Asialink Group Of Companies

Asialink Group Of Companies

Task 1e Image in my Mind Your teacher will group you into five.IIIlustrate the images in your mind as you encountered the following in the story. group1: The Labyrinth Group2: Icarian Sea Group3: Minos's shell Group4: Minotaur Group5: Icarus's Wings​

Daftar Isi

1. Task 1e Image in my Mind Your teacher will group you into five.IIIlustrate the images in your mind as you encountered the following in the story. group1: The Labyrinth Group2: Icarian Sea Group3: Minos's shell Group4: Minotaur Group5: Icarus's Wings​


hindi ko po gets sorry, ayusin mo

2. Group1 basin glass plastic bottle Group2 fish bone leftover food vegetable felling Group3 empty can metal spoon nail Which group of materials will turn into fertilizer?


Group 1


kaz basin glass plastic bottle

3. 504 employees from Company A, 648 employees from Company B and 288 employees from Company C are attending a workshop. Discussion groups are formed such that employees from each of the companies are distributed equally among all the groups. What is the greatest number of discussion groups that can be formed?



Step-by-step explanation:

because that my answer

4. kaisipan sa royal company/real compania de filipinas​


On March 10, 1785, Real Compañía de Filipinas (The Royal Company) was established through a royal decree. The company together with Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais (Economic Societies of Friends of the Country) established in 1781, were two of the most important events during the coming of Governor General José de Basco y Vargas which marked a new era in the economic history of the country.}

The capital of the Real Compañía de Filipinas was fixed at 8 million pesos divided into 32,000 shares of 250 pesos each; the King bought 4000 shares, and the citizens of Manila were allowed 3000.

The main goal of the company was to establish commercial relations among the different colonies, and also between the colonies and Spain; to supply Manila with the products of Europe, and, in return, to carry to Spain not only the products of the Philippines, but also the merchandise coming from the Oriental countries.

The second important object was the encouragement of Philippine agriculture. Its charter required the company to invest 4% of its net profits in some extractive industries, chiefly agriculture. In order to help the company, all the laws and decrees which prohibited the importation of Oriental cloths into Spain, were repealed, and the products of the Philippines were exempted from all kinds of duties both in Manila and in Spain. Furthermore, the merchants of Manila were allowed to go to the Asiatic ports for trade, and the Chinese who came to Manila were allowed to trade freely without subjecting themselves to any restrictions. However, the old Manila-Acapulco trade was not to be disturbed, for the company could not send ships to Acapulco.

The company encouraged the production of silk, indigo, sugar, cotton, and especially of pepper and other spices. For this purpose it bought lands, established posts in Ilocos, Bataan, Cavite, and Camarines, and offered prizes to persons who succeeded in the production. It also gave stimulus to manufacturing by establishing textile factories.

In spite of the special protection and privileges granted to the company, it declined from year to year.


5. Begin with exploring the situation below. “WHICH TASTES BETTER” A housewife surveyed canned ham for their consumption. She picked cans each from two boxes packed by company A and company B. The following table shows the following weights in kilogram. Help the housewife choose the best sample by doing the following procedure. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. A. Arrange the weights of canned ham in ascending order. company A:_company B: B. Find the mean weight of canned ham in each company. company A:_company B: C. Describe the spread of the weights of each company. company A:_company B: D. Which company has weights closer to the mean? _ E. If you were to choose from these two companies, which would you prefer? Why? _ 14





Step-by-step explanation:

6. It is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group, for payment of healthcare costs.


Healthcare Insurance

It is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of healthcare costs.

Importance of Healthcare Insurance

1. Health insurance protects you financially in the event of a serious accident or illness. A broken leg, for example, can cost up to $7,500. Health insurance can help protect you from unexpectedly high costs.

2. Through the global market coverage, you'll have free access to preventive services such as vaccinations and screening tests. Receiving recommended preventive services is an important step toward better health and well-being.

3. Once individuals apply for insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace, you'll learn if they qualify for discounts that can make insurance more affordable. Before you apply, choose your household size, state, and income range to see if you are eligible for financial assistance.



7. what are the 6 functions of administrative group in the company or enterprise.








correct niyo ko kung mali hehe :))

8. 9. A company that sells lingerie, sleepwear, ready-to-wear, and accessories to upscale department stores in the US A. Natori Company B. Monique Lhuillier C. Laurel Group of Company D. Kenneth Artworks ​


The answer is letter A.

