Doll s Eye Reflex

Doll s Eye Reflex

Whichpart of the brain controls reflex action such as eye blinking

Daftar Isi

1. Whichpart of the brain controls reflex action such as eye blinking


The Nervous System


Yan foee

2. what was the eye doll made out of and what shape was itRespect ​


cloth and wire


3. The functional reflex that allows the eyes to focus on the near objects is termed:


The accommodation reflex (or accommodation-convergence reflex) is a reflex action of the eye, in response to focusing on a near object, then looking at a distant object (and vice versa), comprising coordinated changes in vergence, lens shape (accommodation) and pupil size.

This is correct answer

#correct answer

#carry on learning

4. 10. Nelia has six friends who all have three toy dolls, and then tv friends who only have two dolls. How many dolls do Nelia's friends have in all? A. 16 dolls B. 17 dolls C. 18 dolls D. 22 dolls​


C.18 dolls because 6 multiplied by 3 is equal to 18 (if you dont include tv freinds.)

but 20 if you include tv freinds because 6 multiplied by 3 plus 2 is 20.

5. Which of the following is reflex actionA ) blinking eyesB ) moving of handC ) running D ) turning knee​


A.blinking eyes


The corneal blink reflex is caused by a loop between the trigeminal sensory nerves and the facial motor (VII) nerve innervation of the orbicularis oculi muscles.

6. Which part of the brain controls reflex action such as sneezing and eye blinking?

ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ:ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇʀᴠᴏᴜs sʏsᴛᴇᴍ

7. permutation of 3 dolls out of 10 dolls

[tex] \large \mathbb{PERMUTATION:}[/tex]

[tex] \begin{aligned} \tt \: P(n,r)=\frac{n!}{(n-r)!} \\ \\ \tt \: n = 10 \\ \tt \: r = 3 \\ \\ \tt \: P(n,r)=\frac{10!}{(10-3)!} = \frac{10}{7} \\ \\ \tt \: \frac{10 \times 9 \times 8 \times \cancel{ 7 \times 6...\times 1}}{ \cancel{7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4...\times 1}} = 720 \\ \\ \large \mathbb{ANSWER:} \\ \underline{ \boxed{ \tt \: 720}}\end{aligned}[/tex]

8. 4. Anna was given a doll.a. A doll is given to Annab. A doll was given to Anna.c. Anna was given to the dolld. Anna gave a doll.​


B. A doll was given to Anna

9. B. List at least three adjectives to describe the following nouns. 1. apple 2. eyes 3. doll 4. candy 5. flower


1. sweet, juicy red

2. circle, black, big

3. beautiful, sweet, expensive

4. sweet, tasty, yummy

5. beautiful, decorative, tiny

1. apple - red, sweet, and juicy

2. eyes - watery, big, and deep

3. doll - beautiful, skinny, blonde

4. candy - sweet, soft, and sticky

5. flower - fragrant, bright, and smooth

10. whos the doll from CHILDS PLAY A. doll knife B. nice doll


doll knife


sike its chucky


B. nice doll


I hope it helps

11. ◆ How does the pupillary reflex help the eye adjust to various amplitudes (brightnesses) of light?​

The pupillary reflex is a reflex action that occurs when the eye is exposed to bright light. When the eye is exposed to bright light, the iris (the colored part of the eye) constricts, or gets smaller, in order to reduce the amount of light that enters the eye. This helps to protect the eye from damage and reduce the risk of developing vision problems.

On the other hand, when the eye is exposed to low levels of light, the iris dilates, or gets larger, in order to allow more light to enter the eye. This helps to improve vision in low light conditions.

Overall, the pupillary reflex helps the eye adjust to different amplitudes (brightnesses) of light by constricting or dilating the iris in response to changes in light levels. This helps to protect the eye and maintain optimal vision in a range of lighting conditions.


