the sua's gentle leaves, attractive fruits, its fragrance and slender body to that of a lady.

4. Courtship dance

5. Francisca Reyes

6. Ramon A. Obusan

7. Pangasinan

8. Jolo

9. Barawasi

10. Sawal or Kantiu

14. Basic formation of binislakan


Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. Binislakan folk dance came to the Philippines with Chinese immigrants. The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks. imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating. The municipality of Lingayen in Pangasinan was derived from the Chinese word "Li-King-Tung," meaning to look backward and forward, by the Chinese settlers in the area long ago. The binislakan dance was performed to commemorate the stay of Limahong


The Binislakan Folk Dance has several dance patterns which are regularly performed throughout the dance. Among the several steps observed, are five (5) prominent movements namely, the change step, mincing steps, saludo, arm in reverse T position, and the quick stick clapping.

The hip joint is a ball and socket type of joint where Benon and extension movements take place as observed in a sagittal plane. Quick striking of chopsticks in Binislakan shows the major joints involved are the wrist and elbow. The wrist is a condyloid joint type allowing flexion and extension movements observed in the sagittal plane. Minang steps in Binslakm, the major joints involved in this step pattern are the knee and ankle as observed in Table 3. Both knee and ankle joints are hinge type. As observed in the sagittal plane movement, the knee is in flexion (agonist-hamstring) and extension (antagonist - quadriceps) movement. The arm movement which is the reverse T position. The pattern is highly executed during circling formation and in the finale. The couples perform this prominent step while executing mincing steps in creating a straight line formation to face the audience. Saludo (courtery) as the involved joint is the spine which is considered as gliding type The allowed movement is flexion observed in the sagittal plane.

15. meaning of binislakan


Binislakan is a dance from Lingayen, Pangasinan. Lingayen literally means to look backward and upward which was derived from Chinese "Li-King-Tung". The folks in Pangasinan dance in commemoration of the Chinese pirate who lived with them named Limahong. ... Literally in Pangasinan, the use of stick is called Binislakan


Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. ... The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks," imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating.


Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. ... The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks," imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating.

16. three similar costume or materials used in dancing the sakuting pangalay and binislakan​


kumuha ka rayng kaila nga mo sa gagawin mong dancing

17. compare sakuting with binislakan.​


Both Binislakan and Sakuting are a part Philippine Folk Dance with Asian influences. They are also similar because both of these folk dances are using sticks to perform the dance. This folk dances are performed with partner


hope it helps


The word Binislakan means "the use of chopsticks" which Chinese use in eating. In this dance, the dancers look backward and upward in some movements which is inspired by the meaning of the name "Lingayen". ... Sakuting is a dance originated from Abra province

18. in binislakan, the dancers use two sticks to produce rhythm by striking. what is the time signature for binislakan ​

Answer:yanpo ang anewr

19. what is the background of binislakan

Lingayen in pangasinan

20. place of origin of binislakan




I hope it helps




Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak.Binislakan folk dance came to the Philippines with Chinese immigrants. The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen.

21. 1.what are the similarities of binislakan and sua ku sua2. what are the differences of binislakan and sua ku sua​


Similarities of Binislakan and Sakuting: Both Binislakan and Sakuting are a part Philippine Folk Dance with Asian influences. They are also similar because both of these folk dances are using sticks to perform the dance. This folk dances are performed with partner.


Hope it Helps ;)


22. benefits of binislakan dance​


This study described and analyzed the dance movements of the Philippine folk dance Binislakan. ... Thus, the movements in the dance may improve the health-related fitness of the performers in terms of muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility; and improve skill-related fitness such as coordination


correct me if am wrong

improve the health related fitness of the performers in the terms of muscular strength muscular endurance and flexibility


tama po yan sana makatulong po

23. binislakan discuss the region in location of the dolls and its costume?​


What are the costumes used for Binislakan dance?


Siesgo and Kimono with loose and long sleeves.


Camisa de Chino and red pants.


Partners are 6 ft apart.

24. Who popularized binislakan?

Labasmo T. Timo hes the one

25. B. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement below is correct, if the statement is FALSE write the correct answer. 1. The dance researcher of Binislakan is Francisca Reyes-Aquino, 2. Sakuting is originated at La union and Pangasinan 3. Pangalay dancers wears a typical Zamboanga costume. 4. Binislakan dance is influenced by Chinese. 5. The count of Pangalay is 1, 2: or 1 and 2 and to a measure.​


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True





2. Sakuting Dance was originated in Abra Philippines.

3. The costume used in this dance style usually includes the Joloano and Janggay.



26. place of origin of binislakan


Place of origin of Binislakan.

Binislakan is a dance from Lingayen, Pangasinan.

What does Lingayen means?

Lingayen means to look backward and forward. It was derived from "Li-King-Tung", a Chinese word given to the name of Lingayen.

27. inspiration of the dance of binislakan​


Binislakan is a Filipino folk dance performed with stick known as bislak. The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks," imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating.




Binislakan folk dance came to the Philippines with Chinese immigrants. The dance is was used to commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong, who built a kingdom in Lingayen. Binislakan, meaning "the use of sticks," imitates two chopsticks used by the Chinese for eating.


i hope you like it

28. IDENTIFICATION: Write the correct answer in the space provided before the number. Choose your answer insidethe box.PANGALAYLI-KING-TUNGALMAZINSUA-KU-SUACHINABINISLAKANJANGGAYFRANCISCA REYES-AQUINO 1. The country of influence of the dance Binislakan.2. In this dance, the dancer wears a typical Joloana costume3. It means "with the use of sticks."4. A set of extended metal fingernails or claws worn by the women.5.She is the dance researcher of Binislakan.​





5.Francisca Reyes aquino


sana nakatulong mark as brainiest

29. Your teacher assigned to your section to perform a binislakan dance what you will be use by performing Binislakan?A. BARO AT SAIYAB. JOLOANA COSTUME AND METAL FINGERNAILSC. SIESGO AND KIMONO (GIRLS) CAMISA DE CHINO AND RED PANTS (BOYS)D. WHITE SHIRT AND BLACK PANTS​



30. country of influence binislakan?​




nasa module ko yan

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