Natori Company is a women's fashion designer and manufacturer based in New york City. They sells lingerie, nightwear, loungewear, ready-to-wear, underwear and other high-end women's fashion to upscale department stores in the US, and to at least 15 countries internationally.

Here's the answer. Have a good day! ^_^

9. Reaksyon Royal Company/Real Compania De P Filipinas ​


Where's the picture? I can't answer it

10. it is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of healthcare costs


Healthcare Insurance

It is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of healthcare costs.

Importance of Healthcare Insurance

1.Health insurance protects you financially in the event of a serious accident or illness. A broken leg, for example, can cost up to $7,500. Health insurance can help protect you from unexpectedly high costs.

2.Through the global market coverage, you'll have free access to preventive services such as vaccinations and screening tests. Receiving recommended preventive services is an important step toward better health and well-being.

3.Once individuals apply for insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace, you'll learn if they qualify for discounts that can make insurance more affordable. Before you apply, choose your household size, state, and income range to see if you are eligible for financial assistance.


11. Using e-groups is expensive for a company. True or False?​









hope it helps :)

12. briefly describe what is considered a conglomerate or group of companies.​


A conglomerate is a multi-industry company – i.e., a combination of multiple business entities operating in entirely different industries under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries. Conglomerates are always large and multinational.


pa brainliest po ty

13. Direction:If you were to become a leader/president/chairman, what group/organization/business/company would you like to lead? What will be the name of your company and what rules would you implement to regulate and control your employees/members?Name of Company/Group:________Nature of Company/Group:________Rules (Minimum of Ten):1___2___3___4___5___6___7___8___9___10___pakisagot po please, salamat❤️​


Name of Company/ Group: Magnum Opus

Nature of Company/ Group: Public Company


1. Must be on time. (Except for Emergency Reasons)

2. During work, no break.

3. Employees must receive a complete allowance every holiday.

4. Focus, focus, focus!

5. Avoid plagiarizing other's plan found on the internet.

6. Respect co-workers.

7. It is prohibited to sleep during working hours. If someone is tired for working, let her/him rest for a moment.

8. No talking during working hours UNLESS it is related to work.

9. Must greet co-workers.

10. Employees must wear their ID's.

That's all, hope it helps! Mark me <33

14. royal company or real compania de filipinas kaisipan epekto reaksyon

need po namin ng example para jan we cant solve it if we dint know how to do, give example po at masasagutan po yan

15. royal company/real compania de filipinsa kaisipan epekto reaksyon


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sorry kailangan ko lang na point

16. This theater company is the first gospel theater group in asia



Trumpets, the first Asian professional gospel theater group, is known for wholesome family entertainment musicals such as “First Name,” “Fables and Parables,” “N.O.A.H.,” “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe,” “Joseph the Dreamer” and “The Little Mermaid.”


hope its help

pa brainlist

17. Industries are group of companies that sell the same product or services.True or False​




because its the same

18. informs specific group within a company of an event or action (omme)​


Informs specific group within a company of an event or action (memo).




19. Across2. a company or group of persons and sometimes animals​


because they are animals

20. it is easier to recognize or and then divide a certain group or company​


Interview all the members. After a detailed plan has been made for the project, interview every member. ...

Assigned roles. Since every member's capability is now known, assign them relative tasks. ...

Set small goals. ...


21. A group of teachers is called? A. professors B. faculty C. company​


We are instructors and professors. ... The collective noun for us is "faculty": The faculty are meeting in the main auditorium. As a faculty member, you should be there.

22. how to make account in aralink​

sign in using your email or gmail

23. Using e-groups is expensive for a company. True or False


True po


slamat sa question and points hehe

24. who is the chief executive of delta group of companies?________


Ray Therrien

Chief Executive Officer

Ray Therrien is the CEO of the Delta Group.


25. these are companies or groups of the people authorized to act as a single entity.​


A corporation is an organization—usually a group of people or a company—authorized by the state to act as a single entity (a legal entity recognized by private and public law 'born out of statute"; a legal person in legal context) and recognized as such in law for certain purposes.


sa makatulong itong answer

26. if a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the paymant of healthcare


Health Insurance


i think thats the answer tell me if im wrong☺


An industry is a group of companies that are related based on their primary business activities.

28. a design to illustrate symbols of a group,brand or company​


Logo-image representation of a brand

29. who is the first filipino boy group that was under a korean entertainment company?​






SB19 yung boy group dito sa pilipinas

30. 5.using e-groups is expensive for a company​




hope it helps :)

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