The pupillary reflex helps the eye adjust to various amplitudes (brightnesses) of light by controlling the size of the pupil, which is the small, circular opening in the center of the iris (the colored part of the eye). The pupil gets smaller in bright light to reduce the amount of light that enters the eye, and it gets larger in dim light to allow more light to enter the eye. This helps to protect the eye from damage that could be caused by too much light and also helps to improve vision in different lighting conditions.

The pupillary reflex is triggered by the light-sensitive cells in the retina, which are located at the back of the eye. When light hits these cells, it sends a signal to the brain, which then sends a message back to the muscles in the iris to contract or relax, depending on the intensity of the light. The pupil will get smaller when the muscles in the iris contract and larger when they relax. This process happens very quickly and automatically, without the need for conscious thought.

12. ACTVITY 76: CONSTRUCT YOUR OWN. Construct your sentences by using the following pronouns as reflexive and intensive pronouns. Sentences should be centered on the Norse myth, How Odin Lost His Eye. (One reflexive and two intensive pronoun or vice versa) 1. (him) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. (it) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. (them) _____________________________________________________________________

1. Odin himself gave his one eye to mimir

-He threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide

13. A doll manufacturing company found that the demand for the doll varies inversely as the price of the doll. When the price is P100.00 per doll, the demand is 400 pieces of dolls. Compute the demand of dolls if each doll would cost P150.00 a piece​


Step-by-step explanation:



k= (400) (100)

k= 40000



d= 266.67 or 267

p | 100 | 150 |


d | 400 | 267 |

=therefore if the dill price has increased to P150.00 the demand of doll will be approximately of 267 of dolls demand.

14. nigher thinking14. Which part controls reflex actions responsible for eye movement?15. Which part holds the control center for blood pressure?​


14. oculomotor nerve

15. carotid body



14. The ocular motor systems control eye lid closure, the amount of light that enters the eye, the refractive properties of the eye, and eye movements. The visual system provides afferent input to ocular motor circuits that use visual stimuli to initiate and guide the motor responses.


15.Neurological regulation of blood pressure and flow depends on the cardiovascular centers located in the medulla oblongata. This cluster of neurons responds to changes in blood pressure as well as blood concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other factors such as pH.

15. For the insulin reflex pathway. Name the stimulus, sensor, integrating center, output signal, target(s), and response(s).​ Explain it also. ​


The insulin reflex pathway is a system that regulates blood glucose levels in the body.

Stimulus: Increased blood glucose levels

Sensor: Beta cells in the pancreas

Integrating center: Pancreas

Output signal: Release of insulin

Target: Liver, muscle, and fat cells

Response: Insulin signals the target cells to take up glucose from the blood, which leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels.

When blood glucose levels rise, the beta cells in the pancreas detect this increase and release insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin then travels to the liver, muscle, and fat cells, where it binds to insulin receptors and activates signaling pathways that promote the uptake of glucose from the blood. This leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels, which helps to maintain glucose homeostasis in the body.


All reflex insulin pathways have the following components: the stimulus, the sensor, the input signal, the integrating center, the output signal, one or more targets, and a response.

In this pathway, pancreatic endocrine cells have the role of sensors, therefore, they act by monitoring the concentration of glucose in the blood. If this concentration increases, pancreatic Beta cells (integrating center) initiate insulin secretion (output signal).

Insulin is transported to the target tissues (target) by the blood, which causes them to have the ability to take up more glucose, which lowers the concentration of glucose in the blood (response). This decrease in blood glucose is captured by pancreatic endocrine cells, which cease insulin release.

16. Elisa has 1 big doll and 5 small dolls what fraction of her dolls big?



Step-by-step explanation:

1 + 5 = 6, becoming the denominator.
1 big doll is the numertor

17. Which part of the brain controls reflex actions such as sneezing and eye blinking?

The Nervous System

•Nervous System enables us to think, see move, hear, and feel. It includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body.

Nerves in the spinal cord carry signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Brain has three major parts. The cerebrum that controls thinking, vision and speech. The cerebellum is responsible for for physical coordination. The brain stem

on the other hand controls, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems.



18. II. Directions: Pick out the describing word in each sentence. Write it on the blank before each number. 6. Ana is playing with her pretty doll. 7. The doll has curly hair. 8. It has brown eyes. 9. It has pink dress. 10. The doll can talk. It is a talking doll.​


1) pretty

2) curly

3) brown

4) pink

5) talking

19. Which of the following is reflex action? (A) Blinking Of eyes(B) Moving Of Hand(C) Running(D) Turning Of KneePlease answer it nicely ​


(c) running


hope it helps

20. what is inchimatsu doll/kokeshi doll​


The original Ichimatsu were named after an 18th-century Kabuki actor, and must have represented an adult man, but since the late 19th century the term has applied to child dolls, usually made to hold in the arms, dress, and pose (either with elaborately made joints or with floppy cloth upper arms and thighs).


correct me if I'm wrong:)


the answer is on the pic


hope it helps you

21. mood of Ichimatsu Doll / Kokeshi Doll​


mysterious. fear.


I don't know if it's correct

22. 3. Which is being tested by the reaction time test? * a. hand coordination b. Your reflexes C. eye coordination muscle strength​


B. Your reflexes


I'm not sure correct me if I'm wrong

23. Elisa has 1 big doll and 5 small dolls. what fraction of her dolls big?



Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps!!

and plss pa brainliest!

24. 7. A bright light is pointed into your eyes. Your pupils contract to control theamount of light entering. What is the response in this reflex action?A. the muscles around the pupil C. the pupil contractingB. light receptors in the eyesD. the eyes blinking​



because for example..when you look at the end up blinking/closing your eyes..


happy to help

pabrainliest po

25. how to write this in builder notation M={1,2,3,4,6,12} and S={9,18,27,36,...} and A={acute,right,,obtuse,reflex}​


A ={x|x is a set of factors of 12}

S={x|x is a set of multiples of 9}

A= {x|x is a set of types of angles}


26. ANSWER PROPERLYPart l. Short AnswerAnswer each question below.1. How did Rag Doll lose her eyes?________________________2. Who fixed Rag Doll's eyes?________________________3. What are Rag Doll' eyes made of now?________________________4. What was Rag Doll's nickname?________________________5. Why was there a procession?________________________Part llIn the passage there were five groups in the procession. They were the Spoon Lickers, the Tin Pan Bangers, the Chocolate Chins, the Dirty Bibs, and the Clean Ears. Write Write the correct group for each description below.1. Used knives and forks ________________________2. Had something sweet or fat________________________3. Wiggled something ________________________4. Had chocolate on the end of their noses ________________________5. Laughed as they looked around________________________​


part I.

1. she lost her eyes because a proud child, proud but careless banged her head against a door.

2. Broom Handle fixed her eyes.

3. Rag Doll's eyes are made of Black Eyes now.

4. Black Eyes.

5. There was a wedding when the Rag Doll married the Broom Handle.

Part II.

1. Tin Pan Bangers.

2. Spoon Lickers.

3. Clean Ears.

4. Chocolate Chins.

5. Dirty Bibs.

27. Compare and contrast the features of a stretch reflex, a Golgi tendon reflex, a withdrawal reflex, and a crossed extensor reflex?


28. ACTIVITY #3: Use the word or expression in a sentence by observing its synonymous and antonymous term. Be guided on the example given below: EXAMPLE 1. huge - This doll has big eyes. This doll has small eyes. 1. start 2. fast 3. boy 4. many 5. baby​


1.Start-let's start are lesson let's run fast!!

3.boy-so many boy here!

4.many-so many homeworks have a bouncing baby boy

29. Write the homonym/s of the given words: 1. doll 2. pray- 3. waist- 4. right- 5. pore​









30. 1. Some of the many health benefits of table tennis EXCEPTA. It improves hand-eye coordination B. It burns calories.c. It improves reflexes.D. It promotes dehydratic​


D is not a health benefit

Answer: promotes dehydratic